We return to the training facility as Saitama and Tatsumaki stand facing off against each other, prepared for their anticipated bout. Tatsumaki wears a smug grin as Saitama just blankly stares forward in a miniscule amount of interest.
A far distance away from Saitama and Tatsumaki the rest of the theater members watched in growing intrigue for the upcoming battle as most of them had never seen the great Tornado fight such a strong foe. Though… the bald hero himself was going to be a spectacle to watch, that is, if he could survive.
"So are you ready, baldy?" Tatsumaki questions, still smug yet slightly excited about the upcoming battle.
"Yup. Go all out." Saitama answers back with a nod while just standing nonchalantly.
Tatsumaki wears a large grin usually unfounded on the short tempered esper's face. "Alright you better not disappoint you bald idiot!"
"Do not take too long. While time has frozen outside of this domain I do wish to return you all eventually."
"Got it Screen. This will be quick anyways." Tatsumaki states with a smirk and confident tone, her hands already held out, ready to cause mayhem.
A few minutes later…
"WHY CAN'T I LIFT YOU!? WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF!?" Tatsumaki screeches in anger while a bright green glow surrounds both her and Saitama. The frustrated esper continues to try and lift with all her might, though Saitama just stands a few feet above the ground while yawning.
For the duration of the fight Saitama had mostly been dodging or punching away Tatsumaki's attacks until the esper began bending the area around him in order to squish the bald hero. At that point Saitama actually felt the need to use both of his hands which made her so annoyed that she just decided to lift him and throw him into the ceiling. Which was how they had arrived at this hilarious outcome.
"Unbelievable… Tornado wasn't able to even damage him at all." Stitch mutters in awe while watching the whole one-sided fight occur. If they could even call it a fight. While they had stayed incredibly far away, a few stray debris flew at them at rapid speeds though luckily, the S Class took care of that problem immediately.
"I mean this was kinda obvious, no? The guy punches away monsters without even trying." Metal Bat grunted out while swinging his bat at a stray rock, not really surprised by the outcome.
"The extensive evidence presented to us still did not give a comparison to Tornado's powers. I calculated that she would at least be able to damage the Caped Baldy. I did not expect her to lose so atrociously and without being able to lift him." Metal Knight stated in his mechanical tone.
"My power level reader doesn't work on him!? The heck is going on!?" Child Emperor cries out while holding his newly built now busted mask in annoyance.
Conversations on Saitama's power began to rise as Tatsumaki's anger marks grew even larger.
Fubuki suddenly shivers as she glances at her sister in realization and growing terror. "Everyone! We need to get out of here now!"
The rest of the audience members look at the younger esper in confusion before suddenly realizing what she was implying as the massive room began to shake.
"Alright. You want me to go all out? Fine." Tatsumaki coldly muttered under her breath. The others would be fine since the Screen would protect them. She wasn't going to be defeated this easily. She was going to make him fight. For real!
Saitama raises an eyebrow, sensing the growing power of the esper as a small grin paints his face. "Huh. So she was holding back too?"
The theater members immediately run for the doors as the massive fighting chamber begins to quake.
Darkshine carries as many association employees as he can while Fubuki uses her esper powers to fly them along with herself. Bang and Bomb carry a large pile of employees while Tank Top Master just lifts Mumen Rider onto his shoulders. Garou picks up Tareo swiftly and runs out through the doors, not wanting to mess with what was about to happen.
Tatsumaki glances over to the double doors scoffing at how slow they were to exit the fighting arena. "Are you sure you can take this, baldy? I'm not gonna be responsible for your death just because you didn't take me seriously."
"Eh. I'll be ok. Don't worry about me Tats, just give it your all." Saitama responds with a nonchalant wave of the hand, causing Tornado to become even angrier.
A strong green glow surrounds Saitama as he finds himself slightly weighed down. Saitama glances up at the esper who was now flying higher than before. He could still move, but he wanted to see what the esper was about to throw at him.
"Say goodnight you egghead." Tornado scowled coldly at the tiny bald man on the floor.
The ground shook and twisted around Saitama causing him to become "trapped" within the floor when he suddenly looked up to find an absolutely giant spear of debris the size of City Z ready to fall on his face.
"I'll hold back… I don't want to actually kill him. He should be able to handle this at the very least." Tornado scowled at herself for giving such high praise to this random nobody. Though… he wasn't such a nobody anymore was he?
With a deep breath, Tornado began to twist her hands together, condensing the giant spear of rock tightly. Saitama watched in slight awe as the rock began to glow and melt together before finally compacting fully into a bright spear of light.
"TAKE THIS YOU STUPID BALDY!! HHHAAAAAAA!!!!" Tatsumaki screams out while concentrating on bringing the spear down on top of the bald hero's head. Saitama just watches in slight astonishment as the spear begins to fall down at a surprising speed. He might actually need to put some strength into this punch.
With a casual motion Saitama breaks Tatsumaki's hold on him and unburrows himself causing Tatsumaki to wince and widen her eyes at the sight below her.
