Chereads / Watching A Hero's Journey / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: The Strongest man

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: The Strongest man

A city seemed to be on the verge of total annihilation as the citizens ran away from the destroyed zone.

"What on earth!"

"Look at that!

"It's closing in!"

"I remember this as if it was yesterday…" A random association employee blurts out in terror.

"It was terrifying." Another random employee voices themselves.

"Tch you wouldn't have had to worry if you just called me." Tatsumaki scoffs while mocking the terrified association employees.

On the inside of the city's Association Hq.

"Who's available?" The bearded worker asks in urgency.

"We have word that Lightning Max and Smile Man are on their way!" A random association employee informs.

"Get me that threat level assessment!" 

The camera switches to a news copter and the crew within it.

"As you can see, loud explosions are going off behind me! The damage left by the monster is at an unprecedented scale."

Many explosions go off in the city as the alien looking monster continues to rampage.

A bored looking man stands up while looking at the T.V. "Guess I'll go." Saitama is shown to be walking to his door while putting his costume on.


"What the hell is the title card for?" Metal Bad questions in confusion. Was this really just a T.V show or something?

"For dramatic effect." The Screen responds.

"Huh." The bat wielding hero just accepts that answer.

"Daddy! Mommy!" A little girl cries out traversing the rubble.

"How terrible." Puri Puri Prisoner sadly states while watching in worry for the little girl.

"Dammit. Why the hell was a little girl out there? Where the fuck were the parents?" Metal Bad yells out in dismay and slight anger. His own little sister coming to mind.

"Shit." Garou thinks, slightly upset over the situation. He couldn't help but feel a bit of irritation at the heroes not helping like they always proclaimed they did.

A large hand is seen gravitating toward the helpless girl slowly enlarging ready to eviscerate her into nothing.

"GET OUT OF THERE!" A majority of the cast yell out already forgetting that they were only viewing the past.

Before the girl could be crushed a blur of yellow and red blasts through and saves the girl as the camera slowly pans to a bored looking Saitama carrying the citizen.

The members who were tensed up exhale in relief and sit back down in their chairs while wiping the sweat on their foreheads.

"This, Saitama, is fast. Although not as fast as me. He seems to have potential at the very least." Flashy Flash ponders in curiosity. Perhaps this farce would not be so bad to let play out.

"And who do we have here?" Vaccine man growls out.

"Just a guy who's a hero for fun." Saitama states nonchalantly.

"What kind… of half-assed backstory is that?" Monster yells out wondering who the hell this idiot is.

"Same question we're all wondering buddy." Zombie Man mutters while chuckling slightly.

"Really. I find this boring. He's probably just gonna run away. His speed isn't even that impressive." Child Emperor rolls his eyes while just working on his computer. He didn't care about this random guy. He just wanted to see what his future inventions could be.

"I was formed from the constant stream of pollution with which you humans have suffused the earth. I am Vaccine Man! The Earth is a single living organism. You humans are nothing but a disease-causing bacteria eating away at her lifeforce. In order to obliterate humans and their evil civilization, the Earth has given birth to me!"

The heroes of the audience groan in annoyance. Well the more audible ones at least.

"Why the hell do monsters always monologue?" An annoyed short esper mutters.

"Tell me about it. They don't stop yapping." Saitama says in irritation at remembering the monster. He grew bored really fast when that happened.

Genos remembers his long winded explanations and begins feeling slightly ashamed. "I apologize, Sensei."

"You say you do this for fun? For fun? How dare you confront me, Mother Earth's apostle, for that inane reason?! Yet, what more could be expected from a hu–"

Vaccine Man gets cut off again as a hole in the monsters chest forms so fast that the audience has to blink multiple times to realize what happened.

"EEEEHHHHHHHHH!?" The whole cast screams out in sheer shock.

"THAT BALDY ONE SHOT A DRAGON LEVEL MONSTER?" Child Emperor shouts in disbelief while actually looking up from his computer for once.

"That is impossible. The level of force required from a man of that stature. It's illogical." Metal Knight questions out loud out of pure shock.

"THE HELL KINDA BODY ENHANCEMENT IS THAT?" Metal bad freaks out while waving his bat around excitedly. This was kind of awesome to watch!

