"Look what you did, idiot, my jacket is ruined!" shouts Najo, glaring at Mukai.
Mukai snaps back, "You weren't supposed to run in without a plan."
Sukai, tied up in the corner, hears his brothers' voices and their muffled screams. He calls out, hoping they can hear him.
Mukai turns his head and sees the six assassins standing ominously. He is gripped by fear. He doesn't know their powers, but the King didn't face them head-on, so it's safe to assume they are tough. If he makes a move, one of them might attack. They are already in the lion's den at this point.
His mind spirals, wondering if he should risk it all. While Mukai is frozen, Moto jumps back with full force, smashing his back into the door and shattering it.
Mukai: "?!"
Alicia watches with curiosity. "Prioritizing the mission? He's a determined one."
Sukai is relieved but confused. "Why did you come?"
Moto, with a reassuring smile: "Well, we can't let anything happen to the good twin."
Mukai feels a pang of jealousy at Moto's words.
Alicia commands three assassins to round up the important ones and kill the rest while Kangetsu, Sifiso, and she watch.
Sheu's eyes widen in horror.
Sifiso: "Wait, isn't that Ginimbi's grandson?"
Najo: "What's it to you?"
Alicia, with a gleeful grin: "Wow, another cash cow. Okay then, don't kill him either."
One of the assassins hesitantly asks, "D-does this mean we can only kill the girl?"
Sheu goes pale hearing this as she frees the boys from their restraints. Moto attempts to encourage her.
Moto: "Don't let them scare you; we're elite students now."
Sheu: "Doesn't count if we're at the bottom of our class."
Moto: "Fair point. Well, good thing Mukai is here."
Najo: "Hey, what about me?"
Mukai, frustrated: "Stop joking around! We need to get out of here."
Moto: "Doubt they'll just let us get away, so..."
Najo, determined: "Time to crack some skulls."
He attacks first, lightning crackling with every strike. Moto takes on one of the assassins while Sukai and Sheu fight the third.
Najo faces an earth user who tries to bring the ceiling down on him. Najo resists the move, but the assassin raises the ground, throwing him off balance. The goon thinks he's won, but Najo uses the move against him, letting the ceiling fall. As the assassin's hands shoot up to hold it in place, Najo quickly swoops in with a lightning punch to the gut, knocking him out.
Meanwhile, Moto fights in close quarters. He creates an obscuring cloud of smoke and dodges the first swing. He pushes the assassin into the wall and executes a series of precise kicks, ending with a spin kick to the face. The earth user's body flies back from Najo's attack.
Alicia watches, impressed. "You see, Sifiso, this is why I select stronger recruits. For cases like this where the target is too ignorant for intimidation."
Sifiso: "Shall I handle it then?"
Alicia: "No, I know your abilities well. Let's see what Gehen can do."
Kangetsu, with a sly grin: "Sure thing, boss. May I borrow your knife real quick?"
He pulls the knife from her thigh strap, ready to engage.
Meanwhile, Mukai is struggling to process everything. He believes he's stronger than everyone and deduced that the assassins would be too strong, yet Moto defeated one. "I must have overestimated them. But this guy seems different," he thinks.
Najo charges at Kangetsu, but Kangetsu dodges and throws him to Alicia's feet. She steps on his jacket, pinning him in place.
Moto goes in next. To his surprise, Kangetsu avoids all his attacks perfectly.
Kangetsu: "Your style is familiar. I'm impressed that you've already mastered it."
Moto throws a punch. Kangetsu stands and takes the hit. Now Kangetsu's blood is on Moto's fist.
Moto: "Not so predictable now, is it?"
Kangetsu grins. "Not quite."
Moto looks confused. The blood on his fist begins to glow and explodes as he tries to wipe it off.
Alicia: "Careful, Kangetsu. I still want him. As for the others, two minutes and you can stop holding back."
Kangetsu: "Sure, boss."
Sheu and Sukai flank Kangetsu. He hits Sukai on the side of the head with the knife handle and slashes at Sheu's neck with the sharp side. Moto isn't quick enough, but before it reaches her, Najo shoots a bolt of lightning, knocking the knife out of Kangetsu's hand. Moto catches the knife while Najo rips free from his jacket. Moto catches the knife and slashes at Kangetsu's face, cutting his left side.
Kangetsu grabs Moto's hand, punches him on the side, and as Najo speeds in, Kangetsu smears the blood on the knife on Najo's chest. The blood explosion sends Najo flying.
Mukai, witnessing the disaster, tries to muster his courage. "I am at the top of my class, yet here I am afraid to move." He asks himself if this powerlessness is how his father feels. That mental comparison to his father snaps him out of his fear. He uses the puddles left by their initial flood to make water daggers.
He launches them at Kangetsu. Kangetsu decides to deal with him now and charges him. He lets the daggers hit him, knowing his bleeding will enhance his abilities. Now with his full body covered in cuts, he leaps at Mukai, arms wide as his body begins to glow.
Moto and Sukai: "Watch out!"
Mukai: "Nox pool."
He traps Kangetsu in a water cylinder. The glow leaves his body. The explosion has been halted, and Kangetsu holds his breath as his blood dissolves in the water.
There is a sigh of relief.
This is interrupted by Alicia, as she counts down the time left before they can declare the mission failed and kill the princes.
Alicia: "4... 3... 2... 1..."
Kangetsu smirks from within the cylinder as it begins to glow. It appears his blood was only spreading, and now it has reignited.
A cold silence fills the room.