Chereads / MYTH - Rewind / Chapter 10 - Crossing the line

Chapter 10 - Crossing the line

The teacher wrote down the question on the blackboard for the class to solve but looked straight at me

"Who is going to answer these questions"

He asked the class but his words were directed towards me and I couldn't bother to solve something that simple so I gave a glance to Aditi and she nodded in understanding, raising her hand "Sir I want to" She walked to the board and solved the question

If I answered the question the teacher would definitely ask me to explain to the whole class about how I did it

There's been a lot of teachers and other adults and students who when they hear about me, they just want to test me either out of curiosity or just to make them feel superior in some weird way, because of that I just got tired and doesn't bother with anything like this, rather asking my friends to do things in my place

There are also some lazy arrogant teachers who wanted me to teach the whole class because I am that much smarter than my class

The periods ended and It's lunch break now with all of my friends sitting around my desk chatting about random stupid things

"I don't mind doing your thing in your place but you should try a bit too, you saw the teacher's face right he looked really dissatisfied," Aditi said with others looking at her with question marks and then they looked at me

"sign she is talking about how the teachers always try to get me to work in their place," explaining to them what she was talking about I looked at Aditi "You know what will happen right, I don't care if they are dissatisfied, it's their job to teach not mine"

"Yes boss is right Aditi It's their job not his"

"I know that but still" Aditi looked down and started mumbling mid-sentence

After finishing their lunch my friends left for their class our classes are different and only me and Aditi of our group is in the A grade and my friend are in B grade because of the difference in our marks


The next period is P.E.

The teacher is lining up boys and girls for the examinations and not so surprisingly, I came first in the boy's group because I have been training my body for a really long time

After the examination, the students were allowed to do whatever they wanted, some playing games and some chatting with their group and I just took a corner to rest

As I let my mind wander about random things I recalled again what Miss Sanvi said, for some reason her words are stuck in my mind

I helped her? and the way she said it I never saw her like this, she was like a different person

After going through every possible thing she could have meant I gave up sigh

"You look tired Ashwin, Is the genius Ashwin got tired just from some exercise?" Aditi said with a teasing tone as she sat beside me and handed me a bottle of water

"Thanks" I took the bottle and gulped down the water

"As if something like that could tire me out, I was...just thinking about Miss Sanvi"


"Why again?" This time she punched my shoulder

"Miss Sanvi this, Miss Sanvi that, can't you talk about someone else," she said pouting

"Then how were your examination results"

"hmph I got first as always" she said with a wide grin

"As expected of my student"

She always insisted me to teach her everything I knew which is a lot by the way, so to avoid the trouble I tried to dodge her with excuses but lost to her stubbornness and became her teacher of some sort

"Don't act like it's all because of you I also put in the hard work hmph"

I didn't hold back as her teacher hoping she would run away but she preserved herself and didn't give up, and her growth rate is fast and scary, to the point that people also started calling her a genius, good thing is that she doesn't care about the title of a genius and only think about improving and that's admirable

"haha I didn't mean that, I am just proud to be able to teach someone like you, I know better than anyone how much effort you put into everything you do"


ding dong the bell rang marking the end of the school

"Students don't forget to do your homework and submit it I will check it tomorrow and Aditi can you bring these papers to my table"

Giving the homework the teacher left the classroom with Aditi

The students started chatting and packing their bags some already left some still staying

I had already packed my stuff and was waiting for Aditi then I saw 3 kids walking towards me

"Hey Ashwin" the boy standing in the middle called me


"Are you free after school?" Though we never talked I did hear about these kids bullying others and the way they asked me if I am free it didn't seem like they have good intentions

"I.....have homework to do and grandma also waiting for me" I answered and picked up my bag walking to leave the classroom, it's better to stay out of unnecessary trouble

One of them grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back to my seat "Hey, you are a genius you don't have to worry about homework like us, right guys?" The boy still grabbing my shoulder said this and the others with him started laughing and the other two circled around my desk

sigh they are really playing the part of a typical bully, It will be easy to deal with them using force but then I would be the one getting in trouble with the school for starting a fight, It will be wise to leave with an excuse

"My grandma told me to go back home soon," I said but they didn't pay any attention, instead they all looked back with....fear?, I don't know what they are looking at, the boy grabbing my shoulder is covering my vision

"HEY, what do you want from him?" I heard Aditi's loud voice from across the classroom, the bullies flinched at her....voice?

What the hell is going on?

"Wh-What? We are just asking him if he is free after school" one of them answered

"Why do you look so afraid if you are only asking me, huh?" they all looked at me with fear in their eye "No really why are you afraid of her?" I asked, utterly confused I don't think Aditi ever talked to these guys or even met them

"And why do you care if he is free?" She is staring them dead in the eyes, a threatening voice, clenched fist, ready to beat them up

"W-we just wanted to invite him to play with us and become friends" As if these guys have such innocent intentions "Why d-do you care are you his pet?"

