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Small World(s)

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The world is inhabited by two types of people: Humans and Irregulars. While Humans, who make up the majority, enjoy equality across different classes and cultures, Irregulars are a marginalized minority often kept separate from society. Their supernatural abilities, either inherited or awakened during adolescence, mark them as different, and often, dangerous. Three unique perspectives are about to collide: Elliot: A foster kid who stumbles into the wrong place at the wrong time, only to discover that he is an Irregular. Up until now, he's lived as a human, but his world is about to change in ways he never expected. Wendy: A determined young cop searching for her missing partner. While investigating a restricted area, she encounters Elliot and takes him in for questioning, unaware that this meeting will change the course of her mission. Devlon: A boy classified as an Irregular for as long as he can remember, kept hidden from the public eye. His life has been one of isolation-until now. With society pushing for Irregulars and Humans to integrate, tensions are rising. Each of these three faces a world that demands change, but how they respond could alter the future for both groups. When their small worlds collide, will events finally lead to peace between humans and irregulars? Or will this spark a new conflict altogether?

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Wrong Place. Right Time.


Setting: Outdoors on the rooftop of a burning building. It's nighttime. City lights fill the background below. The night is lit by a gigantic full moon.

On the rooftop, two men stand across from another at a standoff. The man on the right, Leon, has short hair and a scar on his eye; that eye remains shut. He carries a broadsword. The man on the right, Frost, has long white hair. He wields a katana.

Leon: "This is as far as you go, Frost. I will defeat you here and now to set this world back to the straight and narrow path."

Frost: "Narrow path, huh? That's why this world needs to be destroyed; it's full of self-righteous, idealistic fools like you. When I'm done with you, I'll reset the world!"

Leon raises his sword with both hands.

Leon: "Over my dead body!"

Frost raises his katana from its sheath.

Frost: "As you wish."


The two clash their blades, staring each other down as the flames of the building rise higher.

Frost: "What's wrong? With a sword that big, you should be able to break my defense easily!"

Leon: "I' something else in mind!"

Close up on Frost's face. He's stricken by surprise. He coughs out clear fluid. Eyes open wide, he starts to breathe heavily.

Frost: "Wha-what's this? How? When?"

Still at a clash with Leon, Frost struggles. Zooming out reveals that there's another Leon behind Frost. The 2nd Leon (behind Frost) shoved his blade through Frost's back.

Leon: "The Leon that you clashed with isn't real."

Frost: "What?"

Leon: "When my super gauge is full, I can create a fake clone of myself. And you fell for it! It's over, Frost!"

Frost struggles to remain on his feet.

Frost: "How could I...fall for a lousy technique like that?"


The fake Leon in front of Frost disappears. Frost collapses with his eyes rolled back.

Leon turns his back on the lifeless Frost.

Leon: "Now the world is safe. This building is gonna collapse. I gotta get out of here."

Leon's eyes open wide. He appears to be experiencing a lot of pain.

Leon: No! "H-how? I s-saw you die!"

Behind Leon is Frost. Frost just stabbed Leon with his katana.

Frost: "You weren't paying attention, were you? Have you forgotten my special ability?"

Blood exits Leon's mouth.

Leon: How did I not notice his Super gauge is full?

Frost: "When my Super gauge is full, my body liquifies, temporarily making all physical attacks meaningless."

Frost pulls his sword out of Leon. Leon collapses.

Frost: "Now no one will get in my way. But don't worry; at least you won't witness the slaughter. Hahahaha!"

Leon's eyes roll back.


Entire Page: As Frost stands over Leon's body, the word K.O. blinks on the panel.

Under the K.O., the words "Player 1 Wins!!!" blinks in bright colors.

The rising sound of a cheering crowd fills the area.


There's a picture of a giant arena, with four large monitors facing each direction from the ceiling straight ahead, located in the middle of the arena. The monitor shows Leon looking at the sky. There is a crowd of people all around, with two people in the distance, in the middle of the arena far under the monitors. That's right; the previous gag scene was all a video game.