Saitama faced the giant spear of light with a serious expression painting his face before getting into a pose, reeling his clenched fist backwards, ready to deliver a punch. "Serious Series: Serious Punch."
Tatsumaki's eyes widened incomprehensibly at the last moment as Saitama unleashed his fist. "Oh Fu-"
A large explosion occurs, destroying the entire area as Saitama's fist unleashes itself just as the spear of light falls on top of the bald hero.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the double doors, massive shaking could be felt throughout the theater.
"Welp, looks like the short tempered bean sprout went all out." Metal Bat mutters while rolling his eyes.
"I wonder how much energy she used… you think the egghead is alive?" Child Emperor questioned in a mix of curiosity and interest.
"He most definitely is still alive." Zombie Man answered with a deadpan.
"Sis…?" Fubuki had felt it at the last moment, even if it was just for a second… her sister was terrified. "What the hell happened in there?" Fubuki could only worry to herself as her thoughts clouded her mind.
"Master… did you have fun?" Genos wondered while staring at the double doors in curiosity. Has the Terrible Tornado given his Sensei a good challenge? One that he was incapable of giving?
As the dust settles Tatsumaki laid on the ground while clutching her head in agony. The blast from the bald idiot's punch caught her off guard so she wasn't able to fully strengthen her shields. "Ughhh. I wanna throw up." Tatsumaki held a hand to her mouth to avoid actually puking.
Suddenly, a familiar irritating voice makes itself known. "Hey. Nice fight. You're pretty strong and you've got some cool moves." Saitama says while holding a thumbs up, a small smile painted onto his face.
Tatsumaki widened her eyes, her nausea disappearing in favor of surprised frustration. "PRETTY STRONG!? I WASN'T EVEN ABLE TO DAMAGE YOU! YOU LOOK COMPLETELY FINE!" Tatsumaki screeches out in pure irritation. She'd never felt this powerless against a single force let alone a single person.
"Yeah. You hit me a couple times and I know you went easy on me just to be safe." Saitama responded in a neutral tone.
"Wha- Wai- huh?" Tatsumaki stuttered before clutching her head much to Saitama's confusion. "I didn't go easy! I mean sure I didn't try to kill him, but this is ridiculous. I used at least 65% of my powers!" Tatsumaki muttered in her head.
Saitama gave a small smile to the short esper as he reached his hand out to lift her up. "I can tell you're a good hero. Even though you probably wanted to go all out and feel that feeling again you still held back because you didn't want to hurt me, just in case. I think that's pretty admirable." Saitama states as Tatsumaki just stares at his hand.
Tatsumaki suddenly goes bright red at the praise before exploding into annoyance and smacking the red gloved hand away while flying to eye level with Saitama. "Wha- shut up! I–OF COURSE I WASN'T GOING ALL OUT! I JUST DIDN'T WANNA KILL YOU! Hmph. Stupid blady!"
"Yeah I just said that." Saitama sweat drops while tuning out Tornado's rant.
"Alright now that we're all done, can we continue the viewing? Also don't tell anyone about that last bit of your fight. That would be a spoiler so keep silent about that last clash of powers."
"Huh? Oh yeah sure. Thanks for the fight Tats." Saitama says while returning to his neutral expression.
"Sure whatever dumb Screen." Tatsumaki huffs before turning to Saitama with a softer yet still frustrated expression. "Hey. Fight me again. On another day, I'll show you more of my moves since I'm sure you could actually take it." Tatsumaki grumbles out.
"Uh sure, let's fight again." A slightly confused Saitama responds with a raised fist of motivation.
"And… sorry for not being able to give you a good fight." Tatsumaki whispers quietly, her gaze shifting to a random wall.
"Sorry, what was that?" Saitama turns back around, not really having paid any attention to the esper.
"NOTHING!" Tatsumaki yells back before flying into the theater.
Back in the theater the cast bombard the duo with their questions when the Screen suddenly interrupts them. Whether to save them from Tornado's wrath or just to proceed with the viewing, who knows?
"We will now begin the next episode. Are there any questions? No? Very well."
A few shout in protest until the screen blackens then immediately floods with color, a sight the cast was very much getting annoyed with.
"Long ago, there existed a brilliant young scientist."
"I forgot about this…" Saitama sighs and grumbles while dragging a hand down his face.
"What? Another villain monologue?" Zombie Man questions, slightly dreading the answer.
"YuP." Saitama responds, resounding the P.
"I believe this 'monologue' will be very informative." Genos muttered while watching the screen blanky.
"By dint of his astonishing genius, he was able to make a number of contributions to human knowledge. Eventually, however, he became disillusioned with the world. Though constantly showered with praise for the subtlety of his mind, none of his ideas or theories ever received even the slightest support from the scientific community." The same man as before appears on the screen once more.
"We should not be striving to advance human civilization, but rather the artificial evolution of humans as a species. "
"That was the only dream he had ever had, but not a single person came forward to help him fulfill that dream."
"Damn these apes! Dangerous ideas?" Writing about me as if I were some freak? Do they really think humans have come this far by avoiding risks? Idiots who think they no longer need to evolve have no right to pass on their genes! Of course, this plan was always for my own sake. I will carry it out... even if I must do it all myself!
