After that, the day went on normally, or at least it should have been, I have to admit that Supernatural Luck is a much more broken ability than I thought, in the end as the description said, this ability seems to somehow alter the odds so that things always work out in my favor.
I performed several experiments and they all resulted in benefiting me in some way. For example.
When I tried falling down a small flight of stairs I was greeted by the pleasant sensation of Yukana's huge mounds pressed directly against my face, and to my surprise instead of getting angry she asked me worriedly if I was alright.
Then I did another test. I got to thinking that I would like to have a state of the art cell phone and one literally fell out of some unknown place, it was fully packed in a delivery box but had neither the recipient's name, nor the sender's address or any contact number.
In the end it stayed the same throughout the day, whether I wanted it or not, somehow everything lined up to favor me, although I still had yet to test its limitations, it was a fact that it was a very useful skill, I was even able to experience several times the lucky pervert phenomenon that always happens to Rito, although it was not on such an extreme level as his.
Kenichi: (Now that I remember, this ability resembles one of the Sacred Gears from High School DxD, if I'm not mistaken it was called "Telos Karma").
In the anime of High School DxD there were some artifacts called "Sacred Gears", these were a type of artifacts that the biblical God gave to humans and human hybrids so they could defend themselves from supernatural beings, there were several types and all had some kind of power, for example the simplest and most common of the Sacred Gears called "Twice Critical" has the ability to double the power of its user for a certain time.
Among the different types of Sacred Gears there were some special ones that are called Longinus (Tools that Destroy God), they usually have a type of power and abilities that surpass by far that of the normal Sacred Gears, besides that among them there are some that are said to have the ability to kill the Gods.
Among them Telos Karma has the ability to create and forcefully enforce options or choices that are not normally possible, turning the possibility of certain phenomena into unexpected events, in a sense you could say that my Supernatural Luck is superior, but I'm still not sure if it can favor me during fights, the only thing the description mentioned is that the chances of bad things happening to me on my lucky day were extremely low.
Since I was only limited to having this luck for 24hrs, I made sure to get as much out of it as I could. I honestly feel that with this ability I don't even need to work, just thinking about it, money falls from the sky as if it was something normal.
As I was thinking these kinds of things, time went by and it was already another day.
Everything from exercise, to breakfast and school remained unchanged, there was no indication that the story of To Love-Ru, Nisekoi and Sora no Otoshimono, would start soon, the same goes for the other stories, so far the only one that seems to be somewhat advanced is that of Ben-To.
From time to time I see Satou You, the protagonist of Ben-To, running half naked or being beaten and slapped irrationally by a girl with long black hair, but I have stayed away and ignored it, I even had the opportunity to see Yarizui-senpai, but I also chose not to approach to talk to her for the moment.
Although I'd like to have a friendship with her, her obsession with battles over the Bento makes it a bit complicated, plus I'm absolutely sure I'm going to be dragged into those stupid fights if I get close to them.
If Ben-To's story was just about everyday life and the usual humor with some romance then I would have no problem becoming his friend, but the problem is that during the 12 volumes of the light novel the whole story was focused on bento fights, so I'm not interested in getting involved with them.
Kenichi: (I wonder how they would react if one day I feed them something from Toriko's world, a world where food fights do have a meaning).
Although they would be interesting to find out, I put those kinds of thoughts aside, there was something more important I had to take care of.
Today was the day I was going to enter Touga's tomb through the Kuroshinju.
If I'm completely honest, I'm quite excited, this is not only an opportunity to pay my respects at Touga's tomb, it's also my chance to test the skills I acquired by becoming a hanyou. Although I have been training in my control over the Youki regularly, lately it has become quite frustrating to not be able to fully unleash my abilities.
But the dimension in which Touga's tomb is located is a rather large place, there are also no buildings or people, so I can test my abilities without any limits, plus in that place the flow of time passes differently, sometimes time passes extremely slow and sometimes it passes extremely fast.
In other words, sometimes you could be inside for a few weeks and on the outside it could be several years, and sometimes you could be inside for several days or months and on the outside it would only be a few minutes. But it could also happen at irregular intervals.
I can only enter the Border of the Afterline once a month, who knows when I will have another chance to test my skills without any interruption, although constantly gaining skills from the system is not bad, it is pointless if I don't have the opportunity to experiment with them.
