Chereads / A look of Harry Potter / Chapter 28 - Chapter 28: Broomsticks

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28: Broomsticks

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Fleur smiled. "That sounds like a date," she said.

"What will you get the other elves?" Neville asked Harry as they started walking again. "Recipes I think.

They seem to enjoy cooking so why not give them a few Asian and South American cookbooks."

Hermione was about to say something and then she stopped herself.

The elves would be so happy that anyone got them anything that she just couldn't bring herself to say that it was a selfish gift.

Because if she said that weren't all gifts selfish in one way or another?

Once they were done shopping they sat down in The Three Broomsticks and had a drink.

People were rushing in and out and most had bags filled with what would come to be Christmas gifts for their family and friends.

It was warm and bright.

People laughed and talked.

The front door opened up and people came inside to warm themselves.

Ron showed up at one point but didn't stick around. He had been so surprised by Fleur's presence at the table that he didn't quite know what to say. Thankfully, he hadn't said anything he would regret later.

Then they headed back to the castle as snow fell slowly from the dark sky above. Fleur left them and headed to the carriage while the other three continued towards the castle.

18th of December, 1994.

Harry leaned back in Fleur's loveseat. They had spent most of the morning dancing and his feet hurt. Fleur walked back into the room and rolled her eyes at him. "What?" Harry asked.

"You certainly look comfortable," Fleur pointed out.

"I would be even more comfortable if you came here and joined me," Harry said as he winked at her.

Fleur laughed. She walked up to him and he moved his feet so she could sit down.

"Have you solved your egg yet?" Harry asked.

"Oui," Fleur said.

"I don't like it," Harry said. "I worry that they will take someone we care about and put them at the bottom of the lake for us to find.

Although I didn't sign up for this, to begin with, I still wouldn't have signed up for that."

Fleur looked thoughtful for a moment as she mulled what he had said over. "Apart from you," she said, "there is no one 'ere that I would miss that much."

"That just means they will get someone from somewhere else I guess," Harry said. "I have both Neville and Hermione… apart from you of course." He smiled at Fleur.

"Alistair, Céline or … Gabrielle," Fleur said. "I really 'ope they do not place Gabrielle at the bottom of the lake."

"That's why I was wondering if it wouldn't be best to just work together," Harry said. "All of us I mean to just show how much we dislike the idea of them placing people we love in danger."

Fleur nodded slowly. "If you speak with Diggory I will speak with Krum and we could meet on Tuesday."

"Sounds like a plan," Harry said.

Harry and Fleur were walking through Hogwarts. Harry had checked with the Weasley twins what their schedule was like, and he knew Cedric should be ending Potions right about now.

"Diggory we need to talk to you," Harry said as Cedric came walking up from the dungeons.

Cedric looked from Harry to Fleur. He had heard rumours that the two spent time together, but he hadn't paid it that much attention. Gossip really wasn't his thing. "Sure," he said.

He figured that if two out of four champions wanted to talk to him he might as well have a chat with them.

"This way Krum is waiting," Harry said as he started walking again.

'Scratch that,' Cedric thought. All the champions were gathering. Then it was probably a good idea to go along with it.

He wondered briefly if Harry had solved the clue in the egg yet or if he could maybe help him out. He didn't have to wonder for long.

They stepped into an unused classroom that was surprisingly neat.

A good sturdy table stood in the middle of it and four chairs stood around that. Viktor Krum was pacing back and forth slowly as he waited for them.

"So vhat do you vant?" Viktor asked as the other three sat down.

"I hope everyone has solved the clue in the egg," Harry said. "To be frank I don't care at this point. I'll start by saying that I will, if possible, sit the last task out.

I don't need the prize money. I don't need fame. This competition should be between the three of you and I will not interfere with that.

Now…" he took a deep breath and continued before anyone else could say anything. "The egg tells us that something or someone will be taken from us.

That object or person will most likely be placed at the bottom of the lake for us to find. If that is indeed an object.

I don't see why we can't just go ahead with the competition as intended. My problem lies in them placing people down there. My best friends. Fleur's sister or best friends.

People you care about. None of them has signed up for this and I don't think using them as hostages like this is alright."

"So vhat do you vant us to do?" Viktor asked.

"If they have taken people we care about and placed them down there I think we should work together to free them," Harry said.

"To show that we don't approve," Cedric said with a nod. "I can see that working. It would render the task useless."

"It would leave Viktor in the lead for now," Harry said.

"And you," Cedric said.

"Which is pointless since I don't want to win," Harry said.

Viktor nodded slowly. "I agree that other people shouldn't be made part of the tournament," he said. "If they have taken hostages, ve can vork together to save them."