The rest went to finish the test. After the other 13 went only two were left, the girl he met at the pedestal room walked up to cage and opened the door. The monster she chose was a large creature with no legs and it walked on its arms.
The deformed monster walked up to auna and looked down on her as she pulled out a spear with a red jem in it. She cut off the monsters hands first and then watched it fall to the ground as it regenerate and it slammed it's fist down in the ground and she dodged flipping into the air and piercing it's eyes. She cut into his brain and sat the as he ribbed him self apart to get to her. As it killed it self she crawled out and stretched. "You pass" the doctor said "yes!" She said excitedly.
"Your up" she said to the last guy named Zushi "alright" he walked up to the final cage a creature composed of some rock "convenient" he said as he slammed his fist together, and before everyone's eyes, the creatures arms feel off and turned into dragons they attacked each other as Zushi ran to attack the main creature. The creature slammed it's head into Zushi but it missed as Zushi went behind it and stabbed it's brain core, and the two rock dragons shot through the giants chest ripping out it's heart. "Did I pass?" Zushi said walking out the cage "huh? Oh yeah sure" the doctor said looking at the ceiling.
The last 8 heros walked up to the final door and the doctor opened it and they all walked into a giant tower they looked up and saw 23 floors filled with various guards. The heros used there strengths and progressions to get around them with out being seen, Volo used his speed to pass all the guards, Auna dressed as a guard and snuck past them, Zushi turned into a rock and rolled pass them all. The others used there progression but some failed and 5 pased 3 failed.
A yellow haired man in a red suit walked through the 4th human city, Thera, and grabbed a apple and walked away "hey you have to pay for tha-" before the fruit vendor could finish his sentence, the man slit his throat with a crimson dagger "what was tha-" the man exploded, and all his parts flew into the air and turned to ashes everyone stared in shock and ran. "Damn, maybe I shouldn't have done that" he threw a ball into in the air and it blew up in to cloud of black and red smoke and out of it came twenty more daggers that pierced through everyone in the city that saw him, finding and piercing them. His personality changed entirely in an instant "ah silence" he grabbed all the fruit in the cart out it in a bag and walked away like nothing happened.
Back at the nest
The general watched as a small creature crawled out the nest entrance. "Kill it now!" the soldiers try to shot it dead but a scientist, Charis, tried to stop them "no don't kill it!" The general looked at her "Move out the way" Charis crouched and pointed at the creature "no, I mean, look at him!" the science picks the 'harmless' creature up and put it in a clear box "if we test on him we can find the creatures weakness" the general looked at her "and if it kills you it's you fault" "got it" she took it to her lab and the general looked at the nest "were sending 12 men in there this time" the second in command nodded "yes sir" 12 soldiers lined up to surround the nest and they went in.
The gravity changed like last time and they worked into the nest. As they walked in they saw a long cave with no end and a lot of small nest as well in habitating the cave. As they turned around they saw a tall lanky figure covered in black spicks. His head was covered in shadow but his yellow eyes were still visible through the darkness. "Shoot. SHOOT!" The soldiers fired at the creature but the bullets had no effect against its skin "throw the gren-" before he could finish the sentence the creature sent its spicked tentacles through his face, but it didn't him. The spicked tentacle opened and split into four more tentacles. "Throw it" one of the soldiers threw a grenade at the creature hoping to kill it, but the grenade gets launched back by gravity. "Weak" the creature spock and multiple armored giant scorpions started to kill the soldiers one by one, and only one maneged to escape without a leg. "Help me" he said to the others they stayed silent and the general said "I'm sorry" he said pulling out a gun "we can't risk it" shoting the soldier pushing him back into the pit
Back at Dige conmo
The last test was about to begin but the doctor just sat there reading a newspaper as the last five waited as the sat on the plane. "Ha! They'll let anyone be a hero these days" one of the other two said "Oh yeah" the said "only three of you can pass" the other two people got there throat slight with a card. "What the hell!" Auna said "alright you all pass the final exam" "why'd you kill them" Volo asked "well Zushi would have turned into a rock, Auna would have deflected the attack with her spear, and you would have used your speed to dodge it they were perfect targets" the plane landed at ferium, the third human city. "Why are we here?" "Follow me" they all followed the doctor to the front door "take these" the doctor handed them a earbud "this is your first mission, in any room in this mansion there is a core that glows red, that is the target." "Why is it here" "the buyer bought it at an auction and it is said that the core contains the power of 3 black holes, it is are job to take it before they use it on the islands" "yes sir" the three of them said.
A small girl sat in a cage with a mask on her face, her one wing still intact but the other was cut off. A man approached the young girl "don't worry child" he saying a seductive voice "you'll be dead, soon" he said to the naked girl a he walked out small room filled with cages smiling listening to her cry's for help.
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