"Thereafter, he devoted himself to research. It was only after he turned that his efforts began to yield results. First, the scientist regained his youth."
The old man appears as good as new.
"Holy crap he really de-aged! What the hell?" Metal bat yells out while watching the screen in great interest.
"Not impossible, but extremely impressive. He really is a top level geneticist. That being said… I wonder what he is doing now?" Metal Knight states before questioning himself on the whereabouts of the doctor.
"I wonder how many test subjects he had to accomplish that." Zombie Man scoffs out in irony.
"Next, he began cloning himself."
"What is this? A science-fiction film?" Tatsumaki wonders incredulously.
"Kinda ironic coming from you. And most of the S Class to be honest." WatchDog Man speaks up randomly while scratching his ear.
"Hmph. My powers are way more real than cloning." Tatusmaki huffs at the dog man.
"Clearly not." Genos internally laughs, but keeps a stoic look on his face.
"He named his laboratory the House of Evolution, and together with his clones he conducted countless experiments with animals to create new species. Eventually, his experiments shifted to human subjects–"
"This is taking too long!" Saitama yells out, frustration evident in his tone.
"What's this got to do with me? You're just trying to act cool again. Just get to the point, okay?"
"My master is a busy man. Summarize it in words or less."
"Ironic coming from you, toaster." Tatsumaki mocks Genos with a snicker.
"You literally talk as much as the gorilla." Child Emperor states with a deadpan.
"...I-I'm sorry. So, in other words, my boss has become very curious about your body."
"I'm not interested in dudes."
"Aw poo." Puri Puri Prisoner mutters to himself.
"I think you misunderstood, Master. He plans to use your body, which surpasses normal human limitations, for his research on evolution. If we don't do something, I'm sure he'll try again. We cannot allow him a free hand. Our move should be to attack him."
"Sure, let's go."
"Okay. Huh? Now?!"
"Yeah, there's a sale on tomorrow. Can't do it then." Saitama begins walking off.
"Wait, hold on. If Caped Baldy was there too does that mean Demon Cyborg didn't destroy the base?" A random employee questions the cyborg in unfounded suspicion.
"Incorrect. I did destroy the base, however, an even larger threat revealed itself within the confines of Genus' laboratory. Sensei took care of the threat very easily." Genos states proudly while correcting the associates.
"Is this true Caped Baldy?" Stitch questions in suspicion.
Saitama looks over to the man in confusion before nodding. "Uh yeah Genos destroyed the base."
Stitch sighs while holding a hand to his head. "No… about the extremely large threat?"
"Oh. Uh… I mean I killed it in one punch so I dunno." Saitama answers with a shrug.
"The cyborg might be a little tough to handle in the future… Eh, I'll figure it out once I get there." Garou maliciously thought while observing said cyborg.
"Master!" Genos follows after his new teacher.
"This doesn't sound good. Better tell the Doctor..." Armored Gorilla's head opens to reveal a mini radar beacon.
"Hey, you." Genos comes back into view prompting Armored Gorilla to hide the small satellite.
"Oh. Yes?" The scared gorilla questions in confusion.
"I have one last question. Was the House of Evolution developing cyborgs prior to four years ago? How many more cyborgs are there? Have any of them destroyed towns in the past?"
"Jeez let the guy breathe Genos." Zombie Man chuckled out while watching the screen in amusement.
"Nah he's gotta kill him with interrogation!" Metal Bat laughs loudly while pointing at the screen.
The Armored Gorilla looks at Genos in slight confusion. "I'm not sure, but at the House of Evolution, I'm the only combat cyborg."
The camera pans to the geneticist Genus and his clones.
"Our elite force, formed for the extermination of these obsolete humans, wiped out?!"
"According to Armored Gorilla's report, the two responsible are on their way here."
"If they come, all our research, everything we've been working on, could be destroyed."
"This is a serious matter."
"The only option is to use our Trump card. Begin preparations for the release of Carnage Kabuto."
"-No, not him!"
"-That's crazy!"
"-He'll finally be released?
"-He's right. That might be the only way."
"-But maybe we should stop him."
"-It's too dangerous."
"-I have a bad feeling about this."
"-Is that the only way?"
"Was the monster down in the spooky basement that scary?" Metal Bat sarcastically asks while rolling his eyes.
"I mean it was kinda creepy? It was more gross if anything to be honest." Saitama mutters disappointedly while looking down at his hand in remembrance of the short fight.
"Baldy, your monster ratings don't count. Oi cyborg, since you couldn't beat it, what rating do you think it was?" Tatsumaki mutters before turning to Genos and questioning in a demanding tone.
Genos stares at her for a few seconds before sighing. "While my strength at the time was miniscule, even now with my current upgrades I still find the monster's strength to be overwhelming. I'm sure it was a low Dragon, possibly a mid-tier Dragon. At minimum I do not think the lower S-Class could handle him."
