As they start to calm down and their laughs die down, Saif says that that was a good laugh. Kento agrees and then slowly their laughs die down awkwardly and they fall into awkward silence again while walking. It's still awkward between them, but not as much as before. Saif then out of no where, "I am really sorry I caused you more trouble with those bullies Kento." He says it with a serious and apologetic way. Kento is suprised by the sudden shift in mood and the serious trun this conversation took and says, "Don't worry, as I said it's fine, it's fine, I promise it is. I am used to their bullying, so it's nothing new and it will die down and become normal again so, so no worries.(He says while waving his hands infront of himself.)" Saif asks him, "How exactly is this supposed to make the situation better by me knowing that you are used to it? How is me knowing that they will in fact beat him up now is supposed to make it fine now?! (He says in a serious tone leaving no room for anything else)" Kento shrinks back at his words and their seriousness. Kento brings up the things about how Grandviville will protect him and Saif doesn't need to be worried, but Saif quickly answers and says "Yeah that may be true, and I know I was the one who said that, but let's think about it for a second. The barrier squads (The police in this story) are the busiest they are this time of year in district 1 because of the exam, so I don't think they will ever come in time to help." Saif sighs after saying that as Kento looks even more uncomfortable now because of how Saif has been acting now and how he is being tought right now, even slightly aggressive.
When Saif realises how he messed up and made him uncomfortable, he wanted to make him understand that he is just worried about him, so he goes through his head and blurts out, "Hey, I can protect you till things die down in district 1." Internally, Saif face palms himself for saying that. He doesn't want to be close with Kento as he is a femboy, and now he has to walk home with him if he or if he didn't enter Grandviville, 'Now that's just great' he things while being sarcastic. He theb thinks to him, "Well, at the end of the day, I need to take responsibility for my actions as I was the one who made them mad. So I should stop complaining as this is my fault. (Sighs hard in his mind)" Kento hears his words and feels like to him like it all wasn't real. Was is really going on and happening. Is this guy actually offering to protect him? Does he... does he actually care about him and think he is his friend? Did he just make a friend and so long! His eyes widen from happiness at the thought of making a friend, but before he was gonna say anything, he realised something, why is this guy telling me all of this, we are strangers and met today, and he wants to protect me. Why? What's his motive? And why is he doing it? He can't think I am a friend so soon, not after everyone who met me treats me like I don't matter. That's why I make myself look like this, I am no ma-... Kento stops the self hate talk for now and continues thinking about why Saif said what he said. Kento then gets a gloomy and suspesuss look on his face that he hides. Saif is in internal point from realising how long term his words mean and how he will then have to associate with a femboy for so long. He curses himself for opening his mouth and saying that.
Trying to get himself out of the situation as soon as possible, Saif then says quickly how Kento still needs to learn how to fight and fend for himself as Saif can't always be there for him. Saif in his mind tapped himself on the back for this great excuse to get away from Kento eventually after solving the mess he made (Hidden intentions). Kento looks at him with confusion as now he is more confused about what games Saif is playing, and if he is in fact actually someone who cares, or just being nice to not be mean to him, or someone who has other plans just like everyone else. He at first felt pathetic, needing Saif's sympathy to help him, to protect him, but now, he feels like Saif is doing this because he cares about him, but why? The hope in Kento's heart is weak but still there. (I promise dear reader that this isn't a BL story, just bare with me.) They just met after all. In Saif's head is quite the opposite, he saved him because he had enough of hearing them belittle his life, but the reason why he is still with him is because he slipped with his mouth and asked Kento if he was going to Grandviville, Saif curses himself for asking him that and now needing to be stuck with him for so long, yet he hides all of this like he is feeling none of it.
Saif then says in a playful way, "I know MMA, and I can teach yout he ways of battle." Kento asks if he really can learn from him, trying to give Saif the space to decline if he was just saying that out of sympathy, but Saif tells him that of course he can with no hesitation not realising it. Then Saif says in a playful tone how the first rule of fighting is to never fight. Kento looks confused and with a chuckle asks how does any of that make sense. Saif says jokingly, "aahhhhhhh, to be young and naive again (They are the same age).", Kento laughed and Saif continued. "The thing is Kento, not at every inconvenience do you ever resort to your martial art power. If someone piss you off, always be patient. If someone even hits you, also be patient. And also, even if the situation asks for a fight, always try to end it as peacefully as possible." Kento then gets a flash back to how Saif didn't really fight those guys and just reflected their own attacks back at them. Saif then tells him as an example that he could have shattered the leg of the bully who kicked him, but he only made a small part of the kick go back to him and he sent the rest through him and into the ground, that's why he mostly lost his footing if Kento noticed, but the hit still mostly got absorbed by his arm and side as those were the points of contact, so it still kind of hurts, but as a fighter, he is used to it, "So don't you dare and apologise." Saif quickly says as Kento is suprised that Saif read is him and it was allover his face. Saif sighs say "Knew it." and asks what he was even going to apologise about. Kento pauses for a moment then says that he doesn't know, but he is still sorry, Saif sighs and tell him to stop apologising while sounding exhausted. Kento chuckles as Saif over exaggerated his word to make a funny performance. "Anywho, let's go back to topic and let me give you a pop quiz."
