"Just as things were looking good" complained Joon-ho, as he said it a system warning pooped up in front of them.
'Warning: a powerful monster appeared, a 'skeleton knight', rank: F+. Caution is advised'
As the armored figure approached, they got ready for a fight. Seul-gi made a few steps backwards and prepared her bow, Joon-ho started gathering mana to use for his spells and Spark got into a defense position.
The skeleton only walked slowly towards them slowly, like if it didn't think they would be a challenge for it .
The skeleton knight lunged at Spark with lightning speed, swinging it's sword, but it was redirect by Sparks dagger. When the sword hit the ground, it shattered the dark bricks.
When that happened, Seul-gi fired an arrow at the monster, but when it hit it didn't even put a dent in the armor. Joon-ho also tried damaging the armor, but his icicles shattered when they hit the armor.
Spark was struggling with deflecting the skeletons attacks "Can't you go for the joint's?" asked Spark after deflecting another deadly blow.
"On it" said Seul-gi as she pulled back a arrow, before she relised it, a golden aura enveloped the arrow. She fired it as the knight had it's arm high up, managing to pierce through the armpit.
Soon Joon-ho followed with an giant icicle, nearly half a meter long, managing to make it stuck in the armor.
The icicle stuck in it's arm made the skeleton unable to use its arm. Spark used that moment to attack it, but was blocked by its shield. Unsurprisingly, he didn't even manage to make a scratch on it.
Joon-ho and Seul-gi kept attacking the skeleton, trying to destroy it's armor, but it blocked all attacks with it's shield.
After some time of enduring the barrage of attacks, it dropped it's shield and took out the icicle stuck in it's armpit. And started to use the icicle as a second sword.
The skeleton knight rushed towards Spark with both sword ready to attack, and before it could attack, Joon-ho made a ice pillar, stoping it's attack.
And Seul-gi fired another arrow with the golden aura, hitting the shoulder above the damaged armpit. The skeleton looked more and more alarmed by the situation it was in.
Spark once again tried to attack it, but his attack was paried by the icicle the skeleton was using as a sword.
Joon-ho launched another half meter long icicle, this time trying to hit the same place Seul-gi's arrow hit. His attack landed and the skeletons right arm wasn't looking good.
The knight was trying to move backwards to retrieve it's shield, but was attacked by Spark, this time Spark landed a hit on its shoulder.
As he landed the blow, he was suddenly punched, flying for about 10 meters and slamming into the wall.
"SPARK" shouted Joon-ho, he was finished preparing one of his stronger techniques. "THE FROZEN LAKE" Joon-ho shouted before slamming his hand into the ground.
As he did this, the floor around him started to freeze over in about 5 meter radius around him.
Seul-gi made her way out of the frozen over area. She started to draw another arrow, but she senced some kind of change in the skeleton knight.
"JOON-HO WATCH OUT" shouted Seul-gi. Joon-ho ducked, dodging a lightning strike that came from the skeleton.
Purple lightning started flickering on the skeleton knights armor and it's moves became more wild and unpredictable.
It once again lunged itself, this time towards Joon-ho, trying to hit him with it's shield, but it slipped on the frozen floor.
Joon-ho and Seul-gi didn't miss this opportunity and started attacking it. They managed to damage it's right arm enough that it fell of the armor.
But after they managed to do it, a shockwave of lightning pushed both of them back, destroying some of the ice on the ground in the process.
The skeleton knight came back on its feet, now without it's right arm. It tried to launch another lightning bolt, but it got interrupted by a arrow in the chest, followed by a icicle to the head.
It tried to use it's shield to defend itself, but it was hard to defend fast projectiles from two sources. It got hit by a barrage of Seul-gi's arrows and Joon-ho's icicles.
At last, the skeleton dropped on the ground and the flickering of lightning stopped. Then a system window appeared, 'congratulations on slaying the skeleton knight. Calculating rewards'
Then a list of items appeared in front of them.
Bracelet of lightning: uncommon
Black steel shield: rare
Black steel sword: rare
Black steel gauntlets: rare
Amulet of health: uncommon
300 copper pieces: common