Panic seeped into Lloyd's bones. He was sure he hadn't made any misstep, so why was he suddenly on the defensive again?! At the same time, Alexander, who had been sitting moments ago, rose to his feet before stepping towards him, his massive frame cloaking the scientist in an ominous shadow as he struggled to even remain upright.
"Little man, you've put on a commendable performance. After all, the number of individuals who've stood up to me and lived can only be counted on one hand."
His dark eyes directly peered into Christopher's, and although not bearing their previous killing intent, they still made him feel like an insignificant speck of dust. Watching him struggle again also elicited a broader smile from the General, which revealed his impeccably white and straight teeth.
"However, your proposition lacks depth and substance. I was the greatest King and War General of my time, so why should I follow someone as weak as you?"
His demeanor was assertive and domineering, with his assertion slicing through Lloyd's glaring vulnerability. Even if the engineer had acquainted Alexander with Earth's history, it was still just that: a story. He had yet to show anything for himself, which meant that persuading him was going to be an uphill battle. With alarms urgently ringing in his head, it was time to find something, anything, to get out of this situation. Wait… Perhaps?
"You're right. Following me wouldn't make sense… But what if I told you that we could unify this world?"
This was his last desperate attempt, a move so audacious it could only be classified as the most daring of Hail Mary's. It had never been part of his original plan, but if it saved his life, it was a risk worth taking on. If the recollections of his studies were accurate, he also thought that appealing to Alexander's sense of grandeur would give him a better chance. What he didn't expect, however, was the reaction of the former King, whose smile had vanished and was instead replaced by a twitch betraying his anger.
"You are brazen, little man… Do you know the efforts that were required to stage invasions? Do you know how many lives were lost to that end!?"
The fury in his voice was palpable, and Lloyd realized that he had touched a nerve. However, he was on the ropes, which meant that backing down now would inevitably lead to his death. His only possible escape was to keep pressing onward.
"What of it? Are you scared, General?"
Spite dripped from his voice, and he saw that it took every ounce of Alexander's self-restraint to not slay him right then and there. The legendary figure clearly detested condescension, especially from those who couldn't boast of anything. Seeing his fury simmer, the scientist then quickly continued.
"If you give me 3 years, I'll show you what I can do. Not only will you be in charge of the army and military affairs, you'll only have to report to me, and me alone. You'll also have free rein to do as you please in battle."
These were the terms, and although hastily crafted, he couldn't think of anything else that'd satisfy a person of his stature. After all, military freedom was the ultimate authority a general could attain, as it signified an extraordinary level of trust, making it a coveted privilege for those valuing autonomy. Yet, Alexander's expression didn't change. Was it insufficient? Did he have to push further? He wasn't going to wait and find out.
"General, you're in another world now. Killing, or even abandoning me, would hurt you far more than you think. Not only that, but I have knowledge that you can only dream of, making me the key to elevating you to unprecedented heights. If you refuse, then it'll be the end of both of us. But if you follow me, know that I will undoubtedly make the Macedonian Dynasty look like savages… With all due respect, of course."
Christopher was gasping for air by the end, with fatigue gradually exerting a stronger toll on his body. Even he was shocked that he had endured this far. With his plea finally concluded, he also felt a sense of pride well within him. He had done everything he could, and he found comfort in keeping his dignity intact in what might be his last hour.
On the other side, Alexander still didn't flinch. One minute passed, then two, and it wasn't long before the silence became deafening, with the wait slowly but surely killing him. Couldn't he finish this quickly, at least!?
"I also want total authority over the recruitment of my men."
The engineer's breath caught in his throat. Had he heard correctly?
"Of… of course. I wouldn't have it any other way!"
He was so stunned he couldn't believe it. Had he succeeded?!
"Know this: in 3 years' time, if you have nothing to show for yourself, I will have your head. Nothing will stop me, not even if you're at the other end of this world. You boasted big, and you better deliver."
Alexander's voice was calm, yet heavy. The implications were severe, and Lloyd had no doubts he'd do everything in his power to honor these words.
"You'll not regret it, General. I intend on showing you the modern era of Human warfare."
The former King scoffed. To him, those were still empty promises until proven otherwise.
A loud ding then suddenly rang inside the scientist's head, followed by the appearance of the infamous blue prompt.
[A new system tab named 'Subordinates' has been created. Would you like to see the status of your subordinate?]
[Choice confirmed.]
[Alexander the Great (32) — Human (Currently capped at 20%) Progression 1/5: 0%]
(New) 'Progression' is a trait only given to entities summoned with items. Its value determines the progress required to unlock another portion of the entities' strength. Progress can advance if the entity learns, trains or fights.
(New) 'Loyalty' is a trait that's only given to subordinates, and it represents the subordinate's feelings towards his Ruler on a scale from 0 to 100, with 0 representing a high risk of defection and 100 representing unwavering loyalty.
{Aura of Intimidation — Passive (Grade: S)} (Creates an area where every entity, which isn't associated with the subordinates' ruler or master, will suffer up to a 10% debuff to all its stats if it is not stronger than the subordinate. The area is a sphere that moves with the subordinate, and it has a radius of 10 meters. Can be stacked with the ability {Field of Despair}).
{Field of Despair — Active (Grade: S)} (Creates an area where every entity, which isn't associated with the subordinates' ruler or master, will suffer up to a 20% debuff to all its stats, regardless of whether it is stronger or weaker than the subordinate. The area is a sphere that moves with the subordinate, and it has a radius of 5 meters. Can be stacked with the ability {Aura of Intimidation} Duration: 5 minutes. Cooldown: 24 hours).