Announcer: "WHAT A COMEBACK!!! There you have it, folks! We didn't expect anything less from our Elliot! Looks like he's the Super Avenue Fighter champion for the third year in a row!"

Crowd: *Screaming.

Random voice in the crowd: "Awesome! Man, one day I'll challenge him."

Kid's voice: "Do you think I could be a champion one day, mommy? If I try hard enough?"

Woman's voice: (Cheerful tone) "Oh, of course not, honey. You're nothing like your father."

Random woman: "I think I'm in love! Do you think I have a chance if he's single?"

Some teenage guy: "No way, grandma. He's like, 16 or something!"


Two teenage boys are beneath the large monitors, sitting in chairs with controllers in their hands, looking at a small TV ahead of them, which displays a big KO! The first person is Elliot, a young black (caramel skin) teen with a short faded Afro. The second, to his right is a caucasian teenage boy with glasses, Kei.

Kei looks a little disappointed, yet calm.

Kei: "So, you let me pull off my ultimate attack just so you could use your revenge attack? Kinda risky, dontcha think?"

Elliot: "Hehehe, yeah. But, ya know. I just had to end it with a flashy finish! Still, good game, right?"

Kei closes his eyes and smiles.

Kei: "Heh, guess you're right. Well, second place isn't so bad. I still get a cut of the pot bonus, so I'm satisfied."

Elliot: "Yeah. Let's collect our prizes and get outta here."

A group of girls walk over to the two, phones in hand.

Random group of girls: "Hey, can we get some pics with the champ and runner up?"

Elliot looks at the girls, then back at Kei with a huge smile.

Elliot: "Okay, after some pictures, of course."

Page 7

Elliot and Kei are outside in a parking lot. The sun is setting and street lights have just come on. They appear to be in a typical middle income community. The group of girls are waiving as they walk away. Elliot does the same.

Elliot: "Bye, ladies. Make sure to come to the next tournament. I'll be there!"

Elliot and Kei walk down the sidewalk together. Elliot walks with his hands behind his head.

Elliot: "Ahhhhh. Puberty's awesome!"

Kei: "Huh? Weird flex, but okay. You're so odd at times, you know that?

Elliot: "Think about it. My voice was so high pitched; it was so uncool. Pshhh but look at me now; voice changes and the ladies love me."

Kei: Look at em. Wins a few tournaments and he thinks he's irresistible. "Yeah, your voice was pretty high up there."

Elliot's eyes shift to Kei.

Elliot: "Yet you were always there. Even when all the other kids picked on me for it."

Kei: (chuckles) "Well, you've always been a hilarious guy. Plus, you beat the crap out of the guys who bullied you. Like, how you whooped middle schoolers as a second grader still amazes me..."

Elliot: "..."

Kei: "Freak!"

They both laugh out loud.


The boys are still walking. The sky is pinkish orange. Night is quickly approaching.

Elliot: "So, how's our lil sis doin?"

Kei stops walking.

Elliot: "Huh?"

Kei: "...hey um."

Elliot: "Wa, what is it?"

Kei: "Well, there's gonna be another meet n greet. There's a family that seems pretty interested in us."

Elliot becomes more attentive. His goofy demeanor shifts to a more serious one.

A car passes by.

Kei's eyes begin to water.

Kei: "It's possible that we may be getting adopted soon."

Elliot: (joyful tone) "Dude, that's great! I'm happy for you. What about Nana? Is she excited?"

Kei: "Well, I haven't told her yet."

Elliot: "Why not?"

Kei: "I don't want her to get her hopes up in case they turn us down. Most people don't wanna adopt an older kid like me, ya know? She keeps turning families down, refusing a nice home just so we won't have to separate. (sigh) She's fragile, ya know? I just want her to-"

Elliot: "Booooiiiii, she ain't gon be happy without you. You know that, right? She loves her big bro. And if a family wants to separate y'all, screw 'em. They ain't good for you anyway."


