There was something incredible calming as well as slightly infuriating about having some of the universes most powerful object just lighting around in a storage. It took the clones only so long until one of them tripped over them when going over the inventory. Having access to that only through pounding the world's best connected super soldier under the sheets.
One of the Infinity stones was Time herself and four others lay slumbering in containment, one in Tony Stark's brain tumour, one in Europe and the last somewhere in the hands of an American revolutionary movement, all Stones awaited a rather rude awakening.
8 Stones, 8 primal aspects of reality, and all it took was teleporting over and 5 were in his possession, from there it was just asking the stones themselves to bring him to the next one. With the majority nothing could really challenge him, well at his current powers few things could, but there were always some concept ignoring threats out there just waiting to stumble into trouble or stir some up themselves, and maybe he was one of them.
As funny as walking through a monochrome world is having it really was just extra security. 5 Stones the sixth was just in an underground facility already prepared with gauntlet and all, freeing some of his limbs. Time squirmed in joy at being reunited with her siblings, or was it the tentacle plundering her, as much as they were for the moment mostly unfeeling pieces of stone, and one just responded to that very thought, this was already going swimmingly.
The next one was hiding in a cave somewhere in the Middle East, in the brain of a genius engineer, dropping by and warping it out, the cancer should no longer spread and a healing spell fixed it up really quick. Just that neither of the two trapped damsel were even capable of responding in stopped time made things a bit awkward mostly for him.
What was he supposed to say hey your sister is s state traitor and selling secrets of international security and since I am fucking the head of International security I would want her to stop and by chance as punishment she gets away with enslavement? This would be the kind of things the Ex-S.H.I.E.L.D agent now turned news reporter Maria Hill would lament over and try to get out into the open only to know it might get her killed by her own colleges of old.
Well a left over clone to show them and enlighten them to the pleasures of immortal flesh might entice them, might just erase all terrorist there, why were his priorities and thoughts all over the place, he wasn't in a good state of mind ever since he changed was he?
And the last one just lay around in a museum in Europe, and unlimited power lay at his fingertips. The perpetual mobile was set in motion, each aspect combined and amplified the next slowly but surely each one was boosting the next one ever more. 8 Stones and 1 maybe 2 were already capable of thought one by the design of it's creator the other by his might, not that he could undue it without expecting heavy resistance from the corner stone of the aspect of time itself. And even if he would succeed it might just turn back the clock anyway and turn back into a woman.
And the Mind Stone kept on nudging him, communicating to him, how much she/it wants to be like her sister wants to unfold her perception, and no longer be limited by the form she was originally given. The others were far calmer even as his perception started to stretch past the solar system, past earthly attachments, and yet inherently limited to this one dimension, shackled and subjugated to never be capable of rebelling or overthrowing all that stood above them, it was a fragile system to end him must be so easy even as he was getting infinitely closer to being all almighty in this world to end him was just as easy as before.
Too split and cut apart his soul to experiment with his power with more recourses his own system could have ever given him all by soon to be women to be bedded, he was as limitless as limited, some parts of him were working on perpetual motion machines hoping to fix and improve or overhaul the system he was subjugated under and now he could do the woks millions did in a week without ever even having to snap his fingers., with a mere thought.
Has he outgrown his many bodies have his extra limbs his body modification lost their function he could only say yes and no? He would and could rule this world and nobody would most likely ever interfere, not even the maker of all of it, he was to insignificant in all his almost omnipotent glory he was but a speck of cosmic dust, so he did as he always has make more of himself and experimented.
Mind told him long before anything happened of the consequences, even as it helped stabilize his minds realm, he would have to outsource it, like a phylactery it was a vital part of his being but that made it just all the more of an Achilles heel for all of him. He would have to get it out of this dimension, eventually. Some new versions of him of his youth modified adjusted given strength, weakened adjusted, gifted with powers and many more, all had his pieces of his souls cut apart and then regrown thank the Soul Stone for that, maybe they would be aware of being just pieces of an greater whole maybe not, some he allowed to recall to remember or to reach out into themselves and discover, others he would forbid it, make them incapable of it perfect oblivious sleeper agents compelled yes but not knowing why it came from their very soul. They might hate him, it might burn bridges but just maybe it would be a redundancy that might mean that he could spread even into realms and dimensions governed by near almighty creatures and creatures without severe disproval or debilitating fights simply by irrelevance.
