Chereads / The foul ball / Chapter 4 - chapter 4

Chapter 4 - chapter 4

The week goes by as Ronin adjusts to his new life, he exits the boy's bathroom repeating his smoking habit, he walks down the hall exhaling the last of the smoke dry empty feeling in his stomach he blames it on skipping breakfast, when a loud chirpy voice exclaims from the other end of the hall, as Percy stands there waving ecstatically wren on the wall of lockers next to him.

Ronin looks down, trying not to notice him. He makes his way down the hall, trying to avoid eye contact with the students. He tries to swerve past Percy when Percy exclaims his name excitedly, Ronin's eyes widen as he turns to Percy, and an angry wave punches through him as he's met with Ronin's eyes. What did I say Ronin snarls, I can't be seen with you like that-- he's cut off when a low bit snarky voice comes from behind him, a boy mocking Percy and Ronin, the boy grabs Percy's arm pulling his hand off of wren, Ronin glances over quickly, wrens eyes filled with a horrified look, her arm twitching, Ronin turns as the boy shoves Percy, making fun of him. A chatter of laughter emerges from the halls

Suddenly someone behind Ronin pushes him into the rumble Ronin turns fiercely,

They shove him down. Ronin pushes himself off the ground quickly and strikes the boy's head, twisting around. Ronin grabs the boy's shirt and knees him in the gut; a strange feeling forces itself through Ronin as he continues to pound the boy on the ground.

Percy watches in horror as the boy in front of him dashes over to Ronin tackling him to the ground, Ronin pinned under the boy he punches Ronin, his head smacking the ground his eyes adjusting after the blow he quickly throws his fist through the boy's chin he gets free striking him again, when a loud frantic voice echoes through the halls as one of the teachers arrives at the scene, the principle following behind, as ronin feels a stern grip on his jacket he whips around met with the teacher's stern gage, Ronin forcefully shuffles his jacket in the man's grip, the boy in the ground and the dark red spill next to him he grabs his nose, another teacher around him.

What is going on here!? The principal says, his disappointment flowing through the air like a storm breeze,

The man swinging Ronin away the principal accompanies him bringing the other boys, they walk silently through the halls,

Whipping round the corner, Ronin's eyes met with the familiar principal's office sign.

The principal slammed the door behind him.

Percy scrambles to his feet the hallways eyes on him he looks around worried he dashes down the halls a shadow stretching out of one of the classrooms he runs into Wren, slouched in the corner knocks on the wall slowly her face red, and her eyes dark he slowly goes closer getting low to the ground he comforts her, I'm so sorry he says softly putting his arm around her.

She melts into him, a wave of emotion with her.

Percy's eyes are sorrowful as he looks down at the Wren with empathy.

Not long after, a long shadow drifts into the room. The boy from earlier walks in hesitantly. I'm sorry, he says, he didn't mean it. Percy's face is friendly, and he forgives him.

The boy, staring at Wren, slowly leaves the room.

Percy starts to get up helping Wren up with him the waddle down the hall when a figure outside catches Percy's attention his eyes glide to the feet dangling from the roof outside, Percy directs Wren he opens the door and walks out looking up his eyes meet ronin's, he looks down at Percy as he exhales smoke.

He looks away. Are you hurt? Percy asks.

Ronin looks down somewhat pleased with Percy's worry he makes his answer sound cool,

Sliding off the roof he finds his footing on the bench below him,

He looks at Wren as she grips Percy's hand.

Percy looks at the dried blood on Ronin's lip

Wanna walk to class? Percy offers friendly, No Ronin says even though he does the opposite following them inside, throwing his remaining cigarette on the floor.

The rest of the day was tense, the classes longer than usual. Ronin was glad to get out of the school; he found Percy and Wren following him home again.

Percy's extraverted attitude lights the mood. Ronin almost feels comforted by It,

He watches as Percy walks the other way, waving at him. Ronin shoving his hands in his pockets walks through the fields scared of what his father will say, skipping the stairs he walks nervously inside his stomach tight,

When he finds the house empty, realizing his father's car is gone from the side of the house.

A feeling of relief echoes through him as he lies on the small couch, his worn shoes resting on the armrest.

His eyes break open at the loud squeak of the door as his father walks in; Ronin sits up, startled, unaware he had fallen asleep. It was black outside. He looks at his father, anger printed on his face.

