When someone you love becomes a memory,
That memory becomes a treasure
October 12th 2021,
Later that day, Benville City Hospital announced the death of Korra Hamura. The news quickly spread nationwide, shaking the hearts of the people in Haiwa. With no surviving family to claim her, the hospital decided to cremate her body.
Takimo Zenoshi, a close family friend, was contacted by the hospital since he was the nearest to Korra's family in her final days. It was his responsibility to receive her ashes after the cremation.
After her body was cremated, Takimo carefully collected the ashes into a jar. His hand trembled slightly as he performed the solemn task.
Takimo: his feeling again? It's been so long since I felt this hollow... not since Mom, Dad, and Grandma. (he places a hand over his chest) Why does it always come back like this?
As Takimo worked, a woman entered the room. She wore a white lab coat and had a warm but somber presence. It was Dana, the doctor who had been assigned to care for Korra.
Dana: You're Takimo Zenoshi right?
Takimo: Yes ma'am.
Dana: I was the one who made the call that brought you here. I'm sorry if it's too much for you.
Takimo: (shakes his head) It's fine. Mrs. Hamura was like a second mother to me. After my parents and grandmother passed, Kato and his mom became my family. And now... this.
Dana: Are you going to be alright?
Takimo: (takes a deep breath) I will. I've known deep down for a while that this day would come. I'll be fine.
Dana: (to herself) Are you sure about that?
As Takimo turned to leave with the jar of ashes, Dana reached into her coat pocket and pulled out an envelope.
Dana: Wait. (holding out the envelope) Korra asked me to give this to you. It's a letter she dictated before she passed.
Takimo: (staring at the envelope) A letter? From her?
Dana: Well, technically, I wrote it for her. She told me what to say. (hands him the letter)
Takimo: Thank you ma'am
Dana: No worries. I'm just doing what she told me to.
Takimo: I'll be on my way now (begins to walk away)
Dana: You take care of yourself alright?
Takimo: (waves back at her)
As Takimo walked away from the hospital, he paused under a streetlamp. The rain began to drizzle softly, and he opened the envelope with trembling fingers. As he read Korra's final words, his expression grew even more sorrowful. The drizzle turned into a downpour, matching the storm in his heart.
Chapter 56: Dust & Ashes
A few hours later, Takimo stood in the rain at a cemetery. Three tombstones stood before him, marking the graves of his mother, father, and grandmother. In his hands, he held the jar containing Korra's ashes.
Takimo: (to himself) Why do they all keep leaving me behind?
Footsteps approached, and an umbrella was suddenly held over his head. Takimo turned to see Silva standing beside him, her expression soft and understanding. Rin stood a short distance away, silently offering his presence.
Silva: You'll catch a cold.
Takimo: (smiles faintly) Thanks, but I can regulate my body temperature. I'll be fine.
Silva: Well, I'm still going to keep you dry.
Takimo: Do what you want.
A moment of silence passed before Silva spoke again.
Silva: We all heard what happened. I'm so sorry.
Takimo: Thank you. You know, Mrs Hamura was one of the only people I had left to call family. Everyone who seems to be close to me is always leaving me behind. First it was my mother and father, Grandma, Kato & now Mrs Hamura. Now nothing is left of them except for the tombstones and the ashes in my hand. Kato's out there somewhere, hiding because people think he's a monster. It's just me now.
Silva and Rin listened quietly, letting Takimo speak his heart.
Takimo: My parents were pilots. They were hardly ever home, but they made up for it by taking me on their plane and showing me how it worked. They promised one day they'd take me on a trip. But a few years later, their plane's engine failed, and they... (voice breaks) they never came back.
Rin: (gently pats Takimo's shoulder)
Silva: (to herself) A plane crash? That's awful.
Takimo: After they died, my grandma took care of me. She was my everything. But one night, a burglar broke into our house. She told me to call the police while she distracted him. He tried to attack me, and she fought him off... but she didn't make it. (clenches his fists) She died protecting me.
Takimo's voice trembled as he continued.
Takimo: Then it was Kato becoming a Shadow, and now Mrs. Hamura. Everyone's gone.
The rain began to ease.
Silva: (holds Takimo's hand) Don't worry Takimo. I know we don't say this a lot but we're here for you. I know it feels like everyone is leaving youtube we won't. We promised to watch each other's backs right?
Rin: That's right. We have each other's backs now. We gotta ensure that no one feels the kind of pain we're all feeling right now.
Takimo: (takes a deep breath) But we can't get rid of this feeling. It's not possible as long as people die at the end of their lives. So even if I'm going to die, I want to use the time I have while alive to cherish the memories of those who have died & everyone around me and keep working towards the goal I have in my mind.
Silva: (smiles) That's the spirit.
Takimo: (looks at them) Thanks for coming guys. It means a lot
Silva: Don't mention it. What are friends for?
Takimo: (turns to Rin) Although I'm surprised that you're here Rin. What about the others?
Rin: Kazemaru and Tendo couldn't make it, and Eric doesn't know you well yet. He's grieving too—his brother just passed.
Takimo: (to himself) Everywhere I look there's death. Would I lose you guys too when we officially become Hunters?
Silva: So, what are you going to do with her ashes?
Takimo: (looks at the jar) I'll keep them until I see Kato again. Then we'll spread them in Keys Town. It's what she wanted.
The rain resumed as the three friends began to walk away, leaving the cemetery behind. In Takimo's hands, he held the jar of ashes and the letter, which read:
If you're reading this, it means that I'm already dead and the female doctor who was assigned to me has given you this letter that I told her to help me write.
I wanted to speak with you before I passed but it wasn't possible so I thought using this letter would be the best way to speak to you.
I want to thank you for always staying by my son's side all these years. He doesn't say it but you're the best thing that has ever happened to him. I want you to watch each other's backs. My son tends to be stubborn sometimes so I beg of you to please look out for him. I have faith that you two will see each other again.
Lastly, when my body is cremated, I want you and Kato to go and spread my ashes in our hometown; Keys Town. I want both of you to be the one's to do it and no one will do it without the other cause if you don't, I'll know. I always know everything.
Well I think this is the end of the letter. I'm glad I was able to be a mother to you while I was alive and I'm glad Kato has a loyal person like you as his friend.
Korra Hamura