Portals to realms forgotten and universes just born some opened by his power others as a sort of granted selective diffusion, having one simply slip out of this dimension and into the next without so much as interacting with anything in between, technically even completely incapable of it.
"So ladies what do you want to do?", this world was effectively conquered, yes there were a few palaces he hasn't touched but none of them could have resisted him before he got the stones much less after.
"Your mind is adrift in the future darling you have to give them the option to talk for them too answer or is bad little Mind messing with you?", her delusional personality was stating too rub off on him, or maybe they all were and he just bonded too deep with them too fast.
Not even mere moments later and seven more beauties manifested next to him in the European museum, nobody noticed all onlooker either frozen in time or simply not in their right mind. Relocation was in order, taking the hand of the kneeling orange one he relocated them back to the first base he ever entered in this world.
Secrets and unexplored caves, were waiting for his probe.
Time the oldest, Mind the smartest, Space the most voluminous one, Soul the liveliest one, Life most animated, Death the one who will be most ruined, Reality less delusional than him, and Soul the all enduring. Ruination and damnation upon them all, he had them in his grasp, now in his bed 7 maidens and one he had already taken.
Somewhere getting used to the influx off speech, off higher brain function, or more or less the sudden capability to express their thoughts and the capabilities to tap into their power at their own volition simply by thinking. Maybe it was cohesive thoughts that did it for them.
Some seemed haunted by their powers over this world. And for a few seconds, some vast parts of space and reality itself where altered in ways Noel couldn't grasp or express before Time set everything back. Maybe Mind sized the intellect and attention off the subconscious off all thinking creatures in this world to know and understand how too proceed even as she daydreamed and drooled into his lap.
Space was the first to move even with their body having just a light hue of their original shine, her bare chest lay atop of him as she toppled him over tearing him from her sisters. It wouldn't have mattered what she would do as distance is a consistent none issue for her. But distance was always better in her books, after all it was the one aspect she controls. She could have simply massaged his shaft even while he had his pants on, stolen his phallus with a portal, and prevented all off her sisters from ever coming close to him but where was the fun in it if you couldn't lord it over someone.
While they were powerless to directly influence the other without outside help or orders, all Noel needed was a tentacle touching Mind and every imaginary fibber in Spaces body started burned with desire. The use of her power did not go unnoticed, and snapped her out of her ever unfinished constructed minds realms.
The fight started while Life and Death just waited in the corner knowing eventually their turn would turn, almost more patient then Time herself, who was one second already humping down upon, or sucking him off in the next, erasing all time in-between her actions or just hopping the time stream along without continuity.
Reality was getting ready to destroy the world, while Soul did her best to calm her down. So she settled on creating and enlarging the beds and mattresses present so all could be atop of them. After she duplicated Noel, one for each girls present so she wouldn't have to wait.
Tentacles and mouths sucking and stimulating all from their labia to their nipples, the floodgates opened for all kinds of streams of liquid. As Realities squirted a fountain, the options where a literal flood or reality breaking liquids that would erase her mate as it touched him.
It was clear what option she would chose, as a Noel melted apart from under her, even as she tried to keep him from falling apart, "Fix him!", was all she jelled at her eldest, and once more his length filled her.
Life was in the process of making spawns of her own, as Death prayed to her Mother that she wasn't barren, neither hips stopped or slowed, and Noel knew he shouldn't have made them that lewd, if it was his involvement at all. Their many internal turbulences where nothing compared to capability to fell remember and make conscious decisions on their environment.
Even while Power was practically grinding Noels hips to dust and the structural integrity of the facility was crumbling to dust, Space and Time kept it from falling apart and crumbling atop of them.
Space showed why she was the most voluminous one, as she changed her sizes through special warping to envelop just about all of him, his every tentacle could disappear in her lower lips and it would fell still just as tight and stimulating, with grin on her face she pushed him down, and shoved what she could into her, while making out with him as best as she could.
Mind was dreaming and enchanting her Noels mind, both bodies clashed in a bedroom fight in the physical and astral realms. All trying to feel as good as possible, little pain from losing their hymn was felt, what those droplets of blood did to Noel was something still to be discovered.
Noel wasn't sure if they would ever stop or if time was just looping all around so that they would never stop, he might not make it might not stop her if her sisters supported her, he could have been smarter about it but where was the fun in that.
Trapped in a time loop he "ruled" with 8 goddesses he couldn't complain if this went till the end of time.
Yes he ruled a hellish heaven but what of those he made, had made, and for how long would hell and heaven go along.