Chapter 31 - TASTES LIKE WAR

"Why did he run out that way?" Angel scoffed.

"I think it has something to do with the fact that a possible imposter is having a sit down with the boss," Luciana explained.

"Well, it just shows that the boss is dumb, right? I mean, who doesn't know that Baghdad doesn't have a prince, but a king?"

"Shhh!" Luciana brought a finger to her lips, as she silenced Angel. "You can't talk like that about the boss. I need you to listen carefully. I know you're coming from a place you were treated like royalty. But here, you're a prisoner, like it or not. The boss is the one treated like royalty here. Heck, he's seen as a god, hence the title, Lucifer. The walls have ears, and if your words get back to him, you could be in trouble!"

Angel scoffed internally, but was outwardly amused by how scared Luciana was of someone as vanilla as Ares.

She had secretly peeped into numerous meetings her father had with gangsters from all over the world.

From the Italian mafia's who were unarguably the most ruthless, to even the drug Lords of Africa.

Not a single one of them had the kind of looks Ares had.

If one saw him on the road, you'd swear he was some actor, or a royal prince.

"I'm sorry, I just don't see what's so scary about your boss. No offense, but he seems pretty tame in comparison to others."

"Oh honey, I actually do like you. I just hope you don't get disappointed when you see what he's capable of doing."

"Why would I care? I'd probably be back in my father's paradise already. I don't care enough about your boss to desire to see his true colors," she air quoted. "Besides, he's the one that can't even tell who an imposter is."

Luciana sighed, and shook her head. It was cute that Angel thought that her privilege could save her from the boss's wrath.

Many people before her had underestimated his capabilities, because of his looks.

They had quickly learnt he didn't rise through the ranks, just because he was eye candy.

"I pray you don't get on his bad side. I also hope Ivar is on time."

On the hall's path, Ivar ran in search of Xander.

He finally found him in one of the rooms, and quietly signalled for an earbud.

"What's up?" Xander asked, walking up to him.

"I just got information from the captive," he said.

"Which of them?" Xander asked.

"The princess."

"Of Prague? I thought she left already?" His brow snapped together.

"Common Xan. Not the princess of Prague. I meant Hades' daughter."

"Oh Angel? Why do y'all never call her by her damn name?" He shrugged his shoulders in wonder.

"That's not the point. She knows something that could be of help to the boss. I need to speak to him."

"Well he specifically asked not to be disturbed. You do know he's in a meeting with the Arabian prince as we speak, right?"

"That's the point! There's no damn Arabian prince!" He raised his voice in frustration.

The rest of the boys in the room turned to look at him with raised brows.

"Don't listen to him guys. His schizophrenia has returned," Xander said.

"Schizo—you know what, I just need to talk to the boss," Ivar insisted.

"Var, you know what would happen if it turns out that whatever you have to say to Ares is hot ass?"

"Well it's not."

"But you're not sure it is, are you? Like you said, Hades' daughter told you the Arabian prince is not real. How does she know about his existence here first of all? And why is she getting into your head? She's a girl that was kidnapped by the boss. Do you really think she's on his side?" he asked, bringing logic into the topic.

"Xan, now's not the time to play Albert Einstein."

"That's a big name for you," Xander chuckled.

"I'm serious! The boss could be in danger. Is anyone even in there with him?"

"Ava is. She's taking down the minutes."

"None of the boys are? If anything happens to Ava, you do know the boss is never going to forgive you for not speaking up, right?"

"And if nothing happens, but I allow you to disturb his meeting, we'd be having your ass for dinner."

"Eeeww Xan!" He wriggled his nose.

"I didn't mean that literally, fool!" he rolled his eyes.

"Fine, just let me talk to him. I'll bear whatever consequences arise if it happens to be a false alarm."

"That's what you all say. I end up taking the fall for everyone's stupidity. Not today, my friend." He turned around, ready to return to his seat, when Ivar pulled the bud from his ears, and broke into a run.

"Come back here, you bastard!" Xander bellowed, and followed after him.

As they ran across the hallway, Ares sat in one of the rooms, with the Arab prince who was talking in circles.

Something was off. Alarm bells were thundering in his ears.

He just couldn't point out what it was that was so off.

"We don't drink alcohol, Mr Ares. But we wouldn't mind trading for your natural wines. I hear you have the best brew," the prince said.

That was the biggest red flag for Ares. The man's accent was sounding a little too forced to be real.

He had never met the prince of Baghdad before, but he knew such a prince would definitely not have an European man as one of his bodyguards.

Shifting his legs, he leaned to the side where he felt Darling.

His fingers were twitching. It only meant there was a huge possibility he would have to use his beloved, soon.

"We do, and I really do appreciate the compliments. Do you prefer red, or white wines?" Ares asked.

"How about I show you a sample of what I like?"

"Go on," Ares nudged.

The prince snapped his finger, and a briefcase was brought to him.

Ares kept a careful eye on the case, and one hand on his lap.

"I don't know if you'll like this, but I do know, I enjoy this a lot," the prince laughed, as he slowly began to open the case.

Ares began to count in his mind. As soon as he got to five, he heard a voice in his ear scream.

"That's not the Arabian prince, boss!"

The case opened in that same second, and they both drew out their guns at the same time.