The oldest of all four Creed brothers.
He is a male with pure white hair, purple eyes, bags under eyes, appears unmotivated.
Personality-wise. Enma appears stoic, and tired, especially with the bags under the eyes.
Damian CREED.
The second oldest of the Creed brothers.
Possesses white hair with black streaks, additionally, a slightly tanned skin and crimson eyes.
Personality-wise depends on how others view him when interacting with him. However, when in battle, especially a good one, Damian would unleash chaos.
Shane CREED.
The third of the Creed. Very destructive and Chaotic, has a curious mind, and is slightly autistic.
Black hair, golden eyes. Additionally wants to laze around and do nothing when not working.
Kaiden CREED.
The youngest officially amongst the Creed possessing black hair, emerald eyes, and maybe has too much for a certain book.
Kaiden is the more silent type and doesn't talk much.
However, those that knows him would know how much of a geek he is.
Just read the title of the book he always reads