His mind taking one step at a time, still unfinished with its complete task of optimizing his might, it would never be finished. But he has decided to take the first steps, may all be well.
Within an instance many of his scattered thoughts rose and shuddered from the insanity of his undertaking.
"There might not be much humanity left after that.", Kindness by his side faster than any other, warned and lectured him, maybe wishing and hoping not to be changed to much in the coming undertaking. He was heard yes but ignored nonetheless.
Love never responded, Lust appeared instead, a shame a hearing something from that shambling corpse might have meant betterment, but it wasn't to be.
"Even I think that that is too much and I relish am a manifestation of you wanting more, that is insanity without a doubt!"
"It is power and that we need and always will, simple as that."
"But at what price? Neither body nor Soul if done correctly, no both will be better than ever but even I have to chastise your thoughts!", his every thought echoing his insecurities back at him, thinking only for their own benefit and continuity, forgetting the necessary improvements.
"Then I ask of you and your Wrath, always blinded, by the past misdeeds how do you stand to this lunacy?", Lust did not think that through, Wrath always heeds his owners will, for he was older than them all, maybe wiser for it, he was a necessity and so he too saw what was necessary.
He teleported to the place he was called upon, into Lust filthy mouth, ripping apart most it with his manifestation. He of course was damaged in the exchange of matter between them as well, but neither side was dead, without casting neither could claim new flesh yet, without abandoning their bodies.
"You are no longer mortal will never be, the human coil is dead, parade the human flesh if you will, but it will just lead you back to me, be what you want and seek the joy in it."
"To you I say it will be the kindest he can do too himself." Wrath pointed at kindness, Chastity with Lust impaired was less of a threat if any at all.
"And the cruellest", was all kindness had to say in rebuttal, but he was already a none voice, for 3 among 5 voted, 2 didn't, 2 for Wrath and Prime, only Kindness against. Lust refused to be undone even if it meant in its numbers it had to bow its heads, and without Lust Chastity lost its purpose.
The thoughts weren't yet borne enough to voice their complaints or give applause. It wouldn't matter the prime voted and now it was time for the preparations to be made.
Chosen Classes and their designated levels were.
PC Noel
System TTRPG Infinite
PC Level
Class Level
Skill points
2 + Int modifier
lvl 1
times 4
Cataclysm Mage
Cancer Mage
Vermin Lord
Some were happy about it others thought he should have gone more into mage, but this were just the first 180.000.000 exp distributed. Most of his stats were now in the upper hundreds with every 30000 exp earned after level 20 he got either a stat point or a feat so he had about a few thousand to hand out now. Why wasn't it enough?
Some changes were more dramatic than others, his body toughened to a degree that might make even the Juggernaut herself feel envy at, his once swindling muscles disappeared, now replaced with something more toned and thanks to his dexterity he was still leaned, his soul radiated out of his immortal shell its aura showering all in its divine glow, he wished he could shut his mind down as it accelerated, all those pesky little afterthoughts he gave bodies, he piloted, now he felt the air kiss them goodbye when they leap, smelled their breath, felt them make love, felt them destroy themselves turn into the equivalent of thermonuclear explosions and bring destruction to where ever he desired, his mind still reflected on it on himself on reality itself and its structure, he wished it wouldn't.
Well time to augment himself further, he wasn't capable of having his natural look without modifying himself so why not go all in and then return to normal.
"Do it!", wordlessly he formed a new Simulacrum, this one made to fulfil betterment and duty.
He wished to experience it with a wake mind fully at least once.
It would be torture and pain never before experienced but so it was ordained, by a god.
And it changed using True polymorph on the more and more appearing clones it started replacing Noel bit by bit.
An eye replaced with a fiendish one capable of chaming all he looked upon, having it ripped out while still connected to it was just the beginning, the other was simply inserted.
Next would his arms be ripped off, replaced and fused to the old ones a fiends might was inserted into them.
Then the most brutal yet, his very skin had to be taken of him, under it new one inserted, skin taken from one, placed on the other all pain was felt twice, once by the recipient once by the receiver.
Then more plated skin placed under the old one, but over the newest, his every nerve was bring but for a god what kind of pain was this, it was almost laughable how easily his will asserted itself over his flesh how his body fused together.
Then his every drop of blood pumped and sucked out of him, he was still conscious and would remain for all time, new blood of a superior species pumped into him, it would heal him for all time.
