[Status Window]
[Name: Elliot Rue]
[Race: Human]
[Stats:] [Skill]: Magic Engineer lvl1, Mana Reader lvl1]
HP:100/100 MP: 200/200
STR: 12 VIT: 10
He examined the window in front of him in disappointment as he muttered " My stats are pathetic." He continued reading, looking at the two skills present in his status window. Elliot read the description for each skill.
[Magic Engineer: The user is able to combine any skill known to the user into a single powerful skill but keeping the base skills used]
[Mana Reader: User is able to read the flow of mana and with complete understanding of the mana read user is able to copy said skill.]
" So I am able to combine skills and copy with the other...Handy" Elliot repeated what he read with a pleased expression on his face. He arose from where he was seated and got up lazily remembering what his personal maid had said, briskly he moved to his closet to find his attire he is gonna wear. He was dressed in light blue dress shirt paired with a black dress pants and a plain black leather shoe. "This looks fine enough he thought" letting out a sigh as he thought about meeting his family after being a recluse for nearly half a year.
A few minutes later he arrived in front of two tall doors at the end of a hallway that seemed to stretch on forever. Elliot opened the door "Mother you called?" he skillfully closed the door while paying attention to his families expressions whose weren't all that pleasant.
"Ah yes I had sent Emily to fetch you for we wish for some family bonding time" she replied without sparing him a glance gesturing to a seat on the opposite side of the table directly facing his father. Elliot paid no heed to the indifference on his fathers face and quietly sat and began eating.
"Father, i wish for a duel with Vernon" Elliot spoke with confidence the words which flowed from his mouth caressed the ear of the people present in the room.
"You wish for a duel with me Elliot!" Vernon mused as he replied to Elliot's outrageous statement, "You talentless little shit wishes to challenge me to a due-"
"Vernon enough "Sirius interrupted with a raise of his hand. "Why do you wish for a duel Elliot when you know you can not match his strength" Sirius awaited his son's answer as he sipped wine from a silver chalice adorned in rubies and other gems.
"Father I wish to replace Vernon and take the enlistment exam in his stead since i lost it due to the same reason", Elliot replied with baited breath as he listened from an answer.
"Indeed it is so your loss was disgrace for the first son of the Rue family, but if you wish to re-challenge him i will not object just do not drag your name a second time" Sirius replied in stern voice with mana infused words. The words seeped into Elliot's mind as he took his father's words to heart and replied without missing a beat.
"I will not disappoint sir."
" The duel will happen in two weeks do your best to prepare", Sirius spoke and watched as his son and wife's face became full of resentment.
"You better prepare for a beating... again" Vernon stated as he exuded mana as an attempt to intimidate his older brother. Vernon was larger in size to Elliot with large defined muscles stood from his seat at the table and left the room shortly his had father had left.
"Useless" repeated Elliot's mother Silia a she too her leave as well.
Elliot also left after signaling to one of the maids to clean the table. He went to his room, changed his clothes then approached to the training grounds in the Manor's yard.
For the next two weeks Elliot trained diligently while ignoring looks of disapproval from his mother and brother. The morning before the duel he called to his status window watching as the bright yellow panel appear.
[Status Window]
[Name: Elliot Rue]
[Race: Human]
HP: 200/200 MP: 250/250
INT: 40]
[Skills: Mana Engineer lvl3, Mana Reader lvl4, Intermediate Swordsmanship lvl4,(NEW) Accelerate lvl1 ]
Elliot laid in the training yard covered in sweat and dust surrounded by dozens of swords make he had made over the course of two weeks. He smiled looking at the prompt in front of him removing himself from the dirt and walking back to his room for a bath in preparation for the duel all while receiving a towel from Emily his maid.
Elliot arrived seeing a multitude of spectators awaiting the participants of the duel. Elliot released a long sigh as he calmed himself from the slight nervousness he felt. On a large stone arena stood his brother Vernon as he smirked looking at Elliot with a sadistic grin. At one side seated in the highest point in the structure his mother and father looking down at them.
"Are both sides ready ", the facilitator of the duel said when Elliot stood atop the stone field facing Vernon.
"Yes " answered both as the tensions between the seem to become a physical mind game.
"Alright, so begin" he stated as he made a mad dash away from the arena as Vernon charged at Elliot. Vernon swung with the intent to finish the fight in one round but his attempt became fruitless when he felt his sword get parried to the side as he felt kick to his side sending him rolling as he diminished his momentum by digging the sword into ground. Before he could regain his composure Elliot appeared above him slashing downwards Vernon gripped his broadsword and raising it to block as to opposing foces collided causing the ground beneath them to erupt and both parties being flung in opposite directions.
"The hell, is this really Elliot why- how did he get so strong in two weeks", Vernon blew blood from his nose he dashed towards Elliot a second time. By the time he had reached were Elliot was supposed to be no one was present.
[Accelerate] Elliot stated as seemed to become non-existent to Vernon's eyes. Elliot planned to finish the fight in one go so now he pulled out all the stops and used [Accelerate] again dashing towards Vernon who blocked the attack instinctively. Both sword collided as Vernon roared at Elliot as he let out a fierce wave of mana that left small cuts and gnashes against Elliot's body.
[Skill: Bull's Rampage] Vernon went into a crouch which resembled that of a bull. He rushed at Elliot leaving large imprints in the ground, Elliot dodged but was knocked over by the force created as he came to a stop at the edge of the arena.
"Huff huff " Elliot used [Accelerate] once more appearing in front the rampaging Vernon delivering a kick to his abdomen then dashing backwards as the broadsword came raging down. Elliot did not let up stacking [Accelerate] five times the limit of his once every five seconds.
[Skill Evolution: Lightspeed]
Elliot felt a burst of power as his sword fazed through Vernon's and plummeted to the to the ground without anything happing for a few seconds then a sudden burst of raging winds came crashing into Vernon's face.
"The hell was that, what the hell is that absurd power. Is that really Elliot!!!" Vernon got elevated himself from the crouch he had fallen into then fixed his in his grip. "He needs to DIE NOW!!" he roared dashing at Elliot who was still trying to grasp his skill's new found evolution. Elliot looked at the immediately approaching Vernon then activated his skill [Lightspeed] vanishing and reappearing in front of Vernon swinging his sword upwards to collide with Vernon's sword. The moment both swords collide Vernon felt himself tunneling through the floor and colliding with the arena wall, he weakly lifted his hand which held only the handle of his blade. In that split second his blade had shattered and Elliot delivered a punch that buried it's self into his opponents stomach. The punch was delivered before the momentum of his skill diminished leading to Vernon's state.
[Due to use of skill that the user's body is unable to use skill has been limited]
[Skill: Lightspeed{Limited:1 use every 2 days}]
[User's mana has been depleted rest is needed]
Elliot fell flat as he heard a great wall of noise arise from the where the spectators were seated. "He really won the hell" the crowd stated in unison as they began chatting about the sudden interesting turn of events.
"The winner of the duel is Young Master Elliot Rue" the duel administrator shouted holding Elliot's hand which had lost all feeling for the sudden use of power above his range.
Sirius stood from his seat with huge grin on his face as he shouted "Yes that is it my son, you are truly worthy of the name Rue- Well done!!!"