Orion stared at Mordred. 'This fucker isn't dumb' he just thought.
"So what now?" he asked. Mordred smirked and said "first of all we'll loot the treasury".
"Orion also laughed "truly my brother haha let's go".
They needed to search for a while until they found an opening that let them enter the underground complex of Camelot.They soon stopped in front of a giant wall with the pendragon crest engraved in stone. On the stone in front of them was a small keyhole. Mordred took out his vault key and twisted it in the keyhole. The wall rumbled and morphed into a big opening. Torches powered through magic lit up and illuminated the mountain of gold in front of them.
Mordred laughed"haha, WE ARE LOADED".
There were also countless artifacts such as swords,amors and casual things.
There was also a bookshelf in a corner stuffed with magical perserved books.
"We can't take everything out here, the subspace of our heir rings is limited to the size of a normal house. We have 2 rings each so we can only bring about a fourth of what we have here" Orion said.
Mordred just waved him off "doesn't matter, we can always come back for more".
"How should we split the things other than gold?" Orion asked and pointed to the area with the armors, swords and books.
"If you give me Excalibur, you can have everything else. I'm not interested in books either way" Mordred said his eyes fixed on a blue glowing one-hand sword. This was the legendary Excalibur, a sword of myths and legends.
Orion looked at the other items besides the sword. Sure a soulbound weapon like Excalibur was strong but they were also other miscellaneous items laying around. Like for example a clown's mask to change your appearance like a metamorphagus, a time turner, several vanishing cabinets or a pensive.Then there were also the books about ancient and obscure magic...
"Deal" Orion said without thinking much about it. If his twin wanted the sword so be it. As he put the things inside his he noticed a dark bloodied katana lying on the floor.
He remembered how his father, King Athur had proudly added it to his sword collection. Inside the vault he had his own corner with his prized collection of magical swords. It was just that Excalibur was his absolute favorite but that didn't changed the fact that he was a sword fanatic who hoarded precious swords like a dragon would hoard gold.
'Well my abilities are already very dark in nature anyway' he thought and grabbed the katana. As soon as he touched the sword a wave of shadows assaulted him but before he could even react his body absorbed all the shadows into him. With a quiet wail the shadows dissapeared and the sword dissapeared to. On his right arm appeared demonic rune letters that slowly spread over his whole body but then dissapeared just before covering his whole body.
He could feel the presence of a spiritual weapon that bonded, like it became a part of him. He could also feel his magic becoming more controlled and smother.
"Hey man look at this" Mordred shouted to him and lifted his hand. With his hand movement the gold coins began to float and follow the direction he pointed at.
"Wandless magic" Orion muttered "how are you doing that? Only archmages should be capable of wandless casting".
"It's the sword, it's in my body controlling my magic for me" Mordred said and let the gold coins dance around him "it's like a part of my body".
Orion just stared at him. Mordred noticing his gaze just laughed "don't regret your choice now brother, Excalibur is mine heheheh".
Orion just scoffed at the behaviour of his brother. He also somehow found a soulbound weapon and should be able to do the same, yet this guy thinks he is hot shit just because of that?
"Everything else is mine right" Orion asked already grinning.
"Yeah, go ahead it's only fair" Mordred said and waved him off.
Orion didn't hesitate and looted everything that catched his eyes. Fancy robes, a nice crown a combat suit out of dragon hide, the whole bookshelf full of ancient grimoires a scythe he found nice, several wands and staffs precious potion ingredients, rune carving sets, an artful ritual knive and a ton of precious magical metals such as Adamatium, Orichalcum, Mithril, goblin silver and magic gems. Who knows, they might come in handy.
He then stuffed the rest of his heir rings full of gold and left the vault together with Mordred.
"Okay what now?" Mordred asked "I'm getting hungry"
"Well we are in the future, mom and dad died long ago so we are orphans. We should first search for a village or city and then hope they will accept us in an orphange else we will need to live on the streets" Orion said and began to climb outside.
"Live on the streets? But we have enough money to buy a country!" Mordred protested.
"Exactly, what would you do when you see two kids with so much money?" Orion said annoyed.
At that Mordred also grew silent. He was arrogant but not so dumb to nlt realise the situation they were in.
"Let's just hope they accept us in the orphange" he sighed and searched for the exit of this forest.
"They will become suspicions of our origin. We'll just say that we were kidnapped as kids, don't know our parents or were we lived before. Whatever time this is something like this always happens" Orion said and Mordred just nodded.
After half a day of walking they finally reached a small village. Orion recognised the buildings and vehicles from his previous life. They were somewhere in the late 19th or 20th century. Exhausted they took a quick rest and then entered the village. Mordred just looked around like he would even find a pebble on the ground interesting. "So this is the future huh?" Mordred muttered in awe. "I've seen something like this. I had dreams about it" Orion said. He knew Mordred would become suspicious if he suddenly knew everything but with the gift of a prophet...no problem.
"You are a seer?" Mordred asked him suprised. "A weak one, don't expect too much" Orion quickly said.
"Just follow me" Orion said and searched for a newspaper.
24th October 1988.
Orion smiled 'oh I am gonna get so rich with Bitcoin and Apple and Microsoft and all this other shit'.
He put the newspaper away and turned to Mordred.
"First of all, make your rings invisible, second of all forget the name Pendragon or LeFay, that could bring us trouble and last but not least, let me do the talking" Orion said and approached an old man on a bench.
"Excuse me mister? Do you happen to know where the police station is?" Orion asked.
The man looked up from thd newspaper he was reading "oh just down the main street ,just follow the big road and look for a big boring white building, that should it be. But why do you want to know that? Did something happen to you?".
"No, I just really want to see a real policeman. I want to become one myself in the future" Orion made up this bullshit on the spot.
"Oh, well I wish you good luck with that" the man said.
"Thanks for the directions mister, have a good day" Orion said and quickly retreated.
"You too small kid haha" the man said and waved him.
"You are good" Mordred said with thumbs up when he came back.
"Now comes the hardest part. We have to sell our kidnapping story to the police" Orion said.
"Police?" Mordred asked completly clueless.
"Think of them as modern town guards only without a lord" Orion explained.
"But who pays them then?"
"The president or king of the country" Orion just said and walked with Mordred to the police station while Orion tried to at least explain a bit of common knowlege to Mordred.
After a short 10 minutes walk they finally arrived at the police station.