Chereads / My CEO: How Weiwei Became the Perfect Wife / Chapter 31 - Unfair Cards in the Game of Life

Chapter 31 - Unfair Cards in the Game of Life

Weiwei followed Yihan into the kitchen with an uneasy heart. She was mostly upset by Director Zhang's blame for the fallout from the assignment that he had actually taken from her. He was the one who instructed Yihan to complete and submit the report, and now he was questioning Weiwei as if she were a convicted criminal. On the other hand, Weiwei was also disappointed that Yihan didn't even try to speak on Weiwei's behalf. As someone who knew exactly what happened after the submission, Yihan should've defended Weiwei in Director Zhang's office.

At least, that's what I would have done. If something is my fault, I'd own up and not try to blame a colleague, even an opponent. And I thought Yihan and I were almost friends!

"How did it all happen?" Weiwei asked Yihan when the two of them got to the empty kitchen. "Did they call you?"

"Yes, you heard it already," said Yihan frostily.

Why is she mad at me? It's not like I created a problem for her.

"Did they say exactly what was wrong with the report?"

"No," Yihan was curt. "You heard Director Zhang: let's find out if anyone else spoke with the Lántiān Group about the report. You can ask Ruxuan and others around you, and I'll ask other Senior accountants."

Yihan turned to leave.

"Yihan," called Weiwei, "are you angry with me?"

Yihan glanced back at Weiwei, cold and indifferent, "No."

But she left Weiwei convinced otherwise.


The next morning, Weiwei was a bundle of nerves. She and Yihan weren't able to find anything useful before Director Zhang's meeting at the Third Tower, and now Weiwei was anxiously waiting for his return.

I wish I didn't know what they are like in the Third Tower.

She remembered the reception where she bumped into Qi, and the superior crowd there, in their expensive dresses and suits.

Rich people don't have a lot of compassion. I'm afraid Director Zhang is getting a major grilling right now.

Weiwei sighed. She reminded herself that at least she did nothing to contribute to the terrible outcome of her company losing its biggest client.

Ruxuan came over, for the second time that morning, to find out if there were any news. Ruxuan, the master of office gossip, knew and followed almost every development at work, whether it concerned her or not. When Weiwei asked her, as part of her investigation, whether Ruxuan had any interactions with Lántiān Group, that was more than sufficient to alert Ruxuan that something interesting was afoot. Ever since then, Ruxuan was all over Weiwei.

"Any news?" she asked in a low voice.

Weiwei only shook her head, not wanting to be overheard.

I know she's curious, but she's so indiscreet. I don't know what I can tell her. I'd better keep everything to myself.

"What about–"

"Let's get some hot water," Weiwei interrupted her hurriedly.

Ruxuan got the hint and followed Weiwei to the kitchen.

"Ruxuan, it's a very sensitive topic," whispered Weiwei. "Let's not talk about it in the office."

"Ah, I see," Ruxuan's smile returned to her face. "You're right, we can always catch up after work."

Let's try to make it later, much, much later. Better even never.

Weiwei started pouring hot water into her cup.

"There you are," she heard. She turned. Yihan waved impatiently. "He is back. You should come with me right now."

Weiwei felt her hands tremble.

"Could you take my cup to my desk?" she asked Ruxuan.

"Hurry, hurry!" rushed her Yihan.

They found Director Zhang sitting in his chair somberly. He wasn't fired up like last time. He didn't look calm either. He was breathing heavily, staring at his desk.

Yihan gently closed the door, and Director Zhang looked up. Very slowly he sat back in his chair and sighed.

"Bad news, I'm afraid," he said. "Losing Lántiān Group has such a negative impact on our company's image that a decision was made by the management to hold those responsible to account." He glared at Yihan. "Which means everyone who signed off and delivered the latest report that triggered the scandal should leave TTT effective immediately. Including you, Yihan, and including me."

Weiwei couldn't believe her ears. She noticed Yihan turning white.

"Why me?" asked Yihan combatively.

"I've just explained," Director Zhang palm landed heavily on the desk. "Those involved caused the company a great loss. You're fired!"

Yihan took a step forward. "In that case, why isn't Weiwei fired, ah? She compiled the report in the first place!"

Weiwei couldn't believe her ears again.

Why is she saying it? What did I ever do to her? I thought she was nice…

"You signed off on the report because I took it from Weiwei," Director Zhang replied indifferently, looking over his desk and opening a packing box.

"But she put the report together. And she was the only one who raised the concerns about them hiding their loans."

Director Zhang looked tiredly at both of them. "That's fine. She was part of the audit team, that's true. Weiwei, you're fired too."

And he turned away as he started throwing his things into the box.

Weiwei couldn't move. Her heart was beating faster and faster.

"What are you waiting for?" barked Director Zhang. "I don't want to see either of you ever again! Leave! And don't forget to turn your badges to HR!"