Chereads / Transmigrated Into One Piece / Chapter 37 - Looking for Clue

Chapter 37 - Looking for Clue

"That's rude," Zoro remarked, sitting next to Lucas.

"You were so focused on that watch of yours, I'm more surprised you didn't get lost," Nami said, taking a seat beside Zoro.

"Is that so?" Lucas replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep," Zoro responded with a nod.

"Anyway, we're just taking a quick sna..." Nami began, but the bar suddenly fell silent as a blond, short-haired pirate walked in.

"Hey, can I get a cherry pie?" Lucas ordered, but the bartender was frozen in fear. "Hey, hey!" Lucas called, snapping him out of it. "Ignore that guy, would ya? I'm ordering here," he said.

"So, you're the one with a thirty mil bounty on ya?" the blond pirate said, approaching the Straw Hats. "Hey, barkeep, give me the most expensive drink and whatever, and give the new guy a drink of his choice," he said, sitting down.

"Bellamy?" Nami wondered aloud, recognizing the name as she heard the others whispering about the pirate who had just entered.

"Wow, this pie really is something. I'll order some for Lilian too," Bellamy said, his mood cheerful.

"Haha, you're a pretty nice guy after a..." Luffy began cheerily, taking a drink that Bellamy was paying for. But Bellamy had ulterior motives. He reached behind Luffy's head, intending to bash it against the table. Before he could touch Luffy, Lucas appeared behind him, holding Bellamy's hand.

"Hey! Just what are you pulling on my captain?" Lucas remarked angrily, glaring at Bellamy with an intimidating presence.

"How protective of you. This was just a little test to see what you've got," Bellamy said, laughing. Luffy gently set down his glass, his anger simmering. Zoro reached for his sword, ready to unsheathe it at any moment.

"Let me handle it," Lucas said, his voice cold.

"W-wait a minute," Nami interjected. "We promised no fighting," she reminded them.

"I won't be fighting. I'll just kick his ass," Lucas said, his rage palpable. He crushed Bellamy's hand, causing crystal spikes to sprout from within, making Bellamy scream in pain. Bellamy's men cried out his name in worry, but a wall of bones emerged from the ground, trapping them up to their knees and warning them not to interfere.

"Back off," Lucas said, his voice dripping with menace. "If they had bashed Luffy's head in, that sweet cherry pie would've been ruined! I was gonna take some to give my sweet Lili!" Lucas raged.

"That's it? That's his reason?" the three Straw Hats remarked, lowbrow.

Lucas looked at the crystals in Bellamy's hand, and suddenly they grew heavy, causing Bellamy to fall to the ground. "Lucas, that's enough. Did you forget our purpose? Hey, mister barkeep, do you by chance know how to get to Skypiea?" Nami asked abruptly.

"Ha... Is she serious?" The people stood silent, wondering if they had heard correctly, then burst into laughter.

"Huuuuuh!" Lucas turned and looked at everyone intimidatingly, releasing gravity magic. Everyone except the Straw Hats fell to the ground.

"That's enough, Lucas! Let's go," Luffy said, calming Lucas down as they left.

"What a bunch of trash," Lucas muttered as they exited.

"That was impressive of you. I respect how you let them to their own foolish beliefs at the end there, stopping your mate like that," a strange hobo-looking pirate said, nodding in approval.

The four later headed back to the Merry. Zoro and Luffy were silent, while Nami's anger was palpable.

"She looks really pissed," Lucas remarked as they followed behind her.

"You think!" she yelled, her voice echoing as she boarded the Merry.

"They're back!" Chopper remarked, his face lighting up with excitement. "So, did you find out about the whereabouts of Skypiea?" he asked eagerly.

"Haaa!" Nami turned, her expression fierce. "Sky Island this, Sky Island that. I'm tired of it already!" she ranted, causing Chopper to back away in fear.

"Eek!" Chopper and Usopp cried, retreating from her sight.

"Hey, what actually happened?" Usopp whispered, sneaking up on Lucas.

"We had a bad run-in with some pirates making fun of us for believing in Sky Island," Lucas replied.

"They all laughed at me just for asking a simple question," Nami added, her annoyance evident.

"And didn't I tell you no fighting?" she said, turning to Lucas with rage in her eyes.

"It wasn't..." Lucas began, but Nami cut him off.

"Don't give me that crap. You caused a mess there," she yelled.

"Looks like you all had a blast," Robin said, appearing at that moment.

"And you! You're the one who started all this talk about this nonsensical island..." Nami ranted on and on, her frustration boiling over.

"Don't let it bother you. She's just having a bad day," Usopp told Robin, as they let Nami vent to her heart's content.

"What's that?" Luffy asked, noticing Robin holding something.

"Oh, this? It's the map of this island I found," Robin said, unfolding the map.

"Look, there's an X on the map. You think there's treasure?" Luffy asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Not quite. Where we are now is on this side of the map, Mocktown. And here," she pointed to the X, "is where there apparently lives an outcast from this place. We may actually have mutual interests," Robin replied.

"Hoaa! Then he's also looking for Skypiea?" Usopp remarked, hopeful.

"Then we have our next destination! Let's set sail to the other side of the island!" Luffy declared, his enthusiasm unwavering.

Nami wasn't having any of it but had calmed down. The Merry took off afterward, heading to the place where the X marked their next adventure.

"Why do we keep encountering weird guys today?" Usopp ranted as the Merry came across another monkey man. This one looked different from the other; he had long green hair. "And what's with this territory thing? Are people buying pieces of the sea now?" he continued, exasperated.

"Nami, can we beat this guy now?" Luffy asked, his eagerness to fight clear.

"Whatever," she replied, her voice tinged with annoyance.

"Sweet," Luffy said, cracking his knuckles, ready for action.

"So you're looking for a fight, eh?" the green-haired monkey man said, pulling out his microphone. "Sound Wave Havoc Sonar!" he yelled, his voice amplified through the microphones.

"That's it? The other guy looked like he could pack a punch, but this guy is just yelling?" Usopp remarked, confused.

But the Straw Hats soon realized the monkey man's intentions as the sound waves started to damage the Merry. The wooden planks creaked and groaned under the assault, splinters flying as the ship vibrated violently.

"Row, everyone! Get us out of here!" Nami commanded, her voice urgent. The Straw Hats quickly grabbed the oars and began rowing with all their might, leading the merry to safety.

The Merry swayed and rocked, the intensity of the sound waves threatening to tear it apart. Usopp's heart pounded in his chest as he rowed, sweat dripping down his face.

"Don't let up! Keep rowing!" Nami urged.

The Merry pushed forward, inch by inch, until finally, they broke free from the sound waves. The sea around them calmed, and the ship's violent shaking subsided.

"Man, that was close," Usopp said, his voice trembling with relief.

"Let's hope that's the last of the weirdos," Zoro said, his tone gruff but hopeful.

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