(This has not been edited yet, please wait while i fix the grammar, chats, ETC.)
Months had passed as everyone began to prepare for the tournament. Michael trained relentlessly, spending far fewer hours sleeping than he should have. Eram was still out of it, barely holding himself together.
Nothing special happened until a few moments ago when the alarms went off for the morning. Alexander woke up with a huge smile screaming. "It's my birthday!" He bolted up, ran to the other beds, and shook Eram and Michael up.
Michael looked at The crazy dude in front of him and frowned after being woken up so rudely Eram looked at him with a small smile slowly pushing the bad memories to the back of his mind. " Okay we get it let's get up and rush to the girls' room so we have some time to celebrate," Eram said groggily.
The group rushed and got dressed and hurried to the girls' room. Alexander bolted down the hall faster than the other two could keep up. By the time the group arrived they saw Alexander with a childish smile banging on the door aggressively enough to shake the whole room. The door opened and he was welcomed with a punch square to the jaw.
Lila stood above him still in her pajamas with a scowl on her face. "You couldn't even let me get dressed." Alexander smiled as he got up. Lila slammed the door on his face making everyone laugh.
Eram seeing the disbelief on Alexander's face made him forget all of his troubles and laugh. A few moments passed until the group was out of the room and walking down to their first class. Alexander was giddy the whole way up there excited about for the day.
" I'm finally 15, I'm so amazing" Alexander kept laughing like a moron.
Michael asked a question. " Speaking of birthdays what is everyone's birthday?"
Alexander spoke up loudly. " Of course today is my birthday, Mebanly the 12th of 16."
Yuki asked and said. " You mean 16 as in the year correct, Also my birthday is Bethlamahn the 11th of 16."
Alexander responded. " Of course."
Lila asked. " What is the order of the months in order again."
Michael responded. " The order is Bancha, Jeremueah, Summir, Mebanly, Bethlamahn, Beveh, Aerin, Vessna, Deltin, Sheller, Inkota, Reazin, Lastly Tialla. My birthday is Tialla the 7th of 15.
Lila then looked around and announced hers. " Mine is Inkota the 6th of 15."
Seeing that he was the last on left Eram said. " I was born in the month. Inkota the 5th of 16."
Looking around they all compared how old they were as they made their way to class. Alexander was finally happy to make it to the 15 mark. He thought to himself 'One more year and I'll be 16 an adult."
The group walked into the class and was somehow the first of the students there. Seeing the teacher whom they had warmed up to they were excited to start class. The group immediately started practicing casting spells. Yuki and Michael were leagues better than everyone else in the class while the other three were at about the same level.
If someone were to ask who was the best in the class though it was Yuki. Her zero-one ability gave her a near-infinite supply of pho for a limited period. She didn't have any other ability that would help with combat so she focused solely on making sure her spells were the best they could be. She trained relentlessly like Michael on his Gravity ability. She was scared she would be left behind due to her weakness so she spent most time looking for ways to improve herself.
Alexander was excited to let the teacher know when she walked in that it was his birthday. As soon as Ms. Peygot entered the room she was greeted by Alexander standing by his desk grinning. She had found herself more fond of the 5 students as time went by. She was impressed with every one of the student's growth and it allowed her to warm up the students this year.
She smiled before Alexander had a chance to speak and get on her nerves. " Alexander before you tell me it's your birthday, I already know." She pulled out a little cube and twisted one of the corners causing a warp to appear near her. " I got you a present. I know a lot of your abilities rely on having summons so I got something to help you keep up with your friends." Out of the warp came a bird that was about as big as Yuki.
Seeing Alexander happy made her smile knowing she was helping one of the future's best teams. " This is called a Sun Wraith and is a B-class Soul_beast. It is significantly better than your other soul beast however keep in mind that I will not ever get you another soul_beast with such a high rank in the future, so if it dies that's on you."
Everyone in the group looked at the massive bird and gawked. It was a two-legged bird with orange feathers and a sharp beak. The bird also had a uniquely large amount of six wings. The bird was chained to a cage and looked like it was death's door. Alexander grabbed its beak and looked it in the eyes. His eyes stared directly into the bird. The bird immediately passed out from exhaustion losing the will to fight.
Alexander smiled and looked at Mrs. Peygot and hugged her. " Thanks for such an amazing pet, Just curious what are its abilities?"
Mrs. Peygot smiled and responded. " As it is B class it has two different abilities. The first and most important one and the reason I got the creature in particular for you is its size alteration ability. Its natural size is about the size of a bus and has enough room on its back to carry all 5 of you on your adventure. The second of its abilities is called Sunny shadow, Basically when you use this ability its shadow instead turns to a bright and hot fire though it is not nearly as hot and deadly as many other animals."
Alexander smiled and asked one last question before he sat down. " Do you mind healing Sunny? I just named him that."
The teacher waved her hand and it immediately healed back to full health. As soon as she did that the beast woke up and shrunk down to the size of the frog He hand and both creatures sat on his shoulders. Alexander kept messing with them throughout class but Mrs. Peygot let it slide because it was his birthday.
The next class Alexander was welcomed with another surprise. Mr. Ferram announced he had a gift for him as well. " Me and the other teachers got together to come up with something for our most talented student which is why you won't be receiving the same gift more than once. Though my gift isn't as extravagant as Mrs. Peygot it is going to be just as useful." Mr. Ferram pulled out a massive saddle. At the wave of his hands part of the class expanded and was empty.
Mr. Ferram then asked Alexander. " Please allow your Sun Wraith to go to its full size." Alexander did what he was told and then Mr. Ferram continued. " Alright, guys come help me put this on it."
The group huffed and puffed as they put the massive saddle on the bird. They struggled for a good ten minutes till they put it on. Mr. Ferram said one last thing. " Alright now make it go back down to the size you had it at.
Alexander spoke up not wanting to harm his new pet that he was going to make it fight. "Won't that rip its' wings off?"
"Just do it." Mr. Ferram said.
Alexander did and was surprised when the Saddle shrunk down with the bird. Alexander then warped it back to full size and looked at it once again. He kept shrinking it and growing it to see its effects. After he was satisfied he sat down at his desk ready for the next lecture.
Class once again finished as fast as the first one and now they found themself before Allen who was grinning even harder than Alexander. He immediately whipped out a horn that looked like it was made from a goat horn. Alexander looked at it while he was given it and decided to give it a blow.
Immediately panicking Allen ripped the horn from Alexanders hands. Panting Allen stated. " this is probably the hardest thing to get in here it is called the Angel's horn, once blown it will take most of your pho and create a wind gust powerful enough to push everything away. Not only will it do that but it will also temporarily boost all of the beings you consider allies. This is a last-ditch move that will allow you to keep fighting because using your summons doesn't take pho. Anyways please get sat down we have an important subject to get through today?"
Alexander and the rest of his friends asked curiously. " What is the subject?"
Mr. Ferram smiled and then looked sad. " Demons."