He took me into his car not too far from where he found me. I was ashamed because I was naked and I didn't realize that my clothes had been ripped apart until now.
He pulled a blanket from the backseat and gave it to me to cover my body knowing I must be cold for it was already snowing outside.
Bryan then gave me an even proper introduction before driving. Before we arrived Snowdon pack the bright clouds were already appearing. He stopped the car, let out a sigh and looked at me, "Just pretend you have known me for sometime. I don't want to answer too many questions from the rest of the pack. They can be really inquisitive, besides, I know someone from Whitewood pack so I won't say you are lying." I just nodded to make him know I am with him.
I felt I owe him for saving me, I felt I should stay but what happened next made me feel I needed to leave anytime soon.
"Alpha Bryan, we have been waiting for your arrival, we received a call from the Night-shield that there..."
"Keep it down, let's talk inside Emily." Bryan whispered and took her by the hand to leave and while he was still walking he turned and ordered another guy to attend to my hospitality. "Gary, please find a room for her and ensure she is well taken care of." With my hand folded, I observed the way Emily looked at me like I was a disease that needs to be exterminated from the pack immediately.
"Hello lady, please follow me." Gary said and walked me into a room full of light and asked me to go into the bathroom next to it and take a shower. "...I'll leave some clothes on the bed here. You can pick anyone that best suit you. They'll all be yours unless you decide otherwise. I'll leave now and make sure your breakfast is served."
"Thanks." I appreciated, forcing a smile as I watched him leave. He probably was on his way to get me some clothes. The place looked beautiful to live in and I was already admiring the room. And when I was done taking shower and was out, I found more than enough clothes for me on the bed that can take me a whole week to wear if I chose to change thrice a day. The blue gown was my first choice because I loved the colour. a knock on the door made me stop brushing my hair,
"Come in."
"Hey, are you... Wow, you look stunning." Bryan exclaimed dropping his jaw with eyes wide open.
"Thank you. So, what are they saying about me?" I asked because that was what I cared more about.
"About you?!" His voice shrilled as he walked up to me and placing his hands on my waist without my permission, though in a loving way, he said, "what I discussed with Emily wasn't about you..."
"Then what was it about?" I asked without letting him finish.
"It's about our rivals. We have been trying to keep the vampires away from our terrain for a long time now. Beyond Winsburg, they won't let us through, so we decided to secure our own territory. We have also decided not to let them through to Winsburg but it appears that our defence is growing weak."
"Was that why they attacked me and my friend last?"
"My point exactly. They are infiltrating gradually and if they are not stopped, they will claim all of Winsburg and you know what that means. Even Whitewood will not be a safe place because that will be their next target."
"I don't care about Whitewood!" I frowned, pulled away from him and looked away.
"What really happened to you? Thought you said you come from Whitewood?"
"I said so. It's not my place anymore. What exactly do they want by the way?"
"You mean the vampires?"
"Yes. And I need to give them something in exchange for my friend, Raymond. I didn't see him die. You said they captured him didn't you?" I put the brush down and turned to look at him.
"I am afraid there isn't anything you can give for his life. Our enemies just derives pleasure in preying on us. They believe we are having a share of what belongs to them and they love it around humans."
"But we don't go about eating humans, why do they feel we should not share a community together?" I was really becoming inquisitive...
"It's hard to explain but then, they hate your scent, your nature, everything about us irritates them and they are so selfish."
"Aren't we selfish too?" I sighed because I thought about Susan Walter.
"They might just be more selfish than we are. Maybe I'll leave it in your hands to find out yourself. For now, Emily will be talking some members of the pack into the woods to train them. I have asked that she teach you too, so that you'd learn how to defend yourself."
I let out a sigh and whined "I think you'll have to train me yourself. I never liked the way Emily looked at me."
"Did she?" He asked wondering and immediately I felt I should not have told him about it.
"Nevermind." I said and turned to look myself in the mirror.
"Well. If you don't want to talk about it. It's fine. But you have to be comfortable. Emily is a good friend and I am sure you both are going to get along well."
"I hope so. Does she like you?" I asked and stared at him in the mirror. He appeared to me to be speechless but to my surprise he uttered a word.
"No." Then he paused and added. "I do not think she does. Do you?"
"Umm..." I became nervous not knowing how to reply that, even as I watched him draw near and held my waist with both hands again and in a way that I could feel his d*ck rubbing hard against my ass.
"You were going to say something, aren't you?" Bryan whispered into my ears and I felt his arms moving slowly upwards until he grabbed my boobs and let our a sigh.