After thinking that I started to store a large amount of objects, weapons and several books from the secret room in the 4-Dimansonal Bag, I have to admit it was a pretty useful object, I just brought things close and it swallowed them as if it was a black hole no matter how big they were, then I just had to put my hand inside and think about what I wanted to take out and it would appear in my hand to take it out, in a sense it was like Doraemon's magic pocket.
Although my system also has a storage function, it is not as useful as other anime that have a system, for starters it can only store the things I get as a reward for my achievements, plus it is also not very useful for fighting situations, to store something I have to touch it and it is also quite slow to take out and store things, that's why I find this bag so useful.
After storing the necessary, along with a large amount of food, I concentrate my Youki on my right eye, more exactly on the Kuroshinju that was sealed inside, I did not have to wait long, in a few seconds a dark portal similar to a black hole opened in front of me.
If I go by what it said in one of the books of Inuyasha's story, today the proportion of time in the Border of the Afterline was faster, but not in such an exaggerated level, at most a week was seven hours outside. In the anime of Hanyou no Yashahime, at the beginning of the story Inuyasha and Kagome were locked inside for 14 years and from what they said when they came out for them it was barely a few years.
Although I was a bit nervous, I stepped through the portal without any hesitation.
Kenichi: "!"
The next second after crossing it I was floating in a kind of dark space, I could see and feel how the Youki in its purest state was flowing all over the place, I have to admit that it was very different to see this in reality.
After a few seconds of floating, I was suddenly blinded by an incredibly bright light...
And before I knew it...
I was falling from the sky at high altitude...
But that didn't matter much to me, aside from the fact that I can use the Youki to toughen my skin, I also have the abnormally strong body of the Hanma, so a fall from this altitude won't cause me that much damage and even if it did I have ways to heal quickly thanks to my new Youkai lineage.
Kenichi: "..."
But none of that mattered to me at the moment, my eyes were completely focused on the colossal figure in the distance, I could see it clearly as it fell. Even though it was incredibly far away, its size made it impossible to miss.
Even though it was a giant skeleton with armor that was already quite deteriorated by the passage of time, to me it was unmistakable. It looked exactly like the beast I saw the day I first held Tessaiga in my hands.
That was definitely Touga's real appearance...
Moreover, the world in front of me was immense, although it was true that everything was surrounded by large rocks, but I could also see something similar to a forest, and above all that stood imposingly Touga's skeleton that was as big as a mountain, but what surprised me the most was the large amount of Youki that was everywhere.
While I was admiring the view, I could see how a Youkai in the shape of a bird was approaching in my direction, I could notice that despite its skeletal and monstrous appearance it was not very different from an animal of the earth, it was harmless.
As if it was there to greet me, I let it land directly on its back and approached Touga's skeleton.
In the anime, Touga's tomb didn't look like such a big place, but that was because they always showed the cut parts, one moment they showed everyone in one place and in the next scene they showed them in another, but seeing it for myself in reality, I could see that this place was much bigger than the city of Sainan, plus I'm sure that in the distance I can feel some kind of strange presence.
Kenichi: (Well, this place is the Border of the Afterlife, a place that connects both the world of the living and the Afterlife, so it wouldn't be weird to see some Youkai around these parts, in fact, this very bird that I'm riding right now is a type of Youkai).
After a few minutes, it started circling Touga's skeleton skull as it flew, I saw this as a signal to get off.
Kenichi: "Thanks for the ride buddy."
As if answering me I let out a screech similar to that of an eagle, with nothing else to do I jumped from his back and fell directly on Touga's skull.
Kenichi: (This is unbelievable, his skull alone is several times bigger than my house).
I was looking around me for a while longer until I decided to go down, I entered inside his muzzle and started to descend, as there were several places to hold on to it didn't take me long to reach Touga's stomach.
I have to admit that it was a pretty scary sight, in the anime no one gave it importance, but this stomach was full of a lot of different types of skeletons, mostly human and animal, although there were some that were abnormally large and deformed, I guess those belonged to different types of Youkai.
Unexpectedly this sight did not surprise me as much as I expected, after all Touga was a youkai over 3000 years old.
3000 years is a long time, so it is safe to assume that he witnessed firsthand the end and the beginning of several eras and wars. So it is not so surprising that in that time he killed or devoured a large number of humans, perhaps his appreciation for humanity was something that was formed after living for several years.
