Chereads / Harry Potter and the son of Morgana LeFay / Chapter 12 - Ch:12 Dumbledore's permission

Chapter 12 - Ch:12 Dumbledore's permission

The rest of the week was becoming more and more boring and Orion quickly fell into a daily routine. Workouts in the morning, breakfast then classes followed by whatever he wanted to do. That could range from duelling training inside the room of requirements to writing new research papers to just reading grimoires.

This week he also wrote another reseach paper about a potion that cures bad eyesight and to be honest he was very proud of himself for that one.

That is because this is the first potion he really created himself. I mean sure he had the knowlege of the muggles and the knowlege of Merlin's chemical system for magical atoms but he was still proud of himself.

Today was thursday and he would finally have his private class with professor Snape.

So after dinner he made his way to the dungeons to professor Snapes office.

He knocked on the door and Snape's voice "come in" was heard from inside.

Orion was honestly suprised by the personal office of Snape, he had expected something more...gloomy.

"What, dissapointed by the lack of skulls or coffins?" Snape asked amused seeing his suprised expression.

"Well...yes a bit. Compared to the classroom this definetely looks better" Orion said.

"Alright, what do you want to learn?" Snape asked.

"Teach me the flying spell first, I have already written a few research papers" Orion said and placed three big stacks of papers on Snape's desk.

"First read this and tell me what you think" Orion said geasturing to the papers.

Snape just looked at the work in front of him and sighed "I should have expected something like that".

He then produced a small black book and gave it to Orion "read this in the meantime. You first need to learn the theoretical knowlege".

They then sat down and started to read in silence. For over an hour nothing more was heard than the occasional flipping of papers or Snape scribbling something inside his papers.

But Orion didn't mind in the slightest. He was fascinated by the spell in this book.

The spell transformed your whole body into an arrow of dark smoke and let's you fly at an incredible speed. The most amazing thing is that this spell draws magic from the surrounding air to sustain itself. It also mentioned that controlling the dirrection of the smoke is extremely difficult and needs a lot of practice.

"Is this really your reseach?" Snape just asked his voice not hiding his admiration "If it is you are a monstrous genius"

"Of course, althrough there was already a bit of reseach date on the last two, the eye curing one is completly my creation" Orion said.

Snape just put down the stacks of paper and looked at him seriously.

"Can you brew the Felix felicis potion?" he asked Orion.

"Of course althrough it's a chore to supervise it for 4 months" Orion said.

"The potion takes 6 months to brew" Snape just said.

"I know, but I can do in in 4" Orion smiled.

Snape just stood up and put a cauldron on the fireplace and lit the fire.

"Brew me a vial of Veritaserum. Right now" Sanpe said and gestured to the cauldron. Orion knew what intentions Sanpe had. This was a test.

He just nodded and collected all necessairy ingredients. He didn't start to brew the potion immediately, instead he started to meticulously prepare the ingredients and added his own twists to make the potion more effective.

After he was finished with the first step he started to brew and two hours later he carefully bottled the potion inside a vial.

Snape just stared at the transparent potion in disbelief. "This is just ridiculous" he muttered to himself and wondered if he had wasted his time in his youth. He had reached this level when he turned 20 years old and was praised as the youngest potion master in a century. A prodigy! Yet, right in front of his eyes is an eleven-year old boy that surpassed him in every imaginable aspect.

He already knew just from looking at the potion that the potion the boy brewed was beyond perfect. A masterpiece.

"So did I pass?" Orion just asked innocently.

"Passed what?" Snape just asked confused.

"This was a test wasn't it? So did I pass?" Orion asked.

"Yeah, this potion is beyond perfect...say Mr. Green, do you want to become a potion master?" he asked.

"Of course, but I don't know If I want to do it later as my job. I also find alchemy and enchanting very interesting but didn'thave a chance to check it out yet as I focused on potions" Oriln answered.

"I have contacts inside the potions guild. With your abilities you could become a certified advanced potion master right now. You could go to international potion brewing competitions and win a lot of awards. Even more than me" Sanpe said not able to hide his excitement. After all which teacher didn't want a genius student?

"Of course, that would be awesome" Orion just said smiling. 'This is just what my plan was' he thought 'to become one of the best potion masters in the world and make important connections'.

"Good" Snape just said "come on, I need to discuss this matter with the headmaster" and walked out of his office.

Orion hurried after him almost running to keep up with professor Snape.

"I can shedule your certification test to become an official master of potions as a member of the potions guild but you need permission from the headmaster to leave the school grounds for the duration of the assesment" Snape said while walking. "If Dumbledore agrees, you will have your master degree in potions in a month, else you will have to wait until christmas" Snape said and stopped in fromt of the giant gryffin statue.

"Mint chocolate" he said to the statue gave way to the spiral staircase behind.

Orion followed professor Snape inside Dumbledores office and stared at the countless magical instruments in wonder. He already saw them in the movies, but being able to see them for real was just so much more fascinating. 'Unfortunately it seems like Fawkes is not here' Orion silently lamented when he saw the empty perch in the office.

"Ah Severus, how can I help you?" Dumbledore asked and then spotted Orion behind Snape "Another troublemaker?" he asked in a grandfatherly voice.

Snape just smiled lightly and said "quite the opposite actually. I want to apply for a potions master certification test for Mr.Green".

At that Dumbledore stopped munching on his lemon drops and just stared at Snape "but he is a first year, I don't think he will..."

"No need to worry headmaster, this boy is a genius. I personally tested him before. He was able to brew a flawless vial of veritaserum without any instructions or help from any book" Snape just flatly said.

"Truly amazing...well if you,...his potion master says that he is this talented..." Dumbledore said and looked at Orion with a grandfatherly smile "...then who am I to argue".

"If he passes the certification test he will get exempted from all potion lessons if he doesn't want to attend them" Dumbledore continued "he can also participate in any international tournament he wants as long as a teacher accompanies him. It has been a while since Hogwarts won in a contest" .

"Thank you headmaster" Orion said with a cheerful smile. 'Mabye Dumbledore isn't so bad' he just thought.