When Seul-gi and Joon-ho made sure the knight was dead, they ran to where Spark was laying.
Joon-ho checked if Spark had a pulse, lucky there was one, but it was a weak one. "Seul-gi buy me a healing potion!" said Joon-ho "Here" answered Seul-gi as she handed him the potion she bought.
Joon-ho made Spark drink the red liquid, as he did, Sparks wounds started to close. After a few moments all of Sparks wounds were closed, but he was still unconscious.
Seul-gi had a idea. She hurried to the skeleton knight's dead body and found the amulet of health. It was a simple design, it was made from what looked like gold and it had a red gemstone inbeded in the middle.
A description window appeared in front of her as she picked it up.
Amulet of health: uncommon
Increases the effectiveness of external and natural healing.
"Hey Joon-ho, catch" said Seul-gi before throwing the amulet towards Joon-ho, he catched it and put it on Spark.
The red gemstone glowed before, but Spark continued to lay there unconscious. Joon-ho checked Sparks pulse once again, the pulse was stronger them before, but it wasn't looking good for him.
A few tears came down Joon-ho's and Seul-gi's cheek. Joon-ho came down to pick up Spark, and Seul-gi picked up the items dropped by the skeleton knight.
The two of them started going back to the tower in silence. Weirdly they meet no skeletons on their way.
Suddenly Spark took a big gasp of air before finally speaking "I'm still alive, right?", his voice was weak and tired.
"You lucky bastard" said Seul-gi with a smile on her face and punching Spark in the arm, Spark only answered with a growl. "Give him some rest" said Joon-ho while taking a few steps from her.
"Did you kill that skeleton?" asked Spark, still with a tired voice "WE killed him Spark" answered Seul-gi in a happy tone. "What did we get then?" continued asking Spark
"We got a rare sword, shield and gauntlets, a lightning bracelet, a amulet of health which you are wearing now and 300 copper pieces" listed Joon-ho.
They already made it to the entrance of the tower, "Spark, do you think you can walk a bit?" asked Joon-ho, because he didn't want to carry him to the top "I can't move a muscle" answered Spark with a bit of a chuckle.
After the long journey up the tower, Joon-ho can take a rest from carrying Spark. Spark immediately fell asleep when he was placed down. Seul-gi took a healing potion with her newfound wealth.
Seul-gi and Joon-ho also were in need of a nap, but before they took it Seul-gi opened the shop to find a item that could warn them of danger.
Many items of various raritys appeared, but most of them were to expansive for them to even dream of right now. So she sorted the items by rare to common.
Ghost guard (sword master): rare, 1000 copper
Guardian serpent: rare, 800 copper
Spirit summon (crow): uncommon, 260 copper
Lesser scout spirit: uncommon, 200 copper
Fear totem: common, 100
Sence enchanting pill: common, 50
The two items that caught Seul-gi's attention were the spirit summon and the fear totem, but before buying either she asked Joon-ho for his opinion.
"Hey Joon-ho, I want to buy something to warn us of danger, but I'm not sure what to get" said Seul-gi "What were you thinking of buying?" asked Joon-ho.
"The Spirit crow it cost 260 copper and fear totem it costs 100", after a moment of thought Joon-ho answered "The crow sounds more useful", "Okey".
As she said that she bought the spirit summon and she realized that all the money from defeating the skeleton knight has already all spent.
After she confirmed her purchase, a purple gem appeared in her hands and a system window.
Spirit summon (crow): uncommon
When used, the user makes a contract with the spirit inside. When the contract is made, both the user and the spirit are bound to one another, they can transfer simple ideas or information between each other.
The spirit is able to scout and help if battle, but it can't go further than 100 meters from the user.
Potential for growth:
The stronger the concentration of mana in the users body the stronger the spirit, also if the user has mastered one magic type enough, the spirit will also be able to use it.
Or if the user has a item or something that gives the ability to manipulate a element, the spirit will also be able to use the items effect.
Seul-gi without a second thought made the contract with the spirit, as she did a crow made from purple energy came out of the gem.
She could feel a special connection to it, she wished for it to scout the nearby area, and the crow flew of.
Now she could go to sleep without worry. She looked over to Joon-ho, but found him sleeping.
Then she finally fell asleep to.