"On that note, as an electrical being, I'm sensing a strange electrical field covering this place. It seems like someone is keeping tabs on everyone here using some sort of electrical sense," Lucas said. The others were slightly confused by this revelation.
"Then could it be that Eneru guy?" Usopp remarked, shivering.
"Most likely," Lucas replied. "Maybe if I..." Lucas continued, and although he had no mouth in his Amperi form, a big grin seemed to spread across his face. "I was always nervous at first. I wanted to keep things close to the original series, but now..." He muttered as his eyes turned purple. He stretched forth one of his appendages, appearing to touch the air, but he knew what he was doing. He could see the small and thin electrical field covering the island. As he clasped his appendage, electricity sparked, turning from blue to purple as he tracked down the electricity to its source.
"Found you," Lucas said out loud in his best Saitama impression while in his Amphibian form.
"What's going on?" Usopp asked.
"I have no idea, but it looks cool," Luffy replied, grinning.
Shortly after, in a small burst, the electricity Lucas was holding sparked and faded. "Careful, guys. Here it comes," he warned.
"Huh? What are you talking about?" the others remarked.
"Hurry, get on the—never mind!" Lucas yelled, teleporting everyone onto the Merry just as a beam came crashing down at them. Everyone freaked out, their screams drowned by the loud sound of the beam striking down. For a second, everything was chaos until they heard silence.
"Huh! Is it over?" Usopp and Nami opened their eyes cautiously.
"Wow, I'm surprised your first words weren't 'We're not dead?' or anything like that," Lucas said. But his comment only dug him a hole as Nami and Usopp scolded and blamed him for what happened.
"How is this my fault? I didn't do anything!" Lucas defended himself. "Honest, look for yourselves," he said, spreading an electrical current to all the Straw Hats, feeding them what he had discovered—Eneru's plans of destroying the cloud island, his golden aircraft, and his twisted game. Everything Eneru had planned, the Straw Hats now knew. First, they were shocked by the revelation of a plan to wipe out an island full of people and enslave others to work on his ship. They were filled with all sorts of emotions after seeing this.
"Well, at least we know why we're here," Zoro said.
"And we also know our foe's abilities too," Robin added.
"Yeah, and now all we have to do is beat that Eneru guy's butt," Luffy declared.
"On that note, Luffy should be able to handle him easily," Robin said.
"Right," Nami agreed. "Since Luffy is made of rubber, he'll be immune to lightning attacks," she reasoned.
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean it'll be an easy one," Lucas added.
"Anyway, this guy sure struck the gold mine in Devil Fruit powers," Lucas remarked.
"How so..." Usopp asked.
Electricity manipulation at Eneru's level could make a killing in the electricity industry, Lucas thought. If he could contain Eneru like the Megawatts, he'd have an unlimited energy source. "It's a shame I'm not interested in tech or stuff like that," he muttered with a sigh, as if lamenting something.
"So! We know who's going to come after us and who that gorilla is. There's going to be a war here pretty soon. What are we going to do?" Zoro asked.
"Eat first," Luffy replied instantly.
"Well, it depends on what our target is actually, especially seeing that this place is part of Jaya and all. It was probably knocked up here by that knock-up stream, meaning there might be gold here," Lucas said. "When I first came here, I noticed the topography of this place, and I remembered it looked like a missing puzzle piece of Jaya."
"Huh, he's right. Isn't that something?" Nami remarked.
"That's crazy," Usopp said.
"Wait, then you mean we actually found that place of gold?" Nami's eyes suddenly sparkled.
"Anyway, before we get excited, how will we move the Merry from here?" Sanji asked. "We're practically sitting ducks here," he said, and they all looked at Lucas suddenly.
"Haaa! Fine," Lucas sighed, making a portal beneath the Merry. It fell through, landing next to the altar surrounded by a small patch of cloud water. Shark-like fish emerged, but those were quickly handled. Now off the coast, the Straw Hats were eating their fill of the fish meat.
"Well, there you have it," Sanji said, since Luffy was all for eating anyway. Lucas was still transformed as Amphibian, and his eyes were purple. His powers were still amplified. The current scene of him, Usopp, and Chopper was reminiscent of Kakashi and Team 7 as they wondered how he was eating when he clearly had no mouth.
As the sun set, Nami studied the maps she had of Jaya and the Skypiean one she got from the crashed ship. She compiled what she had to look for places that could have gold. Usopp fixed up the Merry. Sanji and Zoro scouted the place, mainly looking for edible veggies. They decided to head out the next day.
With the sun dawning on the clouds, the Straw Hats got ready to go. Nami, Chopper, Usopp, and Sanji stayed on the Merry and set sail, while the others split into groups of two. Zoro and Lucas, and Robin with Luffy, to ensure those with no sense of direction wouldn't get lost. Currently, they all traveled in the same direction.
"I just feel like it, nothing more," Lucas said, replying to Zoro, who wanted to ask why Lucas hadn't changed back yet.
"That really is annoying," Zoro remarked, referring to his mind reading.
"Umm, hey Luffy, where do you think you're going..." Zoro asked after they had walked for a while.
"What do you mean? We're supposed to head this way," Luffy replied.
"No, you idiot. Nami said it's the 'Skull's right eye,' so it's this way," Zoro said, confidently pointing in the wrong direction as well.
"You're the idiot that always gets lost. We're supposed to go this way," Luffy retorted.
"There's a certain enchantment that I'm working on. I call it geomancy, and it will allow a person to navigate their way no matter the place they're in," Lucas said, as he and Robin watched the two bicker.
"I'm wondering if it will even work on these two, especially Zoro," Lucas added.
"It's best to hope for the best outcome," Robin replied with a slight smile.
"Haaa, I'll tell them," Lucas said, stepping forward to join Luffy and Zoro directing them to the real location.
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