The screen blackens before brightening in color much to the chagrin of the cast.
"It's been five days since I debuted as a professional hero. There haven't been any serious incidents so far. However, for some reason Genos is staying at my house." Saitama can be heard thinking to himself while looking at Genos writing in his notebook.
Saitama raises a curious eyebrow. "What are you writing over there?"
"I'm recording the details of your lessons and training regimen." Genos responds as the notebook is revealed to show a simple drawing of Saitama sitting and reading manga with calculations covering the edges.
"Pfh. Tin-can, you can't be serious right?" Tatsumaki scoffs at the cyborg in a semi joking manner.
Genos just gives her a fully serious look as Tornado's expression changes from a joking one to a deadpan. "Good lord you are."
"Why are you surprised? It's Genos you're talking about." Saitama mutters while dreadfully hoping Genos doesn't comment on his next inner thoughts.
"Genos isn't that bad." Mumen Rider chuckles as Genos just side-eyes the hero.
"Crap. He's raising the bar again... I can't think of a single thing I can teach the guy. I feel bad, like I'm scamming him or something. Come on, think. Or just make up some techniques or a spiritual theory. Bah, strength training is all I've got! I know Genos won't be satisfied with that, plus the dude's a cyborg!" Saitama increasingly gets more stressed as he lets his inner dialogue continue.
Everyone in the theater gives Saitama a funny look before choosing not to comment. Meanwhile, Genos just sits stiffly in his seat with no visible change in his expression.
"G-Genos?" Saitama looks over to his disciple mentally preparing for the questions while also feeling pretty guilty.
Genos looks down at his lap with a neutral face before turning to look at Saitama and giving a small smile. "I figured that much Master. You do not need to feel ashamed, for I have chosen to follow you for reasons greater than you imagine." Genos cryptically responds while easing Saitama from his mental burden.
"Alright... I still feel bad though..." Saitama sweat drops while scratching the back of his head. Though he felt relieved he couldn't help but question to himself over the cyborg's odd reply.
"By the way, at the seminar they said if you're a Class C hero and you have no hero activity for a week, your name will be removed from the Hero Registry. Will you be all right, Master?" Genos questions his frozen Master.
"They said that?!" Saitama gives a mixed look of surprise and worry.
"Yes." Genos responds with a nod.
"Man, you really suck at paying attention to important things!" Metal Bat laughs out at the bald man's plight while smacking his leg.
"Since when did you ever pay attention?" Zombie Man retorts while smirking as the previously obnoxious Metal Bat was now sneering at him.
"No one pays attention unless it's a super important meeting." Child Emperor sighs while rolling his eyes at his co-workers.
"But I was watching TV and there wasn't anything going on." Saitama gives a worried look.
"The news only reports major incidents, like natural disasters, terrorism and dangerous monsters. You always fight the most powerful enemies, so you probably do not know it, but Class C heroes primarily take care of purse snatchers, robberies and random attacks." Saitama's face continuously grows more concerned with each sentence Genos finishes.
"With Class C so full of heroes, to survive they must actively look for cases to resolve. I hear many of them get discouraged and change careers. Like a salesman doing cold calls, nothing will come your way without legwork." Genos explains.
"This is no time to be reading manga!" Saitama suddenly shouts as he begins putting his hero suit on.
"So we're going?" Genos questions while putting his notebook down.
"I think you're gonna do more harm than good Genos." Metal Bat sweat drops at the somehow smart yet dense cyborg with a deadpan look.
"With your presence at any of the fights, the credit would most likely go to you rather than some random hero." Child Emperor comments as he points at Saitama.\
"But Master is not some random hero!" Genos calls out in indignation as the rest sigh.
"The point is that other people see him that way." Zombie Man explains while resisting the urge to facepalm.
"You stay here! If I'm with a Class S hero, a Class C like me won't get any credit!" Saitama continues his scramble at putting on his hero costume.
"But as your disciple—"
Suddenly Saitama formulates an idea and gains a confident look. "Genos, from the beginning my intense desire to be a hero was what drove me to strength training. That's how I made it this far. For you, perhaps things will change if you aim higher as a hero. Frankly speaking, you're a cyborg, so training your body won't do. Instead, a change in mindset may lead you to greater strength."
"Damn, I'm just making all this crap up..."
"Man you really are just mooching off the tin-can." Tatsumaki grins as Saitama flinches.
"How uncouth." Fubuki mutters while giving a mild look of disgust at the bald hero, though it seems more like a jest if anything.
"I'm sure that I informed you that I decided to do all that I do of my own volition. So please do not pester my Master." Genos heats up, finally having been fed up with the short espers shenanigans, the taller one didn't help either due to adding fire to the flame.
Saitama rolls his eyes while patting the short tempered roommate down like an angry Pomeranian. "Genos, it's fine. Just ignore them, they don't mean anything by it."
Genos sighs and sits down while Tatsumaki gains anger marks, but says nothing. "Stupid baldy. Don't tell your maid to ignore me! Wait! DON'T IGNORE ME EITHER!" Tatsumaki glares holes into Saitama's bald head.
"I didn't realize Ms. Tornado was so amicable." Mumen Rider ponders as he sweat drops, observing esper's interactions while completely missing the poorly hidden anger. Somehow.
Saitama looks over to a book made by King. " other words, it's not about having raw power or technique; it's about training your mind. To do that, you must first fight your way through the professional hero industry. Aim to break into the top ten of the Class S heroes. That will be your goal for now."
"He bought that book? That's so embarrassing! Why did I make that book!?" Unbeknownst to the people sitting next to King, he began fidgeting in embarrassment.
Genos looks up with determination in his eyes. "I understand. I will try!"
"He bought it... Sweet." Saitama walks out the door with barely concealed relief.
"Despite your method of reaching such a goal to set for Genos-kun, I must admit it is not a bad idea." Bang muses while fiddling with his mustache.
"While there are many ways to go about teaching a student as long as it is effective and doesn't harm anyone I find that to be just fine." Bomb comments while chuckling at the bald hero's relieved expression on screen.
"Tch. It's a promising way to set your eyes higher which can improve growth. But it's just a lucky shot in the dark." Atomic Samurai mutters begrudgingly.
