Chereads / Ancient Magic From The Stars / Chapter 13 - Learning More

Chapter 13 - Learning More

Sirius POV

It didn't take Remus and I long before we slipped back into our routine, it was like we were never apart. I looked over at Cinthy and said, "Alright pup I think it's time for you to head to bed." She yawned and said, "Alright, I will go but you have to promise to tell me what the both of you talked about in the morning." I nodded and she came over and kissed both Remus and I on the cheek before heading off to bed. 

I made sure she was out of ear shot before I said, "She doesn't like secrets or lies because that's all she has ever known Moony. That means no secrets with her, You'll have to tell her about your furry problem tomorrow." Moony looked a little scared but in the end nodded in agreement. "On another note we found out some very interesting information that you my research loving friend will go gaga for." I handed him the books Cinthy and I found in her Vault and said, "We found these in Cinthy's vault along with some other stuff, but I told her we had to read these first before we go touching her ancestors ancient artifacts." Remus smiled at me and said, "I'm glad I was sitting down because the Sirius Black just told me he will be researching together with me before jumping into anything." He full on laughed at me. "Yeah super funny Moons, laugh it up but I will read millions of books if it will help keep my little girl safe." He got quiet at that and said, "I know Pads, she is everything to the both of us. Lets get started then shall we?" 

It was late into the night when Moony jumped up and said, "Oh we need to go back into the vault with the repository and then to the control chair. According to this Journal left by Merlin, wow that is weird to say...if we do that we will get all the information that the books contain and more imprinted in our brain somehow." 

I jump up at that and say, "You mean to tell me I can have all the knowledge just put in my head without the need to study any of it?" Remus just laughed and said, "That is basically what I am saying." I full on laugh before I say, "Well lets do it then." Remus looked at me with a amused grin and said, "You have to wait until morning at least. Cinthy is still asleep remember and it's technically her vault." I blushed at his reminder and that's when it hit me I was supposed to bring Remus to see James and Lily, they are going to be so mad at me. I turned to Moony with a grimace and say, "I just remembered something." Remus looked at me in confusion and said, "What has you looking constipated? Well come on out with it." 

I looked at him with fear and said, "I was supposed to bring you to James and Lily's portrait this morning but I forgot with all the reunion drama and then the research. Do you think Lily can hex me from the portrait or am I safe?" Remus laughed at me full on belly rolling laughed at me and said, "If anyone cand figure out how to hex you from the grave it's Lily. I didn't even know they had a portrait made, lets go see them before Lily finds a way to hex us both." I simply nodded and led the way. 

Remus and I walked into the portrait hall as we stepped through the doorway all the paintings fell silent. I looked to the corner where James and Lily's portrait was to see a death glare directed straight at me from none other than Lily Potter herself. James gave a short chuckle but stopped when she turned to look at him before she said, "Sirius Orion Black what in the world took you so long to bring Remus here?" I gulped and said, "Sorry Lil's I got distracted with showing Remus those books I was telling you both about last night after we sent Cinthy to bed." She sighed and I could see her expression soften and she said, "Alright I wont yell at you for that." She then looked at Remus and continued, "Now Remus I have a question for you. Why did you allow Dumble's to place my daughter with my hateful sister and why didn't you try to help Sirius get out of Azkaban?" I held my breath while I waited for his answer because I wanted the answers as well. 

Remus took a deep breath and said, "You all know I went on a mission from Dumbledore to talk to the packs to see about getting them to join our side and if not join us at least to not join he-who-must-not-be-named. Well as i was finishing up mu assignment I heard of your deaths and Sirius' incarceration. I didn't know about you switching the secret keeper so last I knew Sirius was it, I came back to three of my friends dead because of the supposed betrayal of the other and I lost it. I went to Dumbledore to ask if what the papers were saying was true and he told me that it was. He said Sirius admitted it when he was captured. As for Hyacinth he told me that he placed her in a secret location where she would be safe and loved. When I asked to see her for myself he told me that I wasn't allowed to know where she was because if I was caught by the dark sides remnants that they would rip through my mind to find her so I should just leave her where she was and to not ask. I did make him promise that I would get to see her after she started Hogwarts. I was supposed to meet her after her third year when she could go to Hogsmeade so that I wouldn't know where she was outside of school. I promise you all that I had no idea about the truth until I saw the news about Pad's earlier and I knew nothing about Cinthy's situation until this morning. If I had known sooner I would have stopped at nothing to keep her safe you know that. I truly believed Dumbledore, I truly thought she was safe."

James, Lily and myself nodded because we believed him he is to trusting of those he looks up to Dumbledore being the main one because he allowed Remus to study at Hogwarts despite his condition. I patted him on the shoulder for comfort and said, "We believe you Moony, lets put the past behind us and form a plan to keep Cinthy safe from all the bastards that want to either hurt or use her." Remus nodded in agreement before he said, "I think we should head back to the vaults to get the information implanted in our minds first then we can make plans with all of the information." Lily looked at us from the frame and said, "I think Remus is right you should have all the information first. We have some from the Potter family journals passed down from the Pervelle family but you are going to be the ones to keep Cinthy safe so you need to know what we know and more. We can plan for the future after you both have a full understanding of what is going on. You already know about the prophecy from Trelawny about Hyacinth Siri so clue Remy in on that and then get the information from the ancestors. We will talk again once that has been handled." 

I nod at Lily agreeing with her before I said, "We will go with Cinthy to the bank tomorrow to get the information then be back by nightfall. We will talk to you more tomorrow night. With that said I bid you goodnight fair maiden." I said with a flourishing bow in an attempt to lighten the mood and it worked like a charm as Lily, James and Remus all laughed at me. Remus shaking his head at me turned back to Lily and James saying goodnight. We left the hall and headed to our own rooms that way we will be ready for whatever we learn tomorrow.