Chapter 28 - LOOSE MOUTH

Ares sat at the head of the dining table, listening to everyone around him converse.

He wasn't much of a talker, and would rather listen.

His father had told him it was the best way to live, and that had been a path he followed righteously ever since.

"What I don't understand is why the girl who is fucking the boss still doubles as a serving girl," the princess of Prague said recklessly, as Ava poured coffee into her cup.

Ava's hand paused in the air, as she inhaled sharply.

Everyone else at the table went instantly silent.

"What? It's true, right? Ava darling?" She lifted her head behind her, to stare at Ava. "You're fucking Ares right? Why then do you still do the job of a maid?"

"Enough," Ares said in his usual calm tone. "Don't talk to her like that," he added, this time, a hint of warning in his voice.

"You're mad at me now? I was just concerned." She shrugged.

"I like to serve," Ava suddenly said. "I was a serving girl before I started fucking the boss, right?" She smiled, and continued pouring the coffee..

When she was done, she moved over to Xander, and repeated the process.

"Wow, you really enjoy serving," the princess said, as she sipped out of her coffee.

Ares looked at Ava with pride in his eyes. She was one of a kind, and he was lucky to have her in his corner.

She served everyone, before sitting beside Ares.

"Now that you've gotten that out of your mind, is there something else you want to say?" Xander directed to the princess.

"I want you. Does that count?"

He was drinking from his coffee when she said what she said.

The directness of her words caused a shock that made the liquid pass through the wrong pipe.

He began to cough, as he quickly lowered the cup.

"Hey, what did I say? Are you fine?" She sprang to her feet, and rushed over to him.

"Do-n't tou-ch me," he struggled to say, as she moved her hand to pat his back.

She backed off, pouting for being so openly rejected.

He did it so much, she thought she'd be over him already. But every rejection made her want him even more.

"Here." Sullivan rolled a bottle of water across the table, towards Xander.

He grabbed the bottle, and chugged down its content.

Ares sighed in his mind, as he watched everything play out.

Kolasi used to be calm, and serious. But he could sense a huge shift had occurred, and it worried him.

"Are you fine?" The princess asked after returning to her seat.

"I am. Just please, be cautious with your words next time."

"Don't tell me what to do, okay?" She fired back, rolling her eyes.

"Wow," Sullivan blurted, and continued eating.

"Anyway, I won't be talking to you anymore. I'll just talk to Ares," she said.

Sullivan smirked secretly. The boss had been strict with him the last few days. He didn't mind seeing him stressed over the incessant yappings of the princess.

"Last night was a huge success," she said, as she dug into her food.

"It was. The crowd was amazing," Ava replied, because knowing Ares, he wasn't going to respond.

And if he didn't, it was sure to cause a screaming headache for them all.

"The stripper's outfits were to die for! I've never seen them look that good before. Even Luciana looked good, and I don't particularly like the bitch," she said in earnesty.

Xander took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

He reminded himself she was still a princess, and the boss still needed her for business.

"Yeah, they looked good," Ava said.

"I asked one of the strippers who designed their clothes, because I could have sworn it was some big company. I mean, no offense Ava, I've seen your work, and knew it couldn't be you," she laughed innocently, before she continued. "You won't believe she said it was the girl in Ares' custody that did it. When I went back to my room, I looked her up. She's one heck of a designer!" She exclaimed with awe in her voice.

The forks from Ares, and Ava, stopped scraping across their plates at the same time, but for two different reasons.

"Why'd you stop eating, Ava? You didn't know about the girl in Ares custody? That's Hades' daughter. I heard she's pretty too. I haven't seen her of course. There aren't even recent pictures of her on the internet. Ares won't let me see her no matter how ha–"

"Enough," Ares warned for the second time.

She knew there wouldn't be a third time, but kept going anyway.

"What? Why do you keep silencing me? It's not like you brought in the girl to be your new woman, right? Ava can't possibly be jealous," she further instigated.

"Just fucking stop talking!" Xander banged a fist on the table.

The princess pursed her lips in silence, but inside, she smiled victoriously.

If she wasn't going to get the man she wanted just yet, every other relationship might as well suffer doubt.

"Where's Ivar?" Ares asked, relaxing into his seat, because he had lost his appetite.

"He's bringing groceries to Nadia, together with Luciana," Xander replied.

"That bitch!" The princess muttered under her breath, but loud enough so she could be heard.

Ares ignored her. He already knew she was childish. There wasn't any point dwelling on any of her whims.

"The Arabian prince is coming today in an hour? Is he on that yet?" He asked.

"He has everything under control," Xander replied.

"Wait, what do you mean the Arabian prince is coming?" The princess gasped, and jumped to her feet.

"I'm not going to do business with just you," Ares replied.

"I know, but you should have told me they're coming. I can't be here when they arrive. And don't ask me to explain, because I won't. Sullivan, tell my entourage we're leaving Kolasi, now!" She ordered, already on her way to the door.

Disgusted at being ordered about by the brat, Sullivan sent Ares a look.

Ares shrugged in response. "You should be glad she's leaving," he said.

"I heard that!" She screamed behind her shoulder, as she walked out.

Grudgingly, he rose from the table, and walked out of the room.

Ares hand grabbed Ava's from under the table, and as she turned her face towards him, he squeezed it reassuringly.

She smiled, but deep in her heart, she was curious to see Hades' daughter.