"Oh uh... thanks?" Saitama responds in slight confusion as he gives a questioning look to Mumen Rider who just shrugs.
A frantic Saitama is seen running through the city at breakneck speeds, blowing wind all about. "After that, I sped around town. While frantically looking for bad guys... I ran. And ran. And ran. But! The city was quiet!" A tired defeated Saitama is seen bent over, panting.
"Baldy, you're gonna scare people like that. I wouldn't be surprised if someone called a hero on you, idiot!" Tatsumaki bickers at Saitama while the hero gives a look of surprise at how she was completely right.
"Does Tats have future vision or something?" Saitama ponders while completely ignoring the esper.
Tatsumaki just stares at Saitama having expected some sort of response, but was met with a blank faced baldy currently wondering if she could tell the future
Growing irritated, Tatsumaki slaps the bald hero in the back of his head with a resounding smack as Genos just glares.
"Oi, what was that for Tats?" Saitama looks behind him at the esper while rubbing the back of his head.
"Mo! Stop ignoring me!" Tatsumaki yells out in annoyance while crossing her arms.
"Gomen gomen. I was just wondering. Do you have like future sight or something?" Saitama questions while motioning with his hands.
Tatsumaki loses her anger as she becomes confused at the sudden question. "What? No?" Tatsumaki responds curtly while wearing an unsure expression.
"Oh. Ok, lucky guess then." Saitama, without explaining, just mutters to himself before turning back to the screen.
"Haigh. Never mind." Tatsumaki looks like she's about to slap him again for ignoring her once more but leans back into her seat, too annoyed to continue an argument with the densest material on Earth.
"Ok yeah something is wrong with Tornado." Metal Bat smirks while whispering to Zombie Man.
"Well whatever it is, I prefer this version of her over the other one." Zombie Man replies quietly while rolling his eyes.
"You guys are so dumb." Child Emperor groans while smacking his face.
"I give up... Just one more day left. Guess I'll head home. I'll leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's me." Saitama mutters to himself while turning to leave.
The camera pans to a distraught Saitama as he screams out in despair. "It's quiet today too! There's nothing to do! I'm gonna lose my registration!" Suddenly a kunai is thrown toward Saitama as he turns and catches it nonchalantly.
"Again? Sonic, you've grown terribly inept." Flashy Flash muses while scowling at how easily the bald hero had caught a ninja's attack. Not that he wanted him to die, but it was still irritating.
Sonic has appeared once more before Saitama looks on in recognition. "Hey! You're that guy... What was it? 'Seed-on-the-Ground...'? No wait, 'Lost-and-found...'? Jack-o'-lantern Panic!" Saitama appears happy to have finally gotten a correct answer.
"How has this guy not gotten the name down yet? He's met him like 3 different times." Garou wonders aloud to himself.
Tareo shrugs while snickering. "Jack-o'-lantern Panic? That's not even remotely close hehe."
"Sensei, would you like me to help you memorize names better?" Genos questions with a fully serious expression plastering his face.
"Nah, it's ok. I'll get it eventually." Saitama waves his hand in dismissal while sweat dropping. He wasn't that bad with names, was he? Everyone rolls their eyes at that, knowing full well he would never remember the name.
"It's Speed-o'-Sound Sonic." Sonic holds a deeply irritated look while glaring at Saitama.
"I've finally found you, Saitama. Today is the day we—" Sonic gets cut off before he can continue as Saitama turns to leave. "Hey sorry, I'm busy. See you 'round."
Sonic suddenly becomes enraged, angered at being ignored so easily. "Huh? You think... you can run from me?!" Sonic unsheathes his sword and dashes forward, intent on delivering a slash at Saitama's head.
In the blink of an eye Saitama intercepts the sword by biting it and shattering the blade to pieces before reverting to normal.
"Really baldy? You could have done anything, but you chose to bite the sword?" Tatsumaki gives Saitama an are you serious look.
"What? It did the job." Saitama shrugs at the esper who just scoffs.
"You do know that blade has probably come into contact with a lot of blood, right?" Child Emperor questions while pointing a finger at the screen with a grin.
Saitama wears a disgusted look on his face as the thought goes through his mind. "Gross. I didn't think of that."
"Sonic most likely cleans his blade regularly so you need not worry over such trivial matters." Flashy Flash mutters out randomly as Saitama sighs in relief.
"Some extra iron never hurt anybody." Pig God commented as Drive Knight just side-eyed him.
"I don't think that's how you're supposed to... never mind." Tank Top Master chooses not to finish his sentence.
Sonic looks flabbergasted. "What the—? I didn't see what happened. His face should have been sliced open, but the blade..."
"I told you...I'm busy. Plus I'm pissed, so anyone in my way... gets punched." Saitama reveals a furious face, with intent to punish.
"That still gives me the heebie jeebies." A bunch of the cast shiver at the sight of a genuinely annoyed Saitama.
"That's him! He's very, very dangerous. Please stop him." A random lady points toward the two as a tank top wearing hero appears.
"So you're the offender, eh?! Well, the hero Tank Top Tiger is here now!" A new hero arrives on the scene.
"It's going to take more than some nobody to deal with Sonic. Or perhaps the egghead will grow a brain." Flashy Flash mutters under his breath.
"Hopefully your member doesn't get hurt Tank Top." Puri Puri Prisoner speaks to the fellow muscle head in a hopeful tone.
"Yes. I hope he did not bite off more than he could chew." Tank Top Master mutters, slightly doubtful of his disciples strength.
"Hero? Sonic, they think you're some sort of criminal." Saitama laughs while pointing a finger at the unfazed ninja.
"HE IS A CRIMINAL!" Tatsumaki shouts in frustration at the stupidity of the bald hero.
"Wait really? I just thought he wanted to test some of his moves." Saitama responds in surprise while holding a thinking pose as if genuinely pondering his interactions with the ninja..
"Sonic would not be happy about that statement." Flashy Flash deadpans as he imagines a whole scenario.
"Yes. Speed-o'-Sound Sonic is a high priority criminal not meant to be dealt with by the lower classes of heroes." Metal Knight states robotically.
"Oh. Who woulda thought?" Saitama's face blanks as he begins to sweat.
"Any sane person yah dunderhead." Metal Bat chuckles out, finding the baldy's lack of awareness hilarious.
