Chereads / Harry Potter and the son of Morgana LeFay / Chapter 28 - Ch:28 Damien Blackwood

Chapter 28 - Ch:28 Damien Blackwood

Soon after the trial Orion was back at Camelot.

"Oh you're back! Finally, I was bored to death" Mordred said dramatically and gave him a letter "by the way the letter from Hogwarts came with our shopping list for the next term came".

Orion took the letter and read the content. As expected, Lockhard put his full arsenal of useless fiction books inside the required book list for defence against the dark arts.

"Alright, let's go shopping...but we won't buy the books from Lockhard. I looked at those books once and they are full of bullshit" Orion said and called for Deek "Deek, bring my brother and me to diagon alley".

The elf grabbed them both and pulled them through space.

"Man, I really need to learn how to apparate" Orion said and looked around. It seems like today was the exact day Gilderoy Lockhard is doing his book signing event.

Orion sighed "just my luck...alright, I need to buy some new potion ingridients and do some business at Gringotts, let's split up and meet here in an hour alright?"

"Sure, the things you have to do sound so boring. I'll check out the new brooms, after all this year we can join the quiditch team if they deem us good enough" Mordred said already eying the store advertising the newest nimbus 2001.

"See you later" Orion said and moved to a secluded alley.

He then pjlled out his clown's mask and put it on. It was about time he set up another Identity for himself. He imagined what he wants to look like and channeled his magic into the mask.

As soon as he started he felt the drain on his magic but it stopped completly when the transformation was finished.

To check if his transformation was sucsessful he conjured a mirror and looked at his new face.

The face of an old man of about fifty years stared back at him.

He now had black hair with streaks of grey hair. He also had a well trimmed beard and piercing grey eyes.

Statisfied with the change in appearance he vanished the mirror and walked straight into the bookstore. After all he needed to make an impression if he wants to use this identity to become a dark lord in the future.

The bookstore was full of people and the little space around him annoyed him.

With a gesture of his hand he magically pushed the people out of the way and walked to the counter where Gilderoy Lockhard was posing arrogantly.

The bookstore immediately became silent and even Lockhard looked startled.

He knew he was beeing a dick for cutting in line but so what?

He wandlessly levitated the books out of the bookshelf while walking towards Lockhard.

"Are you the cashier?" he asked trying very hard to contain his laughter.

"The cashier? Me? No, I am the great Gilderoy Lockhard...You must have heard of me" Lockhard said quickly regaining his confidence while he spoke.

Orion just raised his eyebrow and decided to just ignore him.

"Well I am here to buy these books can I pay here?" Orion just asked.

"I am not the cashier..." Lockhard just said but was interrupted by Orion.

"Well this is a bookstore isn't it? I want to buy some books so get someone here who actually is a cashier and not a posing unemployed clown" Orion ruthlessly said.

Protests came from the onlookers who seemed to have recovered from the sheer shamelessnes of Orion.

"You dare!"

"Gilderoy Lockhard is one of the greatest wizards in the world just after Dumbledore!"

"Who do you think you are cutting in line like that. You need to wait like everyone else!"

Orion released his magical aura, a skill only those with much more magic than an average auror could actually perform. It was a skill Orion learned recently.

Everyone present felt the enormous supression that came from his magic and bloodline.

"Shut up you nobodies or I'll make you" Orion said threatenly and turned back to Lockhard.

"Sir please calm down, If you want to buy something you can do it on the side" a clerk of the bookstore said and pointed to the side.

"Was that so difficult?" Orion asked and stopped releasing his aura.

But some daring people weren't impressed by his powers.

"You bastard, I'll call the Aurors! They will imprison you in Azkaban!"

Orion pertified the person with a single gesture of his hand. The man fell on the ground as stiff as a rock.

At this point Orion started to get annoyed and just placed 15 galleons on the counter.

"That should suffice, I don't have time for this circus here" he said and walked out of the bookstore. On his way out he placed the books inside his magically expanded pockets.

"That's illegal, expansion charms are only allowed with ministry approval and I doubt you are on that list, how..."

Thud! Another stiff body hitting the ground.

Without even looking at the fallen man he continued his walk and stepped back into the alley.

Just then he stood face to face with Lucius Malfoy who had watched everything unfold with interest.

Orion greeted him "Oh, you must be Lucius Malfoy, I have heard a lot about you" Orion said.

Lucius looked at the enraged people in the store and back at Orion.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" Lucius Malfoy asked.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Damien Blackwood" Orion said chosing the last name Blackwood a family of purebloods which were all killed in the first wizarding war.

"Oh? I didn't know the Blackwood family had a family member that is still alive" Malfoy said suprised.

"Well, I was cast out of the family because I was deemed a squib in a ritual they did in my childhood. Lucky for me, they made a mistake and I am actually able to do magic, it's natural that you don't know me since I was never an official member of the family".

"Ah I see..." Lucius said a bit unsure what to say next.

"Well it's all in the past isn't it? ...You'll be hearing a lot from me in the future Mr. Malfoy. It was nice meeting you" Orion said mysteriously and walked past Malfoy and dissapeared in the hustle and bustle of diagon alley.

In a secluded spot he took off the mask and reversed his transformation.

He quickly went to the entrance of diagon alley to meet up with his brother.

Nearing the meeting point he already spotted Mordred and Neville with his parents waiting for him.

"What's up Neville! Mr. And Mrs. Longbottom" Orion said and gave Neville a handshake and a polite nod to Alice and Frank Longbottom.

"No need to be so formal, just call us Frank and Alice" Frank said.

"Alright, If you insist..." Orion said "so are you finished with shopping?"

"Of course, I have all potion materials, all writing utensils, every book exept the ones from Lockhard like you said...and of course a brand new Nimbus 2001!" Mordred declared proudly .

Orion just sighed and shook his head seeing the antics of his brother.