Ares was exhausted when he returned to his room, but he didn't mind, because it was a good kind of exhaustion.

By all accounts, the opening night was successful.

It was only going to be greater heights from that point.

He was about to step into the room, when in a flash, he turned around, and walked to the room he had dressed up before.

Taking out the gun he carried to the opening night, he returned it under the pillow.

He stepped out of the room right after, and returned to his room.

Closing the door behind him, he was walking straight to his bathroom to shower, when his eyes caught an outline on his bed.

His mind was instantly juggled, and his steps redirected.

He walked to the edge of the bed, and watched Angel sleep.

"So she had eventually fallen asleep on the same bed she was so afraid to sleep in, just because of darling," he thought.

She looked different sleeping, he observed.

More peaceful. Like an actual An—

He shook his head, and swallowed hard as he turned around, and walked into his bathroom.

Shedding off his clothes, and hanging them on the railing, he proceeded to step into the shower.

He went into his head, thinking of ways his life had changed.

Life was starting to make sense to him again.

He had the key to the diamonds. The key to finally avenging his father's death.

And business? Business was taking a life of its own.

Whilst life of crime was what he was born into, he didn't want to die in it.

Better yet, he wanted to make a name beyond it.

And finally, it was starting to look like he could do that.

He returned his attention to showering, closing off the voices in his head.

When he stepped out again, he went straight for his phone.

"Come take the girl out of here," he said the second the call was answered.

His eyes returned to her. She slept peacefully.

Surprisingly so, for someone who was supposed to be weary about her environment.


Angel stirred in her sleep, and her eyes flew open.

She rolled to the side, as a huge smile formed on her face.

"I knew you were just like my be—" her words were stifled when she fell to the ground, and let out a loud yelp.

"What the hell?!" She screamed, really awake this time around.

The first thing she saw as she straightened into a sitting position was the ugly blue walls.

"Wait, this is not—" she gasped, as her eyes trailed around the room. "Bastard!" She cursed loudly, rising to her feet.

Ignoring the pain around her waist, she began to pace back and forth.

"How dare him take me out without even bothering to wake me up? What kind of monster is he?" She screamed in annoyance..

She paused when she caught a glance of herself in the mirror.

Looking down at her clothes, her eyes widened.

"I'm pretty sure I'm naked underneath you. Did he try to— when he– oh God!" She slammed her palm over her mouth.

Swiftly, she turned around, and dashed into the connecting room.

Just like she anticipated, the humming lady was seated in her favorite spot, staring into space.

"Hey ma'am," she called, trying to get her attention.

There was no response of course, but it didn't stop her from going ahead.

"I know you don't like to talk too much, but I don't even need you to talk. Just listen to me please."

She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts, before she continued.

"That son of a bitch needs to get his head cracked against a wall!" She let out in frustration, and quickly bit her tongue right after.

"I'm so sorry. It's unlike me to be this crass with my words. But he deserves it, don't you think? First I get my hair pulled by one of his maids, then I get a sac thrown over me again!" She stressed. "And just when I thought it couldn't get worse, he pulls me into this really alluring room, only for me to wake up in this ugly ass room! Why's he such a tease?!" She screamed in a fake teary voice.

Nadia sighed inwardly. She was wondering if the girl would ever return.

As it would turn out, her question had been answered.

"But it's okay. He has the upper hand now. He can do whatever he likes because I'm his prisoner. But just wait until I get out of here. He'll rue the day he met me!"

Her first tightened, as she squeezed her face so hard, her veins popped.

Nadia sighed inwardly. She truly wished the girl well. All she wanted was for her to be less delusional.

"Anyway, thanks for listening to me. I have that out of my head, and now I can proceed with my day."

She was turning around to return to her ugly room, when her eyes caught a fabric in humming lady's closet.

Her eyes widened, and her feet came to an immediate halt.

"I can't believe you possess this Egyptian silk. I can't believe it!" She cried out, looking hungrily at the closet.

Curious to know what the strange girl was talking about this time, Nadia turned her head behind, following the direction of her gaze.

"She's so beautiful. Do you know how rare it is to find this fabric?" Angel asked, turning around with the intention of walking up to her.

But when she saw her already staring her way, she froze in shock.

"You're not completely ignoring me?" She asked, a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"What do you want?" Nadia asked defeatedly.

"The fabric, and perhaps, some needle, thread, scissors, pins, or a sewing machine if you have one?" She cheesed, waiting for a response.

"What do you want to do with all of that?" Nadia pressed further.

Amazed that the humming lady was actually talking to her, she took a few seconds to soak it all in.

"I want to make you a shirt! A cool shirt!" She finally declared.


"Because I just came up with a brilliant idea, that I'm quite certain would make Mr former unicorn regret the day he decided to kidnap me," she said, and smirked confidently right after.