"Who do you think you're talking about? I coulda handle whatever was down there!" Metal Bat exclaims while standing up from his seat and shouldering his bat.
"I'd like to state that in a further future some of the S-Class did attempt to fight the monster within the dungeon as a simulation. Genos is correct, a majority of the lower S-Class failed. Including you Metal Bat."
"Tch. I probably didn't get pumped up enough. Demon? Dragon? No way I lose that easily!" Metal Bat indignantly shouts out while waving his bat.
"That is true, you only lasted 3 minutes before getting knocked out. You were unable to enter a 'pumped up' state due to how fast you were defeated."
"Pfhh HAHA! Looks like you couldn't even take a beating let alone beat it!" Tatsumaki laughs out loud while Metal Bat sinks to his seat in embarrassment.
The cast chuckles at the amusing interaction.
"Be calm! He will be our last resort."
"First, from the first to the eighth floor, we'll activate all our traps. If we're lucky, they will take care of the intruders. I'm fully aware of what will happen to me should we fail."
The camera pans to Saitama and Genos traveling to the laboratory at brisk speed.
"I didn't think we'd be running the whole way." Genos states out loud.
"How else are we gonna get there?" Saitama questions with a raised eyebrow.
"I was sure you could fly or something." Genos muttered.
"Humans can't fly, you know." Saitama eye rolls while continuing to run at an impossible speed for the average human.
"Gee I guess I'm not human then." Tatsumaki mutters humorlessly with slight annoyance.
"Well not in the normal sense you're not." Fubuki eyerolls with a small sigh.
"Uh… Caped Baldy you do know that humans can't do half the things you can right?" Child Emperor questions, slightly confused at the bald hero's thought process.
"I mean yeah, but if I can do it, doesn't that mean anyone can? As long as they train I think you can get strong." Saitama responds nonchalantly.
"Strong and whatever you are, Baldy, are two completely different things." Tatsumaki states with a slightly frustrated tone. She was getting tired of how dense this idiot could be.
"I agree. I've been training for so long and I definitely can't do most of what you can." Darkshine mutters a bit dejected at the large gap of strength between the two of them.
"He's right. Only through the power of my tank-top was I able to achieve this level of strength. But even then, in the face of your power I cannot compare." Tank Top Master says while looking downcast.
"Hey I'm sure the screen will tell you my training method. Once that's done you guys can give it a try." Saitama says, attempting to cheer up a large portion of the cast.
"The baldy's training method… he really didn't use any drugs or enhancements? Then again I don't think either of those could give anyone that kind of strength." Tatsumaki muses in silence while remembering his previous punch as Fubuki just gives her a curious glance.
"It's amazing that you are never late. You are a true hero." Genos comments as Saitama continues to run.
"Actually, I hardly ever arrive on time." Saitama responds with a monotone.
"It's kinda ironic. I feel like you're always early and we just never see you." Zombie Man mutters while remembering the previous fights.
"It is odd how easily we were able to miss such a being." Metal Knight wonders aloud.
"I mean all of my fights usually end pretty quick." Saitama responds with a shrug.
"But don't you want your credit?" Metal Bat asks with a bit of confusion.
"Credit? I mean as long as I can save people and find a good opponent, why does credit matter?" Saitama says somewhat bored.
A large portion of the audience gaze at the bored man in a mix of growing emotions. Whether it be admiration, confusion, pride, or even disdain, they all subconsciously accepted that the man before them had the heart of a true hero without any of them actually realizing it.
"Sensei. Truly an honorable man. I'm sure he does not realize the weight of his own words." Genos ponders over his Master's thoughts.
"We're here."
"This is the place Gorilla told us of."
"So this is…"
"...the House of Evolution."
"One, two, three, four, five, six... Looks like it's about eight stories high–"
Suddenly Saitama gets interrupted as Genos fires off a large blast to destroy the entire building.
"You moron! There could have been test subjects in there!" Tatsumaki shouts at the cyborg who flinches but remains still.
"I did not find any life signals within the building." Genos states calmly without looking at the short esper.
"Tch. Your sensors could always be faulty or maybe they had something to block your scanning! You ever think about that?" Tatsumaki rebuts Genos' statement much to the shock of the cyborg.
"She is… right. How could I have been so foolish? Did I murder an innocent being in that laboratory?" Genos looks down at his hand in shame and grimaces. He then winces before writing Tornado's words into his notebook begrudgingly.
Meanwhile, a majority of the audience are surprised at Tornado's "reprimanding" of the Demon Cyborg and her care for innocent lives.
"Heh. Didn't think the shrimp cared about people." Metal Bat whispers to Zombie Man.
"You learn new things every now and then I guess." Zombie Man responds in a whisper.
"Uh...what was that all of a sudden?"
"Yes. I decided it would be most efficient to destroy them all in one swoop."
"Well, that's true but… We could have at least seen what the bad guys had in store for us. That was kind of mean."
"Ugh, of course the baldy's first thought is about his boredom." Tatsumaki rumbles in her head with a deadpan.
"I apologize, Sensei. You sought to teach me a lesson I so foolishly ignored! I shall no longer misunderstand your teachings anymore!" Genos declared in his heart with full determination.
