How had it come to this? Reduced to hiding in the literal underground while Malcolm—spineless, paper-pushing Malcolm—pretended to run the guild I'd built with my own blood and sweat.
My burner phone buzzed on the makeshift table, the screen flashing with a message from Malcolm. I snatched it up, my nails scratching against the cheap plastic casing.
Malcolm: Hearing went poorly. Iron Dominion pushing full merger. W.H.O. leaning toward approval. Need instructions.
I clenched my teeth, resisting the urge to hurl the phone across the room. This was exactly what I'd feared. Victoria's victory wasn't just a blow to my pride—it was a death knell for everything I'd worked to achieve.
Amelia: Stall. Convince them it's too risky. Highlight Ranker dissent. Buy me time.
The response came almost instantly.