t"You want me to become… Pharaoh."
"The gods look directly at the boy before Ra speaks."
r"Yes, it is your destiny."
t"You mean…"
t"You want me to wear little to no clothing and wear that stupid hat on my head!?"
o"Hey! Don't insult our customs!"
o"This is a crown fit for a king!"
t"Ehh! Are you serious! A Pharaoh!? Becoming a Pharaoh in this day in age is ludicrous!"
t"Even if I was a God, which I'm not! I wouldn't try to become king of some country I've never even been in before!"
r"No. You've only not been here, in this life…"
r"Like I've said, you are the reincarnation of Amun. in Egypt's long lasting history, you have been associated with its development for countless centuries up until this point."
r"The consort of thebes. The one who brought Egypt into a Golden age during the New Kingdom… The pharaohs of that era would often associate themselves with the name of a specific deity."
r"That deity… was you, Amun."
Pause 2
t"No… this can't…"
r"Whether you like it or not, you have greatly been connected with Egypt and its rise in power in the past. You've led and fought for our people before, now I am asking you to do that again…"
t"Huh…! This isn't making any sense! "
t"You want me to become Pharaoh, to save a country I've been in before, just because I used to be involved within it during my past life!"
t"That's insane!"
t"I'm just a highschooler... How can I!"
"?""That's enough now…!"
"Taiyo turns around to view a new character entering the vicinity, one who shocked him more than any of the anthropomorphic characters he's seen thus far."
m"Ohayo! "
m"I'm so glad you're alright son!"
"Said woman runs over to the bandaged up boy and throws her arms around him."
"This woman had similar golden eyes as the young boy, but in contrast had long braided green hair. Her skin glowed in the dark voided room, she smiled brightly as she held her son to her bosom."
m"Oh don't sell yourself so short Taiyo! After all, you've always been mommy's little superhero!"
t"Gah! What the hell! Mom! Why are you here! When…"
"The boy attempted to speak, but his voice was muzzled due to his mothers chest."
r"I see you took your time getting here, Mut."
m"Oh I'm sorry Ra! I got here as fast as I could!"
th"We offered to teleport you here like we did your son, but you said you had important matters to attend to."
m"Yes! Afterall, today was me and my hubby's anniversary!"
m"We spent the entire week together traveling the world, it pains me to be ripped away from him for even a second, though it's my duty as a mother to be here for my child during these types of moments."
th"You son was attacked and murdered."
m"Yes! But he came back didn't he!"
m"Afterall, that was the plan."
"Mut holds the boy's head as if she's presenting him to the gods."
m"Look at him! He's so cute!"
m"Our precious little Amun!"
t"Hey! What was that you were saying!? Did you guys plan my death!"
pause 3
m"Did you guys not get to that part yet?"
"The gods look at the woman with a deadpan expression."
m"Oh sweety, believe me it's far more complicated than it seems…"
"Taiyo's brain continued to stifle out of control. First, he woke up alone in some creepy chamber, then ambushed by a red haired cat lady, then he met a bunch of weird looking goons, and now his mother was here?"
t"Okay! I've had enough!"
t"I'm only going to ask one last time, what the hell is going on!"
"The room is left silent upon his outburst."
r"I suppose it's best to start from the beginning."
"Mut unhands the young boy to take a seat at the table."
m"Try to be open minded about all this honey, Ra and everyone here only wants to help you."
"Taiyo says nothing before allowing the bird-headed god to continue."
Show ennead
"In the beginning, there was only the primordial waters of chaos, known as Nun. The eventual source of all existence, the state of formlessness and unorganized matter before creation took place.
From these vast, dark, and boundless waters, the consciousness of order and life that had yet to exist came into being, allowing for the first God to emerge from the primordial waters.
This was Ma'at; The construct of truth and justice that dictates the divine order of the universe, "the Declaration of Innocence".
Maát distinguishes the world from the chaos that preceded it, encompassing truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice.
Through Ma'at, The first God was born."
"This being would be known as the Sun God, Atum-Ra.