These guys have a death wish, calling her my pet when they are trembling and trying to hide behind each other, they don't even look confident in front of her

"Excuse me" I interjected because Aditi looked like she would chew these guys alive

"Why are you so angry at these guys?" Hearing my question she looked at me and calmed down a bit

"These are the guys I beat yesterday because" She looked down a bit, hesitating "Because?" I asked her to continue

"They spoke ill about you"

"Just that?" If it's something like that then she should know better, that I don't care about people speaking bad things about me, I mean I can't really get angry at a kid for just that

I was just looking at her and she only looked down, is there more to this

"Aditi?" Calling her name I gestured for her to continue

The guys around me were sweating a lot and quietly looking at each other

"Aditi tell me if there is something more?, there has to be" With how these guys are reacting there's definitely more to the story

"They" she hesitated again, "They said that you always act like you are someone great even though you don't have any parents"


"About how you live with your grandma and have to have someone babysitting you even at this age"


"How you don't have a normal family and a normal life like others"


they all looked at me and stepped back a little for some reason "Sorry about that" after calming myself before I starts laughing again for something so stupid "Wh…, it was just that, Aditi you shouldn't attack others for something like that and it's not like they are wrong"

They all looked shocked especially Aditi, though it makes sense, after all the normal reaction would be me getting angry, but that's just not true I am a grown man I wouldn't get angry at kids yet

"Hey you guys wait" These guys were trying to leave the classroom and I can't have them do that

"Wh-what?" they asked nervously

"Why are you nervous it's not like I am angry" I smiled a little to assure them,

Aditi gave me a dumbfounded look but I ignored her

The guys looked at each other once more and they didn't look nervous now as they walked towards me but stopped and took a step back, wondering why, I saw Aditi giving them a death stare

That's no good I can't have her ruin my friendship with those guys, she is in the way

"Aditi" I called her "Why are you staring at them like that?"

"But Ashwin-" "NO BUTS" I shouldn't have raised my voice at a child but she should be taught about her misdeed "You are in the wrong for attacking those guys," she looked shocked by my words but I ignored her I said what needed to be said "you guys come here and have a seat and Aditi apologize to these guys say 'I am sorry' right now" I know I am being harsh on her but how can she do something like this

"WHAT?, WHY SHOULD I APOLOGIZE TO THEM?, I DIDN'T DID ANYTHING WRONG" she shouted, talking back to me?, can't have that, that's not right, "Aditi do what I say" I have to stay calm and make her understand

The guys came and took the seats around my desk and looked at Aditi mockingly in anticipation of the apology, it seems

She looked angry but her feelings didn't matter "Aditi?" at her name she looked at me with anger, sigh this child just what am I supposed to do with her "Aditi you know you should apologize when you do something wrong especially when you hurt someone" I looked at the boy sitting in front me "Right?" and asked, "of course" they all nodded in agreement, laughing

"Aditi?" I called her again "...." she didn't say anything and a few seconds later she turned around

"I won't apologize to them, never" Saying this she walked out of the classroom

This child just what am I supposed to do with her "I am sorry about that please let me apologize on her behalf she is still a kid I hope you will forgive her for her actions"

The boy raised his arms "It's fine" said with a smirk and the boy sitting on my left leaned back a little "So we should start where we left off" he asked and we all agreed

"I will get straight to the point you will come to the park near school at 5 pm today" No request or anything he is just ordering me now huh sigh kids these days

"And what are we going to do at the park?" I could more or less guess what it is but I still asked him with a friendly smile

The boy in front smirked "We are going to fight, me and you" he stood up "I will show you who is superior" Smirking he turned around "Let's go boys" At his words the other two also got up and followed him and they all left the classroom laughing by themselves

clap happily I clapped to myself "That's better than I thought, they asked for a dual themselves"

"Why are you smiling like that" I heard Aditi's voice from the side, turning my head I saw her standing there when did she get here?

"You are still here Aditi"

"Why are you acting this way? why do you say you want to be friends with them? why did you ask me to apologize to them?" Her face is down with a hint of tears

"Because I wanted to befriend them that's all," She looked at me dumbfounded "By the way, I thought you left why are you still here?" with her personality I am more surprised she even stayed

"Because I am worried about you Ashwin" Tears welled up in her eyes

"chuckle your worry is unnecessary Aditi, look I am completely fine" Spreading my arms in a T-pose I spun around to show her that nothing was wrong

"You won't answer my questions then, fine" She turned around and started walking and I followed suit.

She glanced back "Don't come with me" and stopped me in my tracks, and she left

What I did to Aditi and what I am going to do with them, Some people might call me cruel as an adult, But in a child's body it's okay to go a little bit overboard, right, they did cross the line

"They wanted to prove who is superior, I will show those kids what it means to fight against an adult"