Later that evening, with Kinara's help, Ervin and Kato teleported to Benville Hospital, where Kato's mother was being treated. As they approached her room, Kato braced himself, uncertain of what to expect.
When they entered, the sight before him matched what Dana had told him. Sitting on the hospital bed was his mother, awake but visibly thinner and frailer than he remembered. Seeing her like this brought tears to Kato's eyes.
Kato: Mother?
Korra: (turns her head slowly) Kato?
Without hesitation, Kato rushed to her side, and they embraced. Both of them cried, overwhelmed with relief and joy after so long apart. In that moment, Kato pushed aside the questions about how she had woken up. None of that mattered now.
Kato: (still crying) I thought I lost you mom.
Korra: (stroking Kato's hair) I thought I lost you too, son.
Meanwhile, Ervin stepped out of the room to give Kato some time alone with his mother. He found Dana waiting in the hallway, her expression serious. She had something important to share.
Ervin: Alright, Dana. First question: how is she alive?
Dana: From the tests I've run, it seems her body has been trying to adapt to the shadow energy forced into her.
Ervin: Adapt? That shouldn't even be possible. She's human, right?
Dana: Yeah she is.
Ervin: So… does that mean she's become a full shadow, like us?
Dana: (whispers) NOT SO LOUD!!!!
Ervin: (cartoonish face) Sorry.
Dana: (sighs) No, not exactly. I had to run more tests to figure out why she woke up and why she's still alive, and I think I've found the reason.
Ervin: Okay. I'm ready to hear it.
Dana: Her body was trying to adapt to the shadow energy because… well, because she mated with a shadow to have Kato. Carrying him—someone with 1% shadow energy—in her womb likely contributed. Her body adapted to handling 1% shadow energy back then, and that adaptation persisted even after Kato was born. That's probably what stopped her from dying immediately or turning into a shadow monster after being bitten by a Shadow Bug.
Ervin: For real? So she's awake now because her body fully adapted?
Dana: No.
Ervin: (cartoonish face) I'm starting to get confused here.
Dana: (cartoonish face) At least let me finish!
Ervin: (cartoonish face) Sorry.
Dana: She's awake because her body failed to adapt to the 99% shadow energy forced into her back in July.
Ervin: Wait, what? Then how is she even conscious?
Dana: I suspect it's because of Kato's father. He must have had a unique trait—something in his physiology that allowed him to adapt to foreign energies. By having a child with Korra, it seems some of that adaptability passed to her as well, which let her handle 1% shadow energy without dying. But she doesn't have enough of that trait to adapt fully to the 99% shadow energy now overwhelming her body.
Ervin: (scratches his head) Ugh… This is so complicated.
Dana: I know, right?
Ervin: If her body failed to adapt, how much time does she have?
Dana: (somberly) A few minutes. Maybe less.
Ervin: (frowning) Why didn't you tell Kato?
Dana: (looking down) Because… his mother wanted to tell him herself.
Meanwhile, back in the hospital room, Kato and Korra continued their heartfelt conversation.
Kato: And that's how they accepted me into the Shadow Society, Mom.
Korra: (smiles) I'm so glad you were able to meet good people who saved and took care of you. When I regained consciousness, I was terrified you'd been captured by the HFA or, worse, killed. But seeing you here, alive and well, makes me so happy, Kato. Truly.
Kato: (smiles) When Mr. Ervin and the others took me in, accepted me, gave me a place to stay, and trained me, I remembered what you told me—that not all Shadows are evil. You were right, Mom. Not all of them are as bad as the world says. But… I wish I'd found out differently. Not like this.
Korra: I see. And how do you feel about all of this?
Kato: First, it was knowing you were going to die, and then me becoming a Shadow. Then finding out I'm the last descendant of the… (scratches his head) Hamorabi Clan, was it? And that I'd awaken the God Eye, which would make the Kaimi Daja come after me. At first, it all felt like too much to bear, but…
Kato paused, recalling his conversation with Mira and the others in Chapter 19. He also thought of Takimo, who had never given up on him.
Kato: The friends I've made and the fact that Takimo still believes in me kept me going. It gave me strength and confidence to face whatever comes my way. It also made me determined to end the cycle of hatred that's been going on for so long so that no one else has to go through what I did.
Korra: Oh, Takimo. How's he doing? Have you heard from him?
Kato: Not really. I haven't seen him since that day… or when I snuck into school for graduation. He's joining the HFA to find a way to see me again. Sometimes I worry about him because of how dangerous their work is, but I have faith in him. (smiles faintly) He even gave up on his dream just to see me again.
Korra: There aren't many people out there like Takimo. Make sure you both look out for each other, okay?
Kato: Right, mom.
Korra: (sighs softly) Sometimes, I imagine this world as one big garden.
Kato: A garden?
Korra: Yes. I picture it as a vast, beautiful garden. The sky would stretch endlessly, painted with the colors of peace, and the trees in that forest would thrive under the harmony everyone shared. It would be a paradise. But… that paradise was taken from us. Disagreements turned to division, and now the sky is heavy with gray clouds, reflecting a broken world. The forest is tense, scarred, and burned by flames of war that haven't stopped for over 500 years. I used to wonder… Can we ever go back? Can the garden become beautiful and welcoming again?
For a moment, Korra and Kato both closed their eyes, imagining the garden Korra described. It was serene and full of life, but in the blink of an eye, it transformed—consumed by flames, choking on ash.