{War Cry — Active (Grade: SSS)} (Gives a buff to allies on the battlefield, granting +5% strength and +5% endurance. Limited to 2000 people. Duration: 12 hours. Cooldown: 7 days).
The numbers were unbelievable and the abilities, ridiculous. Alexander was a monster, and one that would simply be all powerful given enough time. This made him realize that he had avoided death not because of his speeches, but because of his counterpart's mercy. But while faced with absolute power, Christopher felt something other than fear. He felt… Excitement. After all, he was the perfect subordinate for Arcadia, since he shored up both his strengths and weaknesses. He also took note of the concise and descriptive nature of the new classes, which he appreciated as it made it far easier to commit to memory.
However, it worried him greatly that the General's loyalty stood at 0. He knew that he couldn't fault him for his lack of confidence, especially considering his summoning's circumstances, but he had hoped for better following their conversation. Still, he realized that for Alexander, his words might as well be those of a madman. On another note, he realized that his first and utmost priority should be the General's progression. With limited information about the dangers lurking around them, it was simply essential to ensure their safety.
[Congratulations on your first subordinate, User
The system's voice came crashing back inside the engineer's mind, much to his displeasure.
"Really!? Right now!?"
[I still have a few explanations left, which I will give right now.]
"Wait! Can you at least talk to Alexander? He also needs a crash course on Arcadia, especially on its geography, geopolitics and occupants."
[It is possible to speak to him since he is your subordinate, but he cannot converse with me. He will simply hear my voice, with you acting as the relay. Please note that this function only works with one person at a time. Would you like to proceed?]
The engineer immediately picked up on that particular detail. Was accessing the system restricted?
"Why can I speak with you then? Is it because I'm new?"
[Every entity brought from elsewhere is privy to a course about Arcadia, which I am currently giving you. Once it's over, however, I 'erase' myself, meaning that complex interactions are over except for a few functions, which the natives can use. However, they aren't briefed on the world. Only Rulers have indefinite access to the system, which is the status you've chosen.]
Christopher felt a mixture of relief and concern wash over him. His seemingly grave mistake had, in the end, proven to be a stroke of genius.
[However, the link between us will be severed if your cube gets destroyed, effectively making you a normal entity of this world.]
This sounded dire, but it didn't worry him, as it'd be the least of his worries in such a catastrophic scenario. He then turned around to face the legendary figure, who had been observing him attentively, now very curious as to why Lloyd had suddenly become distant and unresponsive.
"What I'm about to tell you will probably freak you out, but bear with me. You're about to hear the voice of a woman, in your head, that'll describe the state of this world and its dynamics."
The General furrowed his brow, looking utterly confused.
"What are you talking about? A voice in my head?"
"You'll see. System, go ahead."
[Command confirmed.]
Alexander wanted to retort, but was instead instantly dumbstruck. Christopher expected him to lash out in fear, but he seemed rather captivated by the system's every word. His composure, in the face of such a bizarre experience, even stirred a hint of envy from him. After several minutes, the former King then looked at Christopher in a new light, as if the possibility of him being a madman was gone.
"This is incredible. Were these the new things that you mentioned in your stories?"
"No, this was new for me as well. It's much more advanced than anything we've ever had or created."
"How interesting…"
Alexander became pensive for a few seconds before asking another question.
"The woman told me about Orcs and Dwarves… What are those?"
"Oh, I forgot that you weren't exposed to that style of… literature. Basically, Orcs are gigantic, green-skinned monsters that frequently wage war and excel in battle due to their incredible and physical prowess. They're barbaric, show no mercy or remorse, and often leave only death and destruction in their wake. All their fights also end in one side being completely wiped out. Dwarves, on the other hand, are small and stocky humanoids that are quite strong, albeit significantly weaker than Orcs. Their true strength instead lies in their unrivaled craftsmanship, especially in weapon making. Their technology is also far more advanced, and they generally remain neutral. However, they will not hesitate to defend themselves if threatened. Dwarves are known for their iconic beards as well, so you'll recognize them easily."
Alexander listened intently while memorizing every detail.
"I see… And since you said we'll conquer the world, it means I'll have to fight them, right?"
As he spoke, a wicked grin spread across his face, sending shivers down Christopher's spine.
"I can't wait… Especially for Orcs… They seem fun."
It was the first time that Alexander exposed this dark and perverse aspect of his personality, and although terrifying for Lloyd, he was also all for it. Someone this excited in the face of adversity was invaluable, and it meant the use of his precious item had not been in vain.
"You'll certainly have your chance."
The engineer also pondered about something before promptly asking the system.
"System, can Alexander see his status panel?"
[Yes. It is one of the basic functions available to all in Arcadia.]
"General, say 'Open Status Window'."
The General was confused, but still acquiesced, and while Christopher couldn't see the panel materialize himself, he knew it had when he saw Alexander's expression change from one of surprise to… anger?
"What!? I don't know what this all means, but it's telling me I'm a fifth of my former self!? This can't be right!"
Oh. Yeah… This certainly deserved an explanation.
"That would be on me, as I had to use an item that limited your strength at the beginning. However, you'll quickly progress towards your original strength if you train, fight and study. Plus, it was the only item I had… The system can confirm it if you want."
His delivery sounded genuine, which quickly quelled his counterpart's fury. After all, it wasn't hard to recognize that they were both in the same situation.
And with this episode coming to a close, the system resumed.