-When you see a in front of a sentence that means I'm explaining/narrating events that happened last chapter or information also let me know if you guys like the spin on the elves instead of the gentle and wise creatures that they're usually portrayed as they're portrayed as snobs and beings that think they're higher than everyone else also let me know which evolution I should give our MCs in the next chapter apex rathian/rathalos dreadqueen rathian dreadking rathalos dark destroyer rathalos (CC) freezing flame rathian (CC)- (A) last time we left off Vince and Trinity were shedding their scales at a rapid rate Trinity scales begin turning pink the more she sent them Vince scales turned blue the more he shed them it was an odd phenomena the pair had played the monster Hunter games hundreds of times yes there were pink rathians and azure rathalos but those only appeared in the coral Highlands where the elders recess where as for the pink rathian it was necessary for a color change to blend in with the surroundings that's for the azure rathalos the color change just came with the natural energy and the heavier carapace allowed for stronger muscles therefore leading to better flight then the system appeared system: there is something similar to the elders recess within this island known as the primordial recess it holds natural energy beyond belief there was a surge of it yesterday night causing a tremendous amount of primordial energy to sweep through the island therefore it must be the cause of what's happening to you (A): even though Trinity and Vince were suffering even if it was only a tiny bit the waibankingu tribe
(hobgoblin tribe): as some of the members newborns ran up to the cliff with small bowls collecting the scales and spikes that fell off and quickly ran back to the village which was booming with life their population had went from six to 20 as they brought the items to the blacksmith they returned to their homes soon in the courtyard waiban chui the chief of the tribe was swinging his nichirn at a giant tree stump putting gashes in the tree he then pulled back his nichirn as he and his sword made a slight yellow glow it grew brighter and the little thicker until it turned red and his blade heated up as he stabbed the log and rushed forward towards the log as jumped up and sliced it in half as he shouted waiban chui:helm breaker! As he was training 4 little hobgoblin champions ran up to him child 1:papa that was cool soon a female goblin appeared but she wasn't like the other goblins she had brown skin and wore a full suit of armor made from Trinity scales and carried an ax made from Trinity scales and poison spikes she was none other than a greater goblin champion her name was waibankomanda: kids leave your father alone he's training children(x4): but we want to train too!
waibankomanda: I understand that but you're just born two days ago just wait till tomorrow and I promise we'll get you some weapons made children(x4): okay Momma is the rain back inside the house a greater hobgoblin ran into the courtyard greater goblin: sir the the bird drake (gypceros) is ramming our gate waiban chui immediately ran towards the front climbed up the ladder and look down to see the gypceros (female) ramming at the gate and spinning poison on it waiban chui: this will truly be a test of my skills I shall prove my worth is chieftain to our Lord oh great red wyvern give me strength waiban chui jumped down and slashed the gypceros across the face causing it to turn around and aim it's aggression towards him as it tried to ram him with its beak he turned his sword sideways and blocked it he did a barrel roll out the way and sliced it across the leg barely putting a gash on it as it let out a roar it's charged at him once more and did a flurry of short kicks one of the kicks hitting waiban chui in the chest sending him tumbling back a little bit he stabbed his nichirn into the ground to stop himself as he took his nichirn out of the ground he ran forward charging up the heat in his blade he then slashed the gypceros across the chest were scaly hide was a lot less thicker the tinge of flames burning away at the shallow cut castrating it preventing it from healing angered the gypceros even more as she spat a lob of poison which waiban chui cut in half but it unexpectedly exploded all over him as he was doused in Poison he was slowly beginning to take damage and weakening he then pulled a flask off the side of his red wyvern scale pants and drink it curing him of the poison even ran forward pulled back his nichirn into its sheathe charging up as the gypceros got closer waiban chui:Spirit helm breaker! he Shouted as he unsheathed his blade hitting a diagonal slash a downward slash then a upward slash another diagonal slash is he ran forward just a bit he did a sweeping slash jumped up and sliced the tail clean off causing the gypceros fall over kicking its legs on the ground trying to get up as it was hit with repeated thrusts overhead slashes it finally got up and let out of roar it spread its wings about to fly over the gate
waiban chui: oh no you don't he said as he ran up a tree then did a backflip jump and spun around mid-air hitting the overhead slash on the back of the gypceros making it fall out of the air and crash to the ground the gypceros started limping and trying to get away until it fell over and it was met with the eyes of waiban chui the gypceros closed its eyes ready for death as he lifted his sword over his head ready to strike it down his partner ran out the gate waibankomanda: wait maybe you can serve another purpose she grabbed one of the clivar mushrooms these mushrooms had a minor healing property as she fed it to the gypceros it Rose to its feet but instead of attacking it nuzzled against waibankomanda she threw another one as the gypceros ate it happily she let out a screech that's not far away her mate the white gypceros he was a little larger than normal males after 15 minutes later he came running out the tree line hearing the sound of his mate