"Looks like there's a basement." Saitama states as he casually rips open the floor hatch.
The camera pans to one of Genus' clones shooting at a hidden figure.
"S-Stop!" A terrified Genus clone shouts out.
As the hidden figure kills off the clone the original Genus steps forward before addressing the monster. "Hey, Carnage Kabuto. Are you well? It appears you've killed a bunch of my clones again. Satisfied?"
The now named Carnage Kabuto turns to look at the tiny man. "Huh?" The monster finally shows itself taking the appearance of some sort of beetle.
"Fool! Why would I be satisfied? I've been kept locked up deep beneath the Earth. Me! The strongest warrior in the entire House of Evolution."
"So this thing is the so-called dragon that mopped the floor with you?" Metal Bat grumbles out while questioning Genos.
"Correct. I could not even land an effective hit on him." Genos responds.
"Doesn't look tough at all. No wonder the Baldy killed it in one hit." Tatsumaki smugly states.
"You are mentally unstable. We couldn't control you. There was no choice."
"Control? You moron! I am the culmination of the "New Human" you guys have sought for so long. My intelligence and physical strength and your own are incomparable! You should be the ones obeying me."
"Man, is it just me, or do all monsters have insane egos?" Child Emperor questions no one in particular.
"I have to agree hehe. They always seem very confident when fighting." Mumen Rider sighs out knowing it's probably due to how weak he is.
"Yeah, now that I think about it, most of their monologues are about how strong they are or whatever." Zombie Man agrees.
"No. You're a failure. It's true you perform at unheard of levels, but it is humanity you lack."
"Go ahead, kill me. Plenty of clones could take my place."
"But I have a favor to ask first. There's a specimen I must have. He is extremely strong. Only you can defeat him. I want you to catch him for me… ...dead or alive."
The camera pans to Saitama and Genos traversing the corridor
"This basement is huge! I'm getting kind of fired up."
"Huh? I sense living beings deeper in… Master, two of them are approaching."
"You had hope? That is surprising." Drive Knight comments.
"Eh. I tend to get my hopes up over every fight I have. Maybe I'll get lucky one day." Saitama responds in slight sadness.
The camera turns to show Carnage Kabuto rushing through the halls while holding the original Genus
"Oh, here we go! There are two. Which one is it?"
"The one on the right…" Genus struggles out.
"In that case, you don't need the one on the left!"
Carnage Kabuto smashes Genos into the wall
"HAHA! The Cyborg got turned into modern art!" Tatsumaki laughs out.
Saitama gives a small look of surprise remembering the same joke he used when he challenged Kabuto
"Seeing as you are still here I am assuming you recovered from that?" Drive Knight questions.
"Yes. I was only out of commission for a short while." Genos answers.
"Genos? Huh?"
"Hey… I am Carnage Kabuto! We got a combat experimentation room. Let's do this in there."
"You turned Genos into a piece of modern art. Fight's on!"
Saitama looks fired up
"Hoh. Did you not think to check up on Genos Saitama-kun?" Bang asks.
"Oh uh. I was excited?" Saitama shrugs his shoulders looking a little ashamed.
"Do not worry Sensei. If I could not recover from such a hit I would not deserve to be your disciple." Genos states with a little too much conviction.
"No Genos he's right. I shoulda made sure you were ok before trying to fight the guy. Kinda my job as your teacher ey?"
"This guy… sucks at being a teacher heh." Atomic Samurai shakes his head while finally realizing Saitama's plight.
Genos gives a small look of a appreciation as he nods at his Sensei
The small group arrive to the training chamber
"Pretty big, eh? It's the biggest room in the facility. This is where they make us fight to test our combat abilities. Well then, let's start the killing–"
Suddenly bursts of fire come from the entrance hitting Carnage Kabuto with little effect
"Oh? Still alive, huh?"
Genos begins firing up his systems and rushes towards Kabuto, shooting many blasts of fire that do no discernible damage to the beetle.
"You fool!"
Kabuto blocks all the blasts and at the same time Genos moves upward to deliver an attack.
"Machine Gun Blows!" Genos cries out.
Kabuto promptly smashes Genos away after taking no damage from the barrage of punches.
"He got me. Let me... take him…" Genos struggles out in a strained tone.
"Your face is all cracked. Don't push yourself." Saitama answers back with a semi concerned expression.
Genos fires one last blast of fire when Kabuto suddenly blows the fire away with his breath.
Genos' eyes widen as the flames near the duo. "With his breath? Impossible!"
The flames engulf the two as Saitama's face becomes visible once the smoke clears. "Genos, you okay?"
Genos coughs. "Yes…"
Saitama's eyes widen as he looks at his disciple. "No you're not! Look at your head!" The camera pans to a Genos with his hair bursting up into an afro.
"PFHH HAHAHAHA!" Tatsumaki immediately starts laughing with a bunch of others.
"Oh my gosh this is too good." Metal Bat slowly speaks, holding his stomach from laughing too much.
