Chereads / His only Cure / Chapter 33 - Chapter 33

Chapter 33 - Chapter 33

His flight was less than an hour away and he didn't have time to explain to his father what was happening. Besides, if he had been a little more interested in his daughter's fate, he would have known what was happening now. 

"He and his stupid promises" He snorted with dissatisfaction as he drove to the airport.

"That woman is long dead. He could at least let Sophie know what happened." Anton's hands tightened on the steering wheel. In a few hours he will meet her and whether she wants it or not, he will tell her everything.

A few hours later, Sophie woke up in a new place. This time the room was lit and she could look around. But there was nothing to look at. There was only a mattress in the room on which she was lying and a toilet in the corner.

However, one thing has changed. She was no longer bound and the tape around her mouth was gone. She rubbed her very red wrists as she sat down on the mattress. A moment later, the door opened and one of the people brought her food and water. He looked at her silently and left, closing the door behind him. 

"If only I could get their weapons," She whispered. However, she would have to distract them with something and this would not be an easy task.

Feeling weak after not eating for a long time, she pulled the tray of food towards her and began to eat slowly. She had to have the strength to try and get out of there. 

"Darell, we found where she was being held. She left the ring behind."

Don handed a small gold ring with a green eye to his friend. The man's hand tightened on Sophie's belongings. 

"Where are they now?"

"We've got a lead, Zick's doing what he can. You'll see her soon man"

Don patted him on the shoulder. Both men were on standby, ready to leave at any moment. They stood side by side in one of the abandoned warehouses, looking at cameras focused on two people tied to chairs. Both characters were very well known to them. Bethany and Anthony sat unconscious not knowing what awaited them.

"This time, that stupid bitch has gone too far. And her dumb boyfriend will pay for being naive and doing whatever she wanted," Darell threatened. "Your people can take care of her. After all, she is a woman who envies others. Give her enough pleasure to let her know that she managed to get my attention." A smile appeared on Don's face. 

"You heard, boys. Take the lady to a secluded place and attend to her needs."

"Thank you boss" The men looked at each other with a stupid smirk and went to take care of their new prey.

"What are you going to do with him?"

"Beat the bastard and have Zick clean out his accounts and break off all contracts. We'll see if the slut wants the poor guy. Oh! Yes." A menacing smile appeared on his face. "Record the president as she deals with her business. After all, their partners must know who they are dealing with." 

Darell was angry that he couldn't take care of them personally, but this wasn't a bad solution either. After all, death would be too mild option for them...

Leaving the airport, Anton got into one of the cars prepared by his men.

"Take me to her" He ordered as he reloaded his gun. Soon he will finally meet his sister, from whom he was separated years ago. 

Meanwhile, three cars with armed people drove up to the kidnappers' hideout. They quickly dispersed around the building and took up their positions. One of the kidnappers went outside and talked to the newcomer.

"Why so many? Is something wrong?" 

"We received information that someone from the Ruslanov family appeared in the country. Apparently, his people moved the day after the kidnapping and were in an old hideout. It is very likely that this woman is somehow related to them. The boss decided to take advantage of this and discuss her "takeover" 

"Fuck! Everyone knows you don't bargain with them!" The kidnapper was obviously angry.

If he had known it would turn out this way, he would never have taken this job. Furious, he returned inside and entered Sophie's room, grabbing her by the throat.

"Who are you!?" He shouted, clenching his hand. "Someone important to Ruslanov?! Hmm?" He released her from his grip and Sophie fell to the ground gasping for breath.


"What do you mean? I don't know any Ruslanov" Sophie found it difficult to say these words, but the man didn't want to believe her. He kicked her angrily, grabbing her hair.

"Then why was he interested in your kidnapping?" The kidnapper brought his face closer to hers, contorted in pain. 

"How should I know?" She whined, knowing she wouldn't get a better chance.

Suddenly they both heard gunfire outside. The man turned his head towards the shots and at that moment Sophie pulled out his gun and without hesitation shot the stranger in the chest several times. She saw they had vests and she wouldn't kill him with it, but she had to make sure she could get away from him.

"You bitch!" The man, holding his chest, took a few steps back.

Sophie wasted no time in moving to a safe place, aiming at the attacker.

"Don't move or I'll kill you" She threatened, breathing heavily.

Her hands were shaking with weakness. It was already the second day and she was on one meal and water. In addition, the stress and constant falling asleep meant that her body could no longer cope.

There were fewer and fewer screams and shots until everything stopped. The kidnapper knew he was probably the last one alive, which made him furious. Looking at the trembling woman, he decided to try his luck. He will die anyway. But at least it will thwart Ruslanov's plans.

If he dies, she dies too. He quickly pulled out a knife and swung it, trying to hit Sophie. However, the moment the knife was in his hand, a shot was heard.

The kidnapper knelt and fell dead to the ground with a bullet in his skull.

Sophie slowly lowered her weapon, hoping that Darell would soon appear. To her surprise, a tall man in a black suit and black leather gloves entered the room. What surprised her even more was that he looked like a male version of herself.

Seeing his sister for the first time in many years, Anton smiled slightly and slowly approached her. He was furious to see her like this, but he didn't show it. His gentle gaze looked at the surprised Sophie.

"Who are you?" She asked weakly, no longer able to raise the weapon in her defense.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I came to save you and finally meet you, little sister" Anton laughed charmingly, calming her nerves.

She was surprised by how quickly she believed him, but there was something else... Hadn't he just called her sister? 

"What did you say?" Her vision blurred and she slowly fell into his arms, losing consciousness.

"It's okay, Sophie. No one will hurt you anymore." He kissed the top of her head and carefully took her in his arms, leaving the building. 

"Clean up this mess!" He growled in disgust at the sight of dead bodies. He carefully got into the car with Sophie and drove to one of his properties.

At the same time, Don received information from his men that they had found their second location, but something was wrong. Some group of people beat them to it and by the time they arrived there was no trace of them. With Zick on the phone, they tried to figure out what happened and why.

"Oh SHIT!" Zick shouted into the phone. "Boss, we have a problem" Don looked at Darell, surprised.


"Anton Ruslanov took Sophie away"

"What?!" Don shouted.

"Why him?" He looked at Darell for an answer, but he was equally surprised.

"Sophie doesn't know Anton. Why would he take her?" Nobody knew what was happening now. Sophie was at his fingertips and now something like this...

"Find where she is now. No matter what I do, I will get Sophie back" Darell ordered, clenching his jaw.

Meanwhile, Anton arrived in front of his villa with his sister in his arms. He went inside, to one of the rooms, where a doctor was waiting for him. He set Sophie down on the bed and let him take care of her. As he left the room his phone started ringing in his pants. Looking at the caller, he sighed but answered.

"Did you find her?"

"She is safe. A doctor is taking care of her." 

"Doctor?! Did they do something to her?!" 

"She's a little bruised and fainted from exhaustion."

"I'm flying to you"

"NO. Stay where you are. It's enough for her that I showed up. When I tell her everything and she wants to see you, then you can come." He explained to his father.

"Take care of her"

"You don't have to tell me" Anton finished the call and went to take a shower.

Changing into fresh clothes, he returned to Sophie's room, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed. She had a drip connected to her hand.

Anton went to the bathroom, moistened one of the towels and, sitting next to his sister, began to gently wipe her face. This caused Sophie to wake up.

" you look like me? Like you're my..."

"Twin?" He finished for her with a smile. "Because I am. We'll talk when you rest. Go to sleep." He stroked her head tenderly and Sophie's eyes quickly closed again.