Also from what I know from Inuyasha's history, although Touga appreciated humans, he could be cruel to them when the situation called for it, that's not a surprise either, the evilness of humans has often surpassed that of other races, in fact, the very incident in which Touga lost his life was caused by a human named Takemaru who was in love with Izayoi Touga's human wife.
Kenichi: (Come to think of it, maybe the reason I don't feel anything seeing this is because of the Youkai and Hanma blood running through my veins, even someone kind like Baki showed that he could be quite bloodthirsty, so I guess being used to seeing things like this is part of my nature).
Other than the skeletons of the dead that were in perfect condition despite the amount of years that passed and the ribs full of roots of Touga's skeleton, there wasn't much to see, although I was struck by the golden colored pedestal in the middle of the stomach, if I'm not mistaken that was the place where Tessaiga was buried when Inuyasha inherited her.
Although it was a simple golden pedestal, it looked quite beautiful and more with that design of flames on the back, but what caught my attention was what was in the middle of the pedestal, I could see several objects apart from a few flowers, there was even a picture of Touga with his wife Izayoi.
Kenichi: (It seems that I am not the first of the Saruyama family to come to pay their respects in this place, come to think of it, among the objects in the secret room there was a camera that had the ability to take pictures of the past, I guess this picture was taken with it).
In the end I couldn't do much to pay my respects and it's not like I was going to pray for them either, not after knowing how the Gods of this world are, especially the Japanese who do practically nothing most of the time.
Kenichi: "The truth is that I have nothing to offer my respects and maybe the fact that I am your descendant is due to a miraculous coincidence, but I want to thank you, thanks to you I have the strength to defend myself in a world as dangerous as this one... I assure you that I will make good use of the sword that you bequeathed to us".
I could feel how Tessaiga was throbbing inside me as she agreed with my words.
After that I spent the whole day exploring the surroundings of the tomb and to my surprise apart from a few beautiful landscapes there was absolutely nothing, although there was a forest and a few streams there was nothing else to highlight, the only thing that caught my attention of the place was the Youki that apparently was everywhere, thanks to that I did not have much need to eat, just like any Youkai I could go days without eating, plus I can also feed from the natural Youki that is in the air.
I planned to stay for seven days, which in the outside world would be only 7 hours, so during the first day I planned to familiarize myself with the place.
Although there were a few Youkai, apart from their demonic appearances, they were practically like common animals, they must have been born thanks to the Youki released by Touga's skeleton, I can say that this whole place is influenced by the Youki released by his bones.
I was exploring for several hours, until I found something that caught my attention.
In the middle of a huge rock was a traditional-looking door, although it was in perfect condition for some strange reason was ajar, I entered with curiosity, and to my surprise on the other side was a completely different landscape to the tomb of Touga. Unlike the outside that place was completely dark, but in the distance you could clearly see a lake of clear water surrounded by fire.
When I approached the lake, I could see an old man's face and a woman's face in the background.
Kenichi: (From what I remember from the anime of Hanyou no Yashahime, this place is called "Lake of the Staff of Two Heads", as the name suggests, it is a lake that is connected with the "Staff of Two Heads" of that little Youkai that always accompanied Sesshomaru named Jaken, from what I know from the anime, the faces that are in the lake can show images of what Jaken sees from the other one).
On the other side of the lake, I could see a red colored gate, if I am not mistaken that is the gate that is connected to the Realm Fire, a volcanic area that is guarded by two guardians named Gozu and Mezu, they are two Youkai Statues that are in charge of protecting the entrance to the afterlife, their main function is to prevent the living from passing through the gate since the afterlife is a place only for the dead.
Kenichi: (Although it's an interesting place, it's of no use to me, besides thanks to the Kuroshinju I already have access to Touga's tomb, so I have no reason to go through that door, although this lake confirms me that Jaken must be alive, so I must assume that Sesshomaru too, in the book it wasn't mentioned what happened to him after the battle with Kirinmaru and I don't know what's happening on the supernatural side so it's hard to know).
If I get the chance I would like to meet Sesshomaru, and it's not just because he's my favorite character in Inuyasha's story. Although he may not like me very much, it's a fact that we are connected by Touga's blood, so although very distant we are related, that's why I would like to meet him and I also can't deny that I would like to have a fight with him.
Kenichi: (Now that I think about it, it's also possible that Towa is living in this era, we are around the date when the Yōreisei (Grim Comet), has to impact with the earth).