"Hehehe. He's got an afro." Tareo snickers.
"Don't worry Genos. It wasn't that bad." Saitama attempts to comfort Genos while trying not to laugh.
"Even Sensei… so this is betrayal." Genos thinks sarcastically.
"You've gone and gotten my hopes up."
The camera pans to a still alive Genus walking towards the training facility.
"I have always been critical of humans and their inferior abilities. The entire species, aside from myself, can be viewed only as dumb animals. That realization was agony for me. If memory serves, I was 15 when it occurred to me. A plan to evolve the human animal and create a world where I could live contentedly. A utopia of my own, created by me. A world made up of only us, the new human breed that will transcend humanity! I must see it through. Compared to my anguish back then, this physical pain I feel now is nothing."
"Man! Talk about ego. This stuff puts Tornado to shame." Metal Bat mutters out.
"Hah? What did you say, brat?" Tatsumaki sneers.
"You're the shorty!" Metal Bat retaliates with a scowl.
The two start bickering when objects along with the punk hero suddenly become enveloped in a green glow, causing Metal Bat to sweat slightly with a worried expression.
"Alright you've forced my hand."
Suddenly, all the objects and Metal Bat fall to the ground with Tornado now looking very shocked.
"Tch. Annoying ass screen." Tatsumaki scowls upward as her powers disappear.
"No fighting. This is your last warning. And please for the love of everything good, don't pester Tornado, Metal Bat."
"Haigh. Fine, fine. Whatever." Metal Bat mutters, though on the inside, he was actually quite relieved.
"What happened to Genus? You know, like after the avocado head demolishes Kabuto" Child Emperor questions.
"We never found him at the sight…" A random employee responds while slowly turning to the two heroes.
The audience also turns to the duo in charge of the destruction of the House of Evolution.
"Uh…." Saitama looks nervously.
"The rest of the viewing will reveal what occurred. Please be patient."
"What's the hold up? Let's go! Bring everything you've got."
"Carnage Kabuto-a demon incarnate, the strongest and most brutal creation of the House of Evolution. Let's see how you, at your archaic stage of human development, fare against a monster that is the final form of artificial evolution. Or will you be the trigger for a new evolution? I can't wait to find out!"
"The bastard's not even scared of what happens after the fight. Typical Genus." Zombie Man wonders in irritation.
"Oh, I see it. I see it! You're supposed to be strong." Kabuto shouts smugly.
"Don't disappoint me now. You're this place's ultimate weapon, right? You're clearly not the same as the guys from this morning. Look at you, just oozing with confidence." Saitama dons a serious face.
"There's that dumb serious face again. Why does his face change like that?" Tatsumaki furiously glares at the screen.
"Why is my sister so scary…" Fubuki looks away nervously from the short esper while "crying" tears.
Suddenly Kabuto rushes forward with a great deal of speed, surprising both Genos and Genus. "Such speed!"
"It ain't that fast. I think you overestimated the bug." Metal Bat states.
"Yah, still lost to it, dumbass." Zombie Man speaks in a joking manner.
"Asshole." Metal Bat grumbles out in embarrassment.
"Hey WatchDog. You think you could win in a fight with that?" Darkshine questions.
"Probably." WatchDog Man responds in a tone that could rival Saitama's emotionless speaking.
As Kabuto comes behind Saitama reeling back his fist to punch him, Saitama looks toward him emanating a deathly aura
Kabuto promptly opens up his wings and flies to the wall.
Saitama turns to where Kabuto had retreated to and lets out a sigh. "What are you doing? Hey."
"He just backed off? Carnage Kabuto?!" Genus wonders in disbelief.
"If I'd attacked him just now, he'd have killed me. Who the hell is this guy?"
"Oh so that's what happened. I guess he knew I was about to punch him, that's pretty cool I guess." Saitama mutters out.
Everyone collectively deadpans as Saitama misses the fact that a monster even realized how strong he was.
"Yah think that's what monsters see when they fight us?" Metal Bat questions.
"Probably not from the less destructive members of our little group." Zombie Man answers with a tired tone.
"I'm sure it's probably worse when they fight King." Child Emperor wonders out loud.
"Please don't mention me…" King thinks to himself with dread filling his heart.
"These guys have zero aura. The baldy on the other hand…" Garou thinks in silence as Bang observes him inconspicuously.
"He's leaving himself wide open, yet all my instincts are screaming, sending out danger signals!"
"You bastard! How the hell did you get that strong?!"
"So you wanna know too? Okay, fine."
"Wait, wait, Baldy? You told them all the secret to your power right there?" Tatsumaki's questions, completely taken by surprise.
"Uh. I mean yeah they asked. It's not like my training method is a secret or anything." Saitama mutters back in a monotone.
"Please continue the viewing. You will find out shortly why it does not matter."
A few of the audience grumble at this, but otherwise quiet down.
"Genos, you listen carefully too."
"He's going to tell us right now?"
"The secret to Master's power...?"
"I'd like to know too."
"Huh? Who are you?"
"I am Genus."
"Well, fine. Listen up."