"I don't think I coulda tanked that." Pig God comments with wide eyes. He had stopped to eat momentarily to watch the bald man simply punch the monster nonchalantly.

"It's not that impressive. But definitely more than I was expecting from a B-Class nobody." Tatsumaki sits in shock although not apparent in her facial expressions.

"Not again... All it took was one punch! DAMN IT!" Saitama screams out in agony.

"Oi, Baldy, did you really kill the monster that day?" Tornado questions in an accusatory tone. She would get to the bottom of this right now.

"Huh? Uh… Yeah I did. He was kinda boring though. He died as fast as the others." Saitama responds still disappointed over the boring fight. Just remembering it was kind of annoying.

"Hold on. Wasn't King the one who killed Vaccine Man?" Child Emperor questions in growing confusion.

"PLEASE IF ANYONE CAN HEAR ME DON'T LET THEM KILL ME!" King sweats furiously as he tries to maintain his quickly diminishing composure.

"King was present at the sight of the kill as Saitama had left just like the many other monsters he had slain. The credit went to King even though he tried to explain it to others. Many of Saitama's kills have had their credit given to others."

"King, is that true?" Stitch question in slight disbelief. He had no idea that this had occurred at all.

King gives a curt nod. "Yes. I arrived at the scene too late and others simply assumed I killed the monster. I attempted to explain the situation, but nobody listened, therefore I stopped trying." King replied calmly.

King suddenly feels as if his mind was being punctured for a moment.

"King. I have bought you time. The others will eventually find out you're not the man they thought you to be. You will be safe here and no harm will come to you, however, I suggest thinking about how you will explain yourself when the time comes."

King begins worrying, but tells himself internally that this is his punishment for lying and stealing other people's credit. King resigns himself to face his former colleagues, hoping that by some chance they wouldn't grow to hate him.


"Hoh. Is this perhaps your 'origin story' Saitama-kun?" Bang questions the bald hero to which Saitama turns back and nods.

"Yeah I think it is. Man this brings back memories." Saitama replies with a look of recognition.

"A monster! - Run!" A random citizen runs by the camera.

"Huh?" A Saitama with hair mutters.

"What the hell's wrong with you, baldy?" Tatsumaki questions in befuddledment at the glaring difference between the two.

"Oh. At the time I was sorta looking for jobs but had a lot of bad luck. Couldn't get a single one. So I was kinda done with life at the moment." Saitama morbidly explains much to the shock of others. They hadn't known the man for long, but a lot had changed since they started learning.

Saitama quickly waves his hand in dismissal. "Don't worry. Things get a lot better after this." Saitama states with a small smile on his face. Everyone stares briefly before returning their attention to the screen.

"You sure you don't want to run away?" A crab looking monster with human legs questions Saitama curiously.

"I bet you're a newly employed businessman already tired of work. I ate too much crab and transformed into this, Crablante! Why aren't you running? You've got a death wish? Is that it?" The crab monster grins.

"Well, not quite. I'm no businessman. I'm unemployed. Right now, I'm looking for a job. I had another interview today and got rejected royally. I couldn't care less about anything. So I'm in no mood to run just because the mighty Crablante has appeared." Saitama dejectedly explains.

"Sensei…" Genos mutters in a grim tone, Mumen Rider just glances over to the bald hero with a somber expression.

"Yeah, not my best moment… Don't write that down, Genos." Saitama chuckles, trying to relieve the tense moment.

"So, what'll happen if I don't run?" Saitama asks the menacing Crablante with barren eyes.

"Your eyes are lifeless, just like mine. From one set of lifeless eyes to another, I'll let you go. Besides, right now… I'm hunting different prey." The monster grins maniacally

"Wait, wait. You're telling me the monster just let you go?" A bewildered Metal Bat asked Saitama.

"I find it hard to believe he didn't even want to kill you." A confused Darkshine spoke while scratching the back of his head.

"I'm also surprised he just let you go." Mumen Rider adds while staring at the screen in disbelief.

"A big-chinned brat. And when I find him, I'm gonna rip his arms off!" The Crab monster walks off as Saitama continues on his way. Saitama eventually walks past a park and finds a kid with a giant butt for a chin.

"PFFFFFHHH HAHAHAHAHA" A majority of the theater members laugh while holding their sides.