The Yōreisei is a demonic asteroid from outer space that is filled with an almost infinite amount of Youkai. Every 500 years the Yōreisei travels near the earth and usually releases a fragment that is meant to impact with the earth to wipe out humanity, the fragment was destroyed once by Touga and Kirinmaru, the two strongest Daiyoukai of that time and 500 years later by Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.
If everything follows the story of Hanyou no Yashahime, then the Yōreisei should hit the earth sometime this year, that means that if I play my cards right I have the chance to travel to the past together with Towa, Setsuna and Moroha. This could be a very good opportunity to go back to my roots, who knows, maybe in the past I might find other ways to become stronger.
Leaving those thoughts aside for the moment, I walked away from the lake and began to walk to a fairly clear and wide area that was at the back of Touga's skeleton, as there were no trees it was the perfect area to train, in fact, seeing the marks of attacks in the surroundings, it seems that it has already been occupied as a training area in the past.
The first thing I wanted to try was to transform into my Youkai form, for the new memories I have, in my childhood when I had my Youki active, I could easily transform into my Youkai form, in that form I was literally a silver fur puppy, I am curious to know how I look like now that I am a teenager.
Kenichi: "..."
I closed my eyes and slowly began to channel the Youki all over my body, during these two days I concentrated especially in transforming parts of my body, so I was quite proficient in that area, what I'm trying to do now is something that is at a higher level, I want to transform my whole body.
In the case of Touga and Sesshomaru it was to return to their original form, but in my case it counts as a transformation, to begin with as a Hanyou I shouldn't be able to completely transform into a youkai, but this is one of the advantages that the Hanma lineage gives me.
I kept standing in the same position with my eyes closed for quite some time, I could feel how the Youki began to circulate through every part of my body, my muscles, my blood, my organs, my bones, not even my cells were spared from this process.
During that time everything remained quite peaceful.
Until finally it started...
Kenichi: "!"
While I had my eyes closed I could feel my face slowly starting to expand and I could also clearly feel my hair starting to grow on every part of my body.
And suddenly, the Youki that I gathered in my whole body exploded like a fountain of energy that enveloped my whole body.
I only opened my eyes when I could feel the wind of the air hitting over my face.
Kenichi: "!"
To my surprise, I was standing in a weird four-legged position, it was as if I was an animal, but that was something I had already anticipated, what really surprised me was my stature, I was big enough to look directly at Touga's skeletal skull.
Although with some difficulty, I began to walk directly to a large lake that was in the forest to look at my current appearance, I could clearly see how each of my steps made the earth tremble, also my footsteps were leaving a large number of giant craters.
Kenichi: (So this is how it feels to be a giant monster, just the simple act of walking leaves a great destruction, no wonder I felt so insignificant when I saw Touga's true form the first time).
When I looked into the lake, what was reflected on the surface of the water was the appearance of a giant dog with long silver-colored fur. My eyes turned completely red except for my irises which were bluish green, my fangs and claws looked large and sharp enough to easily cut through metal, plus some parts of my body had fur that was abnormally larger than other areas, it looked amazing as it swayed in the wind.
In general my Youkai form looked more like Sesshomaru's than Touga's, the only thing that differentiated us was that several of the red locks of my previous hair grew to form several symbols in various parts of my face that extended to my back, I turned with curiosity and I could see with amazement how the red fur formed the face of a demon on my back, it looked amazing it was almost like a tattoo.
But what caught my attention more than my appearance was how I perceived the Youki, if before controlling the Youki was simple, now I felt as if I had become one with it, in this state I was the Youki, I felt so full of energy and strength.
In my euphoria I started to run before I realized it.
Even though the road was full of trees and giant rocks, I didn't care in the least, I just smashed them with ease as I ran and crashed into them, I didn't care a bit about the destruction I was leaving in my path.
And my speed was no joke either, I was so fast that I was leaving residual images as I ran.
When I moved away from Touga's grave, in the distance I could see a huge cliff that seemed to have no bottom, but I didn't care about that and kept running.
This feeling was so incredible...
I felt so free...
I didn't have to worry about the end of the world and the end of humanity, nor about the stupid plots of the anime, much less about the conspiracies of a will of the world, at this moment I threw all those worries to the trash and continued running
When I was about to reach the cliff, I took a huge jump that propelled me hundreds of meters away from the ground, but the funny thing is that I never descended, as if it were the most normal thing in the world my huge body began to float through the sky, using the Youki in this state is so simple that I can easily do this kind of things.
