Chereads / Ne×: war of Atlas / Chapter 5 - cage of a fairy

Chapter 5 - cage of a fairy

With the heros gone the party was done but the four stayed behind to investigate the core some more. Zushi turned on his radio "Fe-" but Fen cut him off "doctor" Zushi went silent for a minute "Dr. Fen, are you sure the core is here?" "Yep" Zushi was suspicious of Fen but he wanted to become a hero so he went along with it. Volo and Auna were searching upstairs and for and nothing until they found a locked door with a sign

Do not enter

Dangerous creatures are inside

Do not enter

"Let's go in" Volo said and Auna loooed at him "hell no can you not read" Volo open the door anyway not listening to Auna but when they looked in all the saw were cages and a few had sheets on them with blood "wow this is not wha-" they heard a whimper from on of the cages and Volo walked over "your on your own" Auna said walking out with out hesitation. Volo walked over to the cage and crouched Infront of it, but before he could take off the cloak he heard his radio went off and the thing in the cage backed up in the cage "yes?" "Agent V have you found the core?" Fen said over the radio

"No not yet bu-" he was cut off before he could finish "ok then report back to front gate" "but i-' Fen inputted him again "alright see you there" Fen turned off his radio and Volo say down Infront of the cage. He decided to lift up the cloak what's the worst he could see? But as he lifted uo the cloak he saw a naked and young fairy in the cage. Volo put the cloak back down and tried to process what the hell he just saw.

"Maybe I'm hallucinating" he said as he pulled out his dagger. He slit both his eyes out to stop the hallucinations, then they both grew back good as new. He lifted the cloak again to see if it was a hallucination and when he looked back the fairy was still there "well shit" he just said to himself as the fairy looked at him scared and confused. He looked at her "what's your name?" Volo asked her as she looked at him terrified "A-a-aly" "hmm, Aly that's a nice name" he reached to open the cage but it was locked, so he pulled out his dagger and sliced the lock in half. Aly looked at him as he picked her up. He look at her wondering why she was in cage, and naked in one. He went back to the main hall but the doors shut as he was about to leave.

Auna, Zushi and Fen looked at him through the window as he tried to slash the somewhat impenetrable door and walls, but as he turned around the tables moved around and the floor opened and a drone emerged from the ground. "O-oh no" Aly said "whats wrong?" Volo loocked up and saw a drone with multiple metal technicals. It pointed it's red eye to Volo and a machine gun came out from all its sides "EXTERMINATE TARGET" the drone fired and tried to shoot Volo, but he was to fast. He ran behind the drone and stabbed it ripping off its first plate of armor and the drone let out a loud scream breaking the windows of the mansion. Volo picked up Aly and jumped out the window and ran to the plane "what are y'all waiting for? Let's go!" He said to the other three as they walked to the plane. The drone rebooted and had one objective: kill Volo and the others.

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