Chereads / reincarnated in a fantasy world as a rathalos / Chapter 7 - birth of destruction and chaos and freezing death

Chapter 7 - birth of destruction and chaos and freezing death

Author: thank you Aceshigh for reading my new novel! And do to your request I show add more monsters in the upcoming chapters and I plan to be making an reincarnated as an slime novel soon and this chapter might be short.

Last time we left off our MC Vince had a turf war with an Anjanath resulting in only one casualty from the waibankingu tribe but luck was on their side as they obtained more parts from the turf war to build their new weapons Vince had watched over his land but now he must face a true challenge an invasive species to nexus island humans! Far at sea as humans sailed on an boat soon the sea became rough in a hurricane had been born sweeping across the sea including sweeping up the boat and it's 54 passengers as the boat was torn apart and humans flowed throughout the hurricane it was all that chaos soon after that night the entire crew ended up on the beach as the leader of the group princess Celia.

Meanwhile a top of the "dragon peak"(Vince And Trinity home) Vince and Trinity slept as the sun finally showed its self Trinity got up first and decided Vince always had the fun so this time she decided to patrol this time as she flew to the bottom and strutted around the entrance for a bit as she walked onto the grass lands she roared Trinity:*RWOAHH!!!* Causing the anjanath to perk up her head up and move deeper into the forest the aptonoth and her juvenile young began an a stampede the great Jagras who was feeding on an terra rhino corpse swallowed the corpse causing his belly to inflate and return to his den under the giant tree and the tetranadons returned to their nest made of mud but were are the lagombi,s well deep under ground in their burrow the female lagombi had just finished birthing 8 lagombi kits that were nursing.

As her mate covered the second entrance with an rock as he ate lemon grass back with Trinity above ground she walked over the lagombi burrow and through the pond as she continued to walk around patroling the territory she heard an tree branch snap near the forestline as she turned towards the forestline and planted her foot down ready to face the threat 4 giants walked out of the bushes

As the giants roared at her they charged swinging their clubs Trinity dodge to the left and stabbed one in the leg with her tail and jumped on the other giant biting its neck the third giant slammed her in the face with his club knocking Trinity into an tree she flew out of the dust and dug her talons deep into the shoulders and breathed fire into the face the giant causing her to fall over she uses her talons to pick up an giant corpse and fly back to their nest afterwards and begin eating with Vince.

Meanwhile with the elfs were preparing for war they were going to storm the waibankingu tribe and use a taming spell on Vince some elves were doing archery others were practicing their swordsmanship and others were practicing their horse riding as for Versace she was practicing her dual blades.

Meanwhile the humans had turned their destroyed ship into an outpost by the beach with Vince he was patrolling Gaia the giant tree while Trinity patroled the land as Vince flew around the tree he spotted an few holes in the tree as he approached avian bird humanoids came out of the hole Vince left as he landed on an branch to rest the overlooked the beautiful scenery.

Meanwhile I'm the waibankingu tribe waiban chui was swinging his long sword at an tree as he charged up his swing and spun around waiban chui: HEAVEN CUTTER!! he shouted as he cut cut the tree in half as a diagonal wave of white energy spread through the forest cutting down multiple trees even though he was tired he kept training.

With the lagombi,s their babies had grown up enough to be let out of the den and feed on the fresh grass of the grasslands meanwhile near the water fall the great Jagras and his harem were feasting on the giant corpse that Trinity as they were eating the male anjanath had smelled the blood and came for an feast since due to their breeding season being an week away he needed to prove his worth as he approached the Jagras pack

the anjanath let out an defending roar anjanath:*AWWROOWA!!!!!*

But the Jagras pack would not give up their carrion so easily this giant corpse could feed them and their young for days so with an fearsome roar great Jagras:*RAAWHAA!!!!!*

The Jagras charged running and pouncing on the anjanath some on his legs and back and some even on his throat leaving small bites and gashes the anjanath turned to his left and bit off one of the Jagras and threw her a few meters away as the anjanath shook throwing 2 of the Jagras off before stepping on them then the great Jagras rushed in and leaped biting onto the calf of the anjanath leg biting deep into his thigh causing an screech from the anjanath as it shook off the great Jagras and rushed towards an tree and slammed into it throwing off majority of the Jagras and killed an few.

Soon the anjanath turned to the great Jagras and bit down on his neck picked him up and began thrashing him around dragging him across the ground into trees and bushes slamming him in the ground as the anjanath drug him through the ground one last time before throwing him causing the great Jagras to land on a rock victorious the anjanath took the giant corpse still leaving the other one so it wasn't a complete loss for the pack but little did they know the secondary giant corpse was poisoned.

Still without a care they ate glenniously the great Jagras drag the corpse back to their den as they ate the meat the great Jagras began breeding with the female soon giving birth to a whole new species of Jagras.