Kei: "Yeah, I guess you're right. But what about you? I hear you got switched to a different family again?"

Elliot casually looks up to the sky.

Elliot: "Yeeeah, but I needed my freedom, ya know? This new lady is just in it for the monthly check, but that works out; I stay outta her way, she gets her money, and I don't need a curfew."

Kei looks at Elliot. He doesn't say anything. He just looks concerned.

Elliot starts walking again.

Elliot: "Well, anyway, I'll stop by sometime soon and drop off a gift for Nana. Consider it a housewarming gift for your future home." Let's keep walking, c'mon.

Kei: (smiles and nods) "Yeah."

The boys walk until they reach the corner.

Elliot: "Welp, this is where we part."

Kei: "But don't you live that way?"

Elliot: "Eh, I'ma take the long way this time. Got some stuff on my mind."


Kei: "Well, be careful. Lately, there's been some strange occurrences, like that explosion-"

Elliot: "Yeah yeah yeah. I already know; 'the irregulars.' But has anyone in this neighborhood ever encountered one? Why even bring em up?"

Kei: " just never know."

Elliot: "I know. For all the bad stuff we hear, what if there are some heroic ones, like in Super Avenue Fighter? It's like the first game where all the irregulars aren't evil. Makes you think, no?"

Kei: "I guess that's possible. But still, we have the new curfew for a reason. Anyway, it's getting dark. You should hurry up and get home."

Elliot: "Yeah yeah. Give Nana my best!"

They part ways. Elliot crosses the street to the left while Kei goes right.


Elliot continues down the street. The sun has set. The area is lit up by the half moon and streetlights. He turns another corner and stops.

Across the street is a parking lot that belongs to a large, wide building. The building has large chunks broken off and is surrounded by rubble and debris. There is a fence surrounding the entire area with multiple "Do Not Enter" signs.

Elliot walks across the street and stands in front of the gate.

Elliot: (sigh) "This place used to be the spot. Now look at it; blown to bits and it's the most recent area for strange events, whatever that means."

He kicks the gate.

Elliot: "Now we've got this stupid city curfew." Speaking of, it's past curfew by now. "Ah, whatever."

The sound of rubble being moved around beyond the gate catches Elliot's attention.

He glares in the distance and sees a dark human figure in the debris.

Elliot: "What the...who would be snooping in this area after hours? Or at all, for that matter?"

He shrugs his shoulders and walks away.

Elliot: "Eh, not my business."

Silence fills the air for five seconds.

Elliot jumps over the fence and runs through the parking lot in full sprint, leaving a cloud of dust in his trail.

Elliot: (Eyes wide open) "Can't fight the curiosity!"


Elliot hides behind a pile of debris and watches the mysterious person. It's too dark to make out who it could be from that distance.

Mysterious person: "Yeah yeah, I know, but couldn't you have sent someone else to come here to confirm? I'm not tryin' to encounter any cops."

Elliot turns and crouches, his back against the rubble, eyes wide, covering his mouth with both hands.

Elliot: Hoooooly crap! This is some real crime scene type stuff!

Mysterious person: "It's not my fault the idiot dropped the...yeah but..."

Elliot: (takes a deep breath) Okay El, calm down. Let's just get a good look at em and stay hidden. It's just like a stealth video game, right? Easy.

Elliot turns around to get a good look at the person.

The person is speaking into a mic in his ear.

Mysterious person: "Ugh, okay FINE! After all, it's not like there's anyone here after hours to see- "


The mysterious person turns around to see Elliot's body fallen over a pile of debris. Both of Elliot's arms are out on the ground. Elliot's looking right at the mysterious person with a goofy look on his face. A sweat drop slides down his head.

Elliot: "Ehhhh...hehehehe."

Elliot wraps both arms around the fallen debris and pulls it back in place in a speedy cartoony fashion and hides behind the pile again.

