Mira led Kato through the lush garden, her steps purposeful, though Kato trailed behind, lost in his thoughts. She stopped abruptly and glanced back at him. Kato, oblivious, barely noticed her gaze.
Mira: (to herself) This feels just like back then. Only now, our roles are reversed. Your words unknowingly helped me see myself differently, and I'll always be grateful for that. That's why I chose to become your friend.
To chase after you.
To be that person you always saw.
To see the value in people the way you saw the value in me.
To always be close to you.
You think me being the second best after you in class is a coincidence?
You changed me, Kato. Your words saved me, Kato.
Mira: (to herself) Just like you helped me back then, I'm going to fulfill my promise to help you now. I'll bring you back from this darkness. I'll do whatever it takes to see your smile again. Because I…
Kato: (breaking her thoughts) Mira? Why did you bring me out here?
Mira: Isn't it obvious? I'm fulfilling the promise I made to you back then. Don't you remember?
"We'll be here for you when the aftermath starts."
Kato: I remember. But... (looks down) I don't think you should bother with me. I'm just a liar who says anything.
Mira: (looks at him silently)
Kato: I always told myself I was ready to take on everything as long as you guys were with me. But when my mom… in her final moments, I realized I never truly believed those words. I've been lying to myself this whole time.
Mira: (sighs)
Kato: It's better that—
Mira: (walks up and taps his forehead gently) Idiot. You think saying that will make me back down from my promise? Sorry, but it'll take more than that to get rid of me. Now come on, everyone's waiting.
Kato: Everyone?
They walked until they reached a giant tree with a house nestled in its branches—a treehouse. Perched on top, Yamato was waiting for them.
Kato: A treehouse?
Mira: Yeah. My dad built it when I was a kid. It became our hideout to escape from the adults. Everyone's up there now.
Yamato: (noticing them) Took you love birds long enough.
Mira: (blushes) Love birds!?
Kenji: (appearing from the treehouse) Don't mind him. You two, come on up.
Inside, Kato found Isaiah, Cookie, and Uta already there. The treehouse was surprisingly spacious, comfortably fitting everyone. The group fell silent as Kato entered.
Kato: You guys,...
Isaiah: Yo.
Uta: (nods silently)
Cookie: We heard what happened to your mom. I'm so sorry.
Kato: Thanks. But it was always going to happen, wasn't it? I just deluded myself into thinking everything would be okay. But... (sighs)
Yamato: Come on man, lay it all out. That's why we're here.
Kenji: Yeah, spill it.
Mira: (nods)
Isaiah: (pats Kato on the back)
Kato: (sighs deeply) I feel so hollow. There's this emptiness in my chest—expected, since my mom's gone. But it's more than that. (takes a deep breath)
I'm so angry with myself. After you all promised to stand by me, I told myself I could face anything. But then everything happened:
The Kaimi Daja came after me
Arou turned out to be one of them.
Mr. Ervin revealed that, in every scenario, their plans lead to my death.
My mom's death...
I denied it all, convincing myself it was just a bad dream. But when my mom was dying, I realized I'd been lying to myself and to you all.
Kato: (clenches his fists) I wasn't ready for anything. The words I said were just excuses to feel competent. It infuriates me. I hate myself for it. And now... I don't know how to move on. How do I honor my mom's last wishes when all I do is lie?
Mira: (places her hand on his shoulder) Kato, it's okay to feel this way. You're not the only one who's ever felt unprepared or scared.
Kenji: Yeah. None of us are ready for everything life throws at us. Especially one where everyone would hate and try to kill us. It's not wrong to have told yourself those things. You did what you thought you had to. It doesn't make you less human.
Cookie: You don't have to carry this alone, Kato.
Yamato: We're here for you, Kato, just like we promised.
Isaiah: Your mother wanted you to be happy and to live your life fully right? She wouldn't want you to be weighed down by guilt or self-hatred. Honoring her wishes doesn't mean you have to be perfect or have all the answers.
Kenji: There's no one who's perfect and has all the answers. It just means you keep moving forward, even when it's hard, and that you stay true to the person she raised you to be.
Mira: You always see the value in people. Don't stop being that person.
Cookie: You don't need to have everything figured out. Take it slow.
Yamato: And if you stumble, we'll be here to help you back up. Your strength doesn't come from never feeling weak, it comes from finding the courage to keep going, and we'll be here for you.
Uta: (taps Kato on the shoulder) // You'll be fine. We're here.//
Kato looked around all of them and saw the look on everyone's faces and he saw the sincerity in their faces that they meant every single word they had just told him.
Kato: But....what if I end up doing the same thing again? What if I end up lying to myself and you all again?
Yamato: Then I'll come with my knuckle sandwich special fist and knock some sense into you.
Kenji: More seriously, though...
Cookie: We're here for you, Kato.
Mira: All of us. If Takimo were here, he'd say the same.
As Kato sat among them, he suddenly recalled the words his mother had said to him before she died.
"Kato, my brave boy, strength isn't about never feeling afraid or overwhelmed. It's about facing those feelings and moving forward despite them."
"It's okay to feel unready, to feel like everything is too much. But know this, you are not alone. You have friends who care for you deeply and believe in you, just as I do."
"I know I won't be there physically, but my love and belief in you will always be with you. Trust in yourself and in the bonds you've built. It's okay to lean on others when you need to, and it's okay to grieve."
"But never forget the incredible strength you have within you. You have the heart of a protector, and that will guide you, even in the darkest times."
Kato: (to himself) Here's everyone assuring me that they'll be by my side no matter what. Trust in the bonds you've built….
"What if instead of hating yourself, you tried to forgive yourself?..."
Kato sat quietly, lost in thought, surrounded by his friends.
Chapter 55: Moving Forward
A man with blonde hair, wearing a brown jacket, white shirt, and a brown scarf, sat on a park bench. Bandages wrapped both his hands.
He sat close to a pond which had some ducks moving around the pond and he started feeding the ducks with the piece of bread in his hands.
Suddenly, someone came and sat beside him and this person was none other than Ervin Hashido who started a conversation with this man on the park bench.
Ervin: You seem pretty down.
Blonde Hair guy: (to himself) He's talking to me? (aloud) Yeah. Not in the best mood.
Ervin: Want to talk about it?
Blonde Hair guy: You wouldn't get it.
Ervin: Try me.
Blonde Hair guy: Why should I tell you? I don't know who you are. What good would it do for you if I tell you?
Ervin: You're right; you don't know me. But sometimes talking to someone outside your circle helps. No judgments, no expectations, just a fresh perspective. And maybe, just maybe, it might do you some good.
Blonde Hair guy: (sighs) I lost someone special to me. She was the one light that shone in my cold and dark world. And now that light has been put out and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
Ervin: I know that feeling. I know what it means to lose someone special to you.(chuckles lightly)
Blonde Hair guy: Something funny?
Ervin: No, just... you have the same look as him.
Blonde Hair guy: Him? Who are you talking about?
Ervin: Kato. You're his father, aren't you? Hiroshi Hamura.