"It's too risky! He can't let these guys know his secret!"
"At least one of you has a brain." Tatsumaki grumbles out.
"I can't believe you gave such a dangerous man extremely important information." Zombie Man states to no one with barely contained irritation.
"Oh lord, they are going to be so disappointed."
"First, what's important is to make sure you stick to this intense training regimen."
"Training? Not modification surgery or genetic enhancement, but training?"
"What training...?"
"Listen, Genos. You just have to keep doing it. No matter how hard it gets. It took me three years to get this strong. One hundred push-ups! One hundred sit-ups! One hundred squats! Then a ten kilometer run. Every single day!" Saitama wears an even more serious expression as it feels like emotional music plays in the background.
"You're… you're joking, right?" Tatsumaki mutters in an almost lifeless state.
"My muscles are a joke." Darkshine looks like a crumpled up piece of paper.
The other two muscle heads simply hand their towels and forfeited their titles as strong heroes.
"That is impossible." Metal Knight's drone seemed to be short circuiting somehow.
"That's not even funny at all." Atomic Samurai looked like he could commit seppuku right then and there.
"H-How…? What?" Child Emperor looks like his head is spinning round and round.
"And of course, make sure you eat three meals a day. Just a banana in the morning is fine. But the most important thing is SAVE MONEY to never use the A/C or heat in the summer or winter SAVE MONEY so that you can strengthen the mind."
The other 3 in the room increasingly get more confused.
"In the beginning, you'll wish you were dead. You might start thinking what's the harm of taking a day off? But for me, in order to be a strong hero, no matter how tough it was, even if I was spitting blood, I never stopped. I kept doing squats even when my legs were so heavy they refused to move. Even when my arms started making weird clicking noises, I kept doing push-ups. A year and a half later, I started to notice a difference. I was bald…"
"So that's why he's bald?" A majority of the audience questioned themselves while trying to forget the nonsense they heard.
"And I had become stronger! In other words, you gotta train like hell to the point where your hair falls out. That's the only way to become strong. The guys that are fooling around with the "new human race" and evolution junk will never make it this far. Human beings are strong because we have the ability to change ourselves."
"Is this guy...for real?"
"Master… You are so… full of crap!" Genos shouts in outrage.
"That is nothing but standard strength training! And it's not even that intense! It's just a normal level! I...I have to get stronger. I didn't ask to study under you just to hear jokes! Master Saitama, your power is clearly stronger than what you'd get from just training your body. That's right, I want to know your-We want to know your true secret!" Genos screams in an almost rage-like state.
"Yeah seriously there is no way you're not joking, baldy. That was worse than your mosquito puns." Tatsumaki states with barely contained irritation. She seemed ready to twist anyone who annoyed her even the slightest bit.
"If you weren't lying then literally everyone would be physically as strong as you sir." A random employee mutters.
"That was kinda lame." Tareo sighs out.
"This guy is not serious. I refuse to believe the idea that this guy was just given godly strength." Garou fumes in anger and frustration at the unfairness of the world.
"Saitama-kun, is this really how it happened?" Bang wonders in silence. Ruminating on whether or not his martial arts could ever hold a candle to Saitama's strength.
Meanwhile Saitama just looks at everyone and shrugs. "I dunno what to tell you guys, sorry."
"While you may find it hard to believe, Saitama is not lying. Although there are more pieces to the puzzle than what has been revealed so far."
"You're kidding. So that ridiculous strength training actually made him that strong?" Tatsumaki questions exasperated.
"What piece of the puzzle could we be missing?" Metal Knight ponders while writing some things down.
"Perhaps there was something other than training?" Bang wonders aloud.
"All will be revealed in due time."
Most of the audience just grumble at the mysterious screen hiding information from them.
"Genos… You may not believe me, but that's really all I did."
Genos looked less angry and more shocked at Saitama's statement.
"Oh yeah?" Carnage Kabuto started bulking up angrily.
"No! Carnage Kabuto!"
"If you don't wanna tell us your secret... so be it."
Carnage Kabuto seemed to be undergoing a transformation as he grew bigger while molting off his brown shell in favor of a purple one.
"Stop! You'll go on another rampage!"
"I bet you aren't stronger than me anyway! But, since you pissed me off, I'm gonna annihilate you."
Kabuto rushes at Saitama with an even faster speed than before, shocking many of the theater members.
"When I get like this I lose control for a whole week and my lust for death cannot be quelled!"
Kabuto throws many punches at a rapid pace making Genos' machine gun blows look pathetic.
"After I kill you, I'll head into town and go on a killing rampage until next Saturday! If you are indeed a strong hero, then try and stop me!"
Suddenly Saitama wears an almost despair filled face. "No way... it can't be."
"Oh what stupid reason is it now? We know it definitely didn't hurt you at all, Baldy." Tatsumaki questions in annoyance.
"One of the biggest mistakes of my life." Saitama answers with an extremely depressed voice.
Genos just shakes his head in amusement, remembering what had actually plagued his Sensei's mind.
"Dammit. I may have made a horrible mistake. This guy's in Carnage mode… He said he'll be on a rampage for a whole week?"
