Chereads / MYTH - Rewind / Chapter 6 - Turning Point

Chapter 6 - Turning Point

"Wha-what happened Ashwin" Mom asked worried

Dad, Grandpa and, Grandma confused

Why wouldn't they be

I came running down the stairs, shouting at the top of my lungs and hugging my parents refusing to let them go

"Why do you look scared why are you trembling" Mom and Dad were on their knees getting to my height and rubbing my head gently "Don't go please don't" that's all I could say sobbing

"Ashwin, Ashwin don't cry look at Mom now don't cry and tell me what happened" Grabbing my shoulders, Mom looked me in the eyes

"Mo-mom sniff please don't go" My throat feels filled making it hard to speak

"Ashwin why, what do you mean" Mom rubbed my tears from my cheeks, asking, confused

What can I say to convince them not to go 'I am from the future 'You will die

'I want to go somewhere else with you

"I had a bad dream about you leaving me" Unintentionally those words left my mouth

"What?" Dad asked "What sort of dream" his face relived like saying 'just that'

"Yes sniff if you go now I won't be able to see you again Mom.....Dad"

I calmed myself, the words are out I have to go with that

"sniff I am scared please don't go, I-I don't want you to leave, not today"

"Ashwin" Grandpa put his hand on my shoulder calling my name "Let's get inside first, it was only a bad dream there's nothing for you to be scared of," he said

"Grandpa is right nothing will happen to your parents" Grandma said looking at Mom and Dad for assurance

"We are only going for work you don't have to be worried my dear" Mom said smiling

"Yes and I will also bring you some presents when we get back" Dad said smiling

'what can I do what can I do to stop them I have to do something, something, something

"I don't want any of that I want you" I shouted "I don't need any presents I don't need your assurance I need you to stay with me" My chest felt heavy, unstable breathing but I continued pulling them inside throwing a tantrum

To an outsider, I probably look like a bad child but it's fine if that's what it will take to save my parents

"ASHWIN!" my father grabbed my arm in anger pushed me back stood up and looked me in the eyes "ENOUGH" he said and everyone went silent

"Don't, he is a kid" Mom said to Dad in a low voice and grabbing Dad's hand pulling him back a little

This is the first time I have seen Dad like this

"What don't, just because he is a child doesn't mean he can ask for anything" Dad is angry and Mom is now trying to calm him down

"Dad I am sorry about this, but please don't go I never really ask for anything but please for today accept my selfish, unreasonable request"

Mom and Dad looked at each other perplexed

Mom gives a light nod to Father with a smile

"Sigh fine, but first let's get inside it's too early, and you also have school get some sleep you must be tired"


Sitting in the living room Mom patting me

Dad is arguing about going or not with Grandpa and Grandma

"Ashwin go to sleep now" Mom said gently

"You won't go right" I want to make sure one last time

it's hard to stay away for long as a child my tired body could go to sleep at any moment

And I went to sleep before I knew it