Atum-Ra stood upon the primordial mound, and by his own will, planted the first seed of creation, forming the sun.
Khonsu, the Moon God, was the second god to emerge from the primordial waters.
In a joint effort, they formed life into this world.
They created the sun and the moon.
With his breath, Ra created Shu (air) and Geb(the Earth). Khonsu's whispers echoed Tefnut(Moisture) and Nut(the Sky)
Another God emerged from the primordial waters, the goddess of motherhood and fertility, Mut.
These three would be known as the Thebean Triad.
The first four gods that self-created preceding the Triad were known as the Ennead.
Together the gods lived in harmony with humanity, attempting to uphold the balance between order and chaos, as they led humanity down a future of faith and prosperity.
Though peace was all but guaranteed... Ra traversed the sky on his Solar Barge during the day, bringing light, warmth, and life to the world.
But during the night, he would travel towards the Duát; the Egyptian underworld.
There, he would face off against his sworn foe, Apophis: the opposer to life and order, the Demon God of Chaos.
Apohpis was a being of pure malevolence, the primordial chaos that pre-existed creation given physical form, whose sole aim is the obliteration of order and the unmaking of creation.
Taking the form of a gigantic crimson serpent or dragon, Ra fought against this being every night during the Old Kingdom. Its sole purpose was to thwart the sun god's journey and prevent the dawn of a new day.
To ensure the continuity of the world and the rising of the sun each day, Ra engaged in a nightly battle against Apophis, these two represented the struggle between order and chaos, light and darkness, and good versus evil.
Ra, being the strongest, was ultimately victorious in their nightly battles, allowing the sun to rise once again and renew the cycle of life.
However, during one of their bouts, Apophis delivered a powerful blow against Ra, known as Atum-Ra at the time, splitting him into two halves, his stronger and weaker halfs.
The weaker of the two vessels would be known as Amun."
"Stripped from his union with Ra, Amun was a deity without a solidified origin.
A god without a title.
The hidden one.
The wound that was inflicted on Amun during the time of his union with Ra was a permanent wound on his very soul.
The chaos gods wrath was so powerful, it inflicted a wound on the young deity that would inevitably take full effect, resulting in his meeting his early demise, only 17 years after his separation from Ra.
"Amun died, resulting in him being reincarnated into a new vessel."
A process that continued for thousands of years…"
r"There you have it… that is the tale…"
"Taiyo blinks for a moment."
t"You're saying, I've been reincarnated several times before, and that I always die before I turn past 18?"
r"Yes, that was the case… until now."
r"It took 3000 years, but we were finally capable of forming a contract with it…"
t"A contract… with what!?"
r"A greater spirit."
t"A spirit?"
r"yes, in this world, spirits are entities from another realm that hold extraordinary magical power. Spirits allow us gods to use magic itself."
r"Those who garner the greatest power of this world, all summon it from the likes of greater spirits."
"Taiyo tries to consume all the knowledge being dumped at him."
t"I see, then which spirit do you make a contract with…?"
r"The most powerful fire spirit to exist, the Bennu."
r"Yes, a golden firebird, capable of resurrecting itself from its own ashes. It burns with a fire of passion that rivals even the sun."
r"Since the creation of this world, thy spirit had lent it's power to no man or deity before… until now."
t"Bennu… wait isn't that the Phoenix!?"
r"Yes… have you heard of it before…"
t"In stories yeah, it's a pretty popular concept…"
t"So you're saying, that spirit formed a contract with me?"
t"When… How?"
r"Upon your untimely demise, the spirit must have awakened inside you, invoking its latent powers of reincarnation."
r"I'm sure you've noticed it by now… Your body is different than it used to be."
m"Oh wow, I just noticed too!"
"Mut goes up to her boy, examining his physical features."
m"Before he was small and fragile, he constantly got picked on in school for his weak body and weird hair!"
m"Oh look at those cheeks, you're just so cute!!"
"Mut says, pinching them."
m"Taiyo, my little god you!"
r"Cough* But yes, but now with Bennu's aid, you've emerged from the ashes stronger and more powerful. Broadening your overall potential."
