Chereads / Seven Rings of Hell / Chapter 17 - Chapter 12: The Eruption of the blue flames

Chapter 17 - Chapter 12: The Eruption of the blue flames

Previously on Seven Rings of Hell Sendou and Onaraka were finally released from the hospital and now they arrived to the Senshu household and it's time for the start of new beginnings...

Itadori: I can assure you this isn't no scam or cheap trick... We're the real deal, you see...

{As Itadori takes Sendou behind the ramen shop}

Sendou: So where is your house?(As they stare at nothing in pathway)

Itadori: (with a confident smile) This is my house (as points to nothing)

Sendou: Your homeless?! (As he looks with confusion) You guys aren't serious!!

Itadori: What do you mean, I own the biggest ramen food chains In all of Japan of course I have a house, it's just that you can't see it.

Sendou: What do you mean... "I can't see it" (the confusion in his face turns to curiosity)

Itadori: I put a barrier that prevents any normal people or even demons to sense spiritual energy and with that a sweet bonus I can hide my house in plain sight and people would think I'm just a humble ramen maker, but... (As he steps into it and he also turns Invisible) Come on in!

{And as Sendou takes a step forward he sees Itadori's house which is a double story house with a trees surrounding it}

Sendou: So your house has some kind of magic? How does that work?

Itadori: That's a question for another day right now we need to get you to the back room, and get your training going.

{As they walk through the house as the house well decorated interior with a high quality kitchen and a nice dining tableas they go to the backroom}

Sendou: [Wow! This place... It's amazing!] Are we going to be staying here?!

Itadori: Of course, but we only have 5 beds it'll be in age order, so it'll be you Onaraka in one, Kimura and Tokito in the bed next to you, since me, Yanji and Satarou are the big bros we each get our own separate beds. With that aside Now... (As they enter the backroom) This is where all the magic will happen, the training room (it's a room full of weights)

Sendou: Wow there's every kind of machines here! A bodybuilders dream room!!

Itadori: This room will feel like hell before you realize it... Are you ready?

Sendou: [This is where it all begins, this is the place where I'll unlocky true powers. So...] Hell yeah!! (Yells confidently)

Itadori: I love the energy! Now give me 50 push ups as a little warm up.

Sendou: 50 push ups no problem! (He goes down and easily completes the push ups)

Itadori: Nice, now do with only one arm!

Sendou: Still doable!! (He struggles but makes it)

Itadori: Good, that's a light warm up you know, now onto the the bench press, starting with 239 pounds, then in 400 pounds for the drop set!

Sendou: [light weight? 400 pounds?! I can't even move that weight, is this what he meant by making this paradise turn into hell?]

{It shows as Sendou continues to struggle in every workout until...}

Sendou: No I can't do it anymore, I wanna give up! (As his muscles completely tighten up as it shows Sendou's repeated injuries all across his body) [I've torn my bicep, and my shoulders from all this lifting non stop eitg absolutely no break, my muscles can't anymore, are we at least close to finishing... Right?]

Itadori: Okay that's enough for weights, now it's time for the treadmill!! (As he points at it enthusiasticly)

Sendou: What? Cardio! (As he gets on and starts jogging)

Itadori: This is light work no reaction! Increase the speed!!

Sendou: Yes sir!! (He turns it up to 11 max speed spirit and he can barely keep up) [I can't... Do it.] (As Sendou Finally falls from exhaustion the sweat on his body has evaporated from all the heat intensity in the air)

Itadori: [Come on kid... Get up! I know you can do it this is the first hurdle you'll have to jump to reach the finish line.]

Sendou: [This hurts too much, I can't feel my arms I can't do anything it's just like before...] (Shows a flashback of Sendou being bullied when jmhe was little) I was bullied when I was nothing but a child, I was thrown into the roughest school in the whole area, and I had to face the same group of bullies every single day... They never played far and they would jump me everywhere I went and before Kimura's born I felt all alone... No father to look to, and no one understood me... They didn't understand that I was struggling at school but they wouldn't listen I'd try to tell mom about this but she was too busy. I had no choice but to learn to fight back and from that moment I swore to myself that would never be weak again... Then (Shows Kimura being born) He came into my life I hated it at first that would follow me around like annoying brat, but as soon mom said "You've got to protect him, he depends on you. Hell always watch your back your like a father figure to him, no matter how you look at it he's your first child so take care him..." And from that moment I vowed as I hugged Kimura that I would use these fists to protect him from danger and he will never ever feel the way how I felt... So I tried my best and sure (shows both Sendou and Kimura getting beat by the bullies) I lost most of the fight but at least I protected him from feeling alone in those moments, I'm trying to give Kimura a better childhood than I did, so put him with the right people and if they weren't right me and Tokito would protect him... When I'm with her I feel like the strongest man... I can't let them down... The people I love, I can't break another promise to him again. I... Have to... Get stronger!! (As the blue flame errupt and flows through Sendou veins revitalizing him) Never again! I have to redeem myself for my mistakes!! I have to protect him! No matter what happens to my body... I will become stronger and defeat anyone that stands in my way... These fists (as fiery feathers surrounds his fists) will never fail again!!] (As he opens his eyes and the light up bright blue) I won't fall!! (As he jumps back on to the treadmill)

Itadori: [ That's it Kid... Your finally digging deep into the power that within!] That it Sendou now let's put on incline!! (Moves up to incline)

Sendou: Numb the pain, Numb the pain!! (As his feet starts smoking)

Itadori: [Now's he in gear...] Dash full speed!!

Sendou: Yes sir!! (As he takes the first big step his step ignite in a blazing streak as he's running well over 80km/h)

Itadori: [That speed, he's element has taken Abilities of other Greek god's... Now this is the God of Speed is part of him now. He's finally ready.] Okay that's enough Sendou it's time for rest!

Sendou: Okay give me a second! (As he continues the flames suddenly disappeared without a trace) What the?! Oh shit!! (As he is sent flying off the treadmill) What happen- (before he finish his sentence his he seems that he can't breathe)

Itadori Sendou are you okay?! (As he comes to his add) Wow!! (Your body is overheated and your long can't get enough oxygen,and...

Sendou: (coughs up blood)

Itadori: Your so dehydrated the inside of your mouth is torn to shreds (gives him a bucket of water) put your head in this!

Sendou: (puts his head in and drinks the water) Ahhh!! My body was on fire, it felt good until... I lost focus, then everything went downhill...

Itadori: That's the thing you can lose focus for even a second or you'll lose all that tension that released the element in the first place, but there more to it... These side effects aren't normal... They've been worsening through the generational curse... These side effects were never there when the warrior of heaven had it.

Sendou: Who is the warrior of heaven?

Itadori: Come over, I'll tell you the take of the warrior of heaven....

This tale will be told in the next chapter!!

To be continued!!