"Uh oh. Am I gonna get fired for not dealing with Sonic? Maybe they'll let me off with a warning..." Saitama sweat drops while nervously glancing at Stitch who just raises an eyebrow in confusion.
Saitama snickers while pointing at Sonic. "Maybe getting tossed in a cell will cool off your hot—"
The tank top wearing hero interrupts Saitama while putting a hand on his head. "She means you, cue ball."
"Huh?" Saitama wears a face of absolute bewilderment.
Tatsumaki facepalms while groaning in disappointment. "Why am I even surprised?"
"I have a feeling that many of us would have done the same if we had not known anything..." Fubuki thinks to herself while deadpanning as the tank top wearing hero disrespectfully interacts with the bald hero.
Tank Top Master begins nervously sweating as he fiddles with his hands. "Surely he wouldn't?"
"Pfhh they really called him out and not the ninja with a sword? Some hero that guy!" Garou laughs to himself as Child Emperor just sighs at his loud seat mate.
"Cue ball. That's a good one." Zombie Man smirks while pointing a finger up..
"What do yah think baldy?" Metal Bat laughs along with Zombie Man.
Saitama just sighs at his new co-workers' antics while rubbing his brows. "Just keep the name calling to a minimum." At the same time Saitama puts a hand on Genos' raised heated arm cannon and slowly lowers it.
"He's been running around town with this scary look on his face since yesterday!" The citizen explains while fearfully glancing at Saitama.
"But I'm a hero too!" Saitama looks on in dismay at the situation, desperately trying to clear the misunderstanding.
Tank Top Tiger gives a look of disbelief. "I've never heard of a hero like you."
"So what? I just started!" Saitama yells in annoyance as a few anger marks make their appearance atop of the bald hero's head.
"In any case, you're causing problems for everyone. If you're really a hero, then don't go around frightening people. You're hurting all the other heroes' reputation." Tank Top Tiger mutters while getting uncomfortably close.
"Hey isn't that Tank Top Tiger?" A random citizen questions.
"Oh yeah, it is Tank Top Tiger!" Another joins in while recognizing the lower class hero. "No way!"
"Awesome, he's the real deal!"
Tatsumaki wears a look of disdain. "Calling himself a hero? Pathetic trash." She then glares at Tank Top Master in irritation. In fact, a few people give Tank Top Master a glare as the man sinks into his seat.
Genos also begins giving Tank Top Master a death stare while fully aware it wasn't actually him who insulted his Master. "You would do well to teach your disciples a lesson in manners."
The associates behind the heroes were discussing silently about the problem with lower ranked heroes who continued to instigate others.
Tank Top Master stands up quickly while steeling his nerves. "Saitama. I sincerely apologize for my students' actions. He will receive a heavy reprimanding when I get to him. Please forgive my inadequacy."
Saitama looks over to the bowing man with a look of surprise. "Huh? Oh it's fine man don't worry about it. Don't go too hard on the guy." The bald hero responds nonchalantly, having quite literally forgotten about the whole thing.
"Jeez, you're way too forgiving baldy. I woulda twisted the lot of them." Tatsumaki scowls while making a twisting motion with her hands.
"Iya iya. I think you're the one who's got a screw loose." Saitama deadpans as Tornado just continues to angrily twist her hands.
"I suggest lecturing your other disciples as well due to this one not being the only one to antagonize my Master." Genos seethes out venomously at remembering the hazing incident.
"Ah. Genos must be referring to what happened after the meteor." Bang simply wonders about how the outcome of said event could have gone differently.
Tank Top Master gulps while nodding vigorously, silently cursing his egotistical students and his incapability of teaching them as Darkshin just pats his back.
Tank Top Tiger smirks while waving. "Even Class C heroes get recognized if they're in the top."
"So how about it, new guy? Wanna go a little wild here and make me look good?" Tank Top Tiger wears a smug and proud face.
"Even I wouldn't steep so low. Disgusting." Fubuki scowls at the goading of the tank top wearing hero. She did do some hazing from time to time, but this was far, even for her.
"Man, that guy has such a punchable face." Garou cracks his knuckles while wearing a strained grin.
"If only he knew how hard the baldy could punch." Zombie Man chuckles out while wearing a hidden look of irritation.
"The guy would shit his pants." Metal Bat laughs loudly while gripping his bat tightly in annoyance. This guy was totally ruining a true hero's image!
"Is that man child really a member of your co-workers' group?" Bomb questions his brother in disbelief.
"Sadly, yes." Bang mutters, slightly abashed as he gazes downward.
Tank Top Master sinks further into his seat while also becoming more disappointed in both himself and his disciples
"Exploding Shuriken." Tank Top Tiger gets hit with the exploding projectiles and falls to the ground in a smoking heap.
A large portion of the cast grin and smile at the egotistical hero getting what he deserves while Tank Top Master just mutters to himself with a downcast expression painting his face.
"Tank Top Tiger?!"
"Is this really happening?"
"What are you doing, Sonic?" Saitama questions Sonic in a serious tone as he stares at the hero laying on the pavement.
"He was interfering, so I put him to sleep." Sonic grins back at the bald hero.
"Hey, call a hero!"
"A hero!"
"Run!" The crowd begins running away at the sight of a downed hero and evil villain.
Sonic then takes a more serious look as he disdainfully stares at the bald hero. "Saitama... So you too have become one of these worthless 'heroes?'"
Garou quirks an eyebrow at the ninja's way of thinking. "At least we can agree on something."
"Then all I have to do is create a situation where you have no choice but to fight me, Saitama the Hero! Hail of Carnage!" Sonic promptly leaps into the air and begins throwing many exploding shurikens at the surrounding buildings, causing rubble to fall and almost hit a few civilians.
"Hey! Cut it out!" Saitama shouts out with a raised fist.
"Saitama, come stop me! You're a hero! I'll kill them all!" Sonic maniacally laughs out as he continues his rain of carnage.
The camera pans to a crying child about to get crushed by a random car before Saitama intervenes with a serious expression. "Damn it. Can't everyone just let me do my job? I don't have time for this! I gotta find a bad guy to take down..." The oblivious hero proceeds to look up and stare at Sonic. "A bad guy?"