Kato: (clenching his fists) I'll bring it back, Mom. Like I said, I want to end the cycle of hatred, and I'm going to do it. Now that you're awake, everything is going to be fine. I'll protect you and keep you safe. I won't let the Kaimi Daja hurt you ever again. I'm getting stronger so I can make it happen. I will make it happen.
Kato looked at his mother with fierce determination in his eyes. But as he spoke, he noticed her expression change. Korra averted her gaze, her face growing sorrowful. She looked down for a moment, then slowly raised her head to meet Kato's eyes. Her voice trembled as she spoke.
Korra: Kato, I'm dying. Today.
Kato: Huh?
Korra: According to the doctor who was here earlier, I only have a few minutes until the shadow energy in my body kills me. She said it's a miracle I lasted this long. I don't have much time left, Kato.
Kato froze in complete and utter shock. A cold line of sweat ran down his forehead. The words he'd spoken earlier about strength and resolve suddenly felt hollow, thrown back at him as if they meant nothing. A voice echoed in his mind, one he'd heard before:
"Sorry to break it to you but the world doesn't work according to your desires."
He zoned out for a moment, paralyzed by the weight of his mother's revelation. But he snapped back to reality when he heard her coughing violently. Blood trickled from her mouth and nose.
Kato: Mother!!
Korra: (continues coughing)
Kato: I'll get Ms. Dana! (He turns to leave, but Korra suddenly grabs his hand.)
Korra: Wait… I have something I need to tell you.
Kato: That can wait! I need to get Ms. Dana to look at you—
Korra: I already told you. I only have moments left. (coughs) Even if you call her, there's nothing she can do to save me.
Kato: But...
Korra: At least listen to me, Kato! (tears in her eyes) Please, just this once, don't be stubborn… not when it's the last time.
Seeing the tears in his mother's eyes, Kato felt compelled to sit down beside her. He clenched his fists, trembling with frustration.
Kato: (through gritted teeth) DAMN IT!
Korra: Before I pass, I feel it's only right to tell you about your father. Your father… he's…
Kato: He's a Shadow, isn't he? I already know that much. They explained it to me when I arrived at the Shadow Society. But why are we talking about him now? He's not important. He left us, just like that. I don't want to talk about him.
Korra: I know your father isn't your favorite person because he left us… (coughs) but he's not the man you think he is. He left for a good reason—to protect us.
Kato: Protect us? Where was he when we were bitten by Shadow Bugs? Where was he when I was kidnapped by the Kaimi Daja? He never came to visit you in the hospital, never even tried to find me. How am I supposed to understand a father like that? Doesn't he care about us?
Korra: Your father… he's had a complicated life and made many mistakes. But you and I were not one of them. He cares for us, Kato. He loves us deeply. (coughs) He left, not because he doesn't care, but because staying would've brought his enemies straight to us.
Kato: His enemies?
Korra: Why do you think we moved to Benville City after he left? He… (coughs violently)
Suddenly, blood began pouring from Korra's eyes, nose, and mouth. Her breathing grew ragged, cutting her explanation short. At that moment, Ervin and Dana returned to the room.
Kato: (panicking) What's happening to my mom?!
Dana: She's dying. Her body is collapsing under the strain of the shadow energy. It's reached its limit.
Kato: (tears streaming down his face) PLEASE, DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING!!
Dana: I'm sorry, Kato. There's nothing anyone can do. I'm so sorry.
Kato collapsed to his knees beside the hospital bed, gripping the sheets as despair consumed him. His worst fear was becoming reality.
"The thought that she's going to die and there's nothing I can do about it stays on my mind everyday and it scares me."
"Don't worry man. Whatever happens to your mom we'll be here for you."
"We'll be here for you when the aftermath starts."
Kato: (voice breaking) But I was wrong! All the goals I set, all the times I said I could handle anything—it was all a lie. I'm weak. I'm not ready for this. I CAN'T ACCEPT THIS PATH! I CAN'T LIVE THIS LIFE WITHOUT YOU, MOTHER! SO MUCH HAS BEEN PUSHED ON ME ALL AT ONCE, AND I'M NOT READY! I'M NOT! PLEASE, COME BACK FROM THIS! PLEASE! I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU! PLEASE!!!
Through her labored breathing, Korra gently pulled Kato into her arms. Her voice, though faint, carried a firm resolve.
Korra: (softly) Kato… my brave boy… strength isn't about never feeling afraid or overwhelmed. It's about facing those feelings and moving forward despite them. It's okay to feel unready… (breathes heavily) to feel like everything is too much. But know this: you are not alone. You have friends who care for you deeply, just as I do.
She paused, looking into his tear-filled eyes with love and seriousness.
Korra: I won't be there physically, but my love and belief in you will always remain. Trust in yourself and in the bonds you've built. It's okay to lean on others when you need to. (breathes heavily) But never forget the incredible strength you hold within. You have the heart of a protector. That will guide you, even in the darkest times.
Her voice grew weaker with each word, her final moments drawing near.
Korra: Promise me, Kato, that you'll keep moving forward, no matter how hard it gets. Promise me.
Kato: (sobbing) I… I don't know if I can. I don't want to make promises I can't keep.
Korra: Y(smiling faintly) You are stronger than you realize… and I know you'll find your way.
With those final words, Korra gave Kato one last tender smile. Her breathing slowed, and the light in her eyes dimmed. She passed away with that loving smile on her face.
Chapter 52: Departure At The End