One more heart placed in his ribcage, one more to be empty. His every fiber was adjusted and augmented, with something better, his spine altered to be flexible beyond sense, his bones now strengthened extended and more added onto the others, his ribcage closed off from all sides with more of them. Fangs of vampire inserted in his new jaw, the old removed, may it turn to dust.
The worst had yet to come, skinned and fragile the dead remains of once living metal poured onto him so that he may be as hard as it. His head split open to assert some of the last parts all that came after would pale in comparison.
The empty brain of a new-born constructs placed into him so that his would never tire.
Practically born anew over the hours it took just to gather the necessary ingredients from his own bodies and preserve them, if he wouldn't be immune to insanity now, he would have prayed for it to take him, but he couldn't waver now. Lust wanted more, so more he got, extra tails to be added four, each equipped with a weapon Graft a useful Concept of both being magical and none magical at the same time, even still those weapons were tiny tentacles capable of hardening of or being used for more funny activities, well it was Lust who brought up the idea.
His mind would now never rest again, he should be more careful of gaining believers, or getting rid of the divine aspect that came with the power, but after all that he did to himself and all those attributes he was so many things and so little of all.
These grafts would accompany him for as long as he wished, even if his level would reset, their might would stay and with them regaining his power would be just a matter of time.
Wrath standing still in the same place as before having, drunk of his masters every moment of pain, could only lough with a grim grin on his face, why did he appear so old, so demented and expiring.
"In fear and sorrow at a wasted life you wished for all. Now you have it for ever and ever, it hasn't been even a week and you are breaking under the weight of time!" , he laughed and was gone.
All that ever arrived besides the more weighted Simulacrums, were used as material in his betterment, they were fodder, they were now a closer part of him, as a vermin lord the hive mind he so careful constructed was just a natural part of him, it was granting how much they had to do just to maintain how much influence it has had over him, what he had to do just to stay sane, and now it simply was his to command more so than ever before.
He felt himself make love to a thousand women, he felt the prayers of thousands liberated from their chains worship his name in the act of Kindness. It all was a thrill to be alive, he wished to test his fangs on fresh blood, to wet them as would it be his natural instinct. He had new tools and even would he give away everything he had obtained since his beginning on the path of ascension they would remain.
So of course he had to test them but on who., why not the very siblings on Time herself but who first here in the twisted 1610 there were still 7 to be taken, but where could they be, one in the brain of the world's richest women, the famed Antoinette Stark or was it just tony, should he fuck it out of her. Was the Mind stone inside of her or the Life one seeing as just sparks of its might allowed her to reanimate herself, into broken machinery and the most advanced network on the planet, no it would most likely be the soul stone as Mind was in the possession of Odin.
"Time!", and she was there, or maybe has been their just waiting for his perception to catch onto her, doesn't matter.
A tail catches her body, and the expression of her face goes to ecstatic, carefully wrapping itself around her, a part of the tail keeping her mouth open for her to bite onto, while the tentacles on the end tip start stimulating her lower depths.
The girl knew what would happen and awaited it, she wished the teasing would stop and he for him to start exploring her body in full force, she wished to know longer recover but no she had to do as he said, or did she.
"Guess it is time to reunite you with the rest of the family!", and something plunged into her, in and out while her body was bound in the air, having several extra-long limbs he knew what their primary use was.
But controlling them for now took a bit more mental focus of his than he would have liked. New limbs weren't as controllable as the old ones and even with those he was struggling from time to time considering how altered they were compared to his originals but with such an expanded mind that should be little trouble.
'Helplessly' squirming in his tail, was Time, being re-educated on what it meant to serve and please her master. Her body flushed her mind filled only with more wanton desires. It was unchaste of her but she wanted more for ever and every past her end.
Mind awaited and so did Soul where to next. Should he go to a cave in the Middle East or visit an environmental hippy girl in Greenland, well he could do both.
Firmly wrapped and oh so more pleased, he wouldn't let go off Time for the immediate future, she knew what she did and so did he, so was this a reward or a punishment, he couldn't decide but she loved it so how bad could it be.
The gods first he had to count on them being taken care of first, and being caught of guard, or like Siegfried he would simply snatch the warriors belt and she would be powerless.
Still conditions were given thanks to his grafts that made him one hell of a fucked up chimera, he added ten more levels to Braineater Savant, to gain the abilities of body and mind of however brain he would eat.
Even if not there was still so much experience to distribute he wasn't sure how he should do it, but that had time.
First came the last steps to be a bit more secured in this dimension.