As order came back to Gruzia's front gate, Christopher and Alexander, who were now joined by Alejandro, advanced inside. As they finally passed through the entrance, they were once again mesmerized by the formidable structure looming over them. Not only was its sheer verticality daunting in its own right, but so was its seemingly infinite depth, since their journey through its darkened corridor felt akin to passing through the gullet of some gargantuan, slumbering beast. The engineer had frankly assumed it'd be shallow, as to act more like a deterrent, but it was instead the opposite. How many years had this taken to build?!
When the guard noticed his astonishment, he decided to enlighten him.
"It's the Empire's jewel. We've named it "The Guardian", which is pretty self-explanatory if you ask me."
Alejandro couldn't help but crack a smile, making it clearly a point of pride for Gruzia's residents.
"It is said to be the testament of a 400-year-old struggle and that before its existence, we always fell prey to enemy raids. As a previously nomadic mining nation, we were often defenseless, which made our main trade, the extraction and refinement of magic crystals, very dangerous as it was and still is the major driver of virtually all economies. Advancements simply cannot be made without them."
Lloyd became very interested. Magic crystals? Technology? This was right up his alley.
"However, and as you may imagine, countless lives were lost during its creation, which is why we devote nearly half of our workforce to its upkeep. If it was to ever fall, the consequences would be cataclysmic."
The scientist needed no convincing. The only comparison he could think of was the Great Wall of China, which when compared, was still a speck of dust. The casualties suffered here was indeed a chilling thought, and so the conversation came to a halt, almost like a minute of silence for those who had fallen.
As they approached the exit, he then saw a veil of light hiding their destination, like a portal leading to another dimension. What was behind? Was it as grandiose as what protected it? With questions beginning to swirl in his mind, the three of them nonchalantly crossed it, the duo's interrogations at an all-time high. But when the radiance faded, Lloyd's breath hitched at the sight that unfolded before him.
"Welcome to Gruzia!"
Christopher and Alexander were speechless. What met their gaze was no mere city, but a sprawling Megapolis.
Buildings a few stories high, paved roads large enough for a pair of carriages, small and neatly maintained parks. Everything was built on the mountain's flank, with the city's elevation gradually rising the deeper it sprawled. Each construction was also made of white and gray stones, making the scenery look peaceful, a stark contrast to its bustling and vibrant nature. At the city's deepest section also stood a huge and majestic building, which seemed inspired by the gothic architecture that thrived between the 12th and 16th century. Based on its imposing nature, he surmised that it was the Emperor's residence.
All in all, Christopher stood in shock, the city's advanced infrastructure challenging his previous assumptions. If this was their standard, then Gruzia could easily be compared to Earth's Early Modern Period or perhaps, depending on their technological prowess, even the Late Modern Period. His plans were changing once again, but for the better this time. If the technological 'floor' was this much higher, it'd allow him to progress faster in the advancement of already existing tech.
His reflections were then interrupted by the unexpected arrival of a carriage, which pulled up beside them with a swift, yet graceful halt. Surprisingly, a horse was leading it, and it appeared, by all accounts, to be biologically identical to those found on Earth.
"Sir Alejandro, I was asked to pick up the party that created the commotion earlier. Are they the ones?"
The guard, initially taken aback by the situation, looked at the butler and transport before trying to determine their legitimacy. Receiving this sort of service, especially for newcomers, was far too unusual. When sensing his distrust, his counterpart immediately clarified his intentions.
"I've come on the order of Trevor Garland's superior."
At the mention of such a high-ranking individual, Alejandro immediately backed down, almost sorry he even questioned him.
"Very well."
Lloyd, however, seemed to have already lost interest in their conversation, his gaze instead riveted on the vehicle itself. The carriage was unlike anything he had seen so far, as its design was an elegant fusion of practicality and opulence while also being sleek yet spacious. It was reinforced with what appeared to be steel, its sturdy yet malleable wheels promising a smooth ride on the paved roads. Wide windows also encased its body, allowing for a view of the bustling city life, while the interior was a testament to luxury. Seats, swathed in plush red velour, promised comfort, while the built-in furniture showcased advanced craftsmanship. Its whitish exterior, tinged with a hint of silver, also allowed it to blend seamlessly into the city's aesthetic.
What really made it stand out to him, however, was the fact that only one horse shouldered the responsibility of pulling it. As far as he was aware, its weight, especially this one, far exceeded the horse's capability, which was only up to six times its weight if the conveyance was wheel-equipped. This warranted further investigation, and even though his skill hadn't provided a comprehensive insight into the gate, it had nonetheless offered valuable information about its magic and materials. While repeating the earlier activation sequence, he flawlessly triggered it.
The familiar bluish contour wreathed the carriage, kindling a wave of excitement within him. The power to use this ability reliably marked a significant stride forward and quite the personal milestone.
[Luxurious carriage made of Dahlbergian wood, an essence also found on Earth, a steel alloy (More information can be disclosed about the composition if requested) and magic crystals (Further analysis is impossible. Knowledge missing). The enchantment used is
His hunch had been right. Magic crystals! Ignoring the last line of inquiry, he began formulating hypotheses. Were they used to lighten the carriage, or perhaps were they used as a 'motor' that helped the horse? As his curiosity began to run wild, Alexander, who had remained quiet til now, finally broke his silence.
"What an absurd sight…"
His voice held a tone of gravity that stood in stark contrast to Christopher's enthusiasm. With a seasoned eye, he had estimated the population of Gruzia to be in excess of ten million which, given the naturally defensible terrain, made it the epitome of a fortified stronghold. Based on his military experience, just breaching their wall would require well over a million soldiers, a force far larger than any he'd ever commandeered before. The necessary skill set for such an operation was also beyond his purview, presenting yet another complication. But if that wasn't enough, adding in the conquest of Gruzia's entire territory made the required force balloon into the millions, with projected losses so staggering they'd constitute a catastrophe of epic proportions. His assessment was crystal clear: this venture was a path to certain annihilation.
It didn't take long for the scientist to notice Alexander's grim mood, with the cause being quite evident. The intricate layout of the city and its massive population were quite the unforeseen variables.
"This way, please."
Alejandro, having concluded his conversation, now awaited them inside the carriage while the coachman, an elderly gentleman bearing the air of a seasoned butler, held open the door. The latter's attire was modest but impeccably maintained, suggesting a meticulous attention to detail. This, in combination with his composed demeanor, suggested he hailed from an environment with exacting standards.