"Sensei..." Genos mutters in embarrassment as he holds a hand to his head.
"You're the strongest idiot I've ever had the displeasure of meeting." Tatsumaki smacks her face again causing a red mark to form from the repetitive slaps.
"He was actively causing destruction and danger to the populace. How did you not put two and two together?" WatchDog Man questions, slightly baffled at the entire situation.
"Uh..." Saitama seems to be unable to respond after watching the footage, now realizing that yes, he was kinda dumb.
"If you're not coming, I'll go to you!"
"I'm right here." Saitama, in the blink of an eye, warps up to Sonic and karate chops the back of his head into the pavement below.
Many members of the cast wince at the hit as Sonic disappears from view and a camera shot of a human sized hole in the pavement appears.
"A little harsh, dontcha think?" Metal Bat chuckles while sweating nervously at how easily the bald hero put the ninja down.
"Jeez the amount of head trauma that's gonna cause..." Zombie Man groans while holding his own head as if he could feel the pain himself.
"What? You've been there before?" Child Emperor questions in curiosity as the undead hero just nods with a dour expression.
"I wonder if this will count as work?" Saitama floats down as he wonders aloud.
The scene changes to the inside of City A's hero association building.
"The man apprehended in City Z by the Class C hero is suspected of being involved in several heinous crimes, including assassination." A poofy haired man reads out loud as he stares at his computer.
"City Z... What's the status of the investigation I requested?" The bearded worker from previous meetings questions.
"The one for the ghost town?" A young girl questions in response.
"Yes." The man nods.
An image of two heroes, Golden Ball and Spring Mustachio, are shown. "Let's see... We've submitted an official request."
"Well now, doesn't that sound interesting." The camera quickly pans over to reveal a certain short esper everyone is familiar with.
"Finally! Took long enough for me to appear." Tatsumaki smirks in satisfaction at finally being on screen. For some odd reason.
"For someone who didn't wanna watch you really seem interested in being on screen." Saitama comments with a humorous smile, egging on the esper.
A bunch of heroes, who could protect themselves, and some associates snicker at the remark as Tornado becomes stunlocked.
"W-what NO! I just... SHUT UP! STUPID BALDY!" Tatsumaki, now flustered, reverts to her oldest trick in the book. Yelling.
"Jeez Tats, I was just joking, no need to yell." Saitama covers his ears during the vocal assault as he just mutters back. This lady could not take a damn joke apparently.
Tatsumaki simply hmphs while the rest of the audience stays silent as they dare not test her patience.
"Want me to go?" Tatsumaki questions with her normal expression.
"Tornado? Where'd you come from?" The bearded worker stutters as he backs up a bit.
"Why? Aren't I allowed in here?" Tatsumaki responds in an annoyed tone.
The bearded worker sweats nervously as he stutters. "Of course. But for City Z, the investigation is just a formality."
"What? You think I'm not good enough?" Objects begin to float as a green hue covers the room.
"Not at all. The Association decided that this was not a Class S matter." Another associate walks in carrying sheets and files.
"Yes, exactly right." The bearded worker nods quickly to placate the esper.
Tornado just glares at him for a few moments before hmphing. "You'd better tell me if you find anything that looks like it can fight."
"Hey. Do you think you guys could also tell me if there's anything cool to fight?" Saitama turns around to question one of the associates.
Tatsumaki sighs in boredom while rolling her eyes at Saitama. "Don't bother, baldy. They're never worth the challenge."
"Aw, alright." Saitama dejectedly turns back around as the associate just sweat drops.
"Master, I will inform you of anything that seems interesting." Genos muttered as Saitama just nodded tiredly.
Tatsumaki floats over to the door before sighing. "It'd be so much faster if I just went myself. You're such an idiot."
The camera switches to a creature's humanoid foot. The monster appears to have kelp all over its head that stretches down its body
"Reports have come in from each location being investigated. First is Watchdog Man, Class S hero, investigating City Q. Nothing unusual."
"Nothing unusual?"
"That's right."
"That's hard to believe. We all know City Q is a hot zone with more casualties and monsters than any other area."
"Knowing him, I'm sure he's implying that, 'Whatever occurs, I'll be able to take care of it.'"
An image of WatchDog Man on top of a mountain of monster corpses is shown. "Though he has focused his efforts on City Q, his track record at monster elimination is top-notch."
"Class S heroes don't pay much attention to details."
"Too much of a hassle man." Metal Bat groans out like a child not wanting to do homework.
"You guys are ridiculous. Just file your reports." Child Emperor rolls his eyes, seemingly forgetting he has programs doing it for him.
Zombie Man rolls his eyes as the two squabble. "Am I the only one who actually fills those out?"
"They're not cut out for writing reports." The man sighs tiredly.
"Next, City W. Class A hero Heavy Kong reports: Nothing unusual."
"For City H, reports from Mushroom, Class B, and Horsebone, Class C: Nothing unusual."
"For City D, Lightning Genji, Class A: Slow restoration after the devastation caused by the gigantic creature aside, nothing unusual."
Everyone just stares at Saitama as he sinks into his seat. "Gomen. I'll be more careful." The bald hero mutters in apology while attempting to avert eye contact as he scratches the back of his head.
"Cities B and D both sustained extensive damage."
"The Association took a lot of heat for that."
"In order to prevent more such disasters, we must detect any covert activity that could threaten the community."
"Well, this investigation was requested for that express purpose. But early detection of monsters is proving difficult."
"City F, Class A hero, 'Snakebite' Snek. Hammerhead, former leader of the Paradiser terrorist group, has been spotted in a suit and tie. Further investigation is being conducted."
"I cannot believe he actually went to get a job." Metal Bat stutters out in surprise.
"I mean, did you see what Saitama did to him? He's lucky he survived the encounter with the bald menace." Child Emperor retorts while snickering to himself.
"You guys made another joke? What is it with people and creativity these days?" Saitama mumbles to himself as Metal Bat jabs his finger at Zombie Man while laughing.
"Saitama, that wasn't even that creative..." Mumen Rider sweat drops as the bald hero just shrugs.
Meanwhile Darkshine just has a smile of reassurance on his face as a singular tear escapes his eye comically.
"No other reports."
"What of City Z?