"Taiyo thinks back for a moment, recalling how easy it was to climb out the pit."
t"I see… hey wait!"
t"If you guys summoned me here after my resurrection, why did I wake up in that pit!?"
o"That pit was enchanted with holy treasure."
o"You may not remember, but when you arrived here, your body was still battered and bruised. You fell unconscious and wouldn't wake for three moons, so Thot decided it's best for you to be surrounded by holy artifacts."
th"Subconsciously your body would absorb the divine particles in the air, accelerating your regeneration and healing your physice better."
t"I don't really get that, but fine."
"Suddenly, Taiyo then recalls something."
t"Wait… Wendy!"
"His mother recalls that name and inquires."
m"Hmm… What about her?"
t"Is she…"
t"Taiyo recalls seeing his precious childhood friend running after him when he stepped into traffic."
t"If he got hit by the truck, then there stands to reason she did as well."
"At this mention, Khonsu, who previously went back to sleep, wakes back up."
"Taiyo looks over at the god."
k"Oh, don't you worry about her, she's totally fine!"
t"How do you know that…?"
"Khonsu can seemingly be smiling through his bandages."
t"What do you mean, 'because.'"
'Taiyo was not amused by this whatsoever, Wendy, in all intended purposes, was his precious childhood friend, someone who he sees as his big sister."
"If anything were to ever happen to her, his heart wouldn't be able to take it."
k"Don't you worry, I'm able to sense her, it turns out, fate can be rather tricky…"
t"What do you mean?"
k"Well, it turns out… the Bennu, which formed a contract with you and resurrected you, also made a contract with her."
t"How! Why?"
k"Like I said, fate is tricky!"
"Konshu says, seemingly enjoying talking about this topic."
t"Wait, so then why didn't you guys summon her too? Why am I here?"
"Khonsu is visibly brought down by this revelation."
th"We had initially planned to summon the both of you here, but it seems like someone else interfered."
t"Someone else?"
r"Yes… another that will not be named."
"The room is silent for a moment."
k"In any case, I can assure you she's safe for the time being, so don't be too worried!"
"Konshu says happily once again."
t"that was weird… that guy seemed to really perk up once I brought up Wendy…"
t"Does he know her somehow?"
m"Tehee, Khonsu sure hasn't changes over all this time~"
"Taiyo says, closing his eyes before looking over to his mother."
t"So wait… Mom, are you really…"
m"Yep! I'm sorry to hide it from you all this time dear, but your mother is a Goddess too!"
m"It's my duty to give birth to you everytime Ma'at decides it's time for you to reincarnate!"
t"Seriously… that's crazy!"
"Taiyo thinks over his situation as he closes his eyes. After seemingly having all his questions answered thus far, he looks back at the old God."
t"Okay…well what exactly happens now…"
t"What do you want me to do?"
"Ra stares back at the young man before answering."
r"Like I said, Amun… Taiyo Tategami…. Become Pharaoh."
t"Why in the world do you want me to become a pharaoh?"
r"No one here wants you to do anything, you simply must."
t"What do you mean I must!?"
th"Because a calamity is brooding!"
"The ibis headed god yells out, seemingly losing his patience."
th"Tch… children…."
m"Thot! Don't be mean to my son!"
r"Thot is correct, a calamity is brewing, and we need your aid to prevent it."
t"Me… what could I possibly do."
r"I see, well there's no other choice I supposed…"
r"Bastet, give the young boy the scrolls."
b"Ehh! Why me!"
"The cat girl, apparently named Bastet, is still standing behind her fathers seat, cowering away from the young boy she had tussled with earlier."
b"Grhh… fine!"
"She says before grabbing a scroll that rested on top of the golden desk and walking over to the bandages body."
"She says as she holds the opened scroll to his face."
t"Someone's clearly still mad…"
"Taiyo thinks before looking over the scroll."
