Chereads / Transmigrated Into One Piece / Chapter 41 - Sky Knight

Chapter 41 - Sky Knight

"Huh! When did you even get that cooked?" Nami remarked, seeing Luffy already eating the sky fish.

"Haa! Anyway, since the log pose is still pointing up, it means we still have to find our way here," Nami said. Chopper took some binoculars and stood at the edge of the Merry, scanning the horizon.

"Want me to give us a little boost again?" Lucas offered, but Nami and Usopp immediately rejected the idea.

"We're already here, aren't we? There's no need for that," Usopp said, his voice shaking.

"And by the way, we can't sail without a proper mast. Those monkey guys said you'd remove this once we arrived," Nami reminded Lucas.

"Right," Lucas remembered and turned into Juryrigg, swiftly dismantling the rocket mast he had made.

"Ahhhh!" Chopper screamed, drawing everyone's attention.

"What is it, Chopper?" the Straw Hats asked in unison.

"There was a ship, and now it's gone. I saw a person running on the clouds who blew it up," he said in a frightened tone.

Lucas hopped down, turning back to normal. "Finished," he said, pointing up at the mast, which now looked brand new.

"Wow, that was fast," Nami remarked, impressed.

"Guys, look!" Usopp said, pointing to the sea of clouds. "There's a person running on the clouds."

"Ahhh! Chopper was right. We're gonna get blown up," he panicked.

The person wearing a strange mask came closer and closer. The Straw Hats stood alert, ready to defend the Merry. The masked figure leaped from the clouds, heading towards them.

"Who are you, and what do you want with us?" Zoro asked, ready to unsheath his sword.

"I will eliminate you all," the masked man replied, pointing his bazooka at them. The Straw Hats braced themselves for the attack, but suddenly, the charging masked man fell to the ground, seemingly shocked by electricity.

"Was that Lucas's doing? But I don't see him," Nami remarked. They heard a strange laughing sound all around them until they saw a streak of blue electricity moving and stopping next to the knocked-out masked man. The electricity revealed a small creature that looked like a living battery, which then grew bigger as Lucas returned to normal.

"Threat taken care of," he said with a smile.

"It really was you," Nami said, disbelief in her voice. The Straw Hats marveled at Lucas's abilities, with Luffy and Chopper looking at him with gleaming admiration.

Just then, a man riding what looked like a Pegasus swooped in. "Fear not, travelers, for the Sky Knight is here," he declared. As he arrived at the Merry, he saw the Straw Hats and the knocked-out masked man.

"Oh?! It seems my services won't be required this time around," he remarked.

"Wait, who are you, and who is this guy?" Nami asked, as the Sky Knight prepared to leave.

"Hmmm, could it be that you are traveling here for the first time?" the Sky Knight asked.

"Yeah, why?" Luffy replied.

"Hmmm... I shall explain it to you then. Here, where we are, is approximately seven thousand meters above the Blue Sea, which is where you probably come from, seeing as you don't know a thing about this place. This sea is called the White Sea, and if you go another three thousand meters from here upwards, you'd be in the White-White Sea. But I'm afraid you people from the Blue Sea can't handle the environment there," the Sky Knight explained.

"I see. You mean to say that the air there is so thin that our bodies will hardly function," Robin remarked.

"Nah, it's fine," Luffy said, brushing off the concern.

"Yeah, although I did feel like my body was sluggish when we first arrived, I feel like I'm getting used to it now," Zoro added.

"No, no, no, that's not possible," the Sky Knight insisted.

"You never told us who you are," Usopp said.

"Right. I'm the Sky Knight, a freelance mercenary who works on these seas. For my services, I would..." he began.

"Woah, cool. 'Sky Knight' sounds like an awesome name," Luffy interrupted.

"Guys, our captive escaped," Lucas pointed out.

"Luffy! Let him finish," Nami yelled.

"Seriously, our captive is..." Lucas repeated, but he was ignored.

"We'll worry about that later! Anyway, what's up with that guy who attacked us, and how come he ran on the clouds?" Nami asked.

"Ahem. Those that don't know sky warfare are bound to lose when fighting in this land. As a freelance mercenary, I would happily assist you in battle should you require my help. One whistle will cost you five million extol, a fair price for your lives," the Sky Knight said. The Straw Hats looked at him, confused, not knowing what an extol was.

"Hmmm," he remarked. "It's quite a fair price, I would say."

"What are you talking about? We don't even know what an extol or a whistle is," Sanji said.

"Don't tell me... Didn't you come through the top high west? Or the two islands?" he asked, puzzled.

"We told ya already, old man Sky Knight. We don't know what you're talking about. We came here through the knock-up stream," Luffy said.

"What! You mean to say you actually arrived here using that monstrous stream? My word. I never thought people still used that method. Tell me, did you lose a mate or two?" he asked.

Nami teared up in the background as she lamented their travel, realizing there was another way. "Nope. We're all here," Luffy said with a smile.

"Impressive. I'm lost for words. Here, I'll gift you this whistle. Blow it once, and I'll be there when you're in need," he said, handing them the whistle.

"Wait, your name. What may we call you?" Chopper asked.

"Gan Fall. Gan Fall the Sky Knight, and Pierre, my trusted partner," he introduced himself once more as he got on Pierre, who turned into a normal bird and soared into the sky.

"You know, we didn't get anything useful from him," Robin remarked.

"I-is that so?" Usopp said, feeling disheartened.

"Well, we don't know where to go, nor do we know what an extol is, amongst other things," Nami said, frustration in her voice.

"I guess I should call him then," Luffy said, holding the whistle ready to blow.

"Ch-Chottomatekudasai!" Usopp and Nami rushed to stop Luffy.

"Don't waste it on something as little as this," Nami said, her voice firm.

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