Chereads / reincarnated in a fantasy world as a rathalos / Chapter 3 - wrath of a fearsome King

Chapter 3 - wrath of a fearsome King

(A) Last time we left off we witnessed a turf war between a tetranadon and a lagombi(plains variant) and the waibankingu tribe had subdued and tamed a gypceros entering the tribe into an era of monster taming as for the aptonoth,s Vince had recently hunted the bull leaving his mate to fend for the hatchlings by herself it had been a week since we last seen our heroes. Trinity had since gotten used to her pink rathian form and Vince got used to his azure rathalos form they were still enjoying the leftover bull aptonoth carcass it was nearly entirely gone only it's lower body left you could see it's intestines and slowly turn brown meat Vince tore off an entire chunk of its leg with gusto. devouring the leg in One swallow as he was still eating his system appeared before him

system: {quest: those who defy my will shall die details: defeat the old goblin tribe reward: juvenile great jagras and anjanath 2} as Vince fly,s down towards the forest as he fly,s through the forest and hovers over the goblin tribe who dared to challenge him and his followers Vince always one for a grand entrance. Vince: time for my signature roar. He said as he breathe in he let out a Earth shattering roar Vince:*RAOHHHHH!!!!!!!*

His roar was so devastatingly loud that even his followers heard it waibankingu tribe pov:as the roar traversed over the forest waiban chui was training until he heard the roar as he went outside he seen Vince about 45 meters away he realized Vince was directly above the old goblin village. he was born from he sighed and assumed they angered him some how waiban chui:our glorious king is going on a rampage. As for the Eastern elves that lived in the Eastern side of the forest they also heard Vince's roar it was loud and he sounded extremely angry queen Versace was curious she used magic to check in with the scout that she left to monitor that village she used telepathy to link up with the scout Versace:-patch me through the magic orb I want to see just how powerful this so-called wyvern is- scout elf: yes your majesty.

As the scouts set up the magic orb a image of queen Versace appeared queen Versace: magnificent it seems I won't have to send a force to eliminate those goblins all of those goblins who moved to the edge of the forest might be a problem I'll deal with them later. Queen Versace decided she was going to sit back and let the chaos of the goblin village,s destruction unfold (General pov) As Vince swooped down and shot a fireball as it landed on a building and imploded in flames a goblin climbed on top of one of the wooden huts jumped up and tried to slash Vince with their bronze sword Vince flew back a little better before flapping his wings causing a gust of air to push the goblin into the house. The goblin had Bunches of wood embedded in its back but that was the least of its worries as Vince shot a supercharged fireball at the house as it hit the house head on and explosion occurred as the wooden thatch caught on fire the house crumbled on top of the goblin burning it alive then a goblin ran towards the biggest house.

Goblin:sir a wyvern is attacking the village. A giant goblin in the tent he had green eyes red skin and beside him were 2 goblin mage,s as the goblin chieftain stood up he exited the tent and witness that his people were being blown up by fire balls and their house,s burnt down to a crisp goblin chieftain with enraged eyes spoke. goblin chieftain:you dare attack us mighty goblins.

The goblin chieftain pulled out his giant sword as the shamans both highly skilled in water magic shot a blast of ice hitting Vince in the side Vince turned and began shooting fireballs which were dodged by the goblin shamans the first shaman shot water spear which was countered by a fireball. it's the two collided it created a steam cloud which the goblin chieftain jump through slashing at vince as the slice connected it left an extremely deep gash Vince began spinning around and thrashing in pain as the goblin chieftain mounted him. before pulling out his sword he began slashing repeatedly at Vince,s back tail and face leaving gashes on his back tail and face even taking off his one of his keratin mandibles and causing some of his scales to flying. the goblin Chief jumped up goblin chieftain:swift end!

He shouted as he diagonally sliced down on Vince carapace that one slash but to multiple slashes knocking vince over goblin chieftain: weak creature who wants wyvern stew. As he said that all the remaining goblins crowded around him cheering his name (within Vince mind) vince: I have to get up I have to get back to Trinity when I reincarnated I promised I'd be the strongest this world has ever seen I have to get up I must become a strongest! As he said that all the goblins turned around as the heat in the area slowly began to pick up the goblin,s scooted back as the goblin chieftain and the shamans turned around as Vince rose up

a flame appeared in his throat as he roared. Vince:*RAOHHHHH* embers flew out is a hot Gust of wind with that final roar the true battle was about to begin meanwhile with Trinity She had patrolled the land on foot and as she patrolled she heard a roar and she looked into the distance where it came from she saw the lagombi,s running away as they passed her she saw what they were running from it was a Earth wyvern as it ran across the ground it leaped at Trinity she jumped back and pinned its head before flying up a few meters twirling around and throwing it into the tree line. as the dust cleared she finally got a clear look at the wyvern it was a quadruped it scales were made of Rock