"Death, death, death, death, death, death, Death, death, death, death, death!" Kabuto continues his rampage on Saitama.
"He'll be like this till next Saturday? One whole week from today… Next Saturday… In other words, today is Saturday too. That means…"
"It's all over. There's no one in this world that can stop him."
"That means... Today is… Bargain day at the supermarket!" Saitama screams out while punching Kabuto and cleaving through his body.
"Who the hell is this guy?" Genus questions out loud in great shock.
Saitama drops to the floor and begins screaming in agony. "I screwed up!"
"What is he–"
"I'm pretty sure he's upset about this." Genos holds up a flier.
Everyone collectively smacks their heads loudly.
"Of course it was groceries. The only thing that can bug the baldy." Tatsumaki mutters out in a defeated yet still somehow irritated tone.
"I don't know why I was genuinely worried." Child Emperor grumbled out.
"Well at least we know he'll appreciate the discounts." Stitch deadpans.
"You're the cheapest man I've ever met." Metal Bat grunts out.
Genos runs over to Saitama with the flier in hand.
"Master, the store closes at 10 PM."
"That is about four hours away. If we really hurry, we can make it." Genos informs his depressed Master.
Saitama's face lightens up like the sun. "I'll make it if I hurry?"
"Let's go, Genos!"
"Yes, Master!"
"Hoho. As lively as ever, Genos-kun. If only Charanko could attain your levels of enthusiasm." Bang chuckles out as Genos just nods curtly.
"Jeez you're like a fanboy or something." Child Emperor snickers while licking a lollipop.
"I think I'm done with evolution." Genus mutters as his glasses slip.
Suddenly a devastating boom is heard as the camera pans to Saitama who had punched a hole in the wall of the facility, revealing a beautiful mountainscape in the wake of his destruction.
"It appears... I am the one who must change." Genus sighs tiredly as his glasses completely fall off.
"I don't believe it. You actually broke him…" Zombie Man mutters in pure shock.
"Do we even need to worry about this guy?" Metal Bat questions in a tired tone.
"He needs to be brought in to pay for his crimes." Stitch states with a sweat drop.
"He punched the wall so nonchalantly. I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that." Tatsumaki thinks to herself while gazing at the giant hole in the facility wall.
"Wow! Mr. Caped Baldy is so cool!" Tareo yells out, throwing his hands in the air.
"Incredible…" Mumen rider exclaims in awe.
"I just punched a wall guys, nothing serious." Saitama deadpans in slight confusion, wondering why they were all so impressed.
"Yes. The on-site investigation is underway. Yes, that's correct. Just like the other cases, the area has been thoroughly burnt by intense flames. Everything points to the young cyborg being responsible for this. Yes, understood."
"Oh my lord. You associates didn't even see the bald guy? How is that even possible!" Tatsumaki questions in irritation while throwing her hands up in the air dramatically.
"To be fair Ms. Tornado we never even knew he was there and only saw the remnants of destruction similar to previous sights. We just assumed it was all done by the Demon Cyborg." Stitch states.
"Genos, how come you didn't tell them about Saitama?" Zombie Man asks in confusion.
"They never asked. And at the time, I did not think to tell them about my great master." Genos answers bluntly.
Everyone just deadpans at how unlucky Saitama is with how much of his feats had gone unacknowledged by mere coincidences.
The camera pans to the hole made by Saitama with the association employees looking in awe.
"Such a devastating amount of power."
The screen shuts off, signaling the end of this episode.
"That was episode 3. I hope to continue immediately, but if there are any questions I will answer them."
"Uh… how many more episodes are there before we get to new stuff?" Saitama questions.
"Around 9 more, but this viewing is less for you and more for them, Saitama. If you wish, I could take you back to your world?"
Oddly enough most of the audience go rigid and hold their breaths for some reason.
"Wha- no, no. I just wanted to know. I like seeing everyone's adventures and stuff too. It'll be nice to see what other heroes are doing."
And just like that, the people let out breaths of relief.
"Very well. Most of the first season does revolve around you, Saitama, but the second one will give more insight into the other heroes."
"Sweet." Saitama says nonchalantly.
"Wait until you see how I take care of monsters. I clean up cities faster than you can say City Z!" Tatsumaki brags with a smug grin painted across her face.
"Can't wait to see me clobbering some monster scum!" Metal Bat states in excitement.
"The speed at which I slay my enemies will surprise even you Caped Baldy." Flashy Flash finally speaks after merely sitting in silence for the entire viewing.
"I just want to know what happened on the alien ship to be honest." Tank Top Master says aloud..
"True. That must have been quite the battle. I'm sure Saitama-kun's explanation downplays its significance." Bang says while wondering how strong Saitama's foe truly was.
"Seems everyone is excited about seeing themselves on the screen." An employee sighs out.
"I swear most of the S-Class are kids." Another employee mutters while holding his head.
Some of the audience members begin chatting with one another as others get up to relieve themselves.
"Then we shall begin in 5 minutes. Take your breaks."