I awoke to the morning sun in my eyes. I slowly got up and pushed myself onto my bed. My whole body ached, and my head was pounding. Why was I on the floor? Did I fall off my bed? What happened last night?
Suddenly, I remembered about the note and the necklace. My hands shot up to my neck, but the necklace was nowhere to be seen. Was it just a dream? I thought headed out of my room towards the bathroom. But it felt so real.
I turned on the tap and washed my face with some cold water. I grabbed a towel and wiped my face. I was about to leave I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
My previously pink hair had turned a deep, rich black, with purple and blue glittering highlights. It looked exactly like the night sky. My brown eyes had turned a bright shade of blue, like the morning sky on a bright, cloudless night.
On the bottom of my neck there was a small skull that hadn't been there before. It was a pale shade of brown, barely visible on my pale skin. It looked like a birth mark, a wierd one shaped as a neat skull.
That's when I noticed my hair had been cut short. My once long hair was now just above my shoulders with two longer pieces hanging off my bangs.
I stood there for what felt like an eternity. This just proves that whatever happened last night was real, and not just a dream.
I decided to take a shower and changed into a losse red hoodie and tights. I looked at myself in the mirror and suddenly wondered if my family would recognize me. I look so different, in a good way.
I don't remember how long I stood there, but I heard mom calling me to come down. I pull up the hood and hold my head down so she won't see my face. I went downstairs only to find the one person I never wanted to see again waiting for me. My father.
"What's going on?" I ask carefully. They both look at me, stunned at my new appearance.
"Ahem," mom cleared her throat before speaking again, "Ashley, I have something to tell you," she said it so carefully, as if I might explode any second.
"What is it?" I ask, I was getting more nervous by the minute.
"Me and Noah had a talk yesterday," she started fidgeting with her hair before continuing, "we've talked it over and we think it best for you to move in with your father for a while,"
"WHAT?" I screamed," but thats not fair! I failed so your kicking me out, aren't you? I haven't seen him in years and you expect me to just leave with him? It's Noah isn't it? He never liked me and no-"
"Ashley," she said sternley, "thats enough, go pack your things,"
"...fine," I mumbled as I went back upstairs. This wasn't fair. I failed just this once and they decided I wasn't worth the trouble.
I grab a black bag and shove in my laptop, my phone, headphones, all my money and a book I was reading. I grabbed another bag, red, and shoved in most of my clothes and jewelry before going back downstairs.
She didn't say anything as I walked out the door and got into the back seat of his old rusted car, nor when he started the car and started driving off.
After a while my situation finally sank in. I had just been kicked out of my own home, with not even a hint of sadness from my family. I would have to start all over again.
I took out my headphones snd turned on a podcast to distract myself so I wouldn't cry.
After I calmed down a bit I took a better look at my surroundings. My father hadn't changed a lot these past few years. His long brown hair was knoted and dirty. He and light brown skin and his eye's were the same brown as mine. Or at least they were the same before mine became blue.
His car was dirty and damp. It smelled like alcohol and cigarettes. I was grateful I hadn't eaten since yesterday since I feared I might have thrown up in here.
We drove for hours in a stiff, uncomfortable silence. He didn't seem very pleased to have to take me in.
We arrived at his house around noon. It was a small house. The garden was overgrown and the house itself looked as if it were falling apart. The paint was chipped and there were holes in the walls.It was on a street corner, and there was a large mango tree in the garden.
He opened the door and we went inside. I was horrified at what I saw inside. The whole place smelled even worse than his car. There were bottles of alcohol and cigarettes all over the carpet. The sink was full of dirty dishes that looked as if they had been sitting there for days. The yellow wall paper was peeling off and there was mold all over the walls and ceiling.
I felt so sick.his house was small. From the door the you could see a small kitchen to the left and the living room, a couch and a tv to the right. There was a staircase behind the kitchen leading upstairs. There was a dark oak door leading out onto the back patio which was hanging open, and next to it was another door. He walked up to the second door and opened it. Inside was a queen sized bed and lots of bottles of alcohol, cigarettes and all sorts of other stuff tucked into a wardrobe and all over the floor.
He looked back at me and pointed at the stairs. "Your room is upstairs," he said roughly before going into his room and locking the door.
I sighed. This place was disgusting. I went over to the stairs, they were moldy and they creaked when I steped on them. Upstairs was a little platform with a chair and a bookcase to the left, a large window in the middle and a door to the right which I assumed was my new room.
I opened the door and walked in. There was a large window with a queen sized bed below to the left. There was a large wooden wardrobe pushed up against the right wall. Near the far wall there was a wooden desk in the coner with shelves above it, as well as a long corner window in between. There was a door next to it which was closed.
It smelled of mold and the wallpaper was peeling off but it was better than I expected. At least it didn't smell of alcohol and cigarettes. I put down my bags near the door and walked over to the bed. It had white sheets tinted yellow over time and a thick layer of dust covering it.
The rest of the room was also just fine. A little moldy and old, but it would be livable if I cleaned it well enough. I went over to the door and opened it to find a nice little bathroom. There was a large mirror with storage above the sink and even a bathtub in the back. It was dirty sure, but it would do.
"Well," I said to myself, going over to my bags,"home sweet home I guess."