"I hear rumblings of a potential disaster brewing in the abandoned area there."
"No reports available. However, two highly capable Class A heroes have been sent to the area to investigate."
The camera swaps to the two mentioned heroes as they walk the pathway of the empty street.
"Here we are in City Z."
"Shall we begin our little inquiry?"
"Yeah, let's get on with it."
"Those two are the ones you sent? Good lord." Tatsumaki sighs out while dramatically falling further into her seat.
"What are their powers?" Saitama questions the almighty Genos dictionary.
"Spring Mustachio is a capable swordsman and Golden Ball is a sharpshooter who uses specialized bullets fired from a slingshot Master." Genos quickly explains in his usual manner, slightly overjoyed that his Master asked him a question.
"Wow, that's pretty cool. Actually what are your guy's powers? I know Tats has floaty magic stuff." Saitama turns around with a curious look as the heroes all glance at each other briefly.
"Oi! It's not floaty magic! It's esp you bald idiot!" Tatsumaki yells out when suddenly, all chaos erupts as some of the S-Class begin to speak of their powers like children bragging to an adult
Saitama covers his ears, attempting to mitigate the sound. "Uh guys? One at a time?"
After a brief explanation from a majority of the heroes minus a few, the now overloaded Saitama regrets asking his question as he tiredly sighs.
Saitama then looks back up and muses to himself. "That's all pretty cool. I just punch stuff, but you guys have actual powers."
The entire audience deadpans at his ironic statement.
"Baldy, you literally punch dragon level monsters into oblivion. That's more impressive than whatever these bozos can do." Tatsumaki points at the rest of the heroes with a lot of them scowling at her.
"Eh, but you guys get to have that thrill. Sure it's nice to be strong... but being too strong isn't all what people make it out to be." A somber Saitama mutters out, causing the cast to become surprised at his sudden melancholy.
"I'm sure you know that idiot." Tatsumaki mumbles out while rolling her eyes, yet also holding a softer tone.
"Saitama-kun. Perhaps you could find other ways to feel that thrill? Have you tried experimenting with other hobbies?" Bang attempts to help Saitama with his inner thoughts.
"Eh. I don't really know. A lot of the thrilling hobbies don't give me the thrills. For well, you know, obvious reasons." Saitama sighs out as he holds a hand to his head with a blank expression.
"Do you want to fight me in video games?" King questions in his usual King fashion, surprising everyone in the room as they had all forgotten he was there with them.
"Oh. Actually that doesn't sound too bad. You any good?" Saitama looks sort of happy at the possibility of something exciting.
"I'm ranked #2 in the fighting game Lethal Action. And a few other games." King smirks as the other S-Class heroes just wonder about King's hobbies.
"Sweet. I'll have you know I used to be really good at Lethal Action." Saitama grins slightly at the prospect of a new challenge.
"You'll never need another fight once you face me." King proudly declares as he smirks confidently.
Meanwhile everyone continues to reel at the fact that the mighty King plays video games.
"Alright, you may have your matches after the viewing. Please continue."
"Ope, sorry about that." Saitama turns back around to face the screen.
"City Z is quite expansive, but further ahead lies the uninhabited area we were told about. Compared with other areas, City Z has an abnormally high rate of monster-related incidents."
A sign with warnings plastered on it is shown.
"The frequency has been gradually increasing over the past 10 years, while the last few have seen more and more highly advanced monsters appearing. The residents have entirely fled for the city center."
"I know all that. The place is a real ghost town, just with the water and electricity still intact, yeah?"
"On the lookout for a cheap house?"
"Come off it. People say something real nasty's living 'round here. Even you must've heard."
"Wait, don't you both live in the ghost town?" Child Emperor questions in realization.
"Uh, yeah we do, why?" Saitama responds with confusion as he scratches his nose.
"What about all the... nevermind. He probably doesn't even notice the monsters." Child Emperor just shakes his head at the absurdity.
"I must ask. Have you noticed anything unusual in your 3 years of living there?" Stitch questions Saitama in curiosity while holding a thinking pose.
"Hmmm." Saitama just looks up and appears to ruminate before shaking his head. "Yeah no I got nothing. Even back when I had regular strength, things seemed pretty normal." Saitama responds bluntly as Stitch sighs. "Very well. Please let us know if you come across anything."
"Will do boss man." Saitama nods while throwing a finger gun lazily.
"But of course. I assume that's why we have been assigned this investigation.
"Once we hit the abandoned area, we better be ready to fight."
"Indeed, we mustn't let our guard down."
"But, why here? Why the increase in monsters here?"
"That's the mystery. Many theories have been advanced, but my own is this: A colony of monsters here is naturally producing more of them. Or perhaps a queen exists, birthing more of her kind."
The two heroes pause as they find a gaping hole in the middle of the road before moving on.
"Of course I have no proof yet, but there is something to this ghost town... Or rather, something in it. Of that you can be sure."
The scene quickly switches to Genos within Saitama's apartment as his eyes widen briefly. "The proximity alarm?"
The camera pans back to the two heroes. "If we can hunt down this mysterious being, we'll go straight to the top of the rankings.
"That's true."
"So do most of the heroes in the association only care about rank or?" Saitama questions a cybernetic looking associate with a scrutinizing gaze.
"That well... no? Most of them do, but there are a few who truly have a hero's drive." Sekingar answers, unsure of his own words.
"Pfh. They only care about rank, that's why they stay where they are." Tatsumaki states surely while Fubuki just eyerolls.
"Well I know a few heroes who do it because they want to and not for rank. You included you know." Mumen Rider comments reassuringly as he smiles at the bald hero.
"Heroes are all the same. You lot aren't different from the rest. No matter what you think." Garou mutters not loudly enough for the others to hear. Though Tareo glances at him in suspicion.
"We can't let Mr. Amai Mask remain first for—"
The duo quickly turn at hearing a pair of footsteps.
"Something's there?!" The two simultaneously wonder in surprise.
"Was that a monster?"
"No way to be sure... But it's hard to imagine a human still living in these conditions. Let's pursue it!"
The duo quickly sprint in the direction of the supposed monster.
The camera once again moves to show the viewers Genos wearing a pink apron while cleaning the toilet.