Elliot: Riiiiight. I SUCK at stealth games! Well, maybe he didn't see me?

Mysterious person: "You know I saw you, right?"

Elliot starts sweating bullets.

Elliot: Ehehehe. Maybe he forgot he saw me, just like the NPCs in the games. Yeah, he was totally talking to someone else, right? I mean, he can't even see me anymore.

Mysterious person: "It's not like I'm gonna forget I just saw you!"

The mysterious person points towards Elliot.

Mysterious person: "Besides, your foot is sticking out of your hiding place!"

Elliot: Crap!


The mysterious person places his hand near his ear and speaks into his mic.

Mysterious person: "Yeah, someone else is here. Just some kid. Yeah, he saw me. We practically locked eyes..."

The mysterious person lowers his voice.

Mysterious person: "He's just a kid...*sigh* understood."

Elliot's back is against the rubble. The mysterious person appears behind him. Elliot's face is full of terror.

Mysterious person: "Sorry kid, but I we're gonna take a long ride since you saw me. Nothing personal, but an order is an order. You're coming with me."


Scene change. Different perspective on the other side of town.

A patrol car driving down a street is seen. A young, Hispanic brunette is behind the wheel.

Woman: *sigh* "Like always, there's nothing outta the ordinary here. Well, I've got time for a short stop before my last run around. "

She pulls into the drive thru of Spankin' Donuts when her radio goes off.

Radio: "Officer Wendy, you copy? Did you already check the area around Maple Mall?"

Wendy closes her eyes and tilts her neck back, already irritated.

Wendy: *sigh*"This is Wendy. And no, John, not yet. Just went in for a pit stop."

John: "That's 'Lieutenant John' to you, officer! See, that's the thing with you. You really need to start-"

Wendy mutes the radio. She pulls up to the window to pay for her doughnut.

Wendy: I swear, if I have to listen to him babble about his new position one more time... I literally CARRIED him on our missions, yet I can't be promoted because I'm... "One of these days..."

Wendy unmutes the radio.

John: "Alright? That's just the order of things now. Look, I'm gonna assign you a new partner! A man that can keep you in check. I just can't have you going around, acting on those emotions of yours when you should be-"

Wendy turns the radio off.

Wendy: The things they can get away with saying to me! I mean, I freakin' saved HIS sorry butt too many times to count!

Wendy takes in a deep breath and grips the steering wheel with both hands.

Wendy: "It's okay Wendy. Just a bad day, today. Besides, I don't need a new partner. I already have one." I just...

She looks at the picture dangling from her mirror in front of her. It's a picture of Wendy with a cheerful smile. She's standing close to a young man, whose arm is around her. He's making bunny ears behind her head in the picture.

Wendy: "I just need a little more time to find you."


Scene changes back to Elliot's perspective.

From the mysterious person's perspective, he's looking straight at the pile of rubble that Elliot's hiding behind.

Elliot: "Uhhh, th-there's some sort of m-mistake! There's no one here. You're just imagining-"

The pile of rubble that Elliot picked up earlier completely falls apart, exposing his entire body.

The mysterious person almost seems embarrassed as a sweat drop forms on his head.

Mysterious person: "...I'll make this quick."

The mysterious person is immediately pushed forward and stumbles in front of Elliot, falling to his knees.

He picks himself up and starts speaking into his mic again. This time, because he's closer, Elliot is able to hear the person speaking to the man through the mic.

Voice in Microphone: "What was that? Stone! Do you hear me?"

Stone gets up, holding his arm.

Stone: "Something blasted my shoulder!"

Stone looks behind him for a moment, ignoring Elliot. Facing Stone and Elliot is a humanoid figure.

Stone: "Shoot! It's a military bot! Lemme take care of it real qui-"

Voice in Microphone: "Negative! You don't want it recording your face. Just leave for now!"

Elliot: Did he say...military bot? How bad is this situation?

Elliot gets up and dives behind another pile of rubble away from Stone and the military bot.

Elliot: Okay, this time I won't blow my cover!