it had a bunch of serrated teeth spikes running down the middle of its body and two tails that had sharp spikes as it charged towards her she spun around dragging her tail across the ground slamming it into the face of the ground wyvern before I could recover from the shock she picked it up they're two talons and begin flapping extremely hard and she flew about 35 m into the air she dropped the ground wyvern as the wyvern plummeted to the Earth she realized. it's soft underbelly and she Dove down flung her tail over her head stabbing tons of spikes into the underbelly causing the wyvern to screech in pain as she retracted her tail she used her talons to boost away from the ground wyvern also pushing it faster towards the ground as gravity caught up with it a dome of pressurized air hit the ground and huge cloud of dust erupted from the ground. The wyvern was dead Trinity carried it up to their nest dropping it in there and began feasting back with Vince he charged towards the goblin shaman as they skit across the ground he pin shaman into the dirt he even flew up into the air with the goblin shaman in his talons as he threw the goblin shaman in the air he caught it again in his talons before slamming it into the ground. he then shot a fireball turning the goblin shaman into a crispy skeletonized corpse still in his enraged state Vince rushed forward charging with his head down as the goblin chieftain and the other shaman dodged causing him to run into one of the wooden fences

he turned around and tried to ram them once more causing them to dodge. as he turned around once more to try and RAM them he shot three fireballs at the shaman causing the goblin shaman to jump just as the goblin shaman was about to touch it down on the ground Vince boosted forward still in his ramming position. it was too late for the goblin shaman to realize before the heavy head of the red flame wyvern (Vince) hit him like a 200 lb Mastodon crushing his internal organs and bones causing the goblin shaman to spit blood and go flying through a piece of the wooden wall and into a tree with such force that the tree fell over forwards into one of the burning houses as the tree landed on the house the flames. immediately picked up and got bigger the goblin chieftain for the first time felt fear but did not discourage as used his skill berserker a red aura grew around him is he charged forward swinging his blade without control at Vince. also dash forward bashing the goblin chieftain in the stomach cracking his ribs the chieftain swung his sword in a downward slash trying to cut Vince half but his attack was blocked as Vince moved his tail blocking the attack with the spikes. on his tail but it caused one of the spikes to crack ignoring the pain Vince swung his tail in a diagonal direction impaling two of them into the goblin chieftain chest the goblin chieftain now had two medium sized holes in his chest even though he was getting weaker and losing blood he did not discourage as he swung his sword at the air in a downward slash. He sent a wave of energy towards Vince Vince dodged as he flew in the air just a few meters off the ground he began shooting fireballs but they were cut in half by the goblin chieftain they both stared at each other with a sharp gaze with a look that said time to end this.

As Vince boosted directly into the air he didn't stop until he was nearly 150 m in the air he was barely visible but the goblin Chief could see him as the goblin chief pulled back his gigantic sword charging it full of all the energy he had ready to only should devastating slash attack Vince dived down at mach speed as he put one of his talons out it began heating up till it caught fire in a brilliant orange glow as vince opened his mouth letting go a resounding roar. Vince:*RAOHHHHH!!!*(If you guys haven't guessed it by now he's going for a high dive skydive)

Vince with terrifying Force crashed into the goblin chieftain just as he swung his blade as the two attacks collided the impact from Vince's attack was too great giant pillar of orange flames erupted from the center of the village of goblins. dispersing fire everywhere absolutely destroying any remaining houses and killing any goblins in the radius only a lucky few survived. Back around 25 m into the tree line the elf scout was watching and so was the queen still connected to the magical orb queen Versace: yes splendid that wyvern must be mine all mine. As Vince's flaming rage cooled down he received the rewards for doing the system quest somewhere about 55 m away from the goblin village a female anjanath spawned she was a juvenile she was a giant t-rex with fur on her back her scales were pink she had yellow eyes and instead of her nose being like every other creature it it's nose was actually a soft that extended from her nostrils helping with extended sent tracking and fire breathing when enraged these wyverns were extremely hostile and Territorial and placed in the brute class for their pure strength not only that they had sail fins that would stick out of their back when enraged or when using their flame sack another one also spawned but this one was a male a little bigger than in the females are and are way more territorial this is because just like bull shark (fun fact: a bull sharks testosterone levels can reach up to 664 nanograms)

also just like Asian elephants they produce a lot of reproductive fluid due to their gigantic size in the gigantic size of the female reproduction track there's also been recorded that male anjanath have 1.5x the stronger bite force then females meanwhile out in the plains right under the gigantic tree spawned a great jagras and his harem of female jagras the Great jagras is said to be the only male jagras in the pack responsible for reproducing with females providing food and protection they are the lowest on the food chain lower than the anjanath and. rathalos they have a yellow top body with orange accents and a bluish underbelly and they have a mane that resembles dreadlocks

their jaws can open pretty wide allowing them to swallow their prey whole they usually eat aptonoths and kestadons when they've eaten something their stomach enlarges causing them to look bigger when they feel threatened they will try to crush their opponent with their weight after eating or they will regurgitate a lot of bones in meat. using it as a ranged attack against the enemy it also uses this method to feed its harem they aren't as territorial as other wyverns and were placed in the fanged wyvern category they are usually the starting challenge for newbie hunters this is because their manes are highly sought after. another variation of the great Jagras is the greatest Jagras the biggest of its species and every belly flop attack it makes causes tremors in the ground and instead of spitting bones and run pieces of meat it spits whole chunks of meat that can sometimes contain Parts and it said that when the Great Jagras of a harem dies a female will undergo an asexual process altering herself to become a male and becoming the new head of the harem. Back with Vince he took flight once more as he returned to his cliffside nest after a few hours he nuzzled Trinity before collapsing in the nest curling up and going to sleep Trinity did the exact same thing as she drifted off to sleep the day ended multiple creatures went to bed in the nocturnal monsters came out tomorrow was going to be an amazing event I would shake the very foundation of this very Island and send it into a new era the era of wyverns will begin!!.