Everyone immediately busts out laughing minus Genos and Saitama, the latter slightly embarrassed at the situation.
"Y-YOU R-REALLY CLEAN HIS BATHROOM!" Tatsumaki, unable to contain her laughter, stutters her sentence out.
"You look ridiculous wearing that Genos. Are you not embarrassed?" Drive Knight questions, seemingly gaining emotions at the sight of his robotic co-worker wearing an apron like a maid.
"Genos looks so unscary when he's wearing an apron." Child Emperor mumbles while snickering to himself.
"Yeah agreed." Zombie Man chuckles at the humorous sight as Metal Bat currently couldn't talk due to how hard he was laughing.
"Mr. Genos wearing aprons?" Tareo asks, slightly confused at the sight.
"I simply wear what I need to in order to fulfill my duties as a disciple. There is no need to feel shame when there is no reason to." Genos firmly responds to all the boisterous laughter.
"Neh. Genos, I think they're right. It's kinda wrong for me to have you doing all the chores. Let's split the work." Saitama mumbles in a dejected tone while holding a hand to his temple.
"Master. I am perfectly capable of doing all the chores! Do you find my work ethic unreliable?" Genos questions in slight dismay.
"No No. Genos, since it's my apartment, having you do all the work is wrong so let me just do half and you do half alright? Keep things fair. It has nothing to do with how well you work, man." Saitama waves his hand in denial at Genos' doubts.
"Very well Sensei. I will do half." Genos says, almost dejectedly.
Meanwhile the entire cast just continues laughing at the two heroes' trivial matters.
"Would be nice if our disciples were so willing ey?" Atomic Samurai chuckles to Bang as the old hero lets out a hearty laugh. "Indeed."
"Seems they are not after us." Genos turns back to cleaning the toilet.
The camera pans back to a familiar street with a familiar kombu/kelp monster.
"Can this be the place I heard about? Sure don't seem like it... Aw man, I came all this way. Isn't anyone around?"
The two heroes turn the corner to find the monster talking to itself.
"A monster. It popped up out of nowhere. Golden Ball, are you ready?"
"Hell yes."
"Victory to the swift!" Golden Ball yells out as he pulls back his combat slingshot loaded with a, well, golden ball.
"Hey, people!" The monster turns to look at the two.
"I can blast through a 20 mm steel plate with one of my shape-memory golden bullets! Eat this!" Golden Ball fires his weapon as the seemingly useless ball transforms into a sharp and deadly looking bullet, only for it to do nothing as the monster slaps it away easily.
"Aw. That was kinda a let down. Was expecting a little more from a slingshot dude." Saitama muttered downcast as he sighs disappointedly.
"Seriously baldy? I don't know if your expectations are too high or too low." Tatsumaki grumbles out while rubbing her head with a pained expression.
Golden Ball wears a shocked face. "He flicked it away like nothing."
Suddenly, some kelp from a sewer line wraps around Golden Ball's leg and drags him through then slams him into a building, completely incapacitating him.
"Golden Ball!"
Spring Mustachio jumps back from the kelp monster's attack then brings out a handkerchief. In a surprising display of elegance, the handkerchief turns into a fencing sword sabre as the hero poses.
"Woah, that was pretty cool. Hey Genos, you know how he did that by any chance?" Saitama looks on with shock and a hint of excitement.
Genos, just as equally surprised, responds shortly. "I do not, Master."
As the kelp rushes forward, Spring Mustachio takes a stance and parries all of the attacks.
"He's trained well. Good footing and awareness. A little flashy, but still well done. Though, he'll probably lose this." Atomic Samurai thinks to himself while smirking and grading his friend's protege.
"Sloppy. He'll lose." Flashy Flash also thinks to himself while frowning at the lack of speed.
"Oh. So he's another swordsman with cool tricks. Still pretty neat." Saitama ponders over his now lost excitement.
"Wow!" The monster seemed surprised at the level of skill.
Suddenly Spring Mustachio stomps his foot down as his sword bends and twists into a spring like shape with the sharp tip pointed forward. "Tomboy...thrust!" The blade quickly extends impaling nearby objects, but misses the kelp monster
(No seriously, how does that blade bend like that? Ik its anime logic, but still)
"Woah ok that was definitely something else. Hey Samurai guy can you do that too?" Saitama turns in his seat and questions with curiosity.
"Uh. No, but my technique allows for me to cut at the atomic level. Not something any swordsman can do." Atomic Samurai, slightly surprised at being spoken to by the bald hero misses the improper title he was given.
"That's pretty cool too." Saitama turns back to view the screen while muttering to himself as he ponders over the other hero's abilities that he was informed of previously.
"It slipped past my Tomboy?" The hero gazes in surprise as his sword retracts.
"Not bad." One of the monster's kelp appendages is revealed to have a hole in it.
"Those tentacles... From the way they react, they're tough as steel. A monster that can use its infinite number of tentacles like steel whips... Such power! I must call in reinforcements from the Association." Spring Mustachio pulls out an associate transponder and contacts the association behind his back.
"May I ask if you were born in this neighborhood?"
"Nah, I'm from out of town. I heard a bunch of crazy strong monsters were all getting together here. Looks like it was just a rumor though."
A few eyebrows raised at the possible rumor as they pondered to themselves. What did the monster mean? A rumor about crazy strong monsters?
Tatsumaki's gaze narrows at the screen as she muses briefly. "Is it the baldy? Or is there something lurking in City Z?"
"Crazy strong monsters? Huh. I hope I run into them." Saitama wonders about what fights could be in store for him in the future.
"We should not disregard the possibility that the rumor could be true." An associate whispers to Stitch as the man sweats a bit at the implications.
"I agree. I did ask Saitama to keep us informed, but... something tells me that they won't run into any trouble." Stitch deadpans at the idea of either one of the heroes living in City Z making a good report.
"We could possibly request Metal Knight's assistance? I'm sure he'd be up for it if we incentivise him." The association woman who helped the bearded worker from before speaks up quietly.
"You want to send Tornado from City A to City Z on a rumor? Even if she agrees, what if something major occurs while she isn't present?" The bearded worker counters.
"We can discuss this later. We'll most likely find out about it in the viewings should we ever reach that far into the future." Sekinghar responds quickly while hushing his co-workers.
