Chereads / Fate can vibrate / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

As the taxi driver slows down, he parks on the side of the road and says, "Well kido, this is as far as I can drive you. Hope you have an excellent exam." Saif thanks the man and thanks him also for the ride. Saif then went into his pockets to get the 15 Nuro and when Kento notices he starts to also getting out his wallet to pay his share. Suddenly, he just sees Saif hand the man 20 Nuro without looking at him once. 'Here you go.' Saif says to the driver. The man then looks at the money and tells Saif to just keep it as he just hopes he would pass the exam. Saif still insisted on giving him the money and the driver soon relents and takes it. When the driver was about to get Saif's change of 5 Nuro, Saif tells him to keep it, "Take it as a tip." The driver laughed but was insistent on giving Saif the 5 Nuro. They were both fighting on who should take it with Saif telling the man that he doesn't want it and can just take it, and the man telling him that be can't and won't take it from him. In the end of this back and forth, Saif swore that he won't take the money and that the man should keep it. The man was suprised and was still reluctant, but doesn't throw Saif's swear onto the ground, so he keeps the money and prays that God may give him what he is needs for what he is looking for. To that Saif says 'Amen' and says that he hopes the same for him as he says his goodbyes to the driver.

As Saif and Kento exit the car, they are finally able to take a good look at Grandviville and how close it is. It was gigantic, towering over even the clouds themselves. This spectacular view put Saif and Kento in awe for a moment. When they snap back to reality, they start walking towards Grandviville. While walking, Kento walks behind Saif, not able to know how to hand Saif the money of his share of the ride of 7.5 Nuro. He eventually was able to collect the curge to tap Saif on the shoulder and when Saif looked back to him, Kento nervously said that this is his share. Saif looks at the money then quickly rejects it and said that the ride was on him, so he didn't need to worry about it. Kento is suprised that he wouldn't take it and tries to insist on Saif taking it, but Saif doesn't relent, not even slightly. "Don't worry about it already. I said the ride was on me, so don't make it a big deal." Saif comments. Kento, still hesitantly, but doesn't want to make a big deal out of this puts back his money in his wallet in his zippable pockets and zips it shut. Kento trying to make conversations again then tries to joke around and blurts out, "You guys from the east district sure do like to spend money on everything." Saif looks back at Kento and says that's just proper educate in a friendly and funny way. Kento chuckled at that.

Kento blurts out again, "Well, if you have so much money to spend, why don't you just enter Grandviville by paying instead of this exam." Kento realised how probably insensitive that might have been and how unbelievable rude that was, but Saif, still unfazed says, "Right back atcha! Why don't you just enter Grandviville by cash instead? I know this might sound a bit ignorant of me, but can't most of you guys here afford the entrance fee?" Kento was suprised by the quick and uneffected reply, without really thinking about it replies with, "Well, technically, yes we can. Don't get me wrong of course, I don't want to sound like I am looking down on you." Kento says the last part in a slight panic, "Don't worry about it too much bro." Saif replies. Kento takes a quick deep breath and says, "Well, the thing is, we can pay to enter, but there is still an entrance exam that is still difficult, not as much as the scholarship exam, but still, it's much cheaper than the entrance fees that are a little too much, so is it that werid to want to choose the scholarship exam?", Saif replies with a, 'Fair enough.' And then jokes about how fees are also hard on people here (District 1), and what are they of thr East district supposed to do with their economy. Kento chuckles and tried to return the conversation quickly without thinking says back, "Yeah, what could have made it so bad?" While chuckling. He then blurts out with a chuckle, "Well, technically it was all your fault." Kento's eyes widen as he realised what he just said and he tries to apologise. "Nah, don't worry about it, I get it, you didn't mean that in a rude way, and plus, it was our fault after all. (Small pause) Well, mostly." Saif replies. Saif then has a gloomy look on his face and they walk in silence, only the sounds of the people ahead can be heard.

Kento starts to panic with himself as he messed up big time with Saif and he can really tell he made Saif really down in the dumps because of his quick mouth. Kento in his mind calls himself stupid repeatedly for what he has done. He then apologises for what he did. Saif goes back with a slightly gloomy 'No, don't worry about it, and please just stop apologising so much.' Saif then composes himself and says, "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad about yourself... Well, it's just I was there, the day it all happened." Kento is surprised and felt way more horrible now. Before he can apologise again, Saif says to him, 'Don't you dare apologise.' Kento is left there not knowing what to do. He feels horrible and doesn't know what to say to make Saif feel better. Kento then thinks a bit more and blurts out, "How did it all happen? If you want to tell me of course! I wouldn't want you to relive those memories!" He says with hesitation in the end. "It was a normal day in the park. Nothing too special. Me and my family were there having a good time. I was really young at the time, so all I can remember understanding in the situation was when we saw smoke. A big cloud of if coming from all sides like the entire place was on fire. I also remember how my father carried me and my younger brother close to his chest through the people, fighting to get through while having my mum and my sister in his arms to keep them safe. The screaming. The people fighting. It was mess. (Saif puts a hand on his face). It's just I can't believe the people tried to protest for better leadership for the East district than the corrupt 11 families dogs, but then did all of this. I know the 11 families did something, but everyone was fighting everyone, and no one hand a side, so I am not sure who really started it, or was it really the people who just did. When we got home, my dad had a lot of blood on him, that was his and others. Brutal I tell you. If he didn't absorb the impacts of the hits, he would have been worse. Fun fact, this when I learned I can do that too. And well you know the rest of the story on how so many died that day that the economy got so bad because there was so much less money being used due to how much less people there was after in the whole district (Due to less money circulation). Sorry if that was a bit grousum to talk about, it's just that it's not a topic we typical like to talk about. But if you want to make a joke about it, you better make it a good one so we laugh instead of beating you up." Kento softly chuckles at that last part, but then just walks in silence, now fully understanding how scary it must have been. Noticing this, Saif says, "Look, me personally, I am not tramazed by the experience, didn't even cry except when i saw how hurt my dad was and how my mum was crying. It's just every time I remember how my mum was so scared and my dad was so desperate to keep us safe, I just feel so sad. I just think of how I could have helped, but I know there was nothing that could be done at the time, so next time, I don't want to be helpless again and help. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame myself, don't get me wrong, it's just I don't like remembering them being well, you know what they felt. But honestly, for me and many people, we don't really take the topic that seriously anymore, but don't think we take it lightly either. We make fun of it, but not the lives that were lost." Kento doesn't know what to say to that and just walks in silence.

After the stopped talking they finally realised how many people are now around them and how much closer they are to Grandviville. The amount of people becomes so dense that it looks like it was a sea of people.

(Sorry for not realising a chapter in a while. Writting is a hobby for me, so I don't really write except when I feel like it. But I love this story so I will keep writing and try to be consistent as much as I can.)