Lloyd sighed at the remark while envying his counterpart's carefree attitude. Being absurdly strong truly helped one's curiosity… After a few quick steps, they arrived near a group of what he assumed to be wandering merchants, since they were burdened with sacks slung over their shoulders and had assorted trinkets dangling from their waists. These humans, while distinctly reminiscent of Earth's, still bore subtle nuances that distinguished them. For example, their attire, though evidently worn and slightly tattered, maintained a level of cleanliness that spoke of a meticulous culture, possibly valuing neatness even in modest circumstances. In stature, they closely mirrored Lloyd's, reinforcing their human-like appearance while making Alexander's towering presence quite jarring. Their features, though unique, still shared the fundamental human characteristics — a pair of eyes, a nose, and a mouth — yet there was an alien quality to them, perhaps in the slight elongation of their limbs or the faint, unusual hue of their skin. But despite these differences, the similarities were just too striking. Their movements and mannerisms echoed his own, and their facial expressions conveyed emotions in a familiar, relatable manner. These resemblances provided a comforting sense of familiarity in an otherwise alien world, which satisfied the pair.
When they finally overtook them, however, the former King's appearance shocked them.
"Did you see the size of that man? He must be one of Gruzia's elite warriors!"
"I've never seen anyone this tall! Do you think anyone can defeat him?"
"I don't know, but I'd pay good coins to see him fight."
The murmurs were clearly audible, and the scientist was surprised he could understand them. It appeared that the system's multilingual function extended to conversations as well. Alexander also seemed to benefit from it, since an enormous grin was now plastered on his face.
"Looks like you're not immune to flattery."
"What do you know? They clearly recognize a warrior of my stature!"
Arrogance and pride oozed out of him, which made Christopher lightly shake his head in amusement. Still, he couldn't deny that it was well-deserved when considering his strength and achievements. As they continued forward and passed more groups and caravans, he felt his earlier unease fade. Just like the group they had first met, it seemed that Arcadia's humanity truly was similar to Earth's, a relief that greatly facilitated his plans. He also roughly evaluated their level of technology to be on par with that of the Middle Ages, although without accounting for the presence of magic. Nevertheless, he was happy and certain that his vast knowledge could be repurposed here.
After walking for a few more minutes, the entrance gate finally came into view, and what a sight it was. It was a humongous portcullis made of… steel? Actually, no… What was it? As Lloyd's full attention was drawn towards it, a small window then appeared before his eyes.
Immediate shock swept over him as he realized that his latent ability was finally showing itself. But how? And why now? Was it because of his intense focus on the gate? However, he knew this was not the time to dwell on such thoughts, instead deciding to take note of his current circumstances and focus on the prompt and what was happening. Meanwhile, the gate's perimeter had begun to glow and pulse through his vision before settling into a solid and thin blue border.
The scientist couldn't believe it. Was this an echo of the abilities he had on Earth? If so, it was the most overpowered skill he could have ever dreamed of, especially in a world full of mysteries. But this was not what truly made it special… No. What really made him euphoric was actually its interface, which resembled Jarvis' from the movie 'Iron Man,' making it feel even more surreal.
After settling down a bit, it was time to see its capabilities.
[Analyzing… Failure. Reason: The User lacks basic magical knowledge. Acquiring it is essential for the analysis of this item.]
His excitement had vanished.
Disappointment. Simple, soul-crushing disappointment. Was this really something that the system couldn't assess? No… It couldn't be. He was smart. An ability like that would have been easily identifiable for such an advanced system, forcing him to take a deep breath and think.
"There's no such thing as 'free' knowledge. If it's saying that I'm lacking, then I just have to acquire it. Based on what it's implying, I'll then be able to analyze the concepts related to it."
And it all suddenly clicked.
"Does this mean that I'll be able to see through everything if I do so?!"
