"The project manager is Miss Emerson sir," Hardy reaffirms, surprised by his boss's sudden outburst and quickly cleans the mess on the table. "She is the manager of R&D team 1."
Massaging his forehead with his finger tips, Kingsley let out a heavy sigh. Why does the beautiful, she devil keep crossing paths with him?
"Wait!" he thought, "what if this is deliberate?" Knowing that woman, he wouldn't be surprised if she has deliberately planted herself in the project, knowing full well that he is the major investor. What if this is another scheme to plant herself in his life like a leech?" After all, she is the queen of deceit, judging by how she successfully deceived him five years ago.
No, he can't let this happen. No, he won't. There is no way in hell he is going to watch her make a fool of him the second time. Once is enough. How dare she?
"Listen to me Hardy." Kingsley clears his throat and begins, taking a firm, serious tone. "I want you to call the CEO of Palmer Tech and tell him to change the project manager of Mist. If he tries to haggle you, let him know I won't be investing unless someone else takes charge. Okay?"
Hardy's eyes bulged, surprised by the unusual request. Why would his boss want to meddle in the private affairs of another company?
"Yes boss," he replies but quickly adds "but may I ask why? CEO Ashby would want a good reason for meddling in his company's affair."
Kingsley approaches Hardy in slow silent steps, hands in pocket and his gaze intently boring into his.
Hardy backs away, his eyes roaming the room, unable to focus, wondering what is happening until his back hits the wall. Why is his boss taking out his frustration, whatever it is, out on him. He is just trying to do his job.
"No questions. And definitely no explanation!" Kingsley roars, not blinking once and then continues. "If you want to keep your job, better get moving."
Hardy scampers out of the room, adjusting his tie which suddenly feels too tight and suffocating. He breathes out heavily once he is safely out in the open. "What the hell is going on?" He wonders silently. "This Louisa woman killed his dog or something?"
"Well, it is what it is." Hardy concluded, bringing out his phone to make the call.
CEO Ashby angrily drops his phone on his table, a 'crack' echoing through the air, like the sound of a whip cracking.
Who the hell does Kingsley Wills think he is, ordering him around in his own company like some errand boy.
If he wants to make a ridiculous request such as this, shouldn't he have called himself and offered an explanation?
If he thinks being a money bag is everything, then he is in for a very rude shock! And what the hell is his business with Louisa?
"Nancy, I want Louisa in my office immediately." Mr Ashby instructs his secretary via the intercom.
"What problem do you have with CEO Wills?" Mr Ashby won't even let Louisa sit before probing her.
"I do not have any problem with him, boss. I barely even kn..."
"Cut out the bullshit Louisa. There is no way he'd make that ridiculous request if you two barely know each other." Mr Ashby slams his hand on the table in a fit of rage, visibly upset about Louisa trying to play on his intelligence.
"What request sir?" Louisa asked, her heart beating faster.
"He wants you off the Mist project or he won't invest a dime!"
Dumbfounded, Louisa could hardly close her mouth.
"Are you going to tell me what is going on now? Or you still barely know him?" Mr Ashby knocks Louisa with her own words.
"Am sorry sir. Actually, Kingsley and I have quite a history but it's been five years and it's very personal. I'd rather not discuss my private affair at work." Louisa explains.
"That's rich coming from you. Did you not pull a private stunt at an official event last night?" Mr Ashby mocks, relaxing in his seat and easing a bit of his anger.
Louisa pressed her lips together tightly, unable to respond. She knows she has been caught and she feels embarrassed by what her boss thinks of her at the moment.
"Listen, I know it is preposterous for an outsider to have a say in the affairs of our company, I am angry about it too. But this is our sad reality," Mr Ashby relaxes and decides to take a calm approach.
"I feel sorry that a talented researcher and astute business woman like yourself is cooped up here. I know many top tier companies in New York want to scout you but you choose to remain here. I am doing the best I can to be worthy of an employee like you and that is why we need to pull off this project. It's a big one that might be our ticket to expansion."
"I understand sir, I do." Louisa starts to speak but is cut short by Mr Ashby, who appears to still have more to say.
"I know you are the most capable to handle this project but we need to find a way around this money bag who thinks he can throw orders around. I hate to admit it but we need his money. So what do you think we should do?"
Louisa contemplates for a while but couldn't come up with any good suggestions. She also concludes that the only way to fund Mist is to convince Kingsley Wills to invest in the project, with her as the PM. After all, it's worth millions of dollars and has a tight timeline, so there aren't a lot of places to go to in search of urgent investors.
However, who will bell the cat and how? Who, other than herself can convince Kingsley Wills? But would Kingsley even listen to her?
And even if he does listen, would he believe her? How can she convince a man she unintentionally deceived five years ago? How can she convince Kingsley that she impersonated Martha five years ago at Martha's request before she gave up the ghost?