At first it cost me a little bit, but after a few minutes it became incredibly simple.
To further increase my mobility through the air I started kicking in the air using the Youki as a platform to propel myself. It was similar to the Geppo or Sky Walk from One Piece, it helped me move faster and more precisely.
I think I was flying for several hours, I have to admit that was one of the most pleasant experiences I have ever had in my life...
But while I was having fun, my Danger Sense was activated alerting me of some hostile presences that were approaching in my direction at high speed.
In my Youkai form I didn't need to enhance my senses, in this state you could say they are already enhanced to the maximum, so even without Danger Sense I could see, hear and even smell these presences.
Cusando looked into the distance, I was slightly surprised to see a lot of different types of Youkai. Among them I could identify several Shibugarasus, Toad Youkais and Kumogashiras. Although they were all generally weak Youkai, their numbers were by no means a joke. There were at least thousands of them.
But I didn't feel worried, the vast majority of these Youkai were F-Class, the weakest class of all and the strongest were E-Class at best. Although I was still getting used to my new powers, I have the Youki equivalent to that of a Daiyoukai like Touga who is ranked SS Class, so I didn't feel the least bit intimidated.
Kenichi: (I guess they came attracted by the Youki I'm releasing).
I didn't have to wait long, in a few minutes they all swooped down to attack me, but the moment they came within my range, I simply lifted one of my front paws and swung it casually, that simple movement was enough to slaughter almost all of them as if they were just annoying flies.
Although my movement was casual, the impact was so devastating that I even destroyed a giant boulder that was only slightly smaller than a mountain.
Sensing that they didn't stand a chance, all the Youkai that attacked me began to flee in a desperate manner, that's when I came up with an interesting idea.
I started to slowly open my snout and at the same time I started to condense the Youki inside until I formed a giant blue sphere that released some rays of electricity, the process was unexpectedly fast, in just a matter of seconds I had already formed a sphere of electricity the size of my head.
The whole process was instinctive, I just had to wish to do something and the Youki inside me responded to my will, when I thought of launching the sphere of electricity, as if responding to my wishes, it propelled itself at great speed in the direction in which all the Youkai were fleeing.
Kenichi: "You've got to be kidding me!"
To my surprise at the moment of impact there was a thunderous explosion that caused unprecedented destruction, it was like a bomb of mass destruction, even I with my large size was sent flying backwards by the impact.
I have to admit that that took me by surprise, then I have enough Youki to launch that kind of attacks. Since I only had the Inuyasha anime for reference, I thought there was some kind of limitation or affinity for launching Youki attacks with element included, but apparently that doesn't seem to be the case.
Kenichi: (But then, why in the anime did Inuyasha and Sesshomaru never tried to do attacks like this?)
I understand it for Inuyasha, after all his control over the Youki and over his Youkai part was pretty shaky, but Sesshomaru was a full Youkai and for some strange reason, he only limited himself to performing poison attacks, even when he transformed into his Youkai form he limited himself to launching simple attacks like those of a beast, but with the level of Youki he had, this kind of attacks should have been easy for him to perform.
The only thing I can think of is that maybe like Touga, they purposely weakened him to make Inuyasha's growth more noticeable.
That's the only answer I can think of. Touga was a 3000 year old Youkai, aside from having an immense Youki, he also carried with Tessaiga, Tenseiga and Sō'unga, three of the strongest Youkai Swords in the anime, so I find it hard to believe that he received such lethal injuries in the battle against Ryūkotsusei as to ultimately die fighting a human with no powers.
Even though Ryūkotsusei was a pretty powerful Daiyoukai, he was defeated like it was nothing by Tessaiga's Bakuryūha, even later in the story it was shown how opponents who were stronger than Inuyasha could easily counter the Bakuryūha, so I find it hard to believe that Touga had so much trouble fighting him.
Kenichi: (After all, he mastered the three swords to perfection, even Sō'unga which was more powerful than Tessaiga and Tenseiga).
Well, I might as well not give the matter so much thought, after all this isn't exactly the same world as Inuyasha, so I might as well not pay so much importance to it.