Stone: "I guess I'll have to leave the kid for now."

Stone lies flat on his stomach, slowly sinking into the ground like quick sand, becoming one with the earth. In just moments, he's undetectable.


Elliot sits behind more rubble to catch his breath. He peaks over just enough to see the humanoid in camouflage clothing walking in the opposite direction from him.

Bot: "No threats detected."

Elliot: He didn't see me. Good. Wait a minute, the bots are the good guys! And I'm a good guy. Maybe I can even help solve...whatever's goin on. Yeeeesss! I'll be a hero! I can see it now.


In this daydream, Elliot is standing in the middle of a pedestal in first place. He has a big smile on his face, eyes closed, hands on his hips. To the left is a military bot in 2nd place. To the right is a baby in nothing but a diaper in 3rd.

Party favors and balloons fill the background.

Random voice: "Woohoo! We love you, Elliot!"

Elliot: "Oh please, no photos. Hahaha!"

Baby: "Dada?"


Back to reality from Elliot's perspective. Elliot watches the Military Bot with a smile on his face.

Elliot: "That's it! I'll tell him about that guy I saw and be a hero!"

From the military bot's perspective, Elliot stands in front of the rubble out in the open, having just come from behind the rubble.

He stands with another cheesy smile, eyes closed and hands on his hips.

Elliot: "Never fear! Hahaha. Elliot's here-"

A laser beam shoots right past Elliot's face, completely destroying the rubble behind him. The military bot has his gun aimed at Elliot. There's smoke rising from the gun.

Elliot stands in the same position, same smile, but his eyes are open. He's frozen in fear.


Elliot throws both hands forward.

Elliot: "Hey hey! Wait! I'm not a threat! I'm unarmed! See?"

Bot: "..."

Elliot: "..."

Bot: "Commence complete destruction of target."

The bot shoots another blast. Elliot dives out of the way, rolling as he lands.

The bot walks over to Elliot, who's still on the ground after his dive, and stands over him, gun ready for another shot.

Elliot, on all fours, looks up to see the bot standing in front of him. He extends his hand forward out of fear.

Elliot: This cannot be the end! Oh God. Puberty was JUST working in my favor! "No wait. PLEASE!"

Elliot tightly shuts his eyes and looks away.

Elliot: "PLEASE!"

His hand begins to glow with a bright light blue aura.

The bot is about to pull the trigger.

A bright energy beam projects out of Elliot's hand, the force pushing him back.

The blast engulfs the bot's head and heads for the battered mall building ahead.

The beam detonates on impact against the building, causing a large explosion.


Back to Wendy's perspective.

Wendy is doing her rounds in the neighborhood in the Maple Mall area.

Wendy: (doughnut in hand) "Alright. Time to relieve some stress before the day's over."

Wendy's about to take a bite when she sees a big flash of light in her rearview mirror. Her eyes widen.

Wendy: "What the!"

Wendy hits her brakes.

Wendy: "What the heck was THAT!"

Wendy makes a sharp U turn.


Back to Elliot's perspective.

Elliot pushes himself up and dusts himself off. He shakes his head from side to side.

Elliot: "Ugh, what happened?"

Elliot rubs his head and looks ahead of him. His eyes and mouth are wide open with shock.

Elliot: "Wha...what the..."

In front of him is a headless military bot lying on its back, gun still in hand. Smoke rises from the neck. Straight ahead is Maple Mall. The mall was already in bad shape, but now has a hole in the upper center of the building, thanks to Elliot's blast. Smoke rises from the hole.

Elliot looks down at the bot.

Elliot: "Uhh...did he shoot himself?" 

Elliot Shakes his head.

Elliot: "No. Maybe it was that guy! Matter of fact, where is that guy?"

Off screen Female voice: "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!"

Elliot turns to the side to see a young woman standing just yards away from him.

Officer Wendy has her gun aimed at Elliot.

Wendy: "Put your hands where I can see them!"