in danger but when he arrived he looked confused as he only saw her happily eating mushrooms given to her by a hobgoblin waibankomanda slowly but surely got on the back of the female gypceros the gypceros didn't mind at all although it was a little uncomfortable she allowed the riding waibankomanda: we can tame them the male gypceros prone to follow his mate came up next to them as the gate opened as waibankomanda rode her new pet inside they had a pen quickly constructed for them it was just like their habitat except it was a little barren but they had small shrubbery and baby trees growing that would soon bear fruit in the coming start of winter but in the lush grasslands the aptonoth pair I've been waiting for the Joyce moment that had happened it has been a few weeks since the female laid eggs and now they were hatching the first out of the six eggs hatched but it was different than other aptonoth is the baby fell out of eggshell it was a lot bigger than the normal hatchling a lot of bulkier stronger and the spikes on its head we're a little longer and we're actually visible as for its tail it had a little longer Spike at the end and instead of the Sandy brownish with a little bit of black skin color was light green and their muscle was considerably stronger than that of a normal aptonoth and they had a little bit of rock covering their soft skin they just birth a new subspecies meanwhile with Vince Trinity they had just finished their shedding
system:congratulations you have evolved into an azure rathalos and pink rathian as Vince looked at himself in a puddle his scales were all blue his body was a little bigger about 1.5 times the size of a normal rathalos his scales and carapace were extremely heavy and even tougher but he could still fly in and had stronger muscles that's for Trinity her pink color farther amplified how deadly her poison was but now she stood out like a sore thumb in the grassland and the forest and then another notification appeared before them system:|a new species of aptonoth has been birthed rokku tokage they have shown a minor Infinity for Rock element and can gather balls of dust and throw it at their predators to blind them temporarily in addition to this adaptation they have grown bigger and more muscular body and are a a lot more aggressive than their original
counterparts willing to fight predators do to you creating a new subspecies you will be rewarded to herbivores| soon the wheel spun as it landed on lagombi soon 2 lagombi appeared in the grasslands but unlike their winter cousins they had green ish brown coats of fur indicating they were grassland variant soon the wheel spun again landing on tetranadon Tetranadon is an Amphibian with an inflatable belly and a turtle-like shell on its back. Its belly is capable of inflating to the point of doubling their original body size. It also has algae-like fur on its head, front legs, shell, and tail. It has a toothless, platypus-like beak and webbed feet. Its eyes are orange and have the horizontal pupil common to amphibians. It also has a crest on their head that looks very similar to the head dish of the mythological Kappa. When its belly is not inflated, it walks on all fours; once enough debris is swallowed, however, its belly inflates to an incredible size, and it starts standing on its hindlegs. Soon 2 tetranadon both male and female also spawned in the grasslands as Vince Dove off the cliff towards the grassland the bull aptonoth noticed vince as he ran away from his mate making loud bellows attracting Vince towards him the bull knew he could never outrun him but he could fight just for a bit he then swung his massive club tail that had spikes on it towards vince then flew back a little bit then flew forward and opened his talons pinning the bull down before he bit into the bull's neck as The Bull struggled it died it was then carried back in Vince talons up to the cliff to feed both him and Trinity as he dropped the corpse before her she began feasting upon the subtle flesh of the aptonoth as they ate the female aptonoth witnessed in horror as her mate was carried off for lunch but the sadness didn't linger for too long as she had six younglings to feed she quickly began regarding plant matter the younglings devoured it with gusto the lagombi,s walked past her securing her within their territory meanwhile a little farther out the two tetranadon,s removing forward towards the lagombi,s soon the four of them met locking eyes both the bulls roared at each other engaging in a turf war Vince was watching from the cliff wanting to see who would win of course he knew but he wondered what real turf wars were like and he soon got his answer as the male lagombi tackled the male tetranadon as they had a little wrestling match the tetranadon swallowed the upper half of the lagombi as it was kicking its back leg trying to get out the tetranadon spat out the lagombi into a rock after the lagombi recovered from the shock it ran forward sliding on its belly ramming the tetranadon knocking it off balance soon the lagombi jumped on top of the tetranadon and keep hitting it with its paws until it was kicked off hitting the same rock that it hit before the tetranadon swallowed some pebbles and stones just as the lagombi recovered from its shock it was paraded with a barrage of stones and pebbles and soon the turf war ended as the lagombi,s retreated allowing the tetranadons to clean the small area as their territory it was an eventful evening for all the herbivores and predators and Vince got another day to declare his dominance over his domain the hobgoblins had just learned how to train monsters the aptonoth population had grown by 6 two new herbivores were added to Vince's domain and with that the sun sets and all the creatures go to sleep for another day (A) hey guys I just wanted to know what predator should I add in the next chapter great jagras anjanath or tobi kadachi let me know your decision in the comments whoever chooses the most out of the three will be added in the next chapter