"But now, I feel like it'd be kinda fun to stick around and make the rumor true. 'The Ghost Town Monster...' It's got a nice ring to it!" The monster's kombu expands and reveals a deranged shadowed face.
The scene quickly changes to the previous association members shown before.
"We have a backup request from the heroes dispatched to City Z. Class A rank 29, Golden Ball, has been knocked out. Class A rank 33, Spring Mustachio, is in trouble. They're in the abandoned city."
"Call in all nearby heroes for immediate assistance! Class A and above!" The bearded worker calls out.
The camera pans to a vending machine and a small group of heroes.
"See the monster alert for City Z? The threat level seems to be Tiger or higher."
"Is it the ghost town monster?"
"They're not sure yet."
"I'll go... I want to catch the tiger by its tail."
The scene swaps back to a disheveled Mustachio on the brink of collapse. "Now I see... If it means running into monsters like this all the time I wouldn't want to live here either." The hero finally falls over.
"Pfh. You ever run into anything interesting, baldy?" Tatsumaki questions with a bored yet slightly curious tone as she tilts her head to the side tiredly.
Saitama shakes his head while frowning slightly as he stares at his fist. "Nah nothing worth it. You'd probably be bored too."
Tatsumaki just groans out in a dejected manner as Fubuki sighs while rolling her eyes.
"Man, boring. This is boring me! I finally kick a hero's butt and I don't get even a single scream."
"Wait, hold on. Not that I'm sad that it didn't, but why did the monster not kill them?" Metal Bat questions as he points at the screen in confusion.
"Could be a multitude of reasons." Child Emperor deduces as he looks up from his laptop.
"It probably wanted the Golden guy and Mustache guy to spread the word or something." Saitama answers while shrugging his shoulders.
"I agree with Master. It seems more intent on becoming well known for some reason." Genos adds his own explanation to his Sensei's.
"Now that I think about it, even if I start living here, I'll never be famous if there's no people. Guess I'll keep going. Gotta find where they live."
The monster turns around only for them to see a certain Bald hero. "There's somebody? Another hero? Or a regular guy? I thought all the humans cleared out. If all those monsters were really around, there's no way he could live here... I guess that means it was just a rumor." The kombu monster surrounds Saitama with its appendages.
"Ah so that's who got rid of the monster. That makes a lot of sense." Zombie Man chuckles briefly.
"Poor thing didn't know what hit it." Metal Bat puts out a half hearted prayer humorously.
Saitama looks on with a blank face. "Shoot... I forgot to buy kombu soup stock."
The scene changes to a boiling pot filled with kombu.
"Ah, so that is where Master obtained his kombu." Genos muttered to himself silently as he glanced over to Saitama.
"Ew gross baldy! You seriously cooked a monster and ate it?" Tatsumaki scowls at the disgusting thought.
"That's gotta be a health issue or something." Metal Bat fake pukes as he scowls.
"Actually, that's probably the most healthy monster you could eat." Pig God counters with his sound judgment and many meals of experience.
"It was just sitting there. And it looked fine to me." Saitama shrugs while deadpanning.
"Master, I saw a lot of kombu right outside the door."
"Oh yeah, I just... just happened... to get it for cheap."
"Yes, people say that kombu is good for hair growth, but since there is no real scientific proof, its real effects are yet to be confirmed. I did some research, so I am sure, Master. For example, according to this site—"
"No one said anything about hair!" Saitama yells out in an annoyed tone, cutting off the cyborg.
"Man you really miss your hair that much? Not like you looked any better with it." Tatsumaki mutters while snickering at her joke.
"Look who's talking, green bean." Saitama, with a comedic anger mark, mutters out just loudly enough for everyone to hear.
"What did you call me?" Tatsumaki questions in a deathly cold voice while slowly rising.
Everyone sweat drops with a few of the less powerful beginning to panic as the room begins glowing a bright green.
"Sister... I don't think he meant it, really!" Fubuki attempts to convince her sibling to not cause destruction.
Tatsumaki briefly looks over to her sister with a scowl before a monotone voice seals everyone's fate.
"Nah I totally meant it. Stop bugging me about my looks. I'm bald so what?" Saitama grumbles bitterly as he crosses his arms.
"Ah shit." Metal Bat groans just before the entire room minus Saitama lifts up.
"You fu-" Tatsumaki starts before she is abruptly cut off by the screen's interference.
Everyone quickly falls back into their seats as Tatsumaki is forced back into her own chair, letting out a collective sigh of relief.
"Must you two act like children? I believe I've said it before, but if you cannot handle insults do not insult others. I'm specifically talking to you Tornado."
"Wha- I- Tch." Tatsumaki just turns her head abruptly to avoid wherever the invisible presence was looking from.
"Oi. I just defended myself." Saitama blankly states.
"Whatever. Just watch the show please. I'm getting tired of interfering with childish scuffles."
"Is it just me or is the screen getting less...?" Metal Bat trails off.
"Professional? Yeah I noticed too. I think it sounds more tired." Zombie Man whispers.
"I wonder why?" The screen sighs.
City Z Investigative Report.
"Nothing noteworthy about the downtown or residential areas. During our investigation, we encountered a ferocious monster in the abandoned area, but were unable to exterminate it. We escaped death, but the monster we encountered disappeared and it is possible that it still roams the area."
The screen pans from the Association room to a certain familiar group.
"Also, according to this monster, there's a rumor that... powerful monsters already exist in this area."
"Sounds like it was pretty brutal."
"A monster?" Fubuki questions.
"I've made my appearance." Fubuki smiles and speaks in a soft yet slightly excited tone for some odd reason as Tatsumaki just smirks while snickering.
"Yes. I think I'll pass this time."
The scene swaps to Tatsumaki chewing out the bearded worker.
"See? I told you I should have gone!" Tatsumaki berates the bearded worker while floating just high enough to be taller than him.
"Tats? Do you..." Saitama begins while turning to look at Tatsumaki.
"Hm? What?" Tatsumaki asks, slightly confused.
"Always float just high enough to be taller than everyone?" Saitama questions bluntly while scratching the back of his head.
Tatsumaki takes a moment to register his question with a blank face before blushing furiously. "WHAT? NO!? I- I JUST NATURALLY FLOAT AT THAT HEIGHT!"