"What're you looking at?" The brat questions in annoyance.

The younger Saitama looks on with a shocked face.

"A big-chinned brat... If he's caught, he's dead! Hey, kid. Were you messing with a big crab monster?" Saitama questions, slightly hoping he was wrong.

"Huh? He was asleep in the park, so I drew some nipples on him with my marker." The kid smiles mischievously.

"This dumb brat. He's gonna get himself killed." A random employee mutters while dragging their hand down their face.

"The kid needs some survival instincts jeez." Garou scowls out in a disapproving tone.

"It's definitely him… He has no idea what he's done. What do I do? I could still help… But man, this kid isn't cute at all. It's none of my business... I should just walk away. Right. I mean, who really cares?" Saitama begins walking off, leaving the not so good looking kid all alone.

"Baldy. Were you really going to just leave the kid there?" Tatsumaki raises an eyebrow before questioning with slight surprise.

"Just watch Tats." Saitama answers back without turning around.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" Tatsumaki retorts quickly, but gets ignored.

"I found you!" A wild Crablante appears.

The Crab monster rushes forward and takes a large swing at the boy, but misses and cracks the dirt

While Crablante was moving to attack Saitama had rushed forward and leaped to protect the boy

"What the hell am I doing!?"

A lot of the heroes felt slightly proud that Saitama hadn't left the child to die. The association members cheered at the heroic save.


"Kid, he's after you! Get outta here! Don't worry about me. Just go!"

"Even before obtaining his boundless power, Master was already a hero by heart. Incredible." Genos wonders while writing down his observations.


"The hell is this kid frickin doing?" Garou mutters under his breath while watching the screen in interest.

"Get the hell outta there brat!" Metal Bat yells at the screen as if his warnings would actually affect the past events.

The boy points at his ball. "My soccer ball…"

"Your ball?!" A bewildered Saitama could only stare at the kid in disbelief.

Everyone in the theater collectively facepalms and sighs.

"Hey, what's the big idea?"

Crablante gets up and starts walking toward Saitama and the child. "Don't tell me you're gonna protect that stinkin' brat!"

"Come on, you're gonna kill him over some harmless prank?" Saitama calls out in a sort of jesting tone. "Think about this!"

"I've already mutilated lots of people. Whoever makes fun of the way I look pays the price. No exceptions. By the way, that brat drew nipples on my body. With a permanent marker!" Crablante shouts.

The camera pans to Crablante's chest which has crudely drawn nipples.

Everyone snickers while some burst out laughing. This show wasn't so bad afterall huh?

"Look at these claws! I can't even use a towel to wipe it off! Get in my way, and I'll make sure you never go job hunting again!"

Suddenly Saitama starts to chuckle then full blown starts laughing. 

Crablante begins growing infuriated.

"SenseI? Is this a new battle technique?" Genos questions while thoroughly observing the screen.

"What are you laughing at baldy?" Tatsumaki questions in confusion.

"Uh. I think he reminded me of something." Saitama responds, while reluctantly giving up on telling people his name wasn't baldy.

"It just came to me. You look exactly like a villain from this anime I used to watch!" Saitama continues to laugh.

"Man, you got a death wish or something?" Metal Bat laughs while holding his sides at the absurdity of the situation.

Crablante immediately smacks Saitama away into a nearby shed with full force.

A large majority of the cast wince at the hit, feeling bad for the bald hero.

"That must've hurt Mister." Tareo speaks while still grimacing at the still body of the hero.

"Yeah. A lot." Saitama replies although smiling slightly much to the confusion of the others.

"Die." Crablante prepares to demolish the butt chinned kid.

"Hold it right there!" A wounded Saitama gets out of the broken shed while holding his tie.

"I mean I know you're right here, but how did you survive that?" Child Emperor questions in bewilderment.

Saitama shrugs. "I dunno."

"In this age of declining birth rates, I can't just let you kill a kid. You know what? When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a hero. Not a businessman, but a hero who could send rotten villains like you flying with one punch. Screw looking for a job! Bring it on!" Saitama wears a big smile while beckoning the monster to come at him.

"Man, you're getting me pumped and I'm not even there!" Metal Bat exclaims while grabbing his bat and taking a few practice swings.

"How inspirational Sensei!" Genos exclaims while writing down his very words.