After that, I spent the whole next day transformed into my Youkai form. Although it wasn't a practical form to fight against opponents stronger and faster than me, it could be put to a lot of uses, for starters it was much easier to channel the Youki, so I was able to experience various attacks.
For example I could launch a poisonous breath attack that easily melted a giant rock, apart from several elemental attacks like fire and lightning, I tried to coat my claws with fire and launch a long distance attack like Inuyasha's "Hijin Kessou" (Flying Blade Blood Claws), the result was a long distance cut that burned everything in its path.
I was also able to use the Youki to modify my body composition, that way I could increase and decrease my size, plus I could also adopt a form in which I stood on my two hind legs like Touga.
It felt so comfortable to be transformed into my Youkai form, that for a moment I was tempted to never return to my normal appearance.
But I couldn't make Tessaiga wait any longer, at this rate I was never going to be able to test his abilities, so even though I still had my doubts, I decided to transform back to human. I got so used to manipulating the Youki that I was able to transform back to human instantly without any problem. Even my clothes remained unchanged.
Even my clothes remained withoutI could feel Tessaiga throbbing with protest, the main reason I was supposed to come here was to use her abilities, but I was immersed in exploring the tomb for the first day and then I was for the entire second day when transformed into Youkai.
Kenichi: "I'm sorry~ Don't worry, we still have five days left, now is the perfect time for me to test your abilities, so I need your support partner" no change.
After telling Tessaiga that, she appeared in a flash of light in my hand, if I wanted I could summon her transformed immediately into her fang form or I could also summon her in her deteriorated form along with the sheath.
Since I was only going to test Tessaiga's abilities I summoned her in her fang form.
A few seconds after taking it, I started swinging it back and forth, as I already had some experience with Elucidator and Dark Repulser, it didn't cost me much to master it, I was for several hours just practicing, thanks to my ability to see in alternate realities, I could see how to use a big sword by using other characters as a reference.
After practicing for quite some time, I stood in front of a large rock and swung Tessaiga with enough strength and added my Youki, unlike the previous moves, now Tessaiga threw a concentrated burst of yellow Youki that cut the rock as if nothing.
The name of this move was Kenatsu (Sword-Force), it was one of the most basic moves that could be performed with any Youkai Sword, it is especially effective against Youkai.
Then I stopped in an area that was full of rocks even bigger than the one I destroyed a while ago, my goal now was to perform the most characteristic move of Inuyasha, its name was "Kaze no Kizu" (Scar of the Wind), it was practically the same as Kenatsu but at a much higher level.
This move was possible if the one using Tessaiga could accurately detect the crack that was caused by the collision of two Youki and cut it directly, but it can also be used instantly if I apply my own Youki on Tessaiga to cause a crack.
Unlike Inuyasha who had to learn it on the fly and had difficulty using his Youki, it didn't cost me much, the moment I felt the crack caused by the collision of my Youki inside Tessaiga, I immediately made a cut against the ground that produced a huge wave of yellow energy that destroyed all the rocks in its path.
Kenichi: "Kaze no Kizu!"
When the movement finally stopped, I could see with amazement how six deep cuts were marked on the ground and all the rocks were completely destroyed.
Kenichi: (I guess what they say about it having the power to kill 100 Youkai with a single cut is not an exaggeration, although those 100 Youkai have to be low level, plus it's pretty easy to use, no wonder it was the move Inuyasha used the most).
Unfortunately I can't test Bakuryūha, you could say it's Tessaiga's ultimate move, but one of the major criteria for using it is that you have to use the enemy's Youki, if you can hit the right spot of the enemy's attack with Kaze no Kizu, you can wrap the attack in a tornado of wind and return it with the power of the Kaze no Kizu added.
Although it also works against magical or other energy attacks, the criteria that you have to use the enemy's attack as a base has not changed, plus it is not very effective against enemies that are stronger.
Kenichi: (Although if someday I can fully master the Busoshoku Haki and Haoshoku Haki maybe I can add it with the Bakuryūha to make it even more lethal, I can already imagine a tornado that destroys everything while releasing red lightning).
Then there were only the appearance changes in Tessaiga's blade as Akai Tessaiga or also known as "Kekkai Yaburi no Akai Tessaiga", despite its flashy name, this ability is not as useful as it seems, in this form Tessaiga's blade adopted a red color like blood.