"Alright alright my bad. No need to yell." Saitama covers his ears while closing his eyes.
"Jeez, that's a lot of insults." Saitama just looks disappointed at the amount of breath the esper has.
Meanwhile the few brave souls in the room laugh quietly while the anger prone esper is distracted.
"But... faced with this, I'm sure even you would have had a tough time."
Tatsumaki turns her head with a hmph. "I would have been fine, idiot!"
Que eye roll from everybody in the room minus distracted esper and tired baldy.
The scene changes from the building to the picture on the device showcasing the destruction left behind by a fight
"The rumor has not been confirmed, but the reinforcements saw signs that point to the existence of some horrible monstrosity." The bearded worker trails off.
"Holy crap, what is this?"
"What kind of monster could cause such violence?"
"Baldy/Saitama." Almost everyone collectively thinks in their heads while sweat dropping.
"I'd hate to face off against this thing."
"Hey, what's this? Is it a part of the monster Spring Mustachio fought?"
"There may have been a territorial dispute between the monsters... Seems like there's definitely 'something' here."
"We must continue our investigation and maintain vigilance over City Z." The bearded worker finishes.
The camera pans to a screen with the news reporting the incidents.
"Hey, did you hear? There are monsters living in the City Z ghost town."
"Yeah, rumor has it the toughest ones are secretly plotting something."
"No, no. Not that rumor. It's about a more dangerous monster."
"What's that?"
"You didn't hear? I hear the place has now become terrifying for both humans and monsters."
"I wonder what they're so afraid of?" Saitama mutters out loud in curiosity as he scratches his chin.
"Baldy! They're afraid of you!" Tatsumaki, having finally calmed down, returned to paying attention to the screen.
"Wait really?" A surprised Saitama responds as he glances back at the screen.
"Uh yeah dude. Do you not remember all the damage you leave behind when you fight? It's like a warzone." Metal Bat questions while pointing an accusing finger at the bald hero.
"Ope. Guess I'll have to be more careful then." Saitama mumbles while sinking into his seat as Mumen Rider chuckles. A few of the associates tiredly shake their heads while still finding some amusement in the situation.
"Master, I filled in the holes in front of the house."
"Oh, thanks!"
"Also your rank has gone up from last place, 388th, to 342nd."
Saitama is shown to be reading the newspaper talking about Golden Ball and Spring Mustachio.
"Oh? Because of that Panic guy? He boosted my ranking. So it's been a week now. Have you done anything?"
"Even after this viewing, Saitama will most likely not remember Sonic's name... he better remember mine." Flashy Flash thinks darkly as he scowls at the bald hero's head.
"No, not yet." Genos is seen viewing the association website on a laptop.
"I guess it's only been a week."
"I'm still ranked last in Class S for 17th place."
"Sounds like you've still got a lot of training to do, Genos." Saitama smirks.
"But in the public polls, for popularity I rank number six." Suddenly, Saitama spits out the tea he was drinking in a comedic fashion.
"A genius who, at the tender age of 19, made his debut in Class S."
"He'll do great."
"He's so handsome."
"Love how he refuses to do media interviews. Very cool."
"Those kinds of comments." Genos responds with a stone cold face.
"You're not embarrassed to read those out loud?" Saitama yells in disbelief.
"These comments are based on impressions from my photo, not evaluations of me."
Bang and Bomb nod at the surprisingly wise comment the on screen Genos made.
"I think nothing of them."
"Oh yeah?"
"They continue."
"The Cyborg Prince."
"Behind the steely exterior, I feel his fragile self."
"Among the top five handsomest heroes."
"Enough already!" Saitama shouts, having been fed up from the cyborgs unbeknownst bragging.
The screen blanks out, indicating the end of the episode.
"We are finally finished. Thoughts?"
"The baldy has some good points, but overall, he's a terrible teacher." Atomic Samurai comments bluntly as he sighs in disappointment.
"Agreed. To call this episode Ultimate Master was a joke right?" Child Emperor snickers as he glances at the bald hero.
"My Master-" Genos gets cut off by Saitama's arm as he wears a blank face.
"They're right, Genos. I'm not the best teacher and I don't see what you see in me, but I hope I'll find out eventually. Until then, feel free to stay along for the ride." Saitama wears a small smile as he gestures at the screen.
Genos looks shocked briefly before nodding. "Master! Of course I shall stay by your side. Even if the entire hero association was against you!" Genos proudly proclaims right in front of, well, basically the entire hero association.
"Pfh. If baldy took on the entire hero association, you helping him wouldn't do much tin-can." Tatsumaki points out with a mocking tone as Genos begins heating up once more.
The two begin to bicker as Saitama and Bang attempt to calm them down while Mumen Rider just sweat drops and Fubuki mutters to herself how embarrassing the situation was.
"Not a bad episode. Kinda need to stretch though." Zombie Man mutters while yawning.
"Yeah. Yah excited to see your appearance? I'm getting pumped up just thinking about my entrance!" Metal Bat smiles with excitement as he stands up.
"Can't lie and say I'm not looking forward to it." Zombie Man replies with a smirk while getting up to walk to the smoking room.
"Hey you guys keep talking about seeing your entrance, but don't forget about me! I bet I'm gonna have some insane inventions in the future!" Child Emperor walks up to the two while smiling in excitement for the future.
"Sure sure kid. We're all a little excited." Zombie Man chuckles as Child Emperor pouts at being called a child.
"Seeing the future would do that to yah!" Metal Bat wraps an arm around Zombie Man much to his chagrin.
The muscle heads of the S Class gather together.
"How do you plan on reprimanding your disciples?" Darkshine asks while sweat dropping due to the still ashamed Tank Top Master drearily getting up from his seat.
"I-I do not know yet. But I will make sure they never attempt to harm any other heroes, low in ranking or not." Tank Top Master gains a determined look.
"That's swell!" Puri Puri Prisoner smacks Tank Top Master's back.
"Alright everyone. You know the drill. 5 minute break and I'll set up the gaming room for King and Saitama."
"Alright!" Saitama lets out a slightly excited woop.
"It's just a break you idiot." Tatsumaki snickers out while rolling her eyes.
A bunch of ok's resound from the talkative room.