"Me too!" Tareo cheers in excitement. He wanted to be a hero just like this strange bald man.

"Tch. If I were there it would've been over a while ago." Tatsumaki mutters under her breath.

"Sister, I don't think that's the point." Fubuki deadpans while shaking her head in disappointment.

Crablante begins throwing multiple punches and hooks at Saitama each hitting their mark and making him bleed.

The crab monster grins evilly while charging up another punch. "Some hero you are! You're pathetic! You don't stand a chance against me. Your life!"

The audience grasp their seats in anticipation wondering how Saitama will overcome this threat.

In an interesting turn of events Saitama dodges the left hook and begins running up the monster's neck. As he jumps off of Crablante's back he uses his tie and hooks it around one of the crab monster's eye stalks and falls, pulling out all of its internal organs after a bit of pulling.

"WOOOO!" Many of the theater members shout in victory.

"Excellent job Saitama-kun." Bang praises the slightly embarrassed hero. Saitama hadn't received this much praise in a while so it made him feel a little bashful.

"Impressive agility. Brother, have you offered to teach Saitama-kun by any chance?" Bomb questions Bang in a teasing manner.

"I don't know what you're talking about dear brother." Bang responds with a straight face before breaking out into a soft smile.

"Man, you beat him with your tie? That's so metal! " Metal Bat exclaims childishly.

Even the more stoic members of the cast had slight smiles watching the young hero in action.

The scene swaps from Saitama's excited face to the present bald hero's apathetic look. "Has it really been three years since then? After that day, I trained so hard I went bald. I became so powerful, no one can beat me. I'm the hero I dreamed of becoming. So what is this? What's wrong? Why does my heart feel so empty?"

Everyone suddenly sobers up realizing that plight that the screen spoke of earlier might have been about their resident mysterious baldy. People began to realize the implications of Saitama's strength and his lack of emotions.

This curse could perhaps be Saitama's inability to feel anything anymore

"Is Sensei plagued with some unknown pain? Has this unrivaled power drained Master of his feelings? How… can I even aid him? What a useless disciple I am." Genos thinks dejectedly while looking down at his clenched fists.

Saitama notices Genos' look and reassures him with a pat on the back, snapping the dejected cyborg out of his thoughts. "Genos, you don't have to worry. I'm used to not feeling much anymore. Besides, since you've come around things have become less boring." A genuine smile appears on Saitama's face.

Genos brightens up considerably at this before nodding resolutely. "If Master ever needs me I won't hesitate to answer his call."

A few members of the cast who overheard the short exchange sighed in relief. Maybe there was still hope. Perhaps this was the Screen's plan?

"Saitama-kun. I did not know you were plagued with such feelings. How foolish of this old man." Bang pondered in lament while shaking his head.

"The baldy is like me? Hell, I get bored so often I don't know what to do half the time. I didn't think anyone else could know what it feels like other than Blast maybe." Tatsumaki wonders in slight confusion. She wasn't entirely sure if this Saitama was even as strong as he stated so she was still taking everything with a grain of salt.

"Yen, please." The cashier states in a calm voice.

Extremely loud explosions or stomping can be heard from outside of the store.

While Saitama is rummaging through his coin pouch the area becomes empty as the citizens flee.

"Okay. Oh, hang on. I have yen." Saitama mutters before looking up after perusing through his coin pouch when suddenly a giant foot stomps the front of the supermarket away.

"Ok. Why are you that unaware?" Tatsumaki questions while pointing at the screen in incredulity.

"What?" Saitama questions in confusion.

"Do you not pay attention to your surroundings at all, Caped Baldy?" Metal Knight questions in a monotone.

"I mean not really I- Hey wait! What did you call me?" Saitama questions in slight annoyance.

"You are registered in the Hero Association as the Caped Baldy. It is your hero name." Metal Knight informs the now shocked bald hero.

"WAIT HOLD ON! I NEVER AGREED TO THAT!" Saitama exclaims in shock while looking around to see if anyone else could tell him if this was a joke or not.

"I demand a change in this error." Genos hisses while his heat canons light up toward the association members.

The more cowardly of the employees hide away behind their seats.

Tatsumaki flicks the cyborg with her powers, prompting him to glare at her. "Oh shut up, you can't even change it unless the public wants you too!" Tatsumaki explains in irritation.