His eyes went wide with disbelief. This was on the scale of omnipotence, perhaps even godhood. Shivers began to run down his back, with his previously cluttered mind beginning to expand to the innumerable possibilities. The combination of both Earth and Arcadia's technologies… The potential was limitless. It wasn't long before he felt his heart throb, to the point where he expected another warning from the system. This was his dream, the one he hadn't been able to see through with his success of nuclear fusion. Creating new technologies that could revolutionize and usher in new eras... With this skill, it was more than possible; it was inevitable.
[The System would like to analyze the new skill. Do you accept?]
This was unexpected. Was he still the only one that could see it? Yet, as the dawn of this newfound potential broke upon him, so did unease. Confidentiality about this had become paramount, since a single leak could spell not just disaster but death.
"Before that, is it possible for others to learn about my skills?"
[I am the sole entity privy to the exact records. However, it is possible for other Users to possess skills that may reveal some details.]
This settled it.
[Command confirmed.]
It was a huge and unnecessary risk, and he already had more than enough on his plate. He also presumed that those possessing such abilities were powerful, which could eventually lead to the creation of some very annoying enemies. For the time being, anonymity was the best policy.
With this matter concluded, curiosity pushed him to probe deeper.
"Skill information window, open."
And… Nothing.
He had suspected this'd happen since the system wasn't involved, making this quite uneventful. Still, after all was said and done, today's gains were fantastic, with the only hurdle left being access to said knowledge. He knew it wouldn't be smooth sailing, as he'd need to find comprehensive books that were probably very rare and coveted, but it didn't damper his excitement at all. With one skill now no longer shrouded in mystery, he yearned to uncover the secrets of the other. What would
Meanwhile, Alexander, who had observed Lloyd silently contemplating, chose this moment to bring him back to reality.
"Don't worry, little man... It's my job to take this down."
Christopher snapped back immediately, surprised by the General's misunderstanding and words of reassurance. Did the man really have more to his personality than killing and waging war?
"You just have to focus on your part. If you don't, you know what'll happen… right?"
Silence and a sheepish smile were his only response, which elicited a roar of laughter from his counterpart. They then continued towards the massive portcullis, where they were quickly greeted by a long waiting line of people and caravans, the most-likely result of a heavily guarded checkpoint. Still, he was sure that passing through would be fine, as they only carried one weapon and were a small party. However, his optimism waned as murmurs and whispers exploded throughout the line, with their subject of course being Alexander. The former King was by far the most imposing presence here, with the sight of him geared in heavy equipment generating quite the buzz. The attention also made him widely grin, a reaction that definitely had ties to his Royal past where he thrived on reverence. Even so, Christopher expected the commotion to eventually die down, but little did he know…
"What's causing all this ruckus?!"
A loud and imposing voice suddenly erupted from further up the line, with its originating point telling him that it was heading towards them. This wasn't good. Just as he was about to ask the General to tone the showmanship down, the throng of people in front of them abruptly parted like the Red Sea, revealing a soldier. The person in question was a man who stood at about 6 feet tall, and was adorned with iron armor and a finely-crafted steel sword. His features hinted at a western origin, with a face weathered by time and battle, a hastily-shaved beard, and a hairline that had begun its retreat. Yet, it was his eyes that held Lloyd's attention. They burned with an unquenchable flame yet were as calm as a tranquil sea, revealing a man whose fighting spirit and tenacity had not been eroded by the sands of time.
But despite his apparent experience, the sight of Alexander still froze him in place. The only reason he had left his post was due to the commotion reaching the front of the line, whose origin he had obviously found. Additionally, the General exuded danger, which made him instantly recognize that one misstep could lead to his death. Meanwhile, Alexander, who recognized that the situation had deteriorated, decided to study the newcomer. Years of battle, hardship, and survival had honed his skills in finding remarkable talent, regardless of social standing or disposition. Once satisfied, a sly and almost predatory grin spread across his face. This soldier was more than meets the eye.