Meanwhile the elite elf troops made up of 25 horseman 25 archers 35 swordsman 25 spearman and 1 holy elf Knight and one elf hero an total of 98 troops this elite troop was gathered to weaken and tame Vince and Trinity and under queen Versace command they mobilized they marched through the great Forest cutting down monsters in their paths soon they came out onto the grassland if they marched towards the everlasting peak harmless monsters passed by as they walked up the peak is they got to an open area.

Shadowy figure slammed down it's blue eyes staring into them slowly opening its mouth revealing its sharp teeth.

The elven hero tear stone step forward elf hero:its the beast attack. The elf archers had already drawn their boats as soon as tear gave the command they released firing triple reinforced steel arrows as Vince flew some arrows penetrated his scales but fell out as he flew up soon more elfs able to get out on the open as Vince landed with one of his keratin mandibles still broke and the slash marks all over his carpace he flew few meters off the ground just low enough to be able to hit him as he fired a fireball in between the elf troops most of them dodged but those who couldn't raise their Shields blocking it's superheated they're steel Shields even the handle causing their skin to melt with the shield causing immense pain vince flew in and picked up two soldiers in his mouth before biting down hard biting them in half cutting blood to spread under his maw is he made a u-turn and fired three fireballs but suddenly tear jumped in front tear: HEAVEN PIERCEING ICE WALL!!!.

He shouted is a large wall of ice came up in blocked the fireball as tear extended his hand pillars of ice came out of the wall trying to knock vince out of sky Vince Dodge gracefully and shot a fireball over the wall blowing up some of the warriors leaving them charred corpses tear: ICICLE RAIN!!! he shouted as white portals opened up sending down icicles Vince without time to dodge blocked with his wings is the ice came up against his wings they shattered but some of them were freezing his wings slowly vince began to dodge fearing that his wings would become frosted leaving him ground born.

Vince channel heat into his wings causing a faint glow but this gave him an idea as tear lowered the ice wall Vince spread his wings wide as he flapped them hard causing 2 diagonal slash of fire to come right at the army of elfs tear using his ice core bedded within the deepest part of his heart erected in ice barrier around him shielding him is the fire spread past him putting through the army burning people alive he let down his ice shield and summoned an ice Giant Vince paying too much attention to the army notice the giant fist too late it punched him in the face slamming him into the ground kicking his legs and flapping his wings trying to get up desperately the giant what about to punch Vince one last time but an fireball came from the sky and destroyed its arm.

Everyone looked up and wondered as Trinity came out of the air and stabbing the ice golem in the face with her tail destroying its core everyone was surprised to know there was a second wyvern it was green and had a plethora spikes on its tail but that to the elfs didn't matter they would be rewarded double by their Queen for bringing back 2 wyverns as Vince got up he and Trinity began the battle once more she charged on the ground he fired fire blasts from the air Trinity flung her tail over her impaling an solider as she threw him into another group of soldiers which were imploded by fireballs.

Trinity using used her fire breath burning an large portion of the attack squad

Vince flew up at max speed as he made an u-turn as he extended one of his talons out in fire weld up in his throat as his talon caught a blaze as he smashed into the ground causing a huge pillar of fire.

Killing most of the troops and Trinity finished off the rest only leaving her Vince and the elf hero tear: I will not go down so easily oh great ice god I sacrifice my soul give me power!!. As he spoke a large being of a white light descended upon him as he grew ice coming out of his body his skin turned to solid of ice as he grew inside and became an ice titan.

Tear:RAWW! He shouted as he swung his fist prompting Trinity fly up invade both her and Vince shot fireball after fireball trying to weaken the ice but every time the ice exploded a new layer grew Vince and Trinity flew next each other charging up as much fire in the throats as they could and letting out an enormous fireball is the ice Titan raised his hand to block the attack his entire hand was destroyed now was the chance as Trinity blew up and Dove down and swung her tail forward is a huge buzz saw of blue and purple came out slamming into the Giant nearly splitting it down the middle it was trying to protect its core on the inside by using its other arm to block the attack but the poison inducing buzzar attack cut right through the other arm and split down the middle revealing the Blue ice core Trinity seeing the ice slowly reform could only think of one way to destroy it as she swallowed it as it travel down her throat it lost its path and ended up in her flame sack Trinity felt it tingly sensation but discarded it Vince felt the same way.

The pair of returned to their nest looking at the destruction they had caused near them they curled up together and went to sleep.

Meanwhile deep within the primordial recess an ancient dragon breathed dragon energy sensing a Worthy descendant he shot out a ball of dragon energy infused with his own blood as the ball rolls into the sky if blue towards a peak infused with Vince causing him to be induced in deep sleep changing his flame sack to a dragon sack.