"Ugh. I can't believe I really ended up being called Caped Baldy…." Saitama dejectedly looks down at his open hands.

Mumen Rider sympathetically pats the bald hero's back. "It's not… that bad?"

"Sensei, If it helps, I do not think it is such a bad name." Genos says, hoping to lift his Master's mood.

The giant is revealed to have trampled a large portion of the city. "Incredible… This is incredible, little brother! I never thought it would work so well!"

The camera pans to a muscled giant with what seems to be a scientist on one of its shoulders. "Yes, it's more than I ever imagined, big brother. My goal was to become the strongest man in the world. The strongest man. That was my dream. At last, the ultimate steroid, 'Biceps King,' is complete!"

"I forgot that guy didn't have any pants." Saitama mutters while smacking his face to hide his disgust.

"I have covered the more sensitive parts of this viewing for the younger ones."

"Wait hold on, Caped Baldy, did you beat that giant as well?" Stitch questions Saitama in surprise.

"Uh… Yeah? Dang I really hope they don't get angry about the fall." Saitama sweats while remembering his unfortunate overlooking of the giant's fall.

"Just how many of this man's feats have we overlooked? How much of his credit has been stolen?" Stitch wonders in disappointment.

A flashback occurs as what seems to be the giant's previous form appears to be working out when his brother stops him. "Little brother! Drink this and you will obtain the power you've been seeking!" The enthusiastic scientist holds up a flask with a pink liquid.

"What? Drink that?" The brother of the scientists looks at the flask with apprehensiveness.

"Indeed! I added strawberry flavoring, to make it go down easier."

"Brother…" The younger brother then grabs and drinks the entire thing before starting to transform.

"Yes, this will do!" The scientist laughs maniacally.

"My brains and your brawn! By combining the greatest of minds and the strongest of bodies, we brothers will conquer everything on earth and rule as kings!"

Back to the present, the giant waves his enormous appendages and causes wind to burst and destroy the city before him.

The entire group grimaces at the many lives lost in a single attack. Unprotected and gone without any intervention.

"That bastard." Metal Bat growls while clenching his bat tightly.

"I still can't believe we let him go on his little rampage for so long." Atomic Samurai mutters in distaste, his sword feeling a little heavy in its sheath.

"Muscles built by cheating aren't real muscles!" Darkshine mutters while flexing angrily.

"I-Incredible! Well done, little brother. Thousands have perished!"

"What kind of older brother encourages the killing of so many. How shameful." Bomb muses in disappointment while shaking his head.

"Now, on to the next town to destroy it as well!" The scientist points and laughs.

"This! This is it, big bro. This is what I was looking for… To be the strongest man."

"Not if the Caped Baldy has anything to say about it!" Tareo shouts in full adoration, though Saitama doesn't seem to feel it. The cast collectively snicker while the bald hero just sighs.

"This is an emergency evacuation warning. A giant creature has appeared in City D. The creature is currently heading towards City B. All residents of the area, please evacuate immediately. I repeat, the giant creature is currently heading for-" The giant crushes the speakers as it continues its destructive rampage.

"Yes, that's right! Scatter like rats! Get them!" The scientist continues to laugh while watching his younger brother destroy everything.

"I'm the strongest man, I'm the strongest man, I'm the strongest man."

"Tch. What an ego!" Tatsumaki shouts out in disdain.

All the heroes glance at the short esper at the ironic statement.

"What do you think, brother?" The scientist questions.

"Yeah, how's it feel being the strongest?" A random voice calls out.

"Finally you're here." Tank Top Master mutters in relief.

"What?! There's someone on your shoulder!" The scientist yells.

"Put some pants on." Saitama looks on with a blank face while berating the giant.

"That guy on your shoulder! kill him!" The scientist once again yells while pointing at the bald hero.

The giant unknowingly slams his palm onto the wrong shoulder and kills his brother. The giant then looks at his hand, smeared with blood.

"Did he really?" Tatsumaki questions in disbelief.

"Yeah..." Zombie Man confirms.

"How unfortunate." Bang sighs.

"Brotherrrr! How did this happen?! I just wanted to be strong! And I finally am the strongest man, but...! I don't know who you are, but it's your fault my brother is dead!"

