Everyone was stunned, and the atmosphere became cold instantly; even Star was quite confused.
"Raven! It can't be that you are trying to save this female!" the second Male groaned angrily.
The male who was named Raven merely stared at the male without speaking.
"This female must be killed, and you can't stop that!" the male exclaimed.
"I can't? Are you really sure of that?" Murderous intent radiated from Raven.
Raven turned back to look at Star and suddenly held her by her waist. In just a blink, they both vanished.
The male gritted his teeth together but soon took a deep breath. "No worries... she will die anyway," he muttered and vanished as well, followed by the others.
Inside a wild forest.
Star vomited another mouthful of blood; her face was paling, and her consciousness was starting to blur.