This catchs Kento off guard, but grabs his attention and awaits Saif's quiz. Saif then asks what will Kento do if he was an excellent fighter, what should he do if a group of people want to fight him, and he is not cornered nor has anyone to protect. Kento thinks for a moment as he can tell that it's a trick question, but can't find any other solutions but to fight them so he says that as his answer. In an exaggerated but friendly way, Saif says "Wrong!" He continued, "You should always run." Kento is surprised by this and repeats the word 'Run?' In a confused way back to Saif. Saif repeats back 'Yes, run.' To Kento. He then tells Kento how fights in shows and movies is way different than reality. In a movie a guy can take down 20 people even without his power without them hitting him once, but in real fight, you always get hit. Always expect to be hit if you are in a fight. Always expect to be hit when you hit someone, but your goal in that perspective is to minimise the amount of times you are hit, but movies just turn that number into zero which is so unrealistic. In fights, a fighter wouldn't doge everything, he would mostly block the hits, or not let his opponent to be able fine an opening to initiate a hit. If a real fighter gets strong enough, yes, he can probably take down 3 or 4 people who can street fight without his powers and they without them also using them, but that doesn't mean he should fight them at all. In movies, a guy takes like 20 full power punches to the face and still continue fighting when sometimes in fights, only 1 full power punch can KO someone who fights for a living and eats punches every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Kento is really suprised at the new understanding of the new perspective of reality vs how movies show it and has his hand on his chin covering his mouth with his other hand holding his elbow while looking at Saif. Saif continues and say to Kento, even if he can take down 3 to 4 street fighters, he shouldn't even try. Some one might have a knife on his, and fighting someone with a knife is like trying to take a marker from a toddler, it's always a mess. To fight someone that had a knife you need to learn it, and to have that knowledge, that needs a whole lot of training seprate from whatever discipline you're doing, and personally, Saif doesn't know how to deal with someone with a knife that well at all. Kento is suprised and it's evident on his face to everything Saif is saying and how he had no idea that fighting is this complex and it's not just a few punches and that's it. A fighter needs to consider so much before and while fighting that to Kento it's starting to be overwhelming.
Saif says while using his hands how fighting someone isn't so simple as people think. "And you want to hear the kicker? Punching someone hurts your hand. (Kento gives an extremely shocked face). Of course that's at the beginning and later on it still hurts but much less so you don't notice it anymore, but do you get it Kento? Punching some hurts your hand too. That's something I realised after giving my first punch to a punching bag." Sauf states and continues after a small pause, "That's the thing Kento, you gotta always give it a bigger perspective when looking at new things. And most of the time, you should never listen to movies. And you want to know the worst case scenario of fighting a random street thug is Kento, the guy can just pull out a gun, and trust me, he will use it. So if he has a gun, then it's game over, GGs, that's raps for you. And if you think you can dodge and take the gun, as we sometimes say, 'You are not that guy bro'. You can't just take someone's gun, let alone dodge his shot, so don't risk dying as it's just not possible." He gives a heavy sigh and says, "But I have been talking a lot about the bad like you are going to automatically lose a fight if you start one, so let's talk about it if you are winning. In a punch, you can still break your hand if you hit the wrong place on the body or face or just punching in the wrong way. But, that's really rare and didn't happen to me or anyone I know, maybe my coach but I never asked, but let's go back to topic and say you are beat up the guy, he can still call the police on you after the fight and use his injuries as evidence and play the victim like he wasn't the one who started it, and now you have a bigger problem on your hands. And here is the thing, you can also still kill a that person. (Kento's eyes widen at the realisation of that last part.) And if that happens, congratulations you are a murder now, and that's an even bigger problem Kento. Kento, people who street fight and normal everyday people are really weak, and trust me, if I or any fighter punch them as hard as we punched eachother on a daily bases just once, some will probably die. The thing is Kento, I could have easily wiped those guys onto the surprisingly cleaned street that are here, and I could have clean it some more with their faces... Scratch that, that would have made the ground dirty, (laughs with Kento)(or chuckle), but the point is, I didn't, and you want to know why? (Kento listens in anticipation) It's because not because I could do something, that doesn't mean I should do it. And that's why I didn't shatter his leg or his hand upon impact and only made it really hurt. That's the responsibility you have as a fighter Kento. And that's the thing Kento, if you aren't cornered, if you don't have anyone you need to protect, then run, there is no shame in that, as fighting is a dumb idea when you don't need to fight, as in those situations, we don't fight to just fight, we fight to protect Kento. And if someone say that they fight those unnecessary fights to protect their pride, then good luck keeping it when you are dead."
Kento is really suprised and tells Saif how it's all so, fascinating. He never thought of those things that way before at all. He then tells Kento how miss use of power can corrupt. And that's exactly what movies makes people think; if someone pisses you off then beat him up, or when you have power then it's your turn to beat up your bullies, no offense by the way Kento, I didn't mean you by that. Kento tells him that he didn't take it personally while waving his hands infront of him. Saif continues and says how people in power should always be the wisest, and that's why he wants a promise from Kento to vaw that he will never miss use the power of martial arts when he teaches it to him. He says the last part in a funny way though, and Kento chuckles and jokingly back also says that he vaws to never miss use his power, and jokingly back, Saif tells him that he didn't feel that it came from his heart while doing over exadutative movements with his hands while moving them up like a conductor gesturing to his band to give him for of a rising in the symphony. Kento in respose moves one of his hands to his chest. Kento then holds one hand up and says "When I learns how to fight, I vaws to never miss use my power over people." He does this action awkwardly and realising how cringe it was and says to justify his actions, "I just always wanted to do this like they do in cartoon." But it initially didn't effect Saif that much and didn't mind its cringeness, so he didn't understand that he said that last part because it was cringe, and all he says is, "Hashtag relatable bro." Him and Kento start to laugh together at that last statement.
When they calm down and look up infront of them, they see a huge building that is also long on the sides, like it's a wall (because it technically is) (Queue in the epic music). It was Grandviville. Saif only saw it in photos and refused to see it with his own eyes, for his whole stay in district 1. Until this day. His first look at Grandviville. The place that will hopefully help him achieve his dream.