"The strongest! Behold our brotherly power!" The giant grabs Saitama and throws him into the ground before beginning to pummel Saitama into non-existence, creating a large hole in the ground.

"Dang you can take a ton of damage." A random employee wonders aloud.

"Yup." Saitama mutters in slight disappointment.

"Why does he seem so upset about being so incredibly strong?" Fubuki wonders, slightly frustrated at the idea that someone could be so discontent over gaining strength.

"I am the strongest. So what if I am? I feel empty." A small tear appears in the giant's eye.

"Right?" A voice calls out from the hole.

Saitama literally flies out of the crater at an incredible speed, causing the giant to look at him in surprise.

"Having overwhelming strength is…"

And absolutely demolishes the giant's head in one punch. The sheer force causing the giant's head to whiplash.

"...pretty boring."

The Giant then falls onto city B.


"You bald idiot! Why didn't you check before you ended that giant!" Tatsumaki shouts in dismay and annoyance.

"My bad, My bad. Won't happen again." Saitama mutters quietly while at the same time growing smaller.

"It seems even Sensei makes mistakes. Even those of great strength and wisdom fail sometimes." Genos ponders in thought.

"Still. Quite the impressive display of strength. I don't think I could ever accomplish that." Puri Puri Prisoner comments with a tone of praise.

'Yeah me neither." Tank Top Master mutters, seemingly dejected.


The camera pans to Saitama walking home with a small plastic bag containing items from the supermarket.

"There's no sign that the evils of the world are disappearing. This hasn't changed since before I became a hero. In other words, you could say that I haven't made any impact. "

Stitch stands up from his seat, causing a few to look at him in confusion. "Caped Bal- No, Saitama, I believe that you've made a very large impact. Without your help I'm sure our resources would be spread very thin. As such, on behalf of the entire hero association, I would like to welcome you to the S Class and offer you our apology. For not being able to credit your achievements throughout the years. Although at the bottom, you have proved yourself more than worthy enough and I'm sure you will climb the ranks." Stitch declares with no room to argue.

"Well I guess it could be worse." Tatsumaki mutters without complaint, surprisingly. Fubuki just stares in shock at the immediate promotion. I mean she watched everything too but they were just going to do that right here right now?

"Welcome to the team you bald power-house! Good luck getting past me though!" Metal Bat exclaims while smirking and pointing a thumb at himself.

"Hey, do you think we can run some tests?" Child Emperor asks in a professional yet still extremely curious manner.

"Sensei, this is most wonderful. We must celebrate when we return." The cyborg smiles at his Master who in turn grins slightly.

"Man with your help, things will get done a lot quicker. Plus, a lot less sweating." Zombie Man states while muttering the last part in slight relief.

"Welcome to the team!" Darkshine congratulates with a smile.

"Congrats." Pig god speaks with a stuffed face.

"I believe this was long overdue Saitama-kun." Bang smiles while Bomb just nods a long.

The rest of the group give their congratulations minus Garou and Fubuki the latter feeling slightly bitter

"Uh. I dunno what to say. Thanks a bunch. I'll do my best." Saitama replies, a little overloaded by the praise. Somehow he jumped up multiple ranks and now was part of the Class Genos was in.

The screen unpauses and begins to play again.

"I'm not necessarily sad about that. But there's something bothering me lately. As the days pass, my emotions grow more distant. Fear, tension, joy, anger... I feel none of them anymore. In exchange for power, maybe I've lost something that's essential for a human being?"

"Uh mister Saitama?" Tareo asks.

"Hm, what's up?" Saitama questions while turning to the kid.

"You are still human right?" The small child mutters, slightly unsure if he was being too rude.

Saitama thinks for a minute before nodding. "Yeah. Last I checked, I'm pretty sure I am."

A couple eyebrows raise, but no one bothers to question him.

Saitama is seen with a cat before a car monster walks over and the cat runs away.

"Vroom, vroom? No sense hiding if you saw me. I'm Super Custom YOZ Mk. II! I love…"

The car monster continues to rant as Saitama monologues in thought.

"-I used to feel all kinds of emotions- building custom cars so much… - whirling inside me when I fought."

"- I decked myself out." 

"- Fear. Panic. Anger."