"His eyes scan the paper, images scatter the scripture, with all the writing seemingly in hieroglyphics."
t"Ehh?? What is all this!? I can read any of this mumbo jumbo!?"
b"Mumbo Jumbo! They're Hieroglyphics you Dolt!?"
t"Whatever! Anyways this Hieratic writing makes no sense to me, can someone explain!"
th"That is a sacred scripture, divine fables that predict the future."
th"In ancient times, our followers painted the messages of the sacred scriptures onto their walls and churches."
th"It's been centuries since the Oracle produced a sacred scripture, this is a sign that the next big event in Egyptian cosmology is about to take place."
t"And that is…?"
th"To keep it short, it tells of a great evil from the distant past will resurface, and that only the might of a new Pharaoh will be able to save Egypt from its imminent doom. "
t"A new… Pharaoh…"
r"Yes… The last pharaoh of Egypt, Cleopatra VII, reigned until her death in 30 BC. it has been 2,050 years since the end of her reign."
r"Ma'at, the cosmic order of the universe, had not deemed the presence of a pharaoh necessary for humanity's future development since then, that is… until now."
r"Now… after over two centuries… the next pharaoh has been decided."
r"Amun, in order to prevent this disaster from destroying the world as we know it, you must take your place as King!"
"Now having the situation presented to him and fully explained, Taiyo is left with a surplus of unresolved emotions."
t"Guys… seriously, I have no idea what's going on… none of this can be real, I can't…"
t"If I'm really… this Amun... Then how come I don't remember any of this!?"
th"Memories are always the trickiest things to carry over through rebirth cycles…"
th"It's not that uncommon for a god to die, however due to the curse, you've died much more times than any other god in recorded history."
th"This alongside your adherent weak nature resulted in your forgotten memories…"
"Taiyo thought it over for a bit, trying to think back, but found he was unable to recollect any of the information provided to him thus far."
t"But how… how can I convince an entire city to elect me as King… In today's world?"
t"it's impossible, how can I even prove any of it…"
t"That even the Gods are real…"
t"I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it…"
t"there's just no way…"
"The ruby colored cat girl who was previously holding a stern expression, drops her shoulders a bit, pitying the boy before her."
r"There is no need to convince anyone of your legitimacy…"
t"Why do you say that?"
"Upon hearing this, Ra raises a hand, preparing a chant."
"For though, the heavenly earth, in which Geb was formed, rise onto the surface and take form!"
"After only a few seconds, the room the gods reside in starts to shake. First softly but then violently."
"Before they know it, the room can be felt shooting upwards, as if the entire hall was being rocketed up into the upper atmosphere."
t"Wooaah! Whaaaaaaaat!"
"The girl says, with an expression of glee on her face. As if she were riding on a commercial roller coaster."
"After several minutes, the shaking came to a halt."
t"Ehh… What the hell was that…. What happened!?"
r"Ho~~ Where exactly did you think we were, Amun?"
The boy looks back at the god with a look of curiosity."
t"Ehh… you don't mean…"
r"Yes, welcome home."
"The dark voice surrounding the room dispersed, revealing their new true location."
"The surrounding darkness surrounding the golden table dissolved into an opened gallery showcasing the blue sky."
"The room they were in was sitting on top of a grand Golden pyramid, previously hidden from the naked eye and emerged from deep inside the earth."
"This pyramid rivaled the likes of Giza,standing at 150 meters tall. Upon reaching its height, the pyramid towers over present day Luxor, the old city of Thebes, in which the Egyptian Triad reigned supreme."
"This Pyramid stood next to the great karnak temple complex, which carried the same hypostyle halls the young boy found himself in not too long ago."
"Standing onto the pyramid, the group is able to view the entire city in the present day, with its citizens marveling at the sight before them."
"Large amounts of cheering and yelling can be hard, as the people have long since been prepared for the gods' arrival."
th"We've all been making preparations for this day for quite some time now."
th"Not too long ago the people of Egypt have slowly been informed about our arrival… our return."
t"No way…"
"The names of Osiris, Isis, Thot, Ra, Konshu, and Mut can be heard chanted by the crowds."
t"This is unreal."
r"This is the reality as of now… "
r"welcome back to Egypt, Amun."