Ronin suddenly remembers what he did and the pain in his gut surfaces again,

His father stutters as he tries to get his words right. I-I can't keep having this Talk with you, Ronin! One call after another, I thought the new environment would fix this. He glares over at Ronin, surprised by his father's fierce tone. Ronin sits silently. The argument grows as Ronin gets defensive, a feeling deep down blames himself.

Ronin, I'm done going back and forth with you; get your life together!?

Grow up his father's emphasis.

Ronin watched as his father stormed upstairs; that was the last they spoke for the night.

Ronin angry throws himself off the couch he storms up the stairs like his father slamming his door behind him he walks into his room half unpacked and cluttered he forcefully pushes the window open smoothly sliding threw it he raches in his pocket grabbing out a pack of cigarettes the last one left, he lights it breathing in his father's voice he quickly exhales anger still lingering in his body.

The night still young, he shuffles off the roof, landing hard on the ground. Walking it off, he winces, kicking his cigarette into the dead grass.

He walks through the long fields the grass dancing with the wind, his coat doing the same.

Ronin, wishing he'd brought his bike, walks slowly, knowing where he's going. He approaches a hill overlooking the small town; he braces himself, walking down the steep hill into the sketchy town, the street lights off in some sections or blinking in others.

The gas station he and Percy visited stood in front of him.

Checking his pockets for change and confirming, he went inside, slipping down the aisle. Wincing again as he walks on his leg

Suddenly the bell rings at the door a tall man walks in Ronin's eyes widen knowing he shouldn't be here he quickly makes his way to the checkout grabbing a pack he slaps it on the desk, wren emerges from the back he instantly recognizes her, the messy hair and dark eyes as they stood out to him for the first time.

An almost nervous feeling grows through him as he slides the pack into her hands

Grabbing it hesitantly, she looks at Ronin, knowing she should ask for an ID. Ronin looks at Wren, and a sarcastic look fills his face, she can sense the anger in his eyes, Wren is not sure what to do.

She scans it. A disappointed voice inside her blames her confidence.

Ronin grins, happy to get away with it; he shoves it in his pocket; her breathing gets heavy as a dim car light peers through the grass station windows; Ronin looks up at the fear in her face and her eyes drawn to the car you need to go she mumbles under her voice.

Ronin was almost shocked when she spoke

W-well, I wasn't planning on sticking around he says; acting up he glares at her before sticking his hands in his pockets. He walks cautiously towards the door, trying not to show it. He kicks it open, the bell half ringing as it shuts.

Ronin looks at the old weathered car with a man inside; Ronin walks past quickly when startled by the loud honk of the car. He runs down the street, his lips stinging in the wind.

The next morning had come faster than expected as the piercing sun covered his room. Ronin's eyes winced openly as he pulled the warm blanket over his cold chest, trying to go back to sleep when a soft knocking echoed through his room. Yeah, ok, dad!? Ronin snarled, drowsy, the knocking continuing almost in a pattern. Ronin moaned, pulling himself from his bed; he stormed to the door and swung it open; the hallway was clear. He peers downstairs at a silhouette behind the blurred glass window. He walks downstairs, confused.

Swinging the blanket over his shoulder, he opens the door, hey, Ronin! Ready for school? Percy exclaimed excitedly.

Ronin, adjusting to Percy's pitch, Roni slams the door; okay, I'll just wait out here, Percy's muffled voice making its way through the door.

Ronin waddles into the kitchen searching for something to eat. He peers into the sink, the dishes he knew his father left for him filled it almost halfway.

Ronin's face fills with disgust; he looks up from the sink and sees Percy sitting on the porch. Ronin groans as he heads for the stairs.

Percy Humming lingered through the house while he waited for Ronin.

the sun was out but it wasn't warm his red sweater

Coverer his skinny physique,

Just then, the door swung open as Ronin walked out wearing less than yesterday. His big jean shorts hung low under his baggy T-shirt, and a small long-sleeve shirt came down over his arms; oh, I knew you'd come! Percy's voice filled with too much excitement; Ronin's face grew snarky; well, it's not too late to go back.

Oh, come on, we're gonna have a great time Percy said before he proceeded to practically skip down the long driveway.