Chereads / Ne×: war of Atlas / Chapter 2 - Dige conmo (2)

Chapter 2 - Dige conmo (2)

Volo walked to the left side of them room and sat down waiting for the hatch at the top to open. He looked over to his left and saw a pink haired girl reading a book "hi" he said calmly waiting for her response "huh, oh hello" she extended her hand "I'm Auna" "I'm Volo" Volo shock her hand and a third guy walked over and sat next to Volo.

Before they could talk the hatch opened and everyone ran to the pedastol moving to the top Volo used his speed and got to the pedastol, Anua walked up to the pedastol and the other guy just manifested behind Volo. 16/40 people passed the second exam.


"Sir what do we do?" "Did you send out the massage to all the hero's you can find?!" "Yes I gave it to soldier 7" the general looked at him "soldier 7 died in the nest!" The general ran to the phone "DONT LET SOLDIER 7 LEAVE!" before all the men knew it soldier 7 turned into a horrid entity multiple limbs shooting out from where his body once was, multiple eyes and faces, he had become an ent




And ent is a being made of multiple limbs and other body parts composed of flesh.

It can look like an animal, human or elf but some times it can be friendly but that's highly unlikely.

There main weak stop is there giant red eye that could be on or in there body.

They usually hunt underground, but if you see one above ground? Call a hero, If ones not available? Use your progression, or pray.


The ENT start to attack. "SHOT IT DEAD!" the general said "SHOT IT DEAD!" The soldiers started to fire at the Ents exposed eye. It swung it's extended arm are cut two soldiers in half and ran to the exit. But before it could move again a cyan spear was sent into its chest. The spear opened four hatches on its sides and a force field was shot out erasing every part of the ENT and the soldier who was infected.

"I-it can't be" all the soldiers turned and bowed as they saw a knight covered in iron armor and blue little coming out her robotic helmet "I see the nest is causing your I trouble" she said in low and slow voice sending shivers down the soldiers spines "if you want i can delete it for you" "no we don't know what could happen if we do" the blue Knight sighed and she teleport away "she's hot" one of the soldiers said

Back at Dige

Volo stood on the and watched as the other 16 heros walked to a certain spot. "Hello" a doctor said "this will be your 2/5 test to officially become a hero". The seven walls open and seven monsters emerge "who ever kills one or all of the monsters presented here will pass this test". One man confident he would pass walked up and chose the biggest monster he saw. The man had a poison progression and used it on the monster, but the acid barely affected the beast as it clamped its teeth and ate a vertical part of the man "oh yeah" the docter said "some of these monsters are immune to some progressions, but because this is a test I won't tell you which progressions will be usefully against which monster, so good luck" he said calmly "what the fuck" Volo thought "he sounds like he's enjoying this!". After the man was devoured, Volo walked up to a Ent, he never thought one could be possible caged. He walked in the cage and it locked behind him. He pulled out his bow and shot an electric arrow at its weak spot piecing it but it wasn't that easy. He ran across the walls and over the ENT and shot its weak spot constantly and after the 4th shot to its weak spot it exploded and Volo walked out the cage, covered in guts.

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