The only quality of this form is that it gave Tessaiga the ability to destroy energy barriers created with Youki, he could also add that ability to attacks like Kaze no Kizu, but at a point in history it stopped being useful because it could only destroy low level barriers, although who knows, there may be ways to make this ability stronger in the future by adding Busoshoku Haki.
Next would be Diamond Tessaiga, in this state Tessaiga's blade takes the form of several shining diamonds.
The moment Tessaiga adopted this form, I grabbed the handle with both hands and performed a horizontal slash into the air with all my might.
Kenichi: "Kongōsōha (Adamant Barrage)!"
A large amount of diamond fragments shot out destroying all the rocks they made contact with, it was like seeing bullets from a machine gun, but these diamonds were much faster and destructive, they all left large holes in the ground after piercing the rocks.
Although it was an incredible move, it was more effective when used against energy barriers, unlike Aka Tessaiga this one could destroy more powerful barriers plus you could also add the Kaze no Kizu to make the attack even more destructive.
Then there was Dragon-Scaled Tessaiga, in this state the blunt part of Tessaiga adopts the form of green dragon scales, although in this state it does not have powerful and destructive attacks, it has the ability to absorb and cut directly the Youki of the opponent.
Kenichi: (Although with Tessaiga's new abilities, it seems he can now also do that with spiritual energy and magic, so this state is going to be very useful against opponents who rely on long distance attacks.)
And lastly would be...
Kenichi: "Meidō Tessaiga!"
The moment I said that, Tessaiga's blade took on a black color resembling that of outer space. In this state Tessaiga could produce a powerful offensive attack that was capable of creating a direct path to the Netherworld, attracting the targets of the attack like a black hole. Anyone hit by Tessaiga while in this state is sent directly to the Netherworld dying instantly without taking physical damage.
This time I took quite a distance, my target was a rock that was as big as a mountain, when I was far enough away, I planted my feet firmly to the ground and just like when I cast the Kongōsōha I moved Tessaiga horizontally with all my might launching a crescent moon shaped slash that was the same black color as Tessaiga.
Kenichi: "Meidō Zagetsuha (Dark Path of the Dawn's Moon Wave)!"
The cut traveled at an impressive speed, as I did not want to get involved in my own attack, my only target was that giant rock.
The moment the cut made contact with the rock, a giant sphere of the same color instantly manifested, I have to admit that it was quite an incredible spectacle, it was like seeing the starry sky full of small galaxies, but although the appearance of the attack was beautiful, the effect was anything but beautiful.
As if it were a black hole, all the rocks and trees nearby were absorbed with great intensity by the Meidō Zangetsuha, even though I was quite far away, I had to cling firmly to the ground to not be absorbed by the attack.
Until finally after a few minutes the sphere began to decrease in size until it disappeared completely.
When I approached to observe the damage, I was surprised to see a crater several times bigger than the one I caused with my pure Youki attack when I was transformed into a Youkai.
Kenichi: "As far as I know there's also another attack where you can throw several Meidō blades instantly that cut the target sending the severed parts to the Netherworld, but I'll leave that move for another day, I think I've already caused enough damage to the environment."
I have to admit that Tessaiga's offensive power was impressive, these few abilities alone put it above most weapons in various anime, plus the sheath also provides a barrier that protects its user from attacks.
And the most amazing thing is that despite all the attacks I throw, I don't feel even a little bit tired, I don't feel my Youki getting exhausted either, I guess this is the advantage of being a Daiyoukai descendant, this must be the reason why Daiyoukai are ranked as SS Class, plus thanks to Tessaiga the Youki consumption isn't that great either.
Kenichi: (Come to think of it, in the anime both Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and his daughters could also launch Youki attacks all the time without getting tired).
No wonder all the Youkai in the Inuyasha anime started using only Youkai Swords as the story progressed instead of relying on their own Youki to launch attacks.
After resting and eating for a few hours, I returned to the same place where I provide Tessaiga's abilities ready for Round 2.
Kenichi: "Tessaiga, it's time for us to try out all the new skills you have gained over the years, show me the fruits of the effort of all those who have carried you throughout history."
Until now I only limited myself to use the moves from the Inuyasha anime, but now it was time to try all the techniques that the ancient bearers of Tessaiga bequeathed, just thinking about it makes my blood boil with excitement.
Kenichi: (I still have five days left in this place, so I'm going to make the most of it).
After thinking that, I took out Tessaiga with excitement ready to see why she was so coveted by everyone in the supernatural world.