"- I'm a custom car-loving monster! If you're thinking of getting in my way, I'll put a shine on that big headlight of yours!" The monster smiles while looking into its own reflection in Saitama's bald head.

The camera cuts to the monster dead and Saitama walking home again.

"Man, you must really hate your bald head being called out." Metal Bat laughs out loud.

"Being bald is no shame, my friend!" Darkshine says while flexing proudly.

Saitama exhales, but says nothing in response.

Genos' heat cannons begin to turn orange a little.

"But now, all I need is one punch to end it." Saitama mumbles to himself.

"I gotta ask. Do you really end all fights with one punch?" Zombie Man questions with a curious tone.

"Yeah. It sucks. Not a lot of monsters could take a punch and get up to be honest." Saitama mutters in a sad tone.

"That's just cause you haven't faced me yet you Baldy! I bet I could mop the floor with you!" Tatsumaki brags with full confidence, grinning at the bald hero smugly.

Saitama brightens up slightly. "Wait really? That would be great. Can we have a fight after the viewing?" Tatsumaki gains a slightly befuddled look before shaking her head and nodding. "Hmph. Fine, the greatest esper in the world will honor you with a fight. You better not go down too fast!" Tatsumaki exclaims dramatically.

"Sweet! Thanks Tats." Saitama smiles at the thought of possibly having a tough fight.

"Tch. Don't call me-! Agh nevermind." Tatsumaki just sighs in annoyance.

Silver-Fang chuckles while Fubuki is just shocked

The members of the theater go wide-eyed picturing a fight between the two powerhouses. The amount of devastation that it could cause would be detrimental.

"Cohom. Saitama. Please refrain from having your bout with Tatsumaki near populated areas. I fear the amount of damage you would both inflict could not be handled by us mere mortals." Stitch states slightly terrified at the idea.

"Oh ok." Saitama returns to his neutral expression while nodding.

"Relax. I wouldn't have gone too overboard." Tatsumaki states with an eerie smile.

"Guess I'll have eggs over rice tonight." Saitama mutters.

"Man. It really was lonely without Genos' company huh? I should really thank him someday." Saitama thinks to himself, remembering how slowly his days went by before Genos had arrived. Even if Genos was annoying sometimes it was kind of worth it.

"Each day… I come home uninjured and wash my gloves. When I'm out fighting monsters, I never feel as if my heart's really in it. I mean, I just do the hero-thing as a hobby. In other words, as long as I get a kick out of it, that's all I care about."

"He goes through the same things I do. He almost sounds like… Blast…" Tatsumaki quietly wonders while watching the screen earnestly.

Saitama is seen sleeping as a giant fist comes out of nowhere and smashes through the building.

"My house?!" Saitama shouts in despair.

"Oh they're showing this?" Saitama wonders in reminiscing. He remembered the amazing dream and the equally unamazing reality he lived through.

"He's tough!" Saitama yells out in his head.

Saitama is shown to be bleeding after the attack.

The cast go wide-eyed at seeing Saitama with an injury.

Even after the previous giant's assault he didn't have a single scratch on him. How strong could these monsters be?

"Holy crap man they hurt you? When did this happen?" Metal Bat questions in pure shock.

"Something damaged the invincible Caped Baldy?" Child Emperor questions in confusion.

Saitama snickers to himself much to the confusion of those around him.

"What the hell are you?"

"What am I? That's rude. We are the true earthlings."

"We?" Saitama questions in confusion.

"I believe you call us 'Subterraneans.' We suffer from overpopulation. Therefore, we must now claim the world aboveground. I understand that there are many people on the surface too. As it stands, you are in our way. That is why we have decided to eradicate you all. Since our invasion commenced, 70% of the surface dwellers have been killed."

"WHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!?" The entirety of the cast shouts out while Saitama covers his ears.

"Impossible." Metal Knight states in a robotic tone.

"H-How?" Stitch frantically gasps for breaths.

The members of the cast begin frantically rambling to one another panicking at this news. The more stoic of the theater members just stare at the screen with narrowed eyes.

"This is a battle for survival. I hope you can understand that. However, this is unexpected. We have encountered no surface dwellers whom our punches would not kill."

Saitama smirks as he looks at the Subterraneans as they surround him.

"Same here. It's been too long since I've come across such worthy opponents, Subterraneans!" Saitama grins, causing the monsters to grow irate.

"Man baldy you sure are a badass sometimes!" Metal Bat exclaims, trying to forget the previous information.

Bang chuckles while stroking his mustache. "Yes, quite the 'badass' indeed."

"We are earthlings!" The monster cries out in anger. The subterranean monster punches Saitama, but the bald hero completely obliterates the monster with a single punch.

"But how?!"

"You bastard!"


A long fight ensues and near the end it appears that Saitama has fallen and finally lost. Many corpses are piled up on top of the deceased hero.

"It's over."

"What was that surface dweller?"

Suddenly the ground gives way as Saitama climbs up on top of the pile of corpses. His shirt torn and his eyes blazing.

"I'm… just a guy who's a hero for fun. I do not lose! And the surface… is under my protection!" Saitama declares while pounding his chest with a singular fist.

Everyone in the theater collectively thought 2 words. "SOOOO COOL!"

"Get em Saitama!" Metal Bat yelled out while waving his bat.

The less easily excited members simply wore a smug smile at the bald man's antics.

"Big talk for a race of vermin!"

"What is this feeling? This wild throbbing in my heart?! This rush, this tension! It's been so long, I forgot the exhilaration of a real fight! It's coming back to me. This is it!" Saitama grins wildly as he continues to batter the subterraneans.

"Did he get to feel it one more time?" Tatsumaki wonders, a little saddened by the thought of missing out on a challenge. Though, at the back of her mind she was beginning to feel a little suspicious of the whole scenario. How had she never heard of this?

"Man, this whole thing was all the more disappointing." Saitama mutters silently, but a few of the theater members wonder what Saitama could mean.

"Wait… Could it be?" Metal Knight ponders to himself.

A giant subterranean climbs out from under the ground with giant swords of blue fire. "Well, well… Looks like you've been taking good care of my children."

"Boss level." King smirks, though it goes unnoticed by the heroes.

"This is it!"

"I, the Subterranean King, will take you on."

"This is it!" Everyone thinks excitedly, copying the Saitama on screen.

"This is the very feeling I've been looking for!" Saitama cries out.

Then just as quickly as the fight was about to start it was drowned out by the sound of an alarm.

Saitama wakes up in his futon and smashes his alarm clock down into the floor.

"NANI!?" Everyone shouts in disbelief, even Genos.

"YOU IDIOT! THAT WAS A DREAM!? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING!?" Tatsumaki yells while smacking Saitama in the back of his head..

"I didn't wanna spoil the fun." Saitama grumbles while covering his ears for a second time.

"Man, I was hyped up for nothing." Metal Bat scowls, his previous pumped up feeling now gone.

"Well that's a relief. I was beginning to wonder how we missed such a catastrophe." An associate breathes out.

"The surface is ours! You surface dwellers must die!"

"Hoh? It was real after all?" Bang wonders aloud.

"I am the Subterranean King! Surface dwellers, prepare yourselves for–"

Saitama jumps out and lands on top of the "King's" head by accident.

"Well that was disappointing." Zombie Man mutters while scratching the back of his head.

"Tell me about it." Saitama replies, chuckling dejectedly.

"All right, bring it on!"

Saitama looks on excitedly only to see a white flag.


"I've become too strong…"

The screen then cuts to black and the cast relax in their seats. Left to think about the first "episode" they had just watched.

"That was the first episode of the series. What are your thoughts?"

Many of the theater members shout out to voice their opinions.

"That was incredible! How did we miss such a power house among us!?" Child Emperor exclaims in sheer confusion.

"To know one man contains so much power is hard to believe." Atomic Samurai states while fiddling with his wheat stalk.

"Brother? Did you know of Saitama-kun's strength?" Bomb questions the other old martial artist.

"I did. I discovered his incredible abilities when he destroyed the-" Bang gets cut off abruptly by the Screen.

"No spoilers. I would like everyone to watch in the order that the episodes are viewed."

"My apologies, Screen-sama." Bang bows his head while nodding an apology to his brother who just waves it off in understanding.

"Well on another note. Please relax before the second episode. I'm sure you'd like to stretch. Remember